Pixxie i also have lots of symptoms but ai am on day 31 of cycle but am very irregular my last cycle took 57 days for
to show but i had a chemical pregnancy that cycle!
Be sure to post when you've tested Monday! How long are your cycles normally?
hi all, got my bfp a few days ago after 13 months ttc with one mmc at 13 weeks, still in shock. kept getting very faint bfp's on many different brants (12 tests in total lol) but today did a clearblue digital and got a pregnant 2-3 weeks result at 14dpo, im so happy. Haven't had hardly any symptoms, my boobs have been sore to touch since 6dpo and have had some mild heartburn and tiredness but nothing major. I just really hope this little bean sticks. good luck to all those ttc, I did a few things differently this month and I know they are the reason i got my bfp. I took soy isoflavones days 5-9, evening primrose oil from cd1 to ovulation to increase my ewcm and kept the swimmers in after bd using softcups and preseed, both were fantastic. Hope this helps someone. xxx
AF got me this morning!!!!so all that wierd CM was because of AF!!!!31 days after MC and she is here with avengance!!!!this bleed is exactly like the MC bleed!!!!but this time its accompanied with so many cramps and feeling illso what i was feeling was probly just in my hed!!!hope fully march i'll have sum luck!!!!xxxx
Sorry hunAF got me this morning!!!!so all that wierd CM was because of AF!!!!31 days after MC and she is here with avengance!!!!this bleed is exactly like the MC bleed!!!!but this time its accompanied with so many cramps and feeling illso what i was feeling was probly just in my hed!!!hope fully march i'll have sum luck!!!!xxxx
I am so confused. Now on 19 dpo and still nothing! I have taken a test every day using FMU, and still getting BFN, and still no sign of AF. I thought a had seen a very (very) faint line back on like 13 dpo, but obviously I was just seeing things. If I still don't have an answer by Tuesday I will be making an appt w/ my doctor. I just need to know something either way. This is making me crazy! I have been monitoring my cycle closely for 6 months now and have not missed a period. They range from 39-41 days, but never this long.![]()