The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Banana - I'm so glad your scan went well! Two little plums, how sweet. How did you reveal your news on Facebook?

Luvbug - I'm sure all will be well. Better safe than sorry but it must have been very upsetting :hugs:

Mojo - sorry you're feeling so yuck. My class was definitely worthwhile; not much I didn't already know but nice to have chance to ask questions as they came to me and it's never the same coming from a book. I say go, it's free and they have to give you paid time off work so what's to lose :shrug::haha: Also my midwife is 10 or so years older than me but has no children. It doesn't really bother me but my mum thinks it's weird :haha:

Kismet - lots of :hugs: to you. Hope you get chance to chill out and relax this weekend.

Cake - hope you're doing good!

AFM - had my labour class which was good, MW taught OH some massage techniques so he has no excuse now! She also told him that during labour he'll be helping just by being there which he's enjoying quoting at me at the moment :dohh:
Growth scan/consultant appointment also went fantastically - baby is little miss or mr average which is exactly what we want. It looked very squished in there but we saw that it is head down, some amount engaged (ultrasounds techs don't do how much apparently), and has hair! How exciting. Consultant is v happy with my progress and seems to think I shouldn't be 'high risk' - and has written a note to say so and that they're happy for me to have a water birth (not usually an option for high risk patients). They want to see me again for a check up 2 days before due date.
I also looked around the labour ward and saw the pool where I will hopefully give birth - very exciting and the staff were lovely. We topped off the day with a Burger King (a bit of a novelty as we live 80-odd miles away from any fast food :haha:) and the last of our Christmas shopping. Anxiety seems to have disappeared altogether for now at least and I'm so happy and excited about everything :cloud9:
Heylo ladies!!

How are you all doing on this soggy Monday? Hope you had a lovely weekend.

Kismet - how's this cycle going?

Banana - have you done a facebook announcement yet? Let us know how you did it if you did!

Mojo - how you doing chick? Have you avoided a hospital admission? Really hope you didn't need that drip!

Luvbug - Have you seen the specialist yet? Hope everythings OK as I know you were pretty anxious.

Jo - 35wks!! So exciting!! You're getting close to "it could happen any day" territory! Eep! Will you be going to Raigmore? My SIL gave birth there and had a really good experience. I have EVERYTHING crossed for you having an awesome birth experience. How weird to think how soon it will be before you meet bubba! I hope you're not getting to pregnancy-fed-up. Big hugs!

AFM - I've got the m/w on Thurs. My second appt with her. Not sure what this appt is for. My only fear is that my BP is always high as I HATE having it done. I may take a few readings at work to prove it can be ok! Stupid really. Otherwise I'm fine. Occassionally getting headaches but nothing more exciting than that!:thumbup:
Och Kismet - so sorry to here about issues with your OH. Sounds like he's worried about TTC coming between you. I don't think anything can truely take your mind off the 2ww. He should be understanding that everything is outwith your control as there's nothing you can do which is why the 2ww is such a struggle. He's probably fretting, internally, wishing there was something he could do. I just made sure I had thing to look forward to during the 2ww like nights out, days out, date nights. We had an argument during one of our 2ww for the same reasons as you - I had to sit down with him (through tears!) and tell him why I was frightened, why I was stressed and why the 2ww was so hard. I also wrote a lot of it down. Maybe a meal out together to talk things over and chill out my be an option. Our chat was certainly over some glasses of wine! TBH I don't think they can fully understand what it's like. They don't understand the pressure that we put on ourselves and how responsible we feel. One of my best mates and I had that chat 'cos both our OHs were being insensitive about it all! Lets face it, all they really have to do is have some nights of fun and then stand back! I guess try and not let TTC get between you. I know this has been a bit of a ramble but I just wanted you to know that I relate to how you're feeling! :hugs:
Sooz - I know, my mum had me at 37 weeks and whilst I know that's rare it does make it all a bit close :haha: I am getting pretty pee'd off tbh - everything hurts, I'm struggling to breathe, now baby's starting to become engaged I'm peeing about every half an hour and even then it's just a dribble (haha sorry TMI), I can hardly bloody move and much as I hate hate HATE to complain about feeling baby move as it's wonderful, it's so big now it hurts! But I'm just trying to immerse myself in baby preparations, of which there are still a surprising amount left despite my control freakishness! I keep reminding myself that this is the last time ever we will just be a twosome and make the most of our time together. Lots of cuddles :D And yes I will be giving birth at Raigmore, 80 miles away, so crapping myself about the journey but (repeats to self) it will be fine, it will be fine, I won't end up giving birth in a layby!

Have you heard the baby's heartbeat yet? Because my 16 week mw appointment was the first time I did so maybe you'll get that? Other than that it was just a normal check up/pee test, she might ask you if you're feeling movement yet. Good luck!

Kismet - thank you sweetie! I desperately hope I get it too. I've replied on your journal so for now just lots of :hugs: to you. I hope things are looking up!
Jo: I'm sorry to hear you're so uncomfortable! I have to say hearing that you are struggling to breathe kind of freaks me out. Eeeeeeek!
It's only really when baby's stretching out or mostly when I lie down. It feels like everything sort of sloshes upwards. I get a bit short of breath and heartburn too. Bleugh! Got re-measured for a bra the other day and my ribs have expanded another 2 inches, obviously not enough though :haha: My body has changed in so many ways I never expected!
Hi ladies! Looks like we're all doing well for the most part!

Jo- you're getting so close!!!

Kismet- I'm so sorry your DH isn't being very sensitive about it. I'm sure it's frustrating. Something they have to realize is, they can't feel what's going on in your body. They don't think about it 24/7 like we do during that time. I hope things get better and he realizes that he's being quite insensitive.

Sooz- so glad you're doing well! I won't go in until Friday. So just a couple more days!

AFM- had a long weekend. Went to a birthday party for my best friends daughter, and spent time with family. I finally threw up for the first time as a result of my gaging on Sunday. I had eaten breakfast, went to brush my teeth, I think it was the combination of the toothpaste and cereal taste. And I puked. Gross. Other then that nothing really new to share! I hope you're all doing well!
Jo - eep! I'm so excited and scared for you!! I'm too scared to move forward with planning nurery designs and buying stuff. When did you start? We have so much work to do on the flat that the thought of starting the nursery freaks me out. My OH (as much as I love him) is bad for starting DIY jobs and not finishing them off!! We've got ceiling's needing a second coat of pain, shower roof needing done etc etc. I've decided I'm going to go and buy paint and take painting into my own hands! Did you ever post pics of your nursery? I'd love to see it!

Kis' - you can only do your best to chill when you're TTC. It's so difficult and your OH needs to know the battles you have with yourself and how difficult it is not to fret. I know the stress of TTC was rubbing off on OH and he thought he lost me for a bit as I was so bogged down and upset by it all. STay positive, I think you've got a great attitude.

Luvbug - do you know what your appt will involve? Let us know how you get on. Sorry to hear about your puking episode! I def think our tolerance to gross things is far less with pregnancy. I even struggle with gross things on TV which would never have bothered me!

Midwife tomorrow morning. Hoping i'll get to hear bubs heartbeat. I'm almost certain I've been feeling "twinges". Like wee palpitations in my uterus. Sometimes I can only explain it as "drumming fingers" from the inside. Makes me giggle and it's kinda tickly. Other good news is my MIL has offered to look after bubba for 2 days a week when I come back from mat leave. That would take a lot of financial strain off us so I'm feeling quite positive!
Luvbug - yuck, I hope you feel much better soon. I was only sick twice despite lots of gagging - once was after a sneezing fit, it was just something about the sensation at the back of my throat after sneezing loads :dohh::haha: Has the nausea/gagging eased at all or is it still just as bad?

Sooz - we started buying stuff at about 15 weeks but only because the nursery set I really wanted (saw it whilst shopping with a pregnant friend before our little accident so had basically resigned myself to not being able to have it) was being discontinued and half price :haha: I held off buying anything else until after our 20 week scan and we've only started assembling everything in recent weeks as baby's room was our guest room until recently and we've had tonnes of visitors what with us only moving here in the spring. It's still a bit of a dumping ground but we're almost finished now so will post pics soon :happydance: And I definitely think you're feeling bubs btw! Good luck tomorrow :hugs:

Kismet - I don't get that either. Why is it so hard for men and their masculinity rather than us and our femininity? And just to top it all off all of our procedures are much more invasive. AND we're the ones that have had to deal with the contraception all those years we didn't want to get pregnant :brat: I hate to be one of those man hating feminist types but they really do get it easy in this department. Don't think of your body as being broken though sweetheart, it's still early days and chances are all will be well, and even if not it doesn't mean you're 'broken' - you just might need a bit of assistance :hugs:

AFM - been bulk cooking today in preparation for baby's arrival. TBH it's not much of a change, with us living so far from a supermarket I cook like this anyway but it's somehow more exciting this way. I have another labour class tomorrow at 2 so OH and I will go out for lunch before hand - we can't really afford such frivolous things but we're making the most of it before we have a screaming baby smushing food into its hair and generally making a scene :haha:
Jo- It's about the same. Just gagging though, no nausea luckily. I guess I'll take that over feeling sick. So exciting to be batch cooking and it be for a more exciting reason now!

sooz- I'm not sure what it all envolves. I know they're going to do an ultrasound. But other than that I don't know haha. I will definitely tell you guys about if afterwards. I even struggle with picking up hair balls from the cats, which never used to bother me. But now it does!

Kismet- :hugs:
Hello lovely ladies, how are you all this weekend? I hope you're all doing fantastically, including all of our lurkers!

I am 36 weeks today so getting really close! I have been very crampy, am starting to lose bits of my plug and (TMI) have been pooping like mad all week so I think the time may be approaching. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow and I'm sure she'll tell me these symptoms can last weeks and weeks but hey ho, everything seems to be heading in the right direction anyway. I really hope baby is punctual as I'm desperate for him or her to be here and home in time for Christmas!
Hello ladies! It sure has been quite in here the past couple days! Hope everyone is doing ok!

Had my ultrasound on Friday. Dr. measured EVERYTHING- legs, arms, head, brain, heart, waist. Showed us there are two lets and two arms. Showed us the spine... neck looks perfectly fine, baby was just in a weird position that day. Showed us it's face, and showed us that it looks like baby won't have a cleff lip ( not sure on the spelling of that ). Showed us the bladder, where the umbilical cord connects to the bellybutton. It was a really awesome appointment. SO COOl!
He was having a hard time though and we were in there for at least an hour because baby was not cooperating. Sitting way back down in there breech. He started off doing a normal ultrasound on my tummy, and was pushing soooooo hard it was uncomfortable. Then, he decided to do a vaginal ultrasound because he figured he'd be able to see the sex that way and hopefully get the other pictures he needed.

Dr. says he's 90% sure it's a boy!!

Super exciting! Although I wish he was 100% sure because I'm the type that is a little worried that he is only 90% sure lol. BUT, other than that I am really really excited. I feel a little guilty because I did want a girl. But I know I will have other opportunities. And I truly am excited to know it's a boy!

DH and I went to the store afterwards and each picked something out for him.
I have posted a couple pictures for you ladies!


  • Baby Stermer 18 weeks.jpg
    Baby Stermer 18 weeks.jpg
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  • It's a BOY?!?!?!?!.jpg
    It's a BOY?!?!?!?!.jpg
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Hi ladies! I've been lingering for a while and keeping up to date with all your journies. Would it be ok to join you all next month? After my next AF I will be officially TTC!!
So excited but also a little scared.
Hi Miniegg!! I'm sure none of us would mind if you joined now! No need to wait until next month!!
Ah that's kind of you!!! Thanks!
Ps. Congratulations on your baby boy! X

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