The LTTTC thread for everyone.

Good morning ladies!!! Almost time for Thanksgiving and then Christmas!! I don't have to cook so I am just enjoying the holiday sseason!

Readyformore, that dream you had got me mad at my dh and I wasn't even the one who had the dream, lol.

I'm looking forward to starting Clomid+injectibles+HCG trigger next cycle. I was so down after my FS appointment, but now I've been trying to focus on all the reasons this may work for me instead of the reasons it won't. I'm also allowing myself to dream about having twins since I keep reading about how common it is when you have a trigger. I know they are a lot of work and I'd worry about dd having to adjust, but one the other hand, if I had twins, I would be totally done TTC and I'd never have to go through this hell again. My perfect family size is three, but with how hard it's been this time around I am already dreading TTC #3 before I even know whether #2 is possible or not.
My perfect family size is three, but with how hard it's been this time around I am already dreading TTC #3 before I even know whether #2 is possible or not.

Makes sense to me. I had wanted 5 kids, but IF #4 comes along, there's frankly no way in HELL that I would ttc again......................but I also remember saying that I would never do IUI again after my first son, and I've done 4 more. :blush:

Good luck with your upcoming cycle Cali. :thumbup:

Happy Thanksgiving to all the US ladies. We will spend the day with my parents and I will bring lots of appetizers and help my mom cook. Then we will go to dinner #2 with my husband's huge extended family. Lots of eating to be had in the next few days. :thumbup:
readyformore, wow, you are going to be busy! Sounds like so much fun!

Completely random, but I was doing some googling to get more information on Clomid/injectibles/triggers and I found this site for women who are purposely TTC multiples and I was surprised at how active it was. There was this one woman who had just joined and already had a set of twins and was looking to conceive another set of twins. She said she was sooooo happy to have found the site because she was going around telling everyone that her first set of twins were naturally conceived with no drugs, and so she had no one she could really talk to about her quest to TTC twins again outside of her husband. She was going to tell everyone for her second set of twins that they were also conceived naturally and chalked it up to the "twins run in my family" line.

I may be PMSing, but I was really ticked about this woman's need to have people think that she was getting pregnant with twins naturally without the use of fertility drugs. Why would anyone care whether you are conceiving naturally or with a little help??

There was a lot of good info on the site about fertility drugs, but I really couldn't relate to most of the women on that site. They all seemed a little Octomom-lite. Though I would be over the moon if I got pregnant with twins, I would give anything to be able to conceive two more singletons without any help. I just can't imagine purposely doing that to yourself when you don't have to.
I'm telling you guys people lie about their fertility all the time...
Cali - my closet friend had 2 sets of twins 21 months apart. Both spontaneous conceptions and both conceived on cycle #1! She has a benign pituitary tumor and I wonder if it makes her secrete higher leveles of hormones? It has worked nice for her, and she actually wanted a second set after her first set. We are very different and to each their own, but the thought scares me silly.

I don't know how often people lie about their fertiltiy. Sometimes even I do. I just might not have the emotional energy to deal with a conversation about it. Like one time someone asked me if I was having more kids. I'm still not sure how to answer that question and didn't feel like discussing it. I was caught off guard and told her we weren't very careful about birth control. Hahahaha

My oldest is a clomid/iui baby. I can't say that I ever hid that info but I haven't broadcasted it either. At the time, I found to be careful with whom I shared my infertility experience. Not everyone was understanding or supportive.................everyone here can relate I am sure. My husbands family is also highly religious and I anticipated hearing their opinions on the matter. I don't share their stong views and didn't care for their opinion so I never discussed fertility treatments with them. Its frankly none of their business. My parents knew. Just recently I told my husbands sisters and one of them was surprised but hugely supportive. How could she not be? Her nephew is here playing with her kids.
Now he's 10 and its just really not an issue at all. I didn't think about him being different than natural conception. Its obviously not a topic I discuss with him but I might if he is struggling with infertility as an adult. I will reminesce with the kids about when they were born etc. I have told my first that I had to wait a long time for him. And I told my second that he was impatient and couldn't wait to join our family.
Milty, I have been very naive but now I am starting to give some people a major side eye. Now I'm starting to wonder about the women who insist they still got pregnant while taking bcps and using condoms. Some women really ego trip when it comes to fertility.

ready4more, see I can understand someone telling a white lie or being coy because they don't want to have to discuss their personal business--I definitely do that too--but this woman was a total fraud! She was a young woman with no fertility issues and two older children. She got some clomid online from Mexico and took it without a doctor's prescription. I think she has the right to do that if she wants to, but I think that she crossed the line by volunteering to people that they were naturally conceived.

That is pretty amazing about your friend's twins! I wouldn't want two sets of twins but it must be nice to be able to get exactly what you want.
I used to work at place very unfriendly to families. Over the course of 6 years we had 8 women get pg. according to them 6 of them were using BC and sometimes two forms of it.

That is statistically impossible And if true we would all kinds of people trying to figure out why.

Just like almost everyone tells you the get pg 1st try...if do how is it the avg is 1 year? If it were true the the avg would be close to 1 month.
I feel really guilty that I'd not been here for ages :blush: nothing much really to say tbh except I've had a kick up the ar*e from a few good girls on here to try and take matters into my own hands. So to bring up to date:

DH has done 2 SA's :thumbup: one okay, the second not so okay :nope:. His Dr told him not to worry, they weren't horrendous, all :spermy: have their 'off days' and it only takes one shot. My Dr is convinced he is the problem as I have no 'other symptoms' (well none that she's prepared to do anything about anyway :growlmad:), no irregularity, spotting, bleeding, cramping, hair (where it's not supposed to be), spots etc and therefore there is no need to test me further other than bloods to see if I'm Oing. But DH understandably and not unkindly has said how do you know there's nothing wrong in there :shrug: well the point is I don't. So I'm back to my Dr on 4th Dec to ask/insist she does and HSG for me (she has said in the past there is no need and more harm than good can be done if I don't need one - but I'm not getting preg!!! And even I know ladies on here with disastrous SA' that have still got preg), and if she still won't them I'm going to go private....

In the meantime I've upped the supps to include DHEA and I'm still trying to convince DH to take his (don't go there he is not helping on this.....) and I'm trying hard to make sure that the few :sex: we have are at the right time, not always easy when it doesn't fall at a weekend. DH just doesn't wanna know during the week, even though I've told him about the birds and the bees....

So that's where I'm at. Tbh I feel like I have more chance of an immaculate conception at the moment......:haha:

Big hugs everyone xXx
Oh Jax I'm so glad you are taking charge!!!

I do think an HSG would be good. Even if you something very minor it could slow things down for you when your not able to inedate youself with sperm.

Other than the day 21 O test I suggest maybe doing a thyroid test. You can do this at your regular doctor. It's really good to know for general health as well.

You may also consider temping again just for a few months to see if there is any patterns.

:hugs: love ya sweets
Hi everyone i have been lurking here too! I had pelvic ultrasound and will do 21 day bloods and 23..The tech said she didn't tthink i had just ovulated so maybe that is a component of it. I also might have a lap done soon...Taking charge tired of this crap at least i will know i have done what i can

The tech said everything looked normal to her on the pelvic which was true my first time around too but the endo they could find a bit with the lap.
I know that feeling Alison :hugs: If I never get to be a Mum I'll have to live with it, but just have to know that I've done what I can....

Milty :hugs: I think she's done my thyroid with the bloods and all seemed okay but I'm gonna check and I know there's no such word as can't but I can't temp it just doesn't do it for me, I start off with all good intentions and then it goes down the pan :dohh: :blush:
Good morning ladies!!! I had a great Thanksgiving holiday and ate entirely too much! AF should start this week and then I'll be starting Clomid if my cyst has resolved and there are no new ones.

Jax, that is so weird that your doc won't give you a HSG. I've always heard that they can help even when there are no problems. If nothing else, it helps your peace of mind when it's all clear. I hate it when doctors start to guess at what is wrong and make it sound like their guess is the gospel truth.
I hope he starts to think outside of the box soon and look at other issues. I would be beyond frustrated if I were you!

Hi alison!!!

Good morning to everyone else!!!
So that's where I'm at. Tbh I feel like I have more chance of an immaculate conception at the moment......:haha:

Well..........Happy is waiting for Jesus to come knocking on her door. Now you're thinking immaculate conception is the only option for you. Maybe we will get some Christmas miracles around here. :xmas6::thumbup::hugs:

I'm glad you're taking charge Jax and looking into things. :thumbup: I can't believe that your doc is giving you such a headache over an HSG. What's the big deal? It could at least give you peace of mind that everything is fine.

Have you been really pushy? I'd try that and see if it gets you anywhere.
Hi everyone i have been lurking here too! I had pelvic ultrasound and will do 21 day bloods and 23..The tech said she didn't tthink i had just ovulated so maybe that is a component of it. I also might have a lap done soon...Taking charge tired of this crap at least i will know i have done what i can

The tech said everything looked normal to her on the pelvic which was true my first time around too but the endo they could find a bit with the lap.

Oh good luck Alison. :thumbup:
I know that you've mentioned endo in the past.

Have you had problems before with not ovulating regularly?
I ate way too much too Cali. Honestly, when I hopped onto the scale today, I was shocked that it said the same number.

Good luck with the clomid. :thumbup: I hope your cyst is gone and you can start this cycle.

Hi to Bmom, Crystal, Milty, HOpeful, More4, Bam,LL, and everyone else. :flower:
Where is everyone? :shrug:

If we're all tired of ttc talk we can discuss recipes or something else. :haha:
Or anything. My husband is out of town so I'm doing lots of night time surfing. :haha:
I gained 3 pounds...I now weigh more than I did 9 months pg and 25 pounds more than I was in July.:blush:

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