Hey all!
I am now officially off honeymoon

I'm not really too sad though, we had an amazing time and now we can start properly trying for a baby so it's all good
As my periods were late the past 2 months I'm finding it hard to know when I will ovulate, I do use a period tracker thing and according to that it should be around the 17th but I am on cd 11 so I'm on the look out (my last 2 cycles were about 31 and 35 days)!! I'm not taking it too seriously at the minute though, we weren't properly trying last month so this month we will just BD regularly and see how we go, it is my birthday on 19th so would be lovely if it did happen but if not then it's ok, we'll try next month. I'm not going to temp or us OPK's or anything as I know what I'm like and I'll get too caught up in it all, too stressed out and never conceive! I guess I'm at a slight advantage though as I had a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy in March and have seen the doctor since and he has said physically everything looks fine now and I know that everything is functioning properly, a good old service/MOT/spring clean!!!
Anyway enough about me how is everyone?
CC - you seem to have such a good level headed approach, and at least you're occupied with clearing the room at the minute, always helps I find to have a mini project!!
Nurse Sooz - hope you're feeling better you seem to have been a bit down!! I know it's hard but try not to stress too much otherwise it may prevent you getting pregnant and become a vicious circle, I'm quite worried that I'm going to end up stressing and becoming my own worse enemy in the end! On the plus side I have a feeling this forum will save people like us
Banana - not long now till you join us!! How exciting!!
Trying - sorry you had to work, that sucks a bit! Must be nice having time off in the week though, a bit quieter than weekends!
Well now that was an essay wasn't it!!! Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, I bought a book today called "plan to get pregnant" by Zita West, it is a DK book and I find them so much easier to read and not as heavy as some of the others, I'll let you know what I think once I've read it!

to all