Hi KB, I might be wrong but sure I read somewhere that progesterone (and therefore temp) peaks around 5-7 DPO, and then can start to fall away as it lowers. Isn't it only a sign of low progesterone or luteal phase defect if it falls back below the coverline for too many days before af arrives? I'm no expert lol but your charts seem to look quite healthy to me
Hi Squeshie hun :wave:. I just started temping this month - trying to only do it for one cycle just to reassure myself that i'm ovulating and don't have progesterone problems (as I've been spotting 2-4 days before af arrives since my periods returned nearly a yr ago), but I'm already hooked so will likely carry on next month

! How are you doing? Any signs of af or preg? x
Hope you are doing ok Jacksmummy and not too worn out