The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I also just finished my second month of clomid and am waiting to ovulate. I'm getting bloodwork done this month, I didn't last month, so i can't wait to see the results. Last month I ovulated on cd 18, I was hoping to O sooner this month but I'm on cd 12 now so Im not very hopeful about that. I don't like how the clomid makes me feel and I'm very tempted to not take it next month.
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to all who lost loved ones and to the hero's
Thanks Daopdesign - I didn't think it was likely to happen first round anyway as not had periods for so long, think my body kind of needed one. Haven't really thought about it too much this month, and just taking it as it comes.

Awww you must have been so glad to finally have your baby boy and really sorry to hear about your lil angel - I am sure you miss him everyday : (

Still got our fingers crossed for both of us this month - be good to stay in touch as on the same cycle days.

I am currently cd8 today (finished taking tablets on Tuesday) and got what I think is ovulation pains as having twinges in both ovaries, surely this is early or can it be them preparing the follicle? When abouts are you going to start bed too?


wow ovulation pain already! Sounds like a good sign :)

Well my AF stopped on Tuesday and I've noticed nothing but wet cm which hopefully will move on to the more fertile stuff as I approach ov (hopefully!). To be honest I'm not holding out too much hope on 50mg but we'll see. Doc told me to take 50mg first 2 months and if I don't ovulate then take 100mg on the 3rd month before I go back and see him.

Only thing is though I only have 10 pills left (due to doing 2 rounds in one month as you know) so I'm thinking I will just do 100mg next month if I don't ovulate! Might aswell if 50mg doesn't do the trick I hear the dosage has alot to do with your weight aswell, thinner woman seem to respond on 50mg whilst those in the middle like me probably do better on a higher dose. I have no idea how true that is but it kinda makes sense don't you think.

Will keep my fingers crossed that you ovulate this month on the 50mg - I agree and would also take the 100mg next month if this month doesn't work - like you said you almost wasted 2 lots in one month anyway.

All this waiting does my head in lol - although tried not to focus too much on it this month and as had lots of other stuff going on, not making it be too much in my mind so may do the trick. xx
Just a quick question....I finished my first cycle of Clomid (cd5-9) and am now at CD 13. My question is did the day you ovulate change once you started clomid. My OPK's have typically shown an LH surge between CD 13-15. Just wondering if I should expect my Ovulation to change.
Just a quick question....I finished my first cycle of Clomid (cd5-9) and am now at CD 13. My question is did the day you ovulate change once you started clomid. My OPK's have typically shown an LH surge between CD 13-15. Just wondering if I should expect my Ovulation to change.

Hi! I've never ov'd on clomid (hopefully this cycle tho!) but lots of women find it makes ovulation later. I would expect it at your usual time but don't give up bd'ing too soon....a lovely woman on here got preggo after ovulating on cd21 on clomid. Good luck!
YAY! I'm so glad I stumbled on this thread :)

I'm about to take Clomid soon (when AF decides to show lol). Dr gave me a script for 50mg days 5-9. I thought I'd do 3 rounds while TRYING to get BMI down. I have the worse case of PCOS ever :( So If I don't ovulate at all during that time, I'll start Clomid with Metformin :) See how It goes :) I do have a question though (it might sound silly)...

If I take Clomid on my next cycle and I don't ovulate or I do but AF doesn't come for another 3 months, do I have to wait 3 months to start 2nd round or...? I know it seems like a stupid question but I have actually read on another forum that you can take it even if AF doesn't arrive. I don't want to resort to provera though o_O

Hello! :wave:
As far as I know you should always start it at the beginning of your cycle. How come you don't want to resort to provera?
Have you asked your doc? xx
YAY! I'm so glad I stumbled on this thread :)

I'm about to take Clomid soon (when AF decides to show lol). Dr gave me a script for 50mg days 5-9. I thought I'd do 3 rounds while TRYING to get BMI down. I have the worse case of PCOS ever :( So If I don't ovulate at all during that time, I'll start Clomid with Metformin :) See how It goes :) I do have a question though (it might sound silly)...

If I take Clomid on my next cycle and I don't ovulate or I do but AF doesn't come for another 3 months, do I have to wait 3 months to start 2nd round or...? I know it seems like a stupid question but I have actually read on another forum that you can take it even if AF doesn't arrive. I don't want to resort to provera though o_O

Hello! :wave:
As far as I know you should always start it at the beginning of your cycle. How come you don't want to resort to provera?
Have you asked your doc? xx

Hey :) The 'common' side effects would interfere with my occupation and unfortunately living in the city, My husband and I both need to work in order to survive. If I started Provera I would lose my job. :( I'm risking it with Metformin but willing to take the risk now, while I'm on leave just to see how it goes :) Start that Friday next week, then have to fast for a blood test on the Saturday to make sure it's not toxic to my body. I haven't really heard anything really bad about Metformin except that gastro + vomiting/nausea are very common which is why I'll start soon because the side effects aren't suppose to last too long until your body gets used to the drug. Provera on the other hand.. it's most common side effects are Acne; changes in menstrual flow, including breakthrough bleeding, spotting, or missed periods; dizziness; drowsiness; fever; headache; hot flashes; nausea; nervousness; pain; rash; sleeplessness; stomach pain; weakness; weight gain or loss. And my job would be on the line with that as I'm a professional driver :(
Just say I DID end up taking it though.. is it ok to take Provera, Metformin and Clomid all together?
I took my first round of clomid 26 days ago and I think I od on cd 21 I am getting bfn shouls I wait another week to still am I still in the ball game .....
YAY! I'm so glad I stumbled on this thread :)

I'm about to take Clomid soon (when AF decides to show lol). Dr gave me a script for 50mg days 5-9. I thought I'd do 3 rounds while TRYING to get BMI down. I have the worse case of PCOS ever :( So If I don't ovulate at all during that time, I'll start Clomid with Metformin :) See how It goes :) I do have a question though (it might sound silly)...

If I take Clomid on my next cycle and I don't ovulate or I do but AF doesn't come for another 3 months, do I have to wait 3 months to start 2nd round or...? I know it seems like a stupid question but I have actually read on another forum that you can take it even if AF doesn't arrive. I don't want to resort to provera though o_O

Hello! :wave:
As far as I know you should always start it at the beginning of your cycle. How come you don't want to resort to provera?
Have you asked your doc? xx

Hey :) The 'common' side effects would interfere with my occupation and unfortunately living in the city, My husband and I both need to work in order to survive. If I started Provera I would lose my job. :( I'm risking it with Metformin but willing to take the risk now, while I'm on leave just to see how it goes :) Start that Friday next week, then have to fast for a blood test on the Saturday to make sure it's not toxic to my body. I haven't really heard anything really bad about Metformin except that gastro + vomiting/nausea are very common which is why I'll start soon because the side effects aren't suppose to last too long until your body gets used to the drug. Provera on the other hand.. it's most common side effects are Acne; changes in menstrual flow, including breakthrough bleeding, spotting, or missed periods; dizziness; drowsiness; fever; headache; hot flashes; nausea; nervousness; pain; rash; sleeplessness; stomach pain; weakness; weight gain or loss. And my job would be on the line with that as I'm a professional driver :(
Just say I DID end up taking it though.. is it ok to take Provera, Metformin and Clomid all together?

i personal have taken all 3 of them at the same time.. i had no side effects from the provera but i did with metformin for the first cpl days, just make sure u take it with food it helps with the side effects.. and clomid does have some.. i got hot flashes and a lil more moody but they again didnt last to long.. i took it days 3-7, take metformin twice a day and provera only when AF doesnt show up and neg tests.. gl to ya u should be fine
YAY! I'm so glad I stumbled on this thread :)

I'm about to take Clomid soon (when AF decides to show lol). Dr gave me a script for 50mg days 5-9. I thought I'd do 3 rounds while TRYING to get BMI down. I have the worse case of PCOS ever :( So If I don't ovulate at all during that time, I'll start Clomid with Metformin :) See how It goes :) I do have a question though (it might sound silly)...

If I take Clomid on my next cycle and I don't ovulate or I do but AF doesn't come for another 3 months, do I have to wait 3 months to start 2nd round or...? I know it seems like a stupid question but I have actually read on another forum that you can take it even if AF doesn't arrive. I don't want to resort to provera though o_O

Hello! :wave:
As far as I know you should always start it at the beginning of your cycle. How come you don't want to resort to provera?
Have you asked your doc? xx

Hey :) The 'common' side effects would interfere with my occupation and unfortunately living in the city, My husband and I both need to work in order to survive. If I started Provera I would lose my job. :( I'm risking it with Metformin but willing to take the risk now, while I'm on leave just to see how it goes :) Start that Friday next week, then have to fast for a blood test on the Saturday to make sure it's not toxic to my body. I haven't really heard anything really bad about Metformin except that gastro + vomiting/nausea are very common which is why I'll start soon because the side effects aren't suppose to last too long until your body gets used to the drug. Provera on the other hand.. it's most common side effects are Acne; changes in menstrual flow, including breakthrough bleeding, spotting, or missed periods; dizziness; drowsiness; fever; headache; hot flashes; nausea; nervousness; pain; rash; sleeplessness; stomach pain; weakness; weight gain or loss. And my job would be on the line with that as I'm a professional driver :(
Just say I DID end up taking it though.. is it ok to take Provera, Metformin and Clomid all together?

Hi I take provera and clomid as I dont ovulate therefore dont get af on my own. So I have to take provera to start my af so I can take my clomid days 2-6. Hopefully this time they think I have ovulated so if no bfp then af should come. I have never had side effects from provera, I have had mild side effects on clomid.

I have read of girls on here getting some worse side effects than me on clomid but never on provera. They are used together alot. I dont know about met because I have never taken it. But from what I have taken mentioned above, there was no need to take time off work or anything and certainly no risk of me losing my job. good luck with whatever you decide xx
About the provera/progestin... my doctor just had me take it at night because it can cause drowsiness. You'd probably be okay taking it at night. Do things normally affect you like that and make you drowsy though? They don't me, and when I took prometrium (another progestin) it didn't make me drowsy. Just because it CAN make you drowsy, doesn't mean it will
Thanks Daopdesign - I didn't think it was likely to happen first round anyway as not had periods for so long, think my body kind of needed one. Haven't really thought about it too much this month, and just taking it as it comes.

Awww you must have been so glad to finally have your baby boy and really sorry to hear about your lil angel - I am sure you miss him everyday : (

Still got our fingers crossed for both of us this month - be good to stay in touch as on the same cycle days.

I am currently cd8 today (finished taking tablets on Tuesday) and got what I think is ovulation pains as having twinges in both ovaries, surely this is early or can it be them preparing the follicle? When abouts are you going to start bed too?


wow ovulation pain already! Sounds like a good sign :)

Well my AF stopped on Tuesday and I've noticed nothing but wet cm which hopefully will move on to the more fertile stuff as I approach ov (hopefully!). To be honest I'm not holding out too much hope on 50mg but we'll see. Doc told me to take 50mg first 2 months and if I don't ovulate then take 100mg on the 3rd month before I go back and see him.

Only thing is though I only have 10 pills left (due to doing 2 rounds in one month as you know) so I'm thinking I will just do 100mg next month if I don't ovulate! Might aswell if 50mg doesn't do the trick I hear the dosage has alot to do with your weight aswell, thinner woman seem to respond on 50mg whilst those in the middle like me probably do better on a higher dose. I have no idea how true that is but it kinda makes sense don't you think.

Will keep my fingers crossed that you ovulate this month on the 50mg - I agree and would also take the 100mg next month if this month doesn't work - like you said you almost wasted 2 lots in one month anyway.

All this waiting does my head in lol - although tried not to focus too much on it this month and as had lots of other stuff going on, not making it be too much in my mind so may do the trick. xx

Yup I know exactly what you mean but I'm just trying to take it easy, what's the point in getting all worked up, if anything that is not good whilst ttc. I guess your CD12 today :D, this is a really easy one for us because our cycle began 1st Sep!

Are you testing your surge with opk's? I'm gonna start testing today I reckon, fx!
has Clomid made anyone really itchy? I have been itching terribly since I took it.
I've been itchy too but hadnt even thought about it being the clomid!
I took clomid cd 5-9 now I'm on cd10. I'm just wondering when do I
Start using opk's? Dh and I are bd everyday for 10 days lol. We are just trying different things each cycle to increase our chances :)
I didn't ovulate until cd 18, but I was a late ovulater anyway.
hey girls I went in for my cd21 progesterone bloods today (even though today is cd22 for me) I get my results Wed/Thurs............wish me luck :)
i also took clomid this month n ovulated on cd16,m 5dpo today,hope this is my month

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