Aw u r so kind Stacey hun - can't wait to see baby pics! Wow wouldn't that be so cool to meet everyone in the future. I will lighten up one day once we're into pregnancy and past 12 wk scan and share a little bit more about who I am! We have so many friends with babies or just married, I am totally paranoid someone I know will read my posts and realise it's me!

What are the chances, but hey just in case! We live not too far from London by the way, so a little way from everyone else on here too. We have quite a nice mix of UK and US in our little group don't we?
Feeling a bit flat today. Af arrived with a vengeance at 4am

- I woke with excruciating cramps and had to take ibuprofen, which didn't kick in for a while, so I was literally curled up in a ball in bed trying to make myself more comfortable!

Talk about kick you when you are down

Gotta laugh or I will cry.
Trying to throw myself into my work at the moment, and lots of activities with our little boy to keep my mind off TTC. 3 weeks off ovulation feels like an age away and 5 weeks till next af is due sounds even worse!
Not sure what the plan is for this month yet - I might have one more month of being a bit crazy, sticking with opks and pre-seed. Definitely want to stay away from ICs and HPTs this month though - I'm finding af arriving easier to deal with than seeing bfn after bfn each month! Might start going back to the gym too. Need to keep busy and never got rid of my mummy tummy from having our little boy!
Ooh on a really good note, today i learnt that when I am next on maternity leave my company will pay for our son's 1 day a week childcare if I take out those govt childcare vouchers before I leave work! They are a big company, and despite working silly hours from time to time, they are very good to their staff in terms of benefits. It is fab news as I was just assuming we would have to take him out of nursery as we just couldn't justify paying for it with me not earning on mat leave (he will ...hopefully ...still be some way off 3 yrs when our next child is born, and not yet eligible for the 15hrs free childcare, so i'm really chuffed to hear this today). It means he keeps that consistency of being in nursery which I think is really good for him, and also our next child will get a little one to one time with me too.
oops another essay sorry!

. How is everyone doing today?
PS. I think I have my money on Mmdrago being first, Jasmine_Rose! Not sure why, probably because we knew about her babby a little earlier! x