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The importance Of Reduced Fetal Movements And Movement Guidelines

I dont see what the BP is just can hear a fast hb.

I have a scan on Monday so I will probably wait till then as i am feeling movement here and there just not the crazy movement that im normally used to!

Aaah yeah just hearing a heartbeat doesnt let you know what it is doing. Okay but if you do get more worried ring, that is what they are there for x
Hi just to let you know im having a lil boy :).

Baby is perfect and im getting good kicks everyday x
Thank you everyone. All is ok although i went to DRS this morning cos of sharp pains i was getting in stomach low down but she said it was just baby. Baby is very active so im sure she is right. Looking forward to my next scan to see if my placenta has moved :)
ive gone in a few times for reduced movement, and am always told im worrying too much and that im just not feeling the movements that she makes.
well i went 3 days hardly feeling a thing! id get a small wriggle and thats it.i finally listened to my instincts instead of worrying about whether they were going to look down on me . went to the dr and was sent to hospital. then admitted for the night as her heartbeat was quite low and they werent picking up any movements. i was put on a few bags of IV fluids and put on a ctg in the morning and her HB was decelling to 80-90bpm. was being prepped for a c-section early, but she decided to perk up and her HB remained in the 150-160bpm range for 7 hours so was sent home finally :) ive been having more movement in the last 12 hours then i had in the previous 4 days put together.
please get checked. who cares if they think you are fussing, its your baby, not theirs, you know when something isnt right.
:hugs: hugs to everyone

Here's my story -I'd been to hospital once already with reduced fetal movements at 34 ish weeks but was reassured that I just had a lazy baby who didn't move that much! Well at 36 weeks I didn't feel ANYTHING aaall day one day and believe me I'd tried absolutely everything! I was having a few early labour signs too so I thought right I'm going back to the hospital! They monitored his heartbeat and this time I could tell they were a little bit concerned, they kept me in overnight and then sent me for a scan the next morning. They still couldn't get him to move, and his heart rate at this point kept dropping so they rushed me straight up onto te labour ward. The consultant came to see me and at this point Leos heart pretty much stopped so before I even knew what was happening I was in theatre and he had been born! At this point he had stopped breathing and needed to be resuscitated for 9 minutes. It was the longest 9 minutes of my life!! Turns out he was getting extremely distressed because my placenta had become old too quickly so wasn't giving him enough oxygen/nurtrients.

If I had left it a couple of days, Leo would 100% not be here with me now! Don't hesitate ladies, trust your instincts! xxxxx

Here's my story -I'd been to hospital once already with reduced fetal movements at 34 ish weeks but was reassured that I just had a lazy baby who didn't move that much! Well at 36 weeks I didn't feel ANYTHING aaall day one day and believe me I'd tried absolutely everything! I was having a few early labour signs too so I thought right I'm going back to the hospital! They monitored his heartbeat and this time I could tell they were a little bit concerned, they kept me in overnight and then sent me for a scan the next morning. They still couldn't get him to move, and his heart rate at this point kept dropping so they rushed me straight up onto te labour ward. The consultant came to see me and at this point Leos heart pretty much stopped so before I even knew what was happening I was in theatre and he had been born! At this point he had stopped breathing and needed to be resuscitated for 9 minutes. It was the longest 9 minutes of my life!! Turns out he was getting extremely distressed because my placenta had become old too quickly so wasn't giving him enough oxygen/nurtrients.

If I had left it a couple of days, Leo would 100% not be here with me now! Don't hesitate ladies, trust your instincts! xxxxx

So glad lil Leo is all ok sweetie. I was told my midwife to monitor movement from 27 weeks but from now on I should feel him every day. If i dnt and i have tried everything i will not hestitate on going to hosp. i dnt care if im up there everyweek. X
I've got a squirmy little bean :dance:

I want to track fetal movement but I don't want to get too obsessive about it. For example how do you know she isn't moving because she's napping? :shrug:

I have loads more reading to do about it.
I've got a squirmy little bean :dance:

I want to track fetal movement but I don't want to get too obsessive about it. For example how do you know she isn't moving because she's napping? :shrug:

I have loads more reading to do about it.

Hi there,

you'll know as the further along you get you will become familiar with your babies pattern of movements and if that changes you'll will notice, I hope this helps you, but there are guidelines that say you should be feeling at least 10 movements per 24 hours, but thats just guidelines, only you as a mother to be will know your own babies movements best, so please dont ever be put off getting checked even if you are only slighlty concerned, remember its their job to look after you and your baby.

Take care, xmagsx :hugs:
What do you do if your baby is just generally kind of quiet? I'm at 28 weeks and so far my LO's only real pattern is being active late at night and very still in the afternoon. I feel some movement off and on during the rest of the day but usually at different times and with varying intensity. Part of this is probably because I have an anterior placenta, and also because my LO is all squished up and facing toward my spine according to my last ultrasound.

I just don't know how to monitor her movement when it's so sporadic. If I went to the doctor every time I was worried about RFM I would be going several times a week lol. I mentioned this to my OB at my appointment last week and she just said that it was normal, which didn't really make me feel better...
What do you do if your baby is just generally kind of quiet? I'm at 28 weeks and so far my LO's only real pattern is being active late at night and very still in the afternoon. I feel some movement off and on during the rest of the day but usually at different times and with varying intensity. Part of this is probably because I have an anterior placenta, and also because my LO is all squished up and facing toward my spine according to my last ultrasound.

I just don't know how to monitor her movement when it's so sporadic. If I went to the doctor every time I was worried about RFM I would be going several times a week lol. I mentioned this to my OB at my appointment last week and she just said that it was normal, which didn't really make me feel better...

My baby doesnt have a pattern too. My Midwife said you will just know when to worry and when its ok. You will get a idea of a good amount for your baby to move so just go by that. Hope it helps, i was also worried as he doesnt have a pattern x
hi there - ive just read your story thats crazy. so glad you are both okay - how many weeks were you ? im nearly 33 weeks and i feel my little girl alot less than before - i do feel movements throughout the day but less intense and not as many as before ?? should i ring the hospital ?
i no longer feel big kicks anymore just movements like the limbs and his head move(hopefully down and he is still breeched). Movements shouldnt decrease but just become less intense and strong due to the lack of space.

ALWAYS get checked if worried, remember this is your baby! I just tell myself that I would never forgive myself if something happened and i didnt get checked.
My mother had a baby between my sister and I that died from an umbilical cord accident so I have become extremely worried about movement. I have been working more (its just retail, nothing strenuous, but I am trying to rack up hours before I have to leave) so I know I am throwing both me and the baby's pattern off. I dont feel her move at all when I am at work and yesterday that started to worry me, but I laid down, had a Popsicle, and felt her move again.

I am 34 weeks (just about). I know that the movements can slow down or not be as intense. I asked my OBGYN and she said as long as I can lay down, relax, and feel some movement then the baby is ok. I just still get worried after what happened to my mother and dont know what is instincts and what is paranoia.

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