It certainly took me a while to make peace with myself for combination feeding my LO - he is mainly FF but has some BM every day, but when i did, i honestly feel like i could shout it from the roof tops!!
My poor LO had his head grabbed, twisted and forced on to my breast at the hospital, and he absolutely screamed the place down- when i gave him a syringe of formula the midwife came and 'had a word with me' - asking why i had done what i did and made me feel like i had just fed him poison! they even had a disclaimer form they wanted you to sign if u wanted them to give your baby formula!!!
What those numpties failed to spot was that my poor LO had a broken collar bone on his Right, and a torn sternocleidomastoid muscle on his left!! so no matter which side i tried to feed him on, it was obviously very painful for himl!
They just kept saying, 'oooh isn't he fractious', and one particular gem was 'Is he always like this?!' Errr, hello?? I've only known him for ONE day!!!
it wasn't until my community midwife saw us at home that she spotted the break- the very first time she held him!
I feel they spent way to much time shoving BF down my throat when they should have been taking more care to check my baby was ok.
My poor sister exclusively BF both her girls, now 7 and 9yrs and they both had colic, both had eczema, one had chicken pox at 3 months, they both have all the colds and coughs under the sun and they both are total nightmares when it comes to eating now!!! so all those apparent benefits are not showing themselves to her! and she spent the first few months absolutely shattered, feeding every 2hrs, and losing so much weight she was a gaunt shadow of her former self! It was 3 months before she went to sleep before midnight!!
A current friend is exclusively BF and her LO has been in hospital with bronchiolitis, yet another ailment that is supposed to be less likely in BF babies!!
Touch wood, my combination fed baby hasn't had any colds or coughs, even though i have been ill myself since he was born, he is bang on the 50th percentile, he sleeps like a dream and has done since about 3 weeks, and he is a lovely happy smiley baby!!
Whilst i think being able to grow a baby on BM alone is fantastic, and i have a lot of respect for those who do, it is not the be all and end all!! Me and both my sisters are all FF babies who have turned into healthy strong adults! MY DH was given carnation milk when he was a baby and he has much better immunity than even i do!!!
It frustrates me that BF'ing seems to be more of a priority than the mothers own mental health/ sanity. Surely a happy mum to a FF baby is better than a miserable mum to a BF baby??