The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Just want to say - cake and Trying - Kismet is TTC too but have not heard from her for a bit. Hope she's ok. Those TTC are totally welcome and we're still rooting for you too. We all started this journey together and we said we'd be there for each other through our journeys. This thread has been going a while now! I wish I could magically make you 3 pregnant (I'm hoping I've not missed anyone and I don't mean "make you pregnant" in a Pervy way!!). I just wish I could offer more than support and encouragement. As the fertility docs always say "it only takes one swimmer" so don't forget it and there are some amazing long term TTC girls on these boards who have amazing pregnancy stories. They used to keep me positive.

Fellow mums - I hope you're sane and that your feeding/weaning is going ok. Jo - my SIL started with baby rice, porridge, puréed apple, pears and banana. Hope you're getting on ok with it. Messy business! My breastfeeding is ok but Heidi's feeding can be chaotic. Recently I've not had longer than 2.5hrs between feeds and my fellow mums have had 5hrs at times!! She's also had quite green nappies which I've heard shouldn't supposed to happen. We have to give her formula at times to settle her and that makes me feel lame - especially if she's had a good feed. It's all so confusing and I'm so so sleep deprived. The lack of sleep really gets to me at times and I feel I'llnever sleep well again. It feels like being distant and unreal and I can't concentrate or even see straight at times. What a freak I feel like!

Mojo - I really hope you get into the birthing unit. You'd love it. Just request you get in when you phone triage once you've gone into labour. They can tell you if its feasible. Don't worry about positioning either. Whatever way baby is lying will be - try and focus that she will most likely be in the right position for birth and can easily move into position at the last moment. Heidi wasn't at all engaged and actually engaged in labour - it felt weird!

Snuffles - hope pregnancy is treating you well!

Mini - awesome pic! It's really detailed! You must be so relieved. Focus on the positive now. You've reached a huge milestone and all is well! Hope pregnancy is also treating you well.

Big hugs to you all. Stay strong and positive and try to smile as much as you can!
Aw cake and trying, your time will come! And like the others have said, I hope you'll stick around with us- we love having you here :)

Mini- Yay- so glad to hear that everything is good!

Jaynie and mojo- so nice to hear from you two!!!

Banana- sounds like you've had a go around. I'm sorry things have been a little stressful. THese little ones sure do give us a run for our money huh. Try not to stress about how the births happened. I know it's easier said than done, but cherish the time you have now with them :hugs:
Oh ladies I hope I didn't come across as you's don't make me feel welcome. Of course you all do there is no doubt about that! And I love reading everything that is going on with you all, it really gives me hope that it will happen for us soon. I'm not going anywhere I will always pop in and out of here but I will leave my own troubles in my journal! Lol

Sooz you are right, Kismet is still trying too but she is taking a more back seat attempt at trying now and just pops on and off here. Hoping the more relaxed route works for her!

Thank you for all being you lovely ladies :hugs:
Ooh it's been busy in here today!

Banana - You poor thing :hugs: please don't beat yourself up about the breastfeeding, god it is hard enough with one baby let alone two. You have done amazingly. And your feelings about their arrival is so, so understandable. You went through so much so don't feel guilty for feeling that way. Know that you're making up for those lost days though every minute of every day, and the longer you spend with them the less significant that tiny bit of time will seem. You are so strong and are doing incredibly. Your girls are lucky to have a super mama like you :hugs:

Miniegg - I'm SO glad to see your beautiful scan picture. Pregnancy is such a nerve wracking time but I hope you can breathe a tiny sigh of relief now :hugs:

Trying - I'm thinking of you all the time :hugs: You are so kind and wonderful and will make such a wonderful mama when your time comes. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your generosity this weekend. (Everyone - Trying spent her bank holiday weekend traipsing round the shops looking for a t-shirt set I want for my OH and Felix for father's day as she saw a post I made on Facebook saying I was struggling to find it) You are a true friend and I hope all your wishes come true.

Cake - I haven't got to know you as well yet but the same goes for you. I hope the rest of your TTC journey is quick and painless and you're a mama very soon.

Kismet - likewise, if you ever read this :hugs: I miss you but am glad to see your updates on Facebook. I'm so glad I 'met' you and I hope that wherever your journey takes you, you are happy always.

Sooz - Please don't feel like a freak. Talk/write as much as you can, get it all out, there's nothing odd about the way you are feeling. The sleep stuff will get better soon and this time will be a distant, fuzzy and happy memory. SO many women supplement with formula so don't worry about that. Every drop of breastmilk she gets is better than nothing and as long as she's full, that's all that matters. More practically, I was told than green poops can mean a fore/hindmilk imbalance - do you let her go for as long as she likes on one boob or do you switch?

Snuffles - huge congratulations on your beautiful baby girl. I can't wait to 'meet' her and hear the name you've picked. Your photo on Facebook was lovely, I don't know how you've managed to keep it to yourself for so long!

AFM - feeling super sentimental tonight (can you tell? :haha:). I have had a couple of rough nights and am totally knackered and also have just put Felix to bed in our room for the last time. We will be moving him into his own room tomorrow night. I feel really sad as it's like the end of an era. This raw, painful, amazing, intimate time that you have your whole little family in the same room is so short. It never occurred to me really - when you have #2, #1 is already in their own room - so this is the only time it will ever happen. It has been so special and I feel like he's growing so fast :cry::cloud9:
:wave: Hi all!

Thought I'd write quickly as I've finally got Freddie to sleep, he's got a bad cold so will only fall asleep on me then I have to try and get him into his moses basket without waking him up - easier said than done!

Sooz - Freddie just started having green in his nappies yesterday, I was going to ask the health visitor about it when she comes to weigh him later, I think it happens when they don't get the hind milk?? I'm breastfeeding Freddie and he tends to feed a lot at night but through the day sometimes he can go 3-4 hours, it's very tiring though. Don't feel bad it sounds like you're doing an amazing job :hugs:

Jo - :hugs: for you, can't believe Felix is moving into his own room, the time seems to have flown! I can completely understand you feeling emotional about it, it's a big step and has definitely made me appreciate the time Freddie is in with us as I'm sure it will fly by for us too

Banana - :hugs: you sound like you're doing an amazing job and I'm in awe of you, I'm finding it overwhelming just taking care of one baby! I understand why you may feel stressed about the births, it was quite an ordeal for you, hopefully with time it will get easier and know that they are safe with you now

Trying - :hugs: Fingers so tightly crossed for you, I know there's nothing I can say to help or make it better but I second what Sooz and Jo have said, you deserve it and we're all here for you

Cake - Same for you, fingers tightly crossed and we're all here for you :hugs:

Snuffles - Woop how exciting! :happydance: Have you bought any little clothes yet? Are you into all the pink girly things?

Miniegg - really pleased everything was ok, scan picture is so sweet, beautiful little baby! :hugs:

For all the fellow mums can I just ask - do your babies sleep on their own ok at night? Freddie has a moses basket next to our bed, some nights he sleeps fine it but others he just won't settle and ends up sleeping on my chest. I'm worried that this isn't good for him but it is the only way either of us can get any sleep sometimes! I've got pillows all around me so if he did roll it would only be on to the pillows, I'm probably expecting too much too soon considering he's only 3 weeks old but I'm just curious how everyone else has found it?

Big :hugs: to all :flower:
Honeybee - we have exactly the same issue with Heidi. It can take us hours to settle her in her basket. She's usually been fed and changed and she still fights it. Blackout blinds have helped. Also she sleeps in gro bags. However we have nights where she sleeps in my/OH chest. To be honest we have also given her formula top ups at times to "knock her out" to save my sanity. Some nights she can go up to 4hrs but other nights she's up every 1-2hrs. drives be mad. I'm open to other ideas but I could've written your exact post.

I'm climbing the walks as I'm being sent to the breast clinic to have a lump scanned. I'm terrified. It appeared after I got engorged way back but the GP got me panicked when he asked me if it had been there before. It's got me so frightened. The consultant at the clinic says this is so common and highly unlikely to be anything but all I can think about is the worst. It's going to be a long weekend :cry:
We have a few onesies(I'm not sure what they're called out there:blush:) that MIL bought and they're gender neutral. We plan to do a bit of shopping for our little lady tomorrow:D Some girly things I'm into, but I have a very varying taste lol.

I can't stop watching the video of her kicking her legs. It makes me tear up every time lol.
In going to go back and watch Heidi's DVD. How weird it'll be to see her in utero!
Thanks for your lovely messages girls :hugs:

The girls had their injections yesterday - which meant a day full of crying babies! Much better today though after lots of cuddles and calpol!

Snuffles, congrats! Team Pink is so much fun :happydance:

Jo, big :hugs: . I completely understand how you feel. Hope Felix and you are doing ok with the new sleeping arrangements :hugs:

Sooz, hope your scan is ok :hugs:

Honeybee, we end up with the girls in bed with us at some point every night. I always swore I would never bed share with my babies, but it really is the only way for us all to get enough sleep at the moment! I was looking at the NCT cosleeper bedside cot the other day, you can rent it for 6 months and it really is tempting. Only problem is I don't know if it would be big enough for both girls - should work for just one though!

Hugs to the girls for their injections banana :cry: that's a great idea about being able to rent a co sleeping cot though!
banana- I swore I wouldn't co-sleep either. BUt like you've said, it really is the only way that we can get sleep. We don't sleep with him all night, usually after his last feeding of the night he'll sleep in the bassinet for a little while, but then he'll wake up and end up in bed with us for another hour or two. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to get some sleep huh!
:hugs: about the girls shots, I'm sure that was tough!
Congratulations Snuffles!!! That's lovely news!!! Would love to see your scan pic!!!!
Hi all! Hope you're having a good weekend!

Honeybee - Felix didn't sleep much at 3 weeks. Particularly not at night, he was basically nocturnal :haha: Don't worry about letting him sleep on your chest, co-sleeping, whatever, just do whatever gets you through. I always swore I'd never co-sleep either and whilst it isn't/was never an every night thing we did it regularly and still do sometimes now. I don't think you can ever understand just how tired you're going to be and that all well made plans will go straight out of the window :haha:

Sooz - you poor thing, how stressful. When is your appointment? I'm sure everything will be fine, our poor old boobies go through some crazy changes post partum :hugs:

Banana - I can't believe your girls are having their first jabs already! That time has flown by. What do they weigh now? That sounds like a great idea with the sleeper, maybe you can put one in there and the other in your bed. I don't know how you fit two in there, I'm always teetering on the edge of the bed when Felix is in with us :haha:

AFM - the first night Felix spent in his own room was HORRENDOUS. Bedtime went absolutely great but he woke up screaming 3 hours later and just wouldn't stop for hours and hours. I ended up cuddling him to sleep in bed together and then he went back in his cot for a couple of hours. I felt terrible though and like I was torturing him. Luckily though the past two nights have been much better and he has slept just as well as he did in his basket. I had to go and rescue him last night as he'd turned himself 180 degrees and got wedged horizontally across his cot but other than that it's going great :haha::thumbup:

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