the madhouse!!! All crazies welcome :) x

Sorry just a quick one from me as I am going to fall into bed in a min, Jasmine and Jenn am right there with you guys on cd 5 - AF was over quick I am glad :) Sounds like there has been loads of thinking etc on here! I know what you mean Jenn re spring and eating lighter and exercise, perhaps that will pick everyone up?
Hope you are good guys, will check in tomorrow as I am falling asleep at my laptop! xxx
Morning ladies :wave: just a quick drop in.
How u all feeling?
Fingers crossed lucy!!
And good luck to all on cd6!! XxxxX
So nice to come on here - I'm feeling teary! Know it is hormones and will pass. My temp dropped below coverline today so af is coming I think - it seems to pretty much always arrive the evening of 13 DPO! - so one day to go and I will start the countdown again but hopefully much more relaxed this month... our aim is to bd less! - what a strange goal when TTC! - I wonder if we are pushing OH's sperm too much and not giving them a chance to replenish - the last 3 cycles we've bd'ed every day in the fertile period and that just isn't working!

I can totally relate to your feelings about it being so quick to conceive in the past JennJenn - we tried 3 cycles for our little boy, but technically it was first time lucky as the first cycle we totally missed the fertile period and 2nd cycle I was temping and my temps were flat all month so I don't think I even ovulated... and then like magic it just happened on the 3rd cycle!...

...Based on that I was incredibly naive going into this the second time - I really assumed it would happen with a wink from OH lol! I was just off the pill last time, cycles were all over the place and ranged from 5 weeks to 3 months once! I still can't for the life of me see how it was sooo easy to conceive back then compared to now, where my cycles range from 30-33 days, I always get a positive opk and seem to have had a sensible temp rise this month!!!!!! Where is the logic with that?!

Lets hope spring brings us some bfps like you say Squeshie! I want to get fit - I'm going back to the gym next week and am going to eat more healthily. My diet is poor, and I don't want to feel overly sluggish with the next pregnancy cos I'm not half as fit as I used to be!

Thanks stacey hun. Hope ur doing well. And hi Jasmine_Rose - I didn't say before, glad your cycle was nice and short - fingers crossed for this month! R u going to actively try?

Sorry rambling as usual, but I need to get it all out! - feeling quite low today x

...on the plus side, I haven't spotted a single bit yet! - I wonder if the Pregnacare is helping my hormones out a bit - it's the first cycle I haven't spotted in the days before af since my periods returned last April!
CD 5
Well Ive been very busy with my house as builders are about making an extension and Im decorating the whole house a room at a time. Im sure the Metformin helped in a normalish cycle for trying Im having dye this month to check my tubes etc so Im at the hospital 10th and 11th for tests so guess trying out again this month but patience is the best route give them time to check why Ive had the Mcs
How r u doing KB? Just spotted you were online. Hope you're feeling a bit more positive hun x

CD10 today and to be honest, I'm not really feeling much better. The whole TTC thing is really getting me down at the moment. Feeling like maybe I'm never, ever going to have a baby. Half thinking about giving this month a miss to give myself a break but figure that I'll be really mad at myself in a week or so after if I do.

Sorry to hear you're probably out again this month Lucy Lu. I know there's nothing I can say that will make you feel better so sending :hugs: your way whilst you cry it out.

Congrats on a short cycle Jasmine_Rose and I'm so glad that you're booked in for the tests. Feels weird to say I'm glad someone's going to hospital but you know what I mean...

Jennjenn, stay positive! 9 cycles is a long way to go! Good work on the healthy eating and exercising plans. You'll look and feel fabulous if you keep it up for the whole 9 months if you keep TTC for that long. Whatever you decide, I'm sure it'll be the absolute right decision for you and your family.

Hope you had a good night sleep Squeshie.
Hey all.. just keeping myself busy. Still showing very faint positives on HPT so I don't know when I will actually ovulate again or have AF. Just playing it by ear. They're pretty light now so it shouldn't be too long. I'm half-heartedly temping just to get into the habit once they show negative. I told DH I *kind of* don't want any BFP around this time because that would mean an x-mas baby and everyone I know says they hate having their birthday so close to the holidays LOL!

DH got a new tactical rifle and we took it up to the range, so I had some nice stress relief LOL. I think I will be buying a revolver soon also so we can make better use of our yearly range membership.

I also just bought a new Miele vacuum, I won't even tell you how much it cost dear lord I'm surprised it didn't come WITH a maid for the price! It should arrive today I'm excited! But with 3 dogs and 2 cats in the house I really needed it for sanity!
I'm out... again :nope: - just started cramping badly on the way home and thought 'this is it' :cry:, and lo and behold there the :witch: was by the time we got home. Knew it was coming, but I still feel totally gutted. Was so convinced we would have a 2011 baby, and now there is one more chance for that and I am seriously losing (...erm...lost) confidence in both mine and OH's bodies!

Know what you mean about xmas mmdrago - OH wasn't keen on trying in March, but now we're going into cycle 5, I think he just wants to keep going. TBH avoiding an xmas baby would mean stopping for a couple of months now, cos a Jan baby could always arrive early!

Glad you are getting some help Jasmine_Rose - and the decorating must be helping to keep you busy :hugs:

:hugs: KB - hoping you get that much deserved bfp soon hun! Maybe don't take a break if you know you will kick yourself for it but just don't push yourselves to bd all the time in your fertile period. I think that's what we're going to try this time. I can't believe sex EVERY DAY in my fertile period for the last 3 cycles is actually working as a contraception for us :rofl: - who needs condoms or the pill hey?! I gotta laugh or I will cry... again...
I think you're right Lucy Lu. Sorry TMI but have lots of EWCM today and just like that, I'm feeling motivated again. I'm going to start OPKs again tomorrow morning. I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this.

Hi mmdrago, I've been thinking about you and can't tell you how glad I am to hear that you're feeling a little better. I have a Miele too. Absolute necessity for our dogs' hair too. See if you can find the animal hair attachment. Worth every cent!
well still sorting my mad house out around the builders... cant wait to have these tests over with and then get my next AF so maybe I can start trying again. Holidays coming up and I got an invite to a July wedding today my first thought was oooo I could be pregnant by July then I thought hmm how hubby not been near me forever and I feel like yesterday we spent the whole day in the land of arguments... currently finding it hard to even like him ...mad how Im still wanting a baby though... I must be insane
Only been married 14 months no idea whats wrong with me....
Hi :wave: ladies! Sorry I've been quiet just been so busy with work and I'm so tired all the time hope ur all ok!?!?
Lucy so sorry af got u again :hugs: atleast it will be over now and on to the next month u got any new tricks for this month? Xx
Jasmine hope all ur tests go ok and u and hubby get bk on track me and oh have been at each other the past few days :( I think its a mixture of my crazy hormones and him STILL being off work cos of his leg and him been home ALL the time lol can't wait for u to start trying again xx
Kb38 hope ur ok aswell hun! How r u? And how r the opk's going? Good luck hun xx
Mmdrago how u doing my darling? Glad u seem to be (abit) happier hope ur coping ok sweetie! Good luck to u too xx
Well for me I'm the same.. Feeling abit less sick! But still as tired if not more tired! Lol still stalking my postman lol hoping this morning he will bring me my scan letter!! Fingers crossed, I also got some fab news today one of my best friends has just found out she pregnant she's been trying since I started trying and like u ladies thought it was never gunna happen, so I'm so happy for her! Anyway keep intouch girlies lots of love and :hugs: to u all xxxxxx
Well test over and they didnt do the ones they planned so didnt have anything intrusive...good news is my ovaries look normal and they cant see any cysts which is strange coz in january they told me I was full of cysts so YAY looks good anyway and I may not have missed this month just yet and because they didnt xray me any baby should still be healthy
Yay Jasmine_Rose! December bubs here we all come! :happydance:...Good to hear everything looks good too :thumbup:. Hope you are OH are getting on ok. I don't think the pressure of TTC helps does it xx

I just realised this evening i have been so busy at work and with our little boy, I stopped counting days. I'm so chuffed with myself! - I honestly had no idea what cycle day I was on for a bit and I realised I have gone about 4 days now and only thought about TTC about 3 or 4 times a day... which is a huge improvement for me! :haha:.... lol my new relaxed approach.... may it last cos I am suddenly feeling a lot more happy and chilled out :cloud9:

How's it going with you KB? Did you ovulate yet? Hope you are feeling a bit happier hun x

Hi Jacksmummy! - any news on your scan date yet? Can't believe how quickly the weeks are passing. So exciting! Was so nice to hear about your friend. Gave me hope again that it will happen, and just to have some patience. Also I ran into a friend today too who is pretty open about these things and she was complaining about how they've been trying over 3 months now - not ages I know, but for them it happened straight away the first time. It reminds you that it really will happen, it's just not as easy peasy as they teach you in sex ed at school lol!

Nighty night everyone, hope you are all well and happy x
Hi everyone, I'm glad to hear everything went well Jasmine_Rose!

Jack's Mummy, its lovely to hear from you too. Its great to hear everything is going well for you too!

I'm glad to hear you're feeling much better Lucy_Lu - whatever you're taking, I want some of it!

I'm 3DPO today. We BD'd two out of the three days before ovulation, the day of and the day after so fingers crossed. OH has made me promise not to start testing too early this month which I've agreed to but he also wants me to promise not to test at all until after af due which, as much as I wish I could agree to, is a promise I know I'll break so I haven't.

When are you due to O Lucy_Lu and Jasmine_Rose??? Is anyone else trying this month???
Hi girls

Sorry I haven't been around at all. I decided I needed to take a break from baby/ttc talk for a wee while. After 3 visits and blood tests, my hcg levels had dropped enough for them to discharge me. Thank god, it was too upsetting to have to go to EPU, knowing I wasn't pregnant.

I'm doing OK although every so often it hits me and I cry again. Dh won't really talk about it and whenever I try to talk about it he says not to be sad because we have our lovely son. And I know he's a reason to be happy and glad but I really wanted this baby too and I miss it.

So, we're having a wee break until May/June time and I'm taking the chance to try and lose some weight and get fitter. I've got so many regrets just now: not trying for baby #2 sooner, letting myself put on so much weight - but I need to find a way to get past those regrets.

Hope everyone is OK. Take care of yourselves.

s x
Hi girls how is everyone?
Jasmine glad the tests went well!! Well done!! And good luck trying again! Xx
Lucy well done with the not obsessing!! I really hope this month is your month!! What cd u on now? Xx
Kb38 well done on all the bding!! Hopfully its gunna pay off!! Fingers crossed for that bfp!! Xx
Shinona nice to hear from u hun! Sorry for everything ur going thru!! And please don't beat urself up over it, and I no what u mean about ur oh and the fact he thinks its ok cos uv already got 1 men just dnt see it like us I no my oh would be sad but he would be the same in the fact we've got one and to get on with it but for us women it just not that easy! If anything happend to me no I would be compleatley deverstated and I really don't no how I would cope! So I think all u ladies are so brave! :hugs: hope everything works out for u hun! Xx
Anyway ladies my postman came up trumps this morning with my scan letter!! :) its on the 24th march at 10.20 I'll be about 12weeks 5days then so hopefully I'll get a lovely pic I'm very excited but scared that something may be wrong but we will have to see! Fingers crossed! If you want I'll post a pic of my scan pic? But don't want to upset anyone so just let me no I won't be upset or anything speak soon ladies xxx
Happy 11 weeks Jacksmummy, to you and little lime!

Yay definitely post piccies when it comes round! That is sooo soon, so exciting! So hope we will all be joining u soon hun! I'm sure that little babby will be all well and happy and you will be feeling lots of kicks very soon! . Is the morning sickness passing at all yet? Hope u r feeling a bit better x

I'm cycle day 10 - about a week to go and I will be ovulating again! yay! It's gone so quick this month... only about 2 days time and I will be fertile again. Plan for this month is LESS bd'ing! - gotta keep remembering that. I think we are overdoing it, have been bd'ing every day in the fertile period and that isn't working so a bit less pressure on OH's swimmers and fingers crossed we won't have to wait too much longer! I am still holding out hope for our 2011 babby!

We just went out and got drunkie drunk! Can you see the time lol?! I am nuts! We never go out anymore so was lovely to let our hair down! LO is at his nan's and we were going to have a horny night back at home haha, I dressed up sooooo nice and OH has gone and got himself sooo drunk, he passed out snoring! I can't sleep for some reason so thought I would pop in and say hi. I am gonna be sooo tired tmrw x

PS. KB38 for our next bfp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
:wine: :wohoo:

...Fingers crossed this is the last time I am drunk for a while!... say like 9 months! :haha:
I can't wait to see your scan photos Jack's mummy so please post when you have them!

Shinona its great to hear from you. I am so very sorry for everything that you've had to go through recently. I know it doesn't mean much but my thoughts have been with about you.

I hope you've started BDing by now Lucy-Lu. I might do the same (less BDing) next month if I don't get my bfp this month. Cant hurt to try something different. Fingers and toes are crossed for you that this is your month and you get your 2011 baby.
Hi ladies just got bk from the hospital with jack been there all day yesterday and last nite just got home now my baby stopped breathing!!! He scared me to death had to go in an ambulance and everything luckily its just a really bad chest infection (he was fine the day before) he just woke up yest short of breath and it all went from there but we are home now and he's doing well and we've got lots of meds to make him better! Just wanted to tell u all really as it was possibly most definitely the scariest day of my life! Anyway hope uv all had a better few days, didn't get much sleep last nite (well none really) so early nite for me 7pm I'm thinking!!! Lol xxx

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