the madhouse!!! All crazies welcome :) x

Are you got to try per-seed this cycle?

Yep yep yep!!!! :happydance:. We conceived our little boy in the third cycle of trying and it was also the first time using pre-seed - although we ran out the day before ovulation! This is a bit loopy, but I had heard pre-seed can sway for boys slightly - of course I just want a healthy happy baby, but I would so love to have a little girl :blush: so was a bit reluctant to use the pre-seed from the start this time around. 2 cycles later - I am losing patience, I don't drink enough water and I don't think my EWCM is particularly good during ov, so pre-seed and slippery bd'ing here we come! :happydance: :haha:

If we conceive this cycle there will be a lot of parallels with when we conceived our little boy (fingers crossed it is a sign :happydance:) - using pre-seed, 3rd cycle of trying and a very similar due date.

Is conceive-plus basically the same thing Stacey? I hadn't come across it before you mentioned it. Not long to go for you! It's nice all our ov dates are staggered now. As soon as I get over the disappointment of af arriving, I get back on here to see how you are doing, knowing you're that bit closer to ov! Crossing my fingers and toes for you this cycle - third time lucky!!!!!
Hi ladies, well we had the worst time this morning, we woke up this morning to find we had been broken into :cry: they took a lot! My oh van with all his decorating stuff in the back (he's a painter and decorator) took the tv jacks nintendo dsi, my handbag with purse and cards and cash. Ipod and more :( its been awful!!! My oh is now out looking for his van as is all our friends and family because there wasn't a lot of diesel in the van oh was worrid he wouldn't even make it to the petrol staition up the road so hoping it gets found dumped somewere! So I'm not a happy bunny today I'm actually gutted but it will all work itself out in the end. Don't mean to bring u all down just wanted to tell u as I feel u are my friends now :hugs: hope everyone is doing well xxx
Hi ladies, well we had the worst time this morning, we woke up this morning to find we had been broken into :cry: they took a lot! My oh van with all his decorating stuff in the back (he's a painter and decorator) took the tv jacks nintendo dsi, my handbag with purse and cards and cash. Ipod and more :( its been awful!!! My oh is now out looking for his van as is all our friends and family because there wasn't a lot of diesel in the van oh was worrid he wouldn't even make it to the petrol staition up the road so hoping it gets found dumped somewere! So I'm not a happy bunny today I'm actually gutted but it will all work itself out in the end. Don't mean to bring u all down just wanted to tell u as I feel u are my friends now :hugs: hope everyone is doing well xxx

Oh no!!! How horrible! I would be so angry! In fact, I AM angry and it's not even my stuff! There's no boxing smilie so here, how about if I just ninja their butts!? :ninja: Cuz I will! :ninja:

My ninja is dancing because I beat them up.. yeah.
Oh god Jacksmummy - that's awful. So sorry hun. Vent away - that is what we are here for. Have you had any news about the van yet? Just wanted to say am thinking of you here. That has got to be the lowest of the low, stealing off a child and his family. Hope the police can catch whoever did it. Take care, and lots of hugs hun xx
Jacks mummy -:hugs: What an awful thing to happen after Christmas! I hope they catch the nasty people that did this! Will you be able to get some stuff back on the insurance? Just keep thinking about your impending ovulation and the potential joy it could bring!
Lucy Lu- Sorry to hear you're out. Fingers crossed for next month!
mmdrago - keep us posted!
Hope everyone else is well and happy!

I am driving myself potty with paranoia! I'm constantly checking that my boobs are still sore and get all worried about what I might discover every time I go to the toilet. Seeing my GP on Friday and may see what the chances are of a slightly earlier scan to put my mind at ease. All this stress isn't good but I just can't help it. :wacko:

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to you all
Thanks girls! Glad to no your here for me!! I just makes me feel sick to no someone was in my home while my son was upstairs! They still havnt found the van :cry: just abit sad ah well on the ttc front I'm on cd12 should ov in 2days so even tho me and oh are really sad we still got to do the baby dance lol oh well it may cheer him up alittle :) xX
So sorry to hear about your break in. Its awful when it happens we had it happen once was yuck knowing Id slept through it. Just glad your all ok...things can be replaced people are much more precious :)
Oh Jacksmummy that is crap, I hope the van shows up! Some people are real poos. Like Jasmine said at least you're all alright - take care sweetie x
Oh my bonkers... So I am having the craziest mood swings/irritability ever. My dogs possibly think I'm hitler and I just want to punch everything in the face. LOL! Gawd I dunno what is my issue today. I gave myself a headache from yelling! :(
I think we all have days like that hun! Hope ur feeling abit better now! Well still havnt found his van and prob won't. :( well I should be ovulating tmoro!! Woop!! Havnt got any pains as of yet but I'll feel them when they come! Havnt bought ov tests so really is down to me this month also not gunna tell oh less stress for him that way I will be glad to get bk in the 2ww there is always hope then! :) I do how ever think next month may be my month don't no why just have a feeling month 4 maybe it. Hope its this month tho we didn't :sex: last nite cos neither of us were up for it but we did it this morning and gunna tnite aswell, (its really weird that I can tell you all about my sex life and it dosnt feel weird haha) anyway thanks for all the kind works yest and I am feeling abit better today xxx :dust: to everyone!! Mmdrago when are you due to test? Xxx
Hi Ladies,

Sorry to hear about your break-in Jacksmummy, such cruel people in this world. But like the others have said, the main thing is that you and your family are ok. :thumbup:

Sorry have been quiet on here, well af was meant to arrive on tuesday but didnt and still hasnt. I test wed morning which was negative, so im not getting my hopes up as last month i was a week late, just wish my cycles would go back to normal :wacko:

Hope everyone else is ok and settling into 2011 ok ...

Lots of Babydust to us allll :dust::dust:

Good luck mmdrago! - maybe your weird feelings are a sign! I hope so.

Have you had any ov pains yet JM? So exciting you are getting close again!

Hi DMJ - good to see you on here again. Hope your cycles sort themselves out really soon.

Well, I am suddenly feeling a huge wave of positivity for this month...Operation Bean here we come! I am wavering on the not using opks pledge... I know, I am useless, esp. after my long winded message full of resolve to just trust my body... looking at the tube of pre-seed tho, there doesn't look like much in there and my cycles are regular in so much as I've now had 2 consecutive 32/33 day cycles, but before that they were anything btw 34 and 38 days... so basically I am worried about starting too early with the pre-seed and then running out of it right at the crucial time!...

....So basically I am gonna be a TTC-frenzied nut job to the end!... I have some other plans this month too - it all got a bit mechanical last month, so up until the positive opk am gonna take things easier a bit more and not keep bd'ing 'just in case', just go with the flow and do it if we feel like it. I think I made myself really dry last month by over-doing it... plus it also put pressure on OH - so I'm not gonna talk about it this month, a bit like you mentioned JM.

...Also, and some of you might be interested in this, but I read this article that talked about 'Happy husband = pregnant wife' - such a man's article, but so true - it was saying the more turned on you can get OH, the more sperm he is going to produce, thus the greater likelihood you will get pregnant... makes sense to me, plus we get to have some real fun in the process!!

Aw and on another note, our little boy is 15 months today - I don't know where the time goes, but he is becoming such a lovely little boy - so much fun and really so responsive now and into everything. I just can't wait to have a little brother or sister for him - I think it would just complete our little family.

...Sorry for my usual rambling - is great to get things off your chest on here. Baby dust to everyone! x
Hi all
Well I have my appointment through for the gynae specialist (31st Jan) Im hoping they will be able to help me with my PCOS Plan A being to loose weight and Plan B being to get pregnant and keep the pregnancy. My lastest scan showed that I now have cysts on both ovaries but good to know Im still ovulating and getting pregnant just maybe need to improve the quality of the eggs. Hubby and I spoke a bit today not about anything inparticular but we were talking :) and he was smiling which makes me happy, also had a cuddle so Yay! might be turning the corner since the MC and starting to become a couple again. I hope so anyway

On the good side Ive lost 6lbs since boxing day so YAY weight going down
jacks mummy - I will be 10 DPO tomorrow and I actually did a test today for kicks. It was neg but I expected that, way too early. I'll probably start testing tomorrow until AF but I don't feel like I have the same anxiety I had last time so that's good. GL this month, and next (if you need it! ;))

lucy lu - thanks!! Need all the luck I can get! ANd good luck to you for this month! I'm not even gonna preach try not to stress cause that's all I ever do around O day heh

jasmine_rose - Hope everything goes well at your appointment and awesome job on the weight loss! keep it up! take progress pics for yourself they are amazing motivators!
Hi guys, you all sound like a fabulous group of people!!! Mind if I join you on the TTC rollercoaster??? A bit about me. My husband and I have been married/TTC since September 2010 so this is my 4th mth TTC. I am due to ovulate any time between now and Thurs so should be b'ding my little heart out but had my heart so set on on a Xmas BFP and well, you all know how the story goes :cry:. I think that the worst part of it is that because we've decided not to tell anyone about the whole TTC thing, I feel really alone - which is how I've come across this website / you all. I never realised how bad I am at keeping secrets until now ....
Hi KB38 - welcome to the fun! This thread has been a great source of support and it's so exciting to see the bfps coming through each month! Hope this is your lucky month. I'm a few days behind you - reckon I will ovulate around the 22nd - so will be spurring you on in the meantime while I wait! Congrats on your wedding. Will this be your first baby?

Jasmine_Rose - glad to hear you and hubby are feeling in a better place, and wow on the weight gain, that is impressive!

Hi mmdrago - will be looking out for any news! - lots of baby dust to you hun x
Woo hoo! - my ticker says 15 days to go till ov! - just a fortnight to wait till the next stage! Does anyone else find af days are the fastest part of the month?! - Once I get over the first day of angst and moodiness that the witch has got me, it seems to fly - I think it's because I'm not obsessing over how I could get or could be pregnant at this time!... I realise fleetingly that there is life beyond TTC before ov comes back round and I turn into a total nutter again!
Hi Lucy Lu, thanks for the congratulations. We've been together for about 10 years so the wedding started out as a bit of a formality but, once our mothers got involved, it bordered on being an extravagnza. Anyway, I'm relieved it is out of the way (not in a bad way, just a lot of planning etc) and can now focus on TTC. This will be #1. It sounds a bit of a cliche but when I think back over the lengths my partner and I have gone to in the last 10 years not to conceive, it all seems a bit ridiculous now...

Jasmine Rose, congrats on your weight loss. I have PCOS and, in the last 2 years, have focused and lost about 35 kgs so it really is possible if you put your mind to it and stick 100% to a sensible diet with exercise. I have however put on about 5 kgs since our wedding (too much alcohol and lots of eating on our honeymoon and into Christmas) so I am planning to lose another 10 or so and then I'll be happy again (and, according to my doctor, at my ideal TTC weight). So Christmas and New Year celebrations over, let the healthy eating and exercise begin :happydance:
Hi ladies!!! How are we all doing?? Mmdrago it must be getting close now?! Good luck!
Lucy I'm so glad ur bk with ur pma hopfully this is your month using the preseed!
Jasmine its so good to here u and dh have started to get bk on track I can't imagine the strain it must put on a relationship! And congrats on the weight loss!!! I'm doing weight watchers again I was doing that when I conceived my son so I thought I'd give it a go again this is my first week bk and it going well so I will give u an update on tuesday nite after I've been weighed. Maybe we could be diet buddies aswell as ttc buddies lol
Anyway I'm on cd15 and I think I'm ovulating not got as bad pains as last month but I'm sure I am. But if I don't get preg this month I will go bk to using opk's cos I'm finding the not knowing for definate more stressful than knowing!!lol my poor oh was really ill yest had a sickness bug and just felt really unwell and I told him we didn't have to do the deed but he insisted that he didn't want to ruin our chances for this month so did it anyway BLESS HIM!!! Anyway good luck to all I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!
Kb38 welcome!! So glad to have u! Hope u enjoy been part of our little group. Anything u need just ask xxx

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