I have lots of symptoms but tested yesterday and

Im hoping its just too early and Im not imagining my very promising symptoms!
I have:
VERY tender nipples

rest of BB's a bit sore too
very strange feeling in tummy, like I have a bubble inside me!? (your going to think im mad

Creamy yellow CM, there will be loads, then none, then LOADS, then none
funny taste in mouth (wouldnt call it metallic but it is sometimes)
Nausea, and not like nausea I get every month because I think im up the duff, like waves of it. A few times thought I was actually going to be sick, keeps coming up but not out IYKWIM? sorry for tmi
emotional...crying at tv adverts, eastenders etc
Tried to drink a can of beer the other day but it tasted really weird, asked OH why he bought horrid beer and he pointed out it was just Stella... I couldnt get halfway down the can.
High post ov temps, see chart!
Its my weird tummy thats doing it... I feel like this is what it feel like to be preggers

ah well, retest on monday if temps stay up
