The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Heylo ladies!

Kismet - I'm so sorry about your experience :hugs:. IBS is such a crippling thing and so painful at times too. I know exactly how you felt about being trapped in a toilet! When I first got pregnant my IBS was the worst it's been and I was stranded at home at times. The only things I find that work at mebeverine, buscopan, loperamide and colpermin. Sometimes a hot water bottle helps with the spasms. I also used to find that sleeping on my left side or my tummy sometimes helped. Have you been told the plan as to what happens after these tests are done?

Luvbug - I'm so relieved everything is OK with you and sweet potato! So exciting you know the gender - A wee laddie! Awesome! When I first got pregnant I always wanted a girl but now I've spent time around wee boys I love them too. Also there is some really cool boy stuff about! I found an awesome baby-grow with world war II planes all over it - it was SO cute and retro! How's your bump growing?

Jo - If you're loosing bits of the plug then that is MEGA exciting! Surely that means you'll come early or at least on time! Are you getting any wee hicky flinches? 37weekers are always such lovely sizes. How weird to think that you could wake up any day to the day your baby might be born! Eep! You'll need to start all the baby-myth inducing measures! Pineapple, curries, stairs and SEX for you missy - stat! :haha:

CC - SO lovely to see you here. Been missing you and wondering if you're OK xx

Miniegg- always welcome. We're always scardicats and always here for more scardicats!

Cake - CD13 is an exciting achievement. Fingers crossed!!

Mojo - soon time for your first scan! So exciting - have you got the date for it?

Anyone seen banana, annaki or snuffles?

I'm SO torn as to finding out the gender. SO many have said how lovely it is to be told when the baby is born. Part of me wants to find out on Xmas day so we were going to get the senographer to write it down and stick it in an envelope. I just don't know :shrug: - all set for 11/12/12 for our 20wk scan (I'll be 20+6). I'm still overwhelmed by the whole thing in true scardicat style. Bump is now very prominent and feeling regular squiggles now!
Hello all,

It's been ages since I posted! I did write a reply the other day but I some how lost it. Gutted. Only a quick visit until I have more time to read through.

We have our 20 week scan on Monday at 08:30 in the morning! So exciting! I will be 20 and 2 days then. Really eager to feel our little one move but not had much feelings that I can call movement at the minute. A few popping feelings but I was definite kicks. My belly is hard and round but I definitely don't look 5 month gone! Feel like I just look round. Been feeling very sorry for myself a lately. Haha. I am crying at everything. Bought a few more pieces. Next big purchase is the Nursery furniture but that will be after Christmas

Nursesooz...we are finding out the gender. We can't wait.

Will have time later to check previous posts but hope you are all well xxx
I'm still around, just trying to make babies with OH lol
Ooh lots to catch up on here!

Luvbug - Those are beautiful photos of your son!!! Wow I bet that takes some getting used to. Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure no doctor would say they're 100% sure of the sex anyway. Most doctors wouldn't say they're 100% sure of anything in case they get sued :haha:

Miniegg - Of course, welcome, the more the merrier. I hope your stay in TTC is short one but you can stay with us here for as long as you like :thumbup: I'm about to pop and they can't get rid of me :rofl:

Kismet - Hope you're enjoying your birthday lovely. Chin up :hugs:

Mojo - Oh you poor thing. Not long now until you're in second tri so I really hope the sickness eases soon.

CC - Good to hear from you, hope you're doing really well :flower:

Cake - I have IBS too :( It's so much more common than I thought! I too found that fibre was the only thing that helped. Seems counterintuitive if you've constantly got the runs but it works for me :shrug: Good luck with the BD'ing :haha:

Sooz - Argh big decision! The idea of finding out on Christmas Day is lovely but would you really be able to leave that envelope sealed for over two weeks?! If so you have much more willpower than I do so kudos :haha:!!

Annaki - I can't wait to hear what you're having! Do you have any names in mind? Do you think you'll name him or her once you know?

Snuffles - Good luck :sex:

AFM - Lots of signs but all way TMI as these things tend to be so stop reading now if you're easily grossed out. Still pooping like mad, not the runs as such but loose and frequent. I have really suffered with constipation the whole time I've been pregnant but have been like this for a week and a half now, have stopped taking my fibre supplement AND my lactulose and it's still going. Also tonnes of discharge and lots of cramps, both AF-y and bowel-y. I had a midwife appointment on Monday and baby is also 3/5ths engaged. I really hope this means baby will be here soon. I'm full term on Sunday, have packed my hospital bags and have just got to fit the car seat tomorrow (car is in the garage today) and then we're ready whenever (you hear that, baby? We're ready whenever *prod prod*) :haha:
Hi Ladies it's lovely to hear you are all doing well, lots of wiggly bumps LOL. I guess it is time I gave you all an update.

I have now had 2 bad progesterone tests, way to low to even conceive no need carry a baby. We are currently waiting for DH appointment to get his sperm analysis done and our joint appointment with the fertility specialist. So just lots of waiting here. But on the plus side DH has said if we haven't got our BFP by February he is going to book us another holiday in Mexico, So it isn't all bad :thumbup:
Eeek, so much to catch up on! Sorry for not posting for a while, either been feeling sick or tired and just not up to much, but will try and do better from now on! I'm feeling lots better, went back to work on Monday and I'm not being sick anymore, so big progress! I'm also developing a proper bump which everyone at work keeps commenting on - I can't even imagine how big I'm going to be by the time I pop these two little ones out!!!

CC, so lovely to hear from you. I'm sorry the tests have come back showing problems - can they help you with the progesterone levels? Lots of :hugs:

Mojo, so many hugs coming your way. The sickness really is unbearable, I was at breaking point with mine and can totally sympathise with how you feel. Mine stopped very suddenly, and I really hope yours does the same. Get lots of rest and take care of yourself and that little bean :hugs:

Luvbug, so glad everything is ok with little one :thumbup: And a boy - eeek! You must be so excited now you know!

Snuffles, lots of baby dust coming your way, and good luck for the move!

Annaki, you're so close to finding out :happydance: Sounds like you're at a really exciting point, so much going on!

Kismet, boo to having a cold on your birthday! Do you have anything planned to celebrate when you feel better? Lots of luck coming your way for the fertility testing stuff - how are you feeling about it all?

Jo4nn4, sounds like your body's gearing up!! How exciting! Come out little baby!

Sooz, your Christmas idea sounds lovely! And definitely all credit to you if you can hold out from opening the envelope if that's what you decide to do :haha: Sounds like everything is going well! And I'm with you in the scared stakes - I'm terrified, but so excited too! Pregnancy is such a strange thing!

Cake, good luck with this cycle!

Miniegg, welcome :flower:

I really hope I've remembered everyone - I tried my best with my baby frazzled brain! Hugs to all :hugs:
Banana- so glad to hear you're feeling better! How exciting that your bump is coming out!!

cc- sorry to hear about the bad tests, hopefully these next couple of appointments will bring good news. ooohhh a trip to Mexico! That'd be fun! It's so nice to hear from you!


Snuffles- :dust: :dust:

Sooz- How exciting. I love the idea of the whole finding out on Christmas! Sounds wonderful! Bump is coming in nicely. I will take a picture Friday... or Saturday ( since I'll be eating a ton tomorrow haha ) and will upload it on here!

Annaki- How exciting- I can't wait to see what you're having!

Jo- oh boy... I really hope that all this means baby is coming soon!!! That is very true. That does make me feel much better!

Hope I got everyone, sorry if I missed anyone.... gotta get back to work now!
Kismet I have no idea what they are going to do, We will just have to wait and see :)

Happy Birthday by the way I'm sorry you aren't feeling great XXX
Kismet - :hugs: sounds you're on an emotional rollercoaster. Sounds so scary and unknown. Take a lot of comfort when you see so many women who have struggled to concieve and get a BFP randomly on a natural cycle. You just never know which makes it even the more painful I know!

CC - I could cry when I read your posts. Is progesterone supplementation not an option? Please don't give up. I know you must be feeling pretty crushed at times but don't give up on the SMEP! You never ever know what may happen. (Although Mexico sounds awesome...:winkwink:)

Banana - your bump will start growing at quite a rate now you're cooking two! You should be feeling squirming pretty soon as well! I'm so glad you're feeling better and can maybe start enjoying your pregnancy more now.

Annaki - I nearly squealed when I read your post! Do you have any hunches about what you're having? So exciting!!

Snuffles - lovely to see you! Mega dust for your baby making and mega luck for that extra special rainbow baby! Your wee guardian angel will bring you luck!

Jo - you'll need to keep us mega updated 'cos if you don't we'll all assume you're in labour and start annoying you!! Eep! So exciting! Imagine Chistmas day with your newborn (or nearly newborn!)!! Eep! You'll have to invest in a mega cute Crimbo outfit for bubs!

AFM - OH felt squirmy move for the first time the other day. Think he was totally shocked! I was lying in bed and squirmy was having a wee disco and gave a kick to OHs hand! I don't think he's quite besotted yet. When I asked him for a laugh "are you not going to pamper me?!" he said "you're not pregnant enough yet!". The cheek 'o' it! Hope you have lovely weekend plans ladies. :thumbup::hugs:
Thanks everyone, My GP isn't willing to do anything but wants me to see the specialist, I think because of my age, but we need to do tests first before they will accept the referral. I will keep you all informed. X

Nice to here baby moving well sooz X
CC - Oh sweetheart good luck with your tests, I can't imagine what you're going through. It sounds like you're doing OK though and coping well. You're very strong. And a lovely holiday to Mexico sounds wonderful! I have my fingers crossed so tight for you :hugs:

Banana - So glad to hear you're feeling better! Can't wait to see bump pics. I wonder how big you will get. My auntie had twins recently and she wasn't actually much bigger than a singleton pregnancy - and it was ALL bump, looked like she'd swallowed a beach ball :haha:

Kismet - How come IVF wouldn't be on the cards if you don't mind me asking? Of course I'm sure it wouldn't come to that but just interested. Keep positive, it's still early days!

Sooz - How exciting that DH felt the baby! You'll need to start sticking your belly out, holding the small of your back and doing a bit of a waddle to prove you need some pregnancy pampering :haha:

I'm getting so incredibly impatient now but am trying to stay busy. Still getting lots of cramps and baby is more active than ever. I swear it was doing star jumps in there earlier as I could feel it everywhere! I can feel its little hands down by my hip bones which is very odd. I have had a couple of high blood pressure readings now which I'm a bit worried about so she's going to re-check it next week. She says if it stays as it is, that's OK, they'll just keep an eye on me, but if it goes any higher it'll be off to hospital for a longer period of monitoring as there's always a chance it's a bit of white coat syndrome. I feel otherwise well but am obviously worried about pre eclampsia. At least now I'm basically full term, just would rather not be induced obviously!

As for Christmas outfits, I already have two :haha: This one: and this one:
Poor baby :haha:
Just a quick pop on, had a lovely but busy weekend visiting friends in the Peak District and now got lots of work to do for the coming week at school - rubbish! :cry: I have parents evening on two evenings this week, plus a ton of other work to do. Grrr! Bring on Christmas!

Sooz, glad to hear baby is moving well, must be so lovely! :happydance:

Jo4nna, those outfits are adorable! Love them! Hope the blood pressure calms down :hugs:

Kismet, I have everything crossed for you and OH. Lots of :hugs:

CC, same for you lovely :hugs: Good luck with whatever tests they decide to do, I really hope things start to pick up for you.
CC - keep us up to date with how you're getting on. Thinking of you. We're always here for you.

Kismet - poor you - more stresses! Not what you're needing! Why do lots of horrible stresses all crop up together huh. I hope things work out with the car as you seem all set to get it! Money is a total b%tch and it frustrates me why everything/happiness/life has to revolve around it. It's so unfar. :hugs::nope:

Banana - hope parents evening goes well! It must be so stressful to get your brain all prepared to talk about all your kids! Eep!

Jo - really hope it's white-coat. I'm sure you're probably just on-the-edge about when everything will kick off. I'm sure my BP would be high if birth was round the corner. It's so annoying you can never get an exact time of arrival (like in the airport:haha:...although even then you get delays and cancellations!)! Keep yourself or at least your mind busy and we're always here for you to rant to! Will you be heading for Raigmore as soon as contractions start or do you plan on lingering at home at all? (I know you said you had quite a distance between hosp and house).

AFM - feeling very blue and feel guilty for feeling blue. I'm sick of everyone telling me all the negative aspects of pregnancy, birth, having a baby, working with a baby etc. Noone is ever positive or gives me lovely stories. I'm stressing out so much about money and affording the 9months mat leave. I'm upset about the whole prospect of moving, selling the flat for less than we bought it for...I guess I'm also scared about becoming a mum and doing a good job of it:cry:. Just feeling mega lame:nope:. On the positive - was very cute that OH was talking to bump the other day - had to beam at him:blush:
PS: sorry to moan ladies but sometimes I don't really have anyone else to share my woes with. Please feel free to ignore my whines!
Sooz I get fed up of people telling me how tiring it is having kids, how much they change your life etc. whenever I say to people I'd love to have a baby friends with kids say 'you can have mine' or 'take mine for the night, that'll change your mind'. It annoys me so much cos they've had their kids and obviously went through what I am now so shut up and stop winging when it was your choice to have a baby in the first place! Be grateful you can have kids! So don't worry Hun. Just ignore them! You'll be a fab mum and all the other stuff just take it one day at a time!!!! X
Just a quick update - going to hospital on the advice on the midwife suspecting my hind waters have gone :wacko: I have been very damp today but suspect I have just pee'd myself or it's discharge. Baby is still moving lots so I'm happy all is well but better safe than sorry!

I will probably update you later with a very red face after being told I've just wee'd myself :blush:

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