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The importance Of Reduced Fetal Movements And Movement Guidelines

My mother had a baby between my sister and I that died from an umbilical cord accident so I have become extremely worried about movement. I have been working more (its just retail, nothing strenuous, but I am trying to rack up hours before I have to leave) so I know I am throwing both me and the baby's pattern off. I dont feel her move at all when I am at work and yesterday that started to worry me, but I laid down, had a Popsicle, and felt her move again.

I am 34 weeks (just about). I know that the movements can slow down or not be as intense. I asked my OBGYN and she said as long as I can lay down, relax, and feel some movement then the baby is ok. I just still get worried after what happened to my mother and dont know what is instincts and what is paranoia.

:hugs: So sorry for your mums loss.
I think while you're at work you're probably rocking baby to sleep with your movement. I think as long as when you do stop and rest that you feel baby you'd be ok. But, honestly if you're worried ever then ring your doctor xx
hi there - ive just read your story thats crazy. so glad you are both okay - how many weeks were you ? im nearly 33 weeks and i feel my little girl alot less than before - i do feel movements throughout the day but less intense and not as many as before ?? should i ring the hospital ?

If you are having less movements then yes you should be seen, remember your health care providers are there to provide reassurance.

My mother had a baby between my sister and I that died from an umbilical cord accident so I have become extremely worried about movement. I have been working more (its just retail, nothing strenuous, but I am trying to rack up hours before I have to leave) so I know I am throwing both me and the baby's pattern off. I dont feel her move at all when I am at work and yesterday that started to worry me, but I laid down, had a Popsicle, and felt her move again.

I am 34 weeks (just about). I know that the movements can slow down or not be as intense. I asked my OBGYN and she said as long as I can lay down, relax, and feel some movement then the baby is ok. I just still get worried after what happened to my mother and dont know what is instincts and what is paranoia.

:hugs: I am so sorry for your Mum's loss, and for your anxiousness. I think being busy means she may be moving but you are just too busy to feel her. I ust want to point out that at no pont in pregnancy should your baby's movements slow down, you should be getting as many as you were before whether you are 28 weeks, 31 weeks, 35 weeks, 39 weeks or 42 weeks. The movements will feel different at different points, later on they may feel lie nudges rather than kicks but they should always be pronounced, strong movements as regular as ever :hugs:
All day i have been wondering "is he in there"
I can feel him hick-up,
and every once in a while i will feel a weird bump...

he is usually VERY active.
I am 30 weeks today, and can always see him make my belly move.

I tried water (lots of it) laying on my side, eating sweets, drinking juice, Everything.

I finally felt him move a little more.. but not much, felt like he was knocking on my cervix.

i phoned my mother, asking her what i should do, she told me to calm down..

everyone thinks i just worry...
maybe i do, but if something isnt right i need to be seen!

i woke up feeling VERY sick, sore throat, weak body.
Im wondering if the two are related.

i would drive myself to L&D but dont have my own car:(...
it makes me feel so useless,

I did phone labor and delivery, they said i should be seen by a doctor...
unfortunately i am in the process of switching doctors- i feel like i have no one taking care of us! its not a nice feeling!
at 30 weeks, I had a few days where i felt very little movement if any... My rule of thumb though, if ur worried, or even consider being concerned, call. Better safe than sorry.
All day i have been wondering "is he in there"
I can feel him hick-up,
and every once in a while i will feel a weird bump...

he is usually VERY active.
I am 30 weeks today, and can always see him make my belly move.

I tried water (lots of it) laying on my side, eating sweets, drinking juice, Everything.

I finally felt him move a little more.. but not much, felt like he was knocking on my cervix.

i phoned my mother, asking her what i should do, she told me to calm down..

everyone thinks i just worry...
maybe i do, but if something isnt right i need to be seen!

i woke up feeling VERY sick, sore throat, weak body.
Im wondering if the two are related.

i would drive myself to L&D but dont have my own car:(...
it makes me feel so useless,

I did phone labor and delivery, they said i should be seen by a doctor...
unfortunately i am in the process of switching doctors- i feel like i have no one taking care of us! its not a nice feeling!

have you seen anyone yet hun? please go to your maternity unit! xx
zbaby you really need to be seen, by anyone even if it means going to a ER/A&E.
This morning he seems to be moving around more.
I find it so hard to get the balance between being paranoid and listening to my body!

Our LO has a bit of a pattern but id not set my watch by him! some mornings he gets up at 4/5 am and will wake me- others he wont! only thing that is consistent is i should feel him between 9-11pm. i wouldnt call him a very active baby but will move every day. sometimes he has a mad day (like thursday after my US) and then he needs a dya or two of quiet time to rest! during the quiet time he does still move.

he reminds me a lot of DH who could sleep for 24 hrs straight if left to do it but get him started and he works hard, LO is same- lazy days and mad days!

sorry for the ramble- not really making much point other than i find it hard to monitor!

did worry about him today as didnt feel him for ages but i was on a long walk- had a good few kick since ive come home tho! xxx
In light of a very recent post in third tri that yet another perfect little baby has been lost, please please please get yourself to the hospital and get checked if you are even the slightest bit concerned about your babies movements or anything else for that matter, You can never be too cautious or worried, it could be a matter of life or death.

xmagsx :hugs:

My thoughts are with the mother and family of the little one who is now so sadly with the other angel babies. :hugs:
I've decided to start keeping a wiggle log... I always pay attention to her movements but I'm going to start writing it down in case there is any dramatic shift from her usual pattern.
I've decided to start keeping a wiggle log... I always pay attention to her movements but I'm going to start writing it down in case there is any dramatic shift from her usual pattern.

Thats a really good idea!
Im always worried about this,
so surely that will help, thanks for sharing

hope nobody minds me posting this, it has a link to a kick chart .... i will be printing and using this :thumbup:
Hi girls!

I feel like my story warrants sharing..

The evening of April 12th I didn't feel any fetal movement (I was 37w1d at the time). I have an anterior placenta, so don't often feel much, but it was a bit disconcerting not to feel anything at all - especially after drinking a cold coke and eating a popsicle.

I deliberated going to the hospital (I know a lot of people who go - and everything ends up being fine). Anyways, just before midnight, my husband and I decided to go. We were exhausted - I was still working at that point.

They put me on a heartrate monitor right away - and the baby's heartbeat was a strong 140. I thought they'd send us home after that. However, because of the reduced fetal movement, they were also measuring for spikes in the heartrate, to indicate movement. I was on the monitor until 4:30am, and didn't get the needed spikes (even after they gave me cold drinks and food). They decided to try again the next morning. At this point, I wasn't worried at all, because the baby had a strong heartbeat - I was just trying to figure out what time I'd be able to make it into work the next day!

At 7am we started the monitoring again, and nothing. At 10:30 I went in for an ultrasound. That's when things became a bit worrisome. The radiologist said that there was very little amniotic flud left (their theory is that I have a condition called oligohydramnios - in which there is very little amnotic fluid). We were sent back upstairs. A few minutes later, the doctor came - and said that the baby was not happy where he was, and was coming out today.

It freaked me out. We tried natural induction - but the baby reacted negatively to the drug used. Within an hour, I had a c-section. All went well with the operation, and I delivered a beautiful baby boy, Cooper Alexander McCall, weighing in at 4 pounds 5 ounces (an IUGR baby - which is why they think I had oligohydramnios). He was hypoglycemic and had jaundice in the beginning, and we were kept in the hospital for a week - but he's in perfect health now:)

Anyways, all this to say, we're very happy. Also - if you ever feel reduced fetal movements - don't think you're just being silly and too worried - go and get it checked..

Good luck with all your pregnancies!
volley thank you for sharing your story, I am so glad you went and got seen and that baby Cooper is doing well now x
thanks for sharing your story volley... im so glad all turned out good for you :hugs:
Wow. Glad your LO was okay. Good to trust those instincts!
Volley, i just replied to your post in 3rd tri. so glad your little boy arrived safely. thank you for sharing xxx

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