TTC diary:
Tested with fmu. Silly. Obvs neg.
Feeling an "awareness" in abdomen off and on.
Boobs occasionally tingly/throbby
Bit dizzy/lightheaded at lunchtime
Tired early evening despite lie-in this morn.
Poas with fmu - bfn. (I think.... If I squint at a certain angle is that a shadow of a line???? Or just wishful thinking..)
Mildish nausea but getting a bit worse
Cold like symptoms, runny nose can't stop sneezing, feel quite rubbish!
Felt tired early on, fell asleep on sofa early evening.
Boobs sore when leaning on dh.
02.10.12 - 10dpo
Poas with fmu - bfn. Feeling like its not our month..... Must've been an evap line yesterday.
Still feel a bit rubbish, can't put finger on it.*
Boobs feel big and a bit tender
Hot flush in town
Poas again this aft (driving myself mad!) and when I hold test at certain angle there is the faintest of lines, but not at every angle. Wish I wasn't getting my hopes up... Also had diarrhoea early evening.
11dpo - Woke up with sore boobs and definite nausea, I feel so preg. Did test and bfn! Grrr. Feel like it must all be in my head now, surely if there was enough hcg to be making me feel sick and boobs sore etc, there'd be enough for a hpt to detect?? So that's why I think it not my month. Feel so deflated now.*
Debating whether to go get a fr test.... or am I setting myself up for yet more disappointment?? Help!!!!!*
Went to tesco but they don't stock FR. Got cheap tesco tests. Re-tested just now with another IC, it's only an hr or so since the last test, feel so obsessive! Did another test about 4pm. Faintest of faint lines again-really don't know what to think...
Woke up and did another IC. Faintest of lines, surely I'm not imagining this? Did a tesco test immediately afterwards, and after taking the test apart within the 3 mins (difficult to see with the plastic window).... There was a faint but DEFO there... second pink line!!! I'm pregnant!
Bought a frer and did test this afternoon, defo positive!!!! OMG!
Tested this morn, still positive! (But slightly fainter???) Going away today for 2 nights so will be a good distraction from testing!
14dpo - Lots of symptoms i.e cramping (different from af) waves of mild nausea, boobs tender and look bigger! didn't test today.*
15dpo - Tested in aft, line a lot darker, phew!
16dpo - Still lots of symptoms (i.e sore achy boobs, crampy pulling/tugging sensations on and off in uterus, waves of nausea)
17dpo - Dark bfp on Internet cheapy. Still paranoid af will arrive, as that's what happened with my ectopic earlier this year.... But this feels different somehow this time.
I really did try just about everything this month, although I think that's a coincidence. Took pregnacare and baby aspirin and 2 royal jelly capsules with food each day. Totally cut out caffeine. (Bought decaf versions of everything) Still drank alcohol though but tried to cut out any unnecessary midweek drinks! Did the cheap Internet opk's. Just had regular sex around the time I thought I'd ov'd. *