I felt very guilty and still do on and off with my feeding decisions.
Henry was jaundiced badly within three days of birth. Now the doctors have no idea whether he was jaundice and this stopped his BF or if there was an issue with BF which made the jaundice worse but it was a cycle that was dropping his weight. He lost 15% of his birth weight within three days. We spent a day in hospital where a paed put him straight onto formula and a feeding plan as his weight and blood sugar were so low. She sent us home but that night we were rushed back in in an ambulance when baby went floppy, lethargic and would not feed again.
I spent 3 days of hell on the post natal ward in the deepest depression while feeling completely and utterly bullied by MW and BF consultants.
Me and my OH got on with the formula feeding in hospital after the scare and loved it as OH felt he could bond with baby and loved feeding him and I blamed my breast milk on making him ill and so bottle feeding made me feel more confident and I liked being able to see exactly what Henry was taking. We both decided with the help of my mum (who BF us) and my MiL (who FF) that whatever made all three of us happy was for the best.
I had had no sleep in about 5 days with the birth, jaundice, hospital etc and the first hour I managed to get my head down when my OH had gone home to get some things I was shaken awake by a breast feeding consultant who told me I had to start pumping or my supply would stop immediately... She wheeled in a pump and hooked me up to it and I managed 30 ml.. she said it was still colostrum and my milk hadn't come in which was probably the reason Henry had been so sick... as if I wasn't feeling bad enough already.
So Henry is on a feeding plan where I have to be up every 2 hours to feed him. Inbetween I am supposed to be sleeping for an hour. Overnight I was woken by the BF lady no less than 4 times and being told to pump. With the stress of my baby feeling ill, sleep deprivation and feeling like I had made him ill and put us both in hospital I fell into depression big time.
In the morning a different MW and BF consultant came in and told me his blood sugar was up I should start BF him again... I explained I didn't want to before the literally brought the baby over and laid him in my arms ready to feed. "Just let me look at your latch that can't hurt"... I sat there BF my little boy was told our position was great as I literally sobbed and sobbed "If you get so upset no milk will come" I was in tears and end up having to yell that I didn't want to do this... Everytime a MW came in they would ask if I had BF him yet and if not why not as I sat in a daze just crying... i couldn't stop.... for people that preach about it so much you think they would be able to spot signs of depression
Henry got better his jaundice was treated and his weight increased and they were willing to let me go home. I was on the verge of a breakdown and the took my blood pressure which was so high they said I couldn't leave. After three different assualts from MW and doctors convincing me to stay I self discharged. Needless to say by the time my MW came to see me at home two days later my blood pressure was normal.
Henry is now a month old and I am happy to say we went back to some breast feeding and now I know he is full, happy and gaining weight I am happy but because it was MY CHOICE!! I pump twice a day but he also gets formula. I am not sure if I have built up the best supply but we are happy (apart from some thrush annoyance cause by antibiotics I was given in hospital.....) He is a beautiful, alert, thriving little man
I cannot believe how they made me feel in hospital and like I was failing my baby and being told to FF but getting no info at all on how to do it... after a pretty perfect birth experiance they have made me hate that hospital and all the pressures they put on women with both BF and FF