The 'I'm feeling crap because...' thread

i feel crap because it will soon be my due date. and ttc is so draining and i cant see ever getting a possitive test again:nope:
I feel crap because it's my wedding anniversary next week and me and hubby have invited the family out for a meal and we were going to make the big announcement only to be told yesterday I MC. Now I cant even face family, or food, or go through more than an hour without crying.....:cry:
I'm feeling crap because my sister starts her maternity leave 6 weeks today :sad1: & I have the headache from hell, think I may be coming down with something as have sore throat & stuffy sinuses too, great, just in time for the weekend!! :growlmad:
First of all, I'm sorry for all of your losses. :flow:

I feel like crap because I'd be going on 14 weeks this weekend and be about to find out the baby's sex right now and woulda been looking forward to that ultrasound and first kicks as well. Instead I'm missing my tiny button and scared that I'll never have my little girl. :cry: I love my boys to death but I've always longed for my own little princess and I'm beginning to feel that that dream will never be realized. :nope: *sigh*
I'm feeling crap because...

One of my best friends is due in two weeks and I just can't face meeting her and seeing her Bump in my face. I love her and she's being really lovely to me but how will I be able to hold her little one in a few weeks and give him/her the welcome s/he deserves??:nope:

I'm a teacher and am getting a really tough/obnoxious class next year...I was due to go on maternity leave in February so woud only have had to deal with them for 5 months....not the case now:hissy:
One of my close friends text today to say how brilliant her scan was and her due date.....the day before I would have been :cry:

So that's two friends now, both due around both of my original due dates.

I am falling into a black hole and I can't bring myself out. I'm pleasant to everyone around me but I'm completely losing it.

I feel crap because nearly two months on and I STILL feel like I did in the above post.
A girl from school, we used to be best friends is pregnant again. . .

We have been pregnant at the same time, exact same gestation TWICE.
She has a son and is pregnant, I have nothing :cry:
i feel crap because... I'm desperate to be preg again but have to wait til sept to ttc. I now only have one tube. I'm scare i'll lose my other tube. I find it hard being around pregnant people. I hate seeing baby section in shops. I won't be able to start mat leave in 2 months. I won't be preg before due date. I don't have a baby in me anymore. X
I feel crap because my baby girls 1 year birthday would have been my 12 week mark.

I also feel crap because 16 days later I'm still bleeding and it's really pissing me off. Like a constant reminder when all I want to do is get on with things.

I feel crap because the drop in hormones is just like the 'baby blues' after lil miss was born and I'm pissed off at everyone and everything and just want to punch people in the face.
I feel crap because...

-I got a "congratulations on your pregnancy" letter from the Women's Clinic
-I had to go through all my baby leaflets the other day to find something for the career center about my unemployment (yay, I'm jobless AND lost my baby)
-almost daily reminders of a girl who I went to high school w about how she is "soooo pregnant" on FB
-I keep blaming myself/my body even though I was by the book. I had plans. And now they're shattered.
-I miss my pregnancy symptoms- as miserable as they were, I was SO happy. :(
-I have morbid thoughts that don't even seem like me.
-I'm dreading AF
-thoughts of things like how my boyfriend already has 1 child w his ex, why would he want one with me?
-I'm terrified for February 25, 2011 (due date)
-every Sunday marks another week for me. (8 weeks this wk)

:hugs: to all of you. I like this thread- I have a chance to vent- thanks!
Sorry if I sound whiney....
I feel crap because.....

- my due date is next Thursday and I booked the day off work as I dont know how I will feel when I wake up - and I need the dentist and this is the only day they can fit me in NICE!!

- my work colleague who was due the same week as me just had her baby boy and he is gorgeous and I had to see her because I work in maternity.

-I work in maternity - that is enough to make me feel crap everyday I come to work!

-my sister has just announced she is pregnant and while I am delighted for her, I should be the one about to give birth.

- I really thought I would be pregnant by my due date and that is making me think something is now wrong.

I could keep going and going but I now just think that my time will come and we will all get our baby in the end, I am trying to be patient. Its so hard and I feel for you all.

Thank god for BNB to rant
I feel crap because i got told 10th june fetus had passed, choose to lose natural and my body cant even do that have had to have tablets to help get rid of unwanted tissue! BUT IT WAS WANTED!!!!

I feel crap cause had constant headache cry all the time and just wish my baby had lived.

i feel crap coz its not fair!

cant stop asking myself why me....

Sorry for all your losses ladies sending hugs to you all :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Another girl I know is pregnant, another girl who is younger than me. . . .

Oh and the 'dad' is an absolute arse who already has two children with two other different girls. . . .


Good things happen to bad people, this world seems to be spinning backwards :(
I'm feeling crap because....

1. I just want my angel with me...i would do anything :cry:

2. Everywhere around me is baby..pregnancy....arghh!!!

3. I've been made redundant 2 weeks ago....moneyless and babyless

4. I just want a cuddle and have no one to give me one :cry:

5. i dread saturdays....every satruday is another week along i should be .... should have been 28 weeks pregnant on saturday there :(
Great thread,

I feel crap because my stupid body just miscarried our 4th baby.

I feel crap because everyone seems to be be pregnant and I cannot be happy for any of them not even close friends.

I feel crap because I must make the worst company, so miserable, sad and have nothing to say.

I feel crap because I have only been married for 1 year and already I feel like our marriage is over because of all we have been through has torn us apart.

I feel sad that my belly is empty, I should have a 4 month old baby, I miss all my angel babies and dont understand why any of them were taken from me. I wish the lump in my throat would some day go so I dont feel like I'm about to burst into tears at every little thing.

Phew I feel a little better now.xx
I feel crap as when hunting around for my P45 I found loads of stuff from my bounty pack :(
I feel crap because I think it's my fault we can't get pregnant, probably why we lost the baby too :(

I wish the FS would just 'do' something rather than tests (not logical but hey :( )

It's coming up to the date when I got my first BFP on 31st July 2009 (my hubby's birthday) I was so excited and didn't have any idea what a load of crap I would be in for (3 m/c's later) and currently waiting for tests results for recurrent m/c. Feel like I am going insane and so difficult not even being able to try for another baby.

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