Ohh that is sooo exciting Jacksmummy! They say you feel it earlier the second time don't they?
I think we might have struck lucky this month!!!!!!...
...I almost daren't write it for fear of jinxing it, but I've been dying to share since the weekend

. I think I'm only about 12 DPO, but could be a couple of days behind that really due to my dodgy cycle. I tested on Monday and got a very faint line - could have still been an evap really, but it definitely had colour, and not just a grey shadow like the last evap I got. I really wasn't going to test, but I've had such definite symptoms - I never had any of this this early on with our son... I feel mildly nauseous all day long, and esp. when I'm hungry and I have a foul taste in my mouth all the time, which is giving me deja-vous from the last pregnancy. I'm cramping lots which is making me nervous that af is coming, but have a fair bit of CM

- which I NEVER have when af is on its way.
I daren't even test again for fear of seeing a faint line still - or worse still no line at all - and obsessing over chemicals etc etc! - I can't really believe it is finally happening so am a bit in denial, although the symptoms are quite unmistakable this time.
Our little boy is 18 months today as well so quite an exciting milestone. I can't believe where the time has gone