The Final 5 week gang anyone??

How scary Willow, hope all is ok x

So tonight hubs and I have been out for a family meal with his side, I was really looking forward to it until I put my dress on and just felt uncomfortable :(

Don't know whether it was the way he's lying or just the chair but crikey my back is butching now, back home though so I'm in bed. I think I'll make tonight my last 'going out' event, I just can't be doing with all the getting ready and then feeling poop, can't wAit for this baby to arrive and starting to get back into my old clothes!
Oh yes, swelling definately happened yesterday what with the heat. Can't complain though as I had a lovely (but tiring) day spent with family.

Took a photo yesterday for my pregnant friend as we share bump pics (she lives in London and me in Wales) will try and post!
35+2 bumpy pic (hopefully!!)

Sorry I don't know how to rotate it!! :winkwink:


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Awww what a perfect bump!!

My feet and legs have swelled massively over the weekend. I way over did it. I did a baseball game Saturday and a fair in 90degree weather yesterday. Last night I was getting non stop Braxton hicks for a couple hours then they just went away. My appts Wednesday can't wait to see what they say and hopefully baby isn't measuring too large still!
I had my scan today and fluid levels were good and all seemed fine. I am 34 weeks but baby is measuring 36 weeks...eek!! My last baby was 9lb 9 so I am assuming this one will be the same. She is also breech so really hoping she turns soon. Struggling with the heat, I love to sit in it normally but not whilst pregnant, roll on October!
I think I lost some of my mucus plug today. Im not 100% positive because it was right after dh and i dtd.. But it was a different colour then his semen (sorry if tmi lol) and wouldnt break down when i rubbed it in the tissue.
What a nice round bump! Mine seems much smaller than that but they said baby is measuring perfectly. I hear you all on the swelling. Ugh so ready for cooler weather. Yay for mucus plug coming out. One step closer.

Saw my mil yesterday and she thinks baby will be here sometime the week of the 20th. Who knows.
I'm so ready for some progress. Nothing is happening! :hissy: maybe it's time to DTD...hmmmm...
Lucy that bump is lovelly! You look Great! Willow what a scare! Glad to hear everything was fine. I just dropped DS in kindergarten and I'll have to get back in twenty minutes to pick him up. He's doing an adaptation schedule, adding half an hour every day. I feel blah... Like I have constant PMS. I lose my nerve at the slightest thing...
Hi girls! I'm 36 weeks on Sunday. I've had enough lol can't wait for LO to be here! SPD is horrible. LO has dropped, bump is very low and my pelvis is suffering for it...

I'm right there with ya sister! :hugs: Most days the pain is excruciating :(


Joining the countdown! I'm 34 weeks today, due October 18th. However I have had severe SPD since early second tri, so the doctors may consider induction at 38/39 weeks if bub doesn't make his appearance before then. I am working up til October 2nd at this rate unless they give me an induction date soon, then I might look at finishing a little earlier because I am running out of steam! Spent the last 2 days in maternity ward on fluids and pain relief from SPD and back pain, it gets so debilitating that I vomit from the pain and can't eat/drink. Bring on the end of this pregnancy!!


Has anyone had random period like cramping? I had some throughout the week, each time only lasting maybe 5 mins and Im pretty sure I've dropped more on the past few days.
Are the cramps any indication that things will be picking up sooner than later???

I've been having that. Someone said it's from stretching ligaments as baby drops. I really don't know but I feel it into my thighs. My baby has been low the whole time though.

Yes I've been having the period type cramping too. No idea if it means anything but I've got mw tomorrow so going to mention it xx

I went to the hospital today for reduced movement, it was the first time this pregnancy I wasn't happy with movement and thankfully all was fine. It took about 45 secs to find her heart beat and those seconds felt like forever! I wasn't too sure whether to go in or not but they made me feel at ease (something that didn't happen with my last pregnancy at another hospital) got to go for a scan early next week to check my amniotic fluid levels but thankfully all was ok today, phew.

:hugs: sounds scary Hun glad alls well xx

I'm so ready for some progress. Nothing is happening! :hissy: maybe it's time to DTD...hmmmm...

Ahh dtd would be awesome but I can't imagine managing to do it :haha:

I'm so ready for this pregnancy to be over. I can't cope. I'm so sore. Nothing helps :-( nothing in the house is finished and oh has his head up his arse. I cried earlier and he promised to make more effort but it's all been said before so meh
I hear ya tally.. Men dont get it! I think they are in for a reality check when these babes arrive lol.. Mine literally has no understanding that this babe could show before my due date. Ive been trying to get him to put in the car seat base since 32 weeks.. Well it only happened on saturday.. A month later!
My feet are absolutely killing me after today! Woke up and discovered that my client had cancelled (I was going to do his Vat return) so I thought right, I want to do something else, something that's on my mind....Clothes shopping! I know i've hopefully only got 4-5 weeks left but I feel uncomfortable and unflattering in some of my 'thrown together' outfits and I just knew that with a bit of tweeking that I could totally make the remainder of my pregnancy a happier one. So I did ! I posted on here asking for help with long vests to cover the bottom area so I could comfortably live in leggings from now on as my mat jeans just are so uncomfy!!!
Thanks to several recommendations I decided to drop DS off at school and head off to Chester (just over an hr away)

First I tried H&M - Wow - I'm definately NOT a size 10 in their maternity range!! Got cheesed off and left with a grump on ;)

Then came New Look where most of my stuff is from but no joy - It was stuff I already had or again, too short.

Then I found Primark and being a primark virgin I was pleasantly surprised!!!

I'm over the moon the amount of new looks revolving around the staple leggings, vest and then either cardi/open shirt or Kimonos!! So i'm chuffed to bits about that.

How's everyone else today? I've realised that if baby arrived today how unprepared I am so I really need to knuckle down and get that hospital bag at least!!! You just never know ;)
I thought yesterday something was going to happen, but nothing. I'm getting tons of Braxton hicks and lots of pressure. I'm also so unprepared and have no energy to do what I need to do. I have an appt tomorrow for a scan and check up!
@Tally I can totally relate. DH made a comment about me nesting at the doc's office today. And how I'm "making up for 8 months" I wanted to punch him :growlmad: I said,"you try keeping everything perfectly clean while working nights, not sleeping, having hyperemesis, contracting, and keeping up with 2 kids" Men can be so thoughtless!

Lucy I'm glad you got some cute and comfy clothes! I found that made a huge difference after I had ds1. I had gained a lot of weight with dd and felt frumpy for a long time. Clothes made a huge difference. I've started swelling recently, so this past weekend I took any maternity clothes that were snug or didn't make me feel good and packed them away.

So, all went well with my appointment, except my umbilical artery SD ratio is trending up instead of down, and was almost 4 today. I don't really know anything about it but my OB says he gets concerned if it's over 4. And I need to pay close attention to fetal movement. Anyone have any experience with this?
TMI but is anyone else having lose bm's??? It started a few days ago. Between that and the dog not leaving my side Im really hoping it means something!
Or am I getting excited over nothing? :/
I have nothing going on a side from the occasional sharp pain down below and the feeling that my pubic bone has been kicked a million times. Have another bpp tomorrow! Hopefully in the next couple weeks.
TMI but is anyone else having lose bm's??? It started a few days ago. Between that and the dog not leaving my side Im really hoping it means something!
Or am I getting excited over nothing? :/

I have heard this happens before labor! Good luck
I am 35 weeks on Friday, every little twinge I'm getting I am questioning "is this the start?!" Time is flying... I het alot of BH as well.

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