Just looking for some advice/support really. I think I've finally decided to completely give up on the BF. I just don't think it's ever worked for us. At the beginning, she was constantly feeding. I had so much conflicting advice from midwives and got so so confused. I was told feeding 5/10 mins was fine. I also got told to make her go longer. She wanted food all the time. Probably because she wasn't getting enough, but I couldn't make her have more. I didn't know how much she was getting and she wasn't settled to sleep. I then moved onto expressing, and giving through a bottle with some dentinox infacol type stuff. This has helped as I can see how much she's getting. But now I have the problem that I don't usually get time to express. If she goes back down on a morning, I might get chance, but yesterday there was no time! Today my boobs hurt like crazy! I feel guilty that I'm giving it up, and people keep trying to say they can help me continue, but I can't see it working for us. People don't seem to understand why I'm giving it up. But I need some sanity.