the madhouse!!! All crazies welcome :) x

Hahahahahahaha lucy LOVE the smilie!! Iv got really big boobs 34FF and they are no fun :( god what are they gunna be like when I'm huge!! Lol
And lucy ur small posts don't count when u post 3 :rofl: :rofl: joking xxxx

Haha good point :haha: - I start reading back again and then think ooh gotta comment on something else! I lurrrve this thread! :cloud9:

Wow Jacksmummy - 34FF is impressive! lol hope that doesn't sound rude :blush: - I am sooo jealous - mine are a waste of space - 34A! - although I did reach the dizzy heights of 34B while breastfeeding :rofl: - and had cleavage for the first time in my life :haha:
Aww lucy really big boobs are not what people think I really dunno y all these women/girls have boob jobs to make them huge I get really bad back ache and rude comments of silly little boys (men) while out my perfect size would be 34C I thought of having them reduced but it can go really wrong and leaves bad scarring! How long did u breast feed I couldn't as I was very ill after having jack and was on a lot of meds so had to bottle feed now I don't no if I feel comfortable breastfeeding??!! Oh I don't no maybe express?? Xx
Hello guys
Sorry I've been MIA, I've been trying to kick start my ttc again along with healthy eating and exercise by going on a jaunt to London to see my best friends. Not sure it was very healthy, may have had one or two cocktails as I am positive this month is out - only bded once again AF had departed and now hubby is working away. Onward and upward tho!

Glad to hear things are going well with the beans :) Loving the scan mmdrago, it does look very snug in there!

Thanks for missing me too Lucy :) Congrats on the job Katie and the appt Jasmine!

I have finally caught up with the thread xx Hope everyone is happy and healthy!
Ohhh I have been soo busy and tired lately! School hours plus 50+ hours of clinicals at the hospital. My head is spinning! Hahah boobs... I have 36D and I often wish I had a little bit smaller, maybe small C or large B ;) Although I keep hearing how boobs will grow after baby and breastfeeding eek!

I had some very faint spotting on Sunday. It was only when I wiped and tinged brown. I'm not going crazy but still a little worried. I know it's normal but just can't help but worry about it.

Hope you feel better jennjenn! I've never been sick around O-day so can't comment there sorry.

jacksmummy excited for your scan! Oh counting down the days it seems like so long!!!

shinona good to hear from you, keep us updated!

Good to hear from you too squeshie!
I agree with you actually JM - 34C sounds ideal - somewhere nice and in the middle. I am relieved they haven't sagged after feeding! - was terrified I was going to end up with small saggy boobs - eek what a picture! - but turned out they are the only part of my body that has gone back to its previous size after having a baby lol! - Typical!

I breastfed for longer than I was expecting in the end. Just assumed I would do it to 5/6 months, around the time he weaned onto solids - but we had a rocky start for the first month, then got to the 6 month point and it was all going much better then, and I just didn't feel ready to stop plus he seemed happy to carry on, so we went up to 10 months - but in the last couple of months, it was only between about 2-3 feeds a day so a lot less frequently. I started to get really nervous with public feeding after 6 months - felt like some people were judging me for 'still' breastfeeding a bigger baby! And I did have some negativity from family about not stopping earlier....

...I reckon the most important thing is to do what feels right for you next time. How you feed is such a personal decision - and it always feels to me like you are damned if you do and damned if you don't - people always seem to put their two pence in about how you feed your baby - winds me right up!

Sounds like you had a rough time of it after Jack was born hun. Tell me to bog off if I am being nosey, but what did you have? Did you suffer for a while?

Hi Squeshie! Mmdrago -how are you doing today? Good ur not too freaked out, try not to worry hun, sure it's all ok and just old blood passing thru x
Haha - is anyone else getting fed up of their facebook ads? Just logged in and got 'FREE for pregnant mums', 'Having a baby?' and all sorts of similar messages down the right hand side of my home page!..... Talk about pressure - YES Mr facebook, we are trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dohh:
Well I had an awful labour ** alert ** for pregnant ladies that are already scared... Well it all started fine but after 32hours of really bad contractions I decided to have an epidural and when u have an epi they hook u up to a monitor to keep and eye on babys heartbeat and contractions also I had been 5cm for 18hours so I was getting fed up they took my temp and I was running a fever they were going to give me antibiotics thru a drip but all of a sudden jacks heart pretty much stopped so I was rushed in for a c-section and they gave me spinal block while a midwife was checking me she then turned round and told me I was 10cm and he was coming so had to push :wacko: I couldnt feel anything and no amount of pushing was helping so they cut me (badly) and used a vontuse to pull him out he came out NOT crying with the cord wrapped around his neck twice but he was fine just in shock and alittle blue lol but I lost a lot of blood and ended up with a really bad infection that they didn't pick up until after I'd gone home and tried to pick jack up and fainted so was rushed bk to hospital and spent 3 nites there without jack then had to move in with my parents for 5weeks cos I was told I could not look after jack as I needed a lot of rest but oh was great and so were my mum and dad taking turns to do night feeds and stuff, so I had a pretty crappy time tbh and labour does scare the hell out of me now but I'm hoping to do it all naturally this time and hope there is no complications and hoping for a much shorter than 38hours!! Lol xxx
Also I do agree that everyone thinks they have a rite to stick there nose in when it comes to feeding YOUR baby!!! I think its great u breast fed aslong as u did!! U should be proud of urself! Ignore rude stares and comments! Xx
Haha - is anyone else getting fed up of their facebook ads? Just logged in and got 'FREE for pregnant mums', 'Having a baby?' and all sorts of similar messages down the right hand side of my home page!..... Talk about pressure - YES Mr facebook, we are trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dohh:

YES! doing my head in, everything i seem to look at atm has something baby orientated about it!
last night whilst out, i saw a woman showing her friends a scan of her daughters baby. oh kept whispering to me "go look go look" but i knew i'd look a right odd ball if i did lol!
:hugs: Aw Stacey hun - I don't know what to say - you poor thing. Hope I didn't make you drag up painful memories :blush:. You are definitely owed a break this time and a nice quick labour! :flower: It's supposed to be a lot quicker the second time isn't it, so hope you will have a much easier time of it x
No lucy its fine I don't mind really its how I got my little man even if it was awful lol yea I heard 2nd time is quicker so hopefully it will all run smoothly.. How was ur labour with ur little man?
How is everyone tonite??? Xxx
Haha - is anyone else getting fed up of their facebook ads? Just logged in and got 'FREE for pregnant mums', 'Having a baby?' and all sorts of similar messages down the right hand side of my home page!..... Talk about pressure - YES Mr facebook, we are trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dohh:

my fb is doing it too grrrrr

my fb email to find me is jen_shiers at the hot place co uk if anyone wants to add me as a friend btw and my name is jenny hill
hmmm wont tell you my scare stories of labour as I might put myself off but I had a c section with my youngest so next time will be a c sec again. Im driving myself mad Im far too broody ...spend at least one sentence or more a day saying " I want a baby"
I really feel like something is missing... I know I have 3 beautiful kids and Im so lucky but I really feel like Im meant to have another child ...theres a gap... the idea of a future without filing that gap is unbearable
I no what u mean! When we were trying it just felt like something was missing in my life.. Now the hole has been filled if u no what I mean.. I no it will happen for u hun! It will happen for u all!! Its an awful feeling that desperation for a baby takes over ur life I think I want 3 kids, I cannot see this one been my last but then again ask me again when I've been through labour again hahaha!! Xx
Hi everyone. I'm so glad to hear you're all doing well. I hope you're ok too mmdrago. I had a positive opk this am so am all ready to get going if you know what I mean except oh has called to say he won't be home until late tonight. Grrrrrrrr...... CD15 today so I should be ovulating within the next 2 days. He'd better be home soon so or else!!!!

I've been really excited about ttc this month and now it comes to crunch time and now I'm really nervous. Not sure why but I'm just trying to go with it and not get too stressed. I keep reminding myself that I promised not to be a crazy lady this month!

Oh and I know what you guys mean about the FB ads. They drive me nuts. I'm trying to work out how to delete them from my screen.

I have to go and pack for our mini-break so I'll talk to you all next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Have a good weekend everyone.
I thought I only wanted 3 kids but now I want 4 hehehehe I had egg white yesterday and my temp is still up Im thinking ovulation is either happening or happened oooo and CD 14 so might be onl track for a normalish cycle
Oo, KB, have a fab weekend away and enjoy all the lovely :sex:! We're just coming to the end of a lovely week away in the north of Scotland. It's been so nice spending every day with dh and ds.

I've got a scan next Wednesday. I am scared already - really bricking it that there won't be a tiny little baby there. There's nothing I can do though, is there? So just going to have to grow a pair and get on with it.

Stace, I had a pretty rotten birth with ds too although no horrid after effects like you. 45 hour labour ending in a foreceps delivery in theatre - last chance before a section as ds was big (10lbs 14oz) and stuck! He came out with the cord round his neck too but luckily he gave a huge cry as soon as he arrived. I don't remember much but I do remember everyone laughing and saying how big he was! Not sure what'll happen when it comes time for no.2 - am hoping they'll keep a close eye on how big bubs is getting. Lucy, I was like you with the bf-ing. I thought I'd only do it til 6 months and was quite ambivalent about it before having ds - thought I'd give it a try and if it didn't work out well ho hum. But turned into a big of a bf-ing nazi - totally loved it and did it til ds was almost 1. Because he was a big boy I felt a little self conscious about it doing it as he got bigger but not once did I have a negative comment or any stares (oh, except once while on hols in France - weird!).

I thought I only wanted 3 kids but now I want 4 hehehehe I had egg white yesterday and my temp is still up Im thinking ovulation is either happening or happened oooo and CD 14 so might be onl track for a normalish cycle

That's good news! Are you at all tempted to go for it???

How's the gluten free diet going? Have you discovered quinoa yet? It's kind of like cous cous but is v good for you and gluten free. Most of the flavours of Snack a Jacks are gluten free too.
I thought I only wanted 3 kids but now I want 4 hehehehe I had egg white yesterday and my temp is still up Im thinking ovulation is either happening or happened oooo and CD 14 so might be onl track for a normalish cycle

That's good news! Are you at all tempted to go for it???

How's the gluten free diet going? Have you discovered quinoa yet? It's kind of like cous cous but is v good for you and gluten free. Most of the flavours of Snack a Jacks are gluten free too.

I was very tempted to go for it but we played about with out actual naughiness.... but I have a CT of my kidneys on the 18th and I really dont want to be worried about being pregnant postponed for now GF diets going ok although one of the days I ate gluten and regretted it as it killed ... not tried quinoa yet

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