The Final 5 week gang anyone??

Can I join😄

I'm 36 weeks today! Baby is measuring large. My FD has been full term since about 2 weeks ago. I had a scan also just about 2 weeks ago. He was estimated at 6.12pounds. I go again next Wednesday. I'm completely uncomfortable and can barely walk. I've been getting lots of braxton hicks and period like cramping. My doctor thinks I may go early, but I was induced with my first 2.

Hope everyone is feeling good! Final stretch! So excited!
Well you ladies all suffering puts my moaning to shame!

I get the occassional movement which goes down into my foof and some BH but nothing like you poor sausages!!

Being awake at 2.30-5 has caught up with me, glad I managed swimming early this morning as i'm pooped now! Picking up DS at 3.30 then I really must blitz the house with the hoover as it's getting messy and I hate it! Hubby works shifts and has been on nights this week so I try not to make any noise, next week he's working all week 6am -6pm so I plan on doing some nesting if I have the energy!!!

Lovely little thread we have going on though ladies xx
I've never heard the phrase 'poor sausages' I like it! Lol

I started some nesting a few days ago. Completely ripped our bedroom up and cleaned it, but I didn't finish yet. Ooops. Hopefully this weekend I can get some things done.
I am 35+1 and was totally fed up and ready for this baby to arrive, but now I'm so nervous about actually having a child that I just want him to stay in forever.

I'm due 10/8 and my doctor said I should take a tour of the maternity ward. When I called yesterday the first available tour they have is 10/3! Baby might arrive before I get my tour. It would be funny if I could go into labor during the tour!

My nursery is disorganized but ready. I have my bag about half packed. Going to try to finish it today.
Ha ha, I say it to my 4 year old, sorry about that!
I'm 35 weeks on Sunday, but so pleased I'm in the final stretch. I just wish baby would move from breech. I've been trying to hang from the sofa, but all the movements are in the same place still and today I used my doppler and got the heartbeat still above my belly button :( My bump is still very high too!
On a positive I started my maternity leave yesterday, and DD starts pre-school 2 mornings a week from Monday so will hopefully get a couple of mornings to myself before baby's arrival to sort some things out. I must confess, I am massively unprepared this time, and haven't washed any baby clothes, packed my hospital bag etc, so now I've finished work need to get things sorted! xxx
I just need to share my massive-ness. Sunglasses to hide my makeup-less face today too😜


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Wow Ready that's a big one for sure! Nice pic:bunny:
Lucylou well done on getting to the pool and you have LO too!
Ickle, hopefully as baby moves down it'll turn for you. Breach would freak me out, I'm already freaked out enough about being potentially induced if I don't give birth before my due date. Do NOT want a baloon or anything shoved up there!

Hi ladies, may I join you? I'll be 36 weeks Monday so on the last stretch now thankfully. We just went to a babies & birthing class last night and they mentioned from 35 weeks on we could start perineal massage to try to prevent ripping. A little weirded out by that but I'll start tonight & see how it goes. Also my only thing left to do is pack a hospital bag. Nursury is ready to go & I just ordered some baby booties from ebay. Can't wait to see them!
Jeepers what a night!!!!

What with DS wetting the bed and ending up with me and the cat wanting to go out I really could of done with a lie in but hubby came home from his night shift at 6am and so DS and I had to get up out of the lovely warm bed :(

I feel like i've been up hours!!!!
Jeepers what a night!!!!

What with DS wetting the bed and ending up with me and the cat wanting to go out I really could of done with a lie in but hubby came home from his night shift at 6am and so DS and I had to get up out of the lovely warm bed :(

I feel like i've been up hours!!!!

That's awfully generous of you to give up the bed for hubby. I'd have made him sleep on the couch lol :blush:
So sorry you had to get up. I feel like sleep is a luxury these days. Love the belly shot!!

I am in that complete restless sleep phase where I cannot get comfy no matter what I do. My lower back has been hurting so bad the past two days, and I don't know if it's from how I'm sleeping or if my little guy is trying to engage butt-first and is adding pressure. (He's my third breech and can't turn due to my bicornuate uterus). I just felt crummy yesterday and had loads of contractions and BH and started losing some of my plug last night. I know the plug doesn't mean much at this point, but it is a change. Sometimes I wish there was some sort of pee stick you could use at home that would tell you when you're going into labor :haha: I hate worrying about PTL
Joining the countdown! I'm 34 weeks today, due October 18th. However I have had severe SPD since early second tri, so the doctors may consider induction at 38/39 weeks if bub doesn't make his appearance before then. I am working up til October 2nd at this rate unless they give me an induction date soon, then I might look at finishing a little earlier because I am running out of steam! Spent the last 2 days in maternity ward on fluids and pain relief from SPD and back pain, it gets so debilitating that I vomit from the pain and can't eat/drink. Bring on the end of this pregnancy!!
I with you guys on the no sleep train too. Cannot get comfortable and if I have to turn over to switch sides it's so painful.

Well, I'm going to push my luck and go to a baseball game today🙈 I'm going to feel it later and regret it! Have a good day ladies!
Hey ladies in the final stages now too. Feeling the need to nest but absolutely no energy from no sleep. Don't feel I have had a blooming stage with this baby. I see midwife on Monday hoping baby is still head down ready for eviction. I really want to try for VBAC. Hope your all well and having a good weekend. We bought a cuddly toy pig today that older kids want to bring to meet their baby :) xx
Lol nesting is great but awful at the same time. I've been in total nesting mode the past few days. Which is great because I'm accomplishing so much, but I'm so tired from not sleeping. I've done about 20 loads of laundry, cleaned the guest room and washed all the sheets (our room too), ironed all of DH's work and dress shirts, cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed/swept/mopped the downstairs, started reorganizing my closet (I'm going to try doing a capsule wardrobe after LO arrives) and got clothes together to donate or pass on to other preggo friends. All while taking care of my two kiddos. Pregnancy hormones are nutty! :haha: I'm in such overdrive mode and I can't stop!!
Has anyone had random period like cramping? I had some throughout the week, each time only lasting maybe 5 mins and Im pretty sure I've dropped more on the past few days.
Are the cramps any indication that things will be picking up sooner than later???
I've been having that. Someone said it's from stretching ligaments as baby drops. I really don't know but I feel it into my thighs. My baby has been low the whole time though.
I went to the hospital today for reduced movement, it was the first time this pregnancy I wasn't happy with movement and thankfully all was fine. It took about 45 secs to find her heart beat and those seconds felt like forever! I wasn't too sure whether to go in or not but they made me feel at ease (something that didn't happen with my last pregnancy at another hospital) got to go for a scan early next week to check my amniotic fluid levels but thankfully all was ok today, phew.
I've blitzed downstairs today upstairs to do tommorow. My movements are all still all over think baby is bouncing around in the huge cloudy universe x

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