Thinking of you miniegg. I hope you recover quickly, look after yourselves
Sooz - good to hear from you! I'm glad you've recovered from your chest infection but sorry to hear your nether regions are still giving you jip. Your nursery sounds beautiful - will you be posting pics when you've finished? I still swing from excited to terrified about parenthood so I wouldn't worry about that

Also don't feel you have to be cheery all the time hear, come on just to moan all you want! I did plenty when I was pregnant and you were all so wonderful.
Snuffles - Yay for feeling sicky and tired! Sort of
Luvbug - Sorry to hear you're getting uncomfortable at nights! I suffered really badly with restless leg syndrome too, I'd cry sometimes at night because I was so tired and my legs wouldn't stop hurting and twitching. It seems to be a very inexact science but I found what helped me was a) cutting out caffeine completely (obviously I'd cut down anyway but I cut it out totally b) warm baths before bed and c) when you're sitting watching TV or whatever you do in the evenings before bed, sit up straight and put your feet flat on the floor. I have a tendency to curl up, cross my legs etc and I found this made it SO much worse when I went to bed later. Even when doing all these things I still had multiple awful nights but I hope it may bring you some relief!
AFM - after a long and stressful two month feeding saga... dun dun dun! Felix is breastfeeding!! Not exclusively, and not without issue, but he is breastfeeding nonetheless. I stopped pumping last week and thought I'd try him one last time before my milk went - and he just did it! I'd tried him over and over again and all he'd done was scream his head off, flail around and push away from me but this time he just went on and started sucking. I was absolutely gobsmacked. So now I am doing mixed feeding and over the course of my time as a mother have done hand expressing, manual pumping, electric pumping, cup, syringe, bottle feeding (with breastmilk and formula) and breast feeding. Phew! Am feeling pretty proud of myself and like an expert on all things milky