The Final 5 week gang anyone??


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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I will be 35 weeks tomorrow, where has the time gone?!

I'm on Maternity Leave now, well have been for 4 weeks but i've had my 4yr old DS to entertain so I need a break now!

Had my 34 week appoint this week, babs is head down but not engaged yet, I have a lot of fluid and measuring 32 (33 if she was being generous) so she thinks that's why i'm getting the most strange of movements which basically is the baby having a lot of room to play around in - Makes sense I guess!

Really need to get cracking with things, think i'm going to have one more chilled day tomorrow and then it can begin on monday.

How's things with you??? :flower:
I'm 34 weeks so wondering if I can join you?! I have my last day at work tomorrow thank goodness!! I have a 2 year old to chase around after and feeling in need of a break now too. My last pregnancy I went 2 weeks over so I am really hoping that doesn't happen this time around. I am measuring a week ahead but the midwife said the baby is still quite high (but I feel I am carrying low at the moment!) She is lying breech at the moment so going to start the techniques to try to get her to turn, fingers crossed we all have lovely quick labours with no problems lol!!
I'm 35 weeks on Sat! Saw midwife on tues and this baby is actually head down (was convinced she was another breech baby!). I see the consultant on mon and should have made my decision about whether I want a vbac or repeat section. I just don't know what to do! I have 2 Weeks left at work and woke up very sore in the pelvis this Morning. Also feeling quite sick today :/. baby was 1/5th engaged on tues. I wish I could make up my mind about the vbac! If only I had a crystal ball.
I'm 35+1 and finish work on Tuesday. I am so looking forward to being off now. Still have quite a few things to do before I will feel ready. I'm also not sleeping very well of an evening so looking forward to being able to nap in the day if needs be.

Respect to the ladies looking after little ones whilst heavily pregnant. I'm exhausted just looking after myself!!
I'm 34 weeks today, can I join? I have an almost 2 year old who's been extra clingy these past months, plus we have been expanding the house, building larger rooms. DDs room is the only one that's finished cos I really needed to get everything ready for her. My hospital bag is packed and I'm ready for her to get out, but I still have a looong way to go. 6 weeks feels like forever... and I also have mixed feelings about having two children. On the one hand I'm super excited, but on the other I'm terrified of not being able to cope...:wacko:
Hi girls! I will be 35 weeks friday!! Can't believe it's gone so fast. Now things are starting to slow now that I am super anxious. Saw my dr todat. Measuring 34 so that's good. Baby is head down and I feel like she is engaged but who knows. I have been dealing with pelvic and thigh pain for a couple weeks now and it's only getting worse. In 2 weeks I see my dr again to schedule my c section!! If I haven't gone into labor. I delivered both of my children at 37 weeks on the day so who knows what this one will bring.
Welcome everyone!!

My boy has been super active tonight, sometimes I feel it right in my foof and it takes my breath away!

Really hoping to have a 'normal' birth and to experience natural contractions that slowly (or quickly lol) increase, my waters went with ds and nothing happened so I had to be endured last time :(
Ill be 36 weeks on sunday! Still have three weeks of work left.
I feel like im ready but feel totally unprepared all at the same time! Lol
Going to babies r us tomorrow to finish up some shopping with shower gift cards.
Babies been head down and right in my pelvis for about a month now..
I officially hit the insomnia stage this week too.. Up every morning 330-4 and cant go back to sleep at all
35 weeks tomorrow here. I have 2 boys 3 and 5 years old. Been having period type cramps today and been feeling wet down there...?? I'm trying to relax and lay on my left side. Hoping it all subsides
Hi all! :wave: I'll be 35 Saturday as well and just found out that my OB has me marked with a DD of 10/12 not the 10th like I've remembered since day 1. Its so frustrating. I know that doesn't change a lot, just hope that it doesn't push me back since I'm basically begging for an early induction due to SEVERE SPD.

I'm working up until Oct 5th but since I'm per diem I cut my hours quite a bit to make up for it. :-/
Besides that we've been done with the nursery for a month now and my bags are packed just in case.
I even thought about calling my husband at work to tell him my water broke just to see how he'd respond :blush:
I just can't wait for the restless legs and other annoying happenings to go away!

Hope you ladies are doing well :hugs:
36 weeks today! Ready for it to be over even though I'm feeling pretty good, it's the period type cramps that are irking me. Been having them since 34 weeks.
Well I'm glad to hear that the period pains are normal. I am getting them as well. Anyone having contractions? I am but they are not consistent. Been having them for awhile but now I get a pain down below when I get them.
I'm awake as per norm, a pattern is starting here, usually around 2.30-3 I wake and just can't get back to sleep!

Doesn't help that this little boy kicks the crap outta me!!
Oh man lucy! Sorry you can't sleep. You must be exhausted. I'm laying in bed with my usual hip pains.
I am 35+1 today so a bit less than 5 weeks to go!! My baby girl seems to be quiet yesterday and today with a bit of movements. She usually very active stretching and kick occasion and rolling. But she's quiet which is not usual for me. Just now one of my cats sit on my bump and it woke her up! I got a bit of back pain.
Hi girls! I'm 36 weeks on Sunday. I've had enough lol can't wait for LO to be here! SPD is horrible. LO has dropped, bump is very low and my pelvis is suffering for it...
Hi girls! I'm 36 weeks on Sunday. I've had enough lol can't wait for LO to be here! SPD is horrible. LO has dropped, bump is very low and my pelvis is suffering for it...

I'm right there with ya sister! :hugs: Most days the pain is excruciating :(
I'll be 34 weeks Sunday but having scheduled CS at 37 weeks due to complications. I also have an irritable uterus and have been having contractions since around 18ish weeks, but they have become very different lately and a lot more painful. More menstrual type cramp pain as well. I can't help but wonder if he'll make an even earlier arrival. :shrug:
Well I'm glad to hear that the period pains are normal. I am getting them as well. Anyone having contractions? I am but they are not consistent. Been having them for awhile but now I get a pain down below when I get them.

I feel like i am but given i have nothing to compare to i dont know that i actually am?
Well I'm glad to hear that the period pains are normal. I am getting them as well. Anyone having contractions? I am but they are not consistent. Been having them for awhile but now I get a pain down below when I get them.

I feel like i am but given i have nothing to compare to i dont know that i actually am?

I'm having these as well. Different than BH as those lasted much longer. The period type pains lasted for about 25 mins yesterday in waves. Almost like a constant pressure that was there and would get worse every min or so, lessen, then come back.

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