Aww ladies I'm so sorry!!! I just want to grab u and give u all the biggest hug!! It must be getting really hard for u all! I no if I was still trying I would be losing my mind (I was losing it at 3month!!) All I can say is when ur trying and u get bfn after bfn u start to believe it WONT happen I believed that then bam it just does and u forget about the struggle to get there! Reading what u all put just reminded me of how obsessed I was and its not healthy but the need for a child is the biggest NEED I have ever felt and u ladies feel aswell! Maybe trying the no temping no opk's will help altho the month I got my bfp I didn't use opk's and it drove me mental!! But I was lucky and it happend for me I suppose it may help I'm younger (24) I don't no tbh, I just hope that. In the not so distant future you will all have ur bfp's, maybe it very normal to feel this around the 6 month mark cos u are all feeling this way this month. Hopefully it will pass and the pma will be bk in force! YOU WILL GET YOUR BABIES! Just whether its this month or in 5month (hopefully sooner!!) Just try stay positive ladies its so easy to see when your sat at this side of the fence.. I just want u all to believe in urselfs and ur silly bodies,

to u all!!!
As for me got my scan on thursday at 10.20am nervous but excited.. Hopefully all will go well I'll update u as soon as I'm home, also got a problem when I was pregnant with jack around 30weeks I started getting a horrid pain in my pelvis groin area it hurt so bad that I could hardly walk and now at 12weeks its started again

not quite as bad as with jack (yet) but it will so I've got my midwife phoning me at around lunch time to speak about it.. Dunno what they can do tho have any of u mums experienced this or no anything about it? Anyway hope you all ok and massive



been sent ur way!!! XxxxxxxxxX