I've been pro-active today - I've bought evening primrose oil and Angus castus caps. Fingers crossed something happens!
Good luck, Sooz

I took Agnus Castus to help get my cycles back to normal after a steroid injection about 3 months ago, and I started AF pretty soon after starting taking it, but obviously I don't really know whether it was the AC that caused AF to arrive or whether it would have happened anyway. I like to think it was the AC though! Fingers crossed it works for you
As for me, I'm due AF on Tuesday (19th), and then it's time to start making babies!

I did another test today, and got another

, and I've just started to feel AF type cramps so pretty sure it's not far away. Feeling a little bit gutted that I'm not a super-fertile machine and didn't conceive after our one unprotected frolic this month (!), but ready to get started properly now! Hubby is starting his new job in London on Tuesday, so we'll be living apart during the week for the next month or so, but if AF turns up on time I should OV on a Monday, so hoping that with some BDing on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday (and maybe even very early on Monday morning for good measure

) we might still be able to catch an egg anyway!
I'm really looking forward to properly joining you girls in here.