~**The Natural Parenting Chat Thread**~

JL - thats written really well. I hope it was cathortic *SP* (helpful) writing it.

Twig - :hugs: hunny :cry:
Its alright though as I stole the lovely blankets they wrapped Caitlyn in :haha:
Oh my word MASSIVE :hugs: ladies, I can't imagine how you must be feeling from those experiences!

I think the worse things I had to deal with was initially being fobbed off regarding my spd. Also 3 nights of false labour which would stop come morning then on the night before Cassidy was born I rang and explained the pain I was having and they said it didn't sound like labour and the call my midwife in the morning, needless to say the morning came and I ended up going to the hospital because the pain was still there. If I had listened to them on the phone I would have ended up having her on the floor because she was born 2 hours after I got to the hospital!

After giving birth at 10:15 I think it was, I was left there holding my new baby sitting in my own blood and goo until about 3pm when they got me a bed on the ward!

On a good note the labour was relatively drug free, I literally had 1 puff on the gas and air and pushed it away!

So I think I had it easy compared to others!

I don't know whether it's because of the full moon but I feel so off today, like really blergh!

My dad sent another response back but I'm just opting to ignore him now, I haven't got the energy for his antics anymore. I just have to realise that other than initially being the sperm to the egg the man has done nothing in my life to determine who I am today and although I'm a bit fruit n nut myself at times, I have 3 amazing children who are my biggest accomplishments in life and I could never abandon them the way my dad did with us!

He says he suffers alot with the guilt of abandoning us but I don't think he realises that he is making the guilt worse through continuing to do so!

I think that's what is wrong with me tonight, not the full moon!

Sorry if my posts come across a bit depressing at times, I'm just feeling really down again at the moment. Tomorrow I'll probably be hyper and cheerful again, I so wish I could control my moods!!

Never apologise for sharing your feelings my lovely, I for one am always here to listen :hugs:
:hug: bekki!!!!

I inda know where yor coming from..ive had some issues with my father too and in general ive decided it is not worth my sanity..

unfortunately we cannot pick our parent :)
Twig :hugs: I cannot believe you where treated like that. That is absolutely disgusting!
Bekki :hugs: my dad is a w*nker, he's bipolar, which doesn't make him
a w*nker, the fact that he takes so many drugs he's pratically crazy does. He ruined my childhood, he used to rip my house apart in anger, smashing tables, chairs, he threw the whole computer out a window once. He used to headbut walls as his head hurt??? He used to hit us and mentally torture us. My mum was so badly mentally low she put up with it as he used to tell her she wpuldn't find anyone else blah blah she stayed with him despite it all. He cheated on her all the time but it took till I was 12 for her to stand up to him and kick him out. He saw me, my brother (9 at the time) and sister who was 4, for about 6 months. I even made the stupid drcision to move in with him??? I don't know why I did anymore. He's not seen or spoken to us since (I'm 20 next month, so 8 years) apart from one time I made the effort to go see him and his new wife was rude to me and wouldn't let me in to his tattoo shop. I had to talk to him in the street and she sent my OH away but yet she stayed. It'd be a cold day in hell the next time I see him
:hugs: to you ladies that have had a bad experience with labours out of my 9 live babies i have had 2 bad experiences, my first 5 were normal deliveries with just gas and air and my biggest was 9 1/2lb, then scott ( number 6) was a 27 week footling breech so i had a c sec, karlum ( no 7) was a bad one as i was on the ward having pains and had been all night so they put me on the pre natal ward and left there, my friend was in the next bed and on the morning she was ready to go for a planned section whilst i was strapped to the monitor, she asked when she would be going down and they said " oh donna is next as the babies heart beat is very low and lo is in distress" they hadn't even told me yet they go and tell every other bugger :growlmad: so he was delivered by section.
With jack my waters went at 24+ weeks and i was kept in to see how far i could get, they were terrible my iron levels were really low and wouldn't come up so i was told for 3 days i would need a transfusion but i never got it until he was born i had group b strep and only got 2 lots of antibiotics in the 10 days they kept me going, it was originally planed that i could have a vbac at our local hospital but due to there been no incubators there i was transfered to one 90 mins away, on the evening of the 9th june 2006 i was getting contractions but not to strong so i sen dh home to sort the dogs and get some rest with the promise of phoning if it continued so off he went, i was in a side room so i turned the lights off and laboured in peace when in came a nurse and doctor the gave me a shot of pethadine as i was making a lot of noise on the ward with each contraction and then did an internal to find i was 9cm they then announced i was going to theater for a section :cry: i said i was having a vbac and they said nope they don't allow it there after 2 sections and that i had laboured for hours for no reason when he could of been born earlier :cry: i asked if i could ring dh to say i was going to theater and a nurse said she would i later found out she said to him " don't panic but we are taking donna down" so he took his time thinking they meant down to labour ward. Jack was born at 26+ weeks and just after they delivered him jon was looking throught the door of theater as he had only just got there and i was crying my eyes out for him, then after 5 mins they said " o don't you want to see your son" he looked around and they were there intubating him etc.
Both jon and i feel alot of bad things about it all and even after he was discharged and we had to resusitate him it is hard for us and we are recieving help for it.

Gosh sorry for waffling on but it angers me how we have been treated. :growlmad:
:hugs: donna thats awful!
Maternity services have a hell of a lot to answer for for all of our births. Next time I want an independant mw, but I doubt we could afford it. It makes me so angry how mw's and doctors think they have the right to spoil the births of our children
I'm another one who had a bad birth experience. I tried to leave the hospital because of how I was being treated and they threatened me with social services so I had to stay :( I still lie awake at night and get upset thinking about it all. I won't go into it though cause it'll make me upset typing it out. I think I might consider homebirth next time.
:hugs: donna thats awful!
Maternity services have a hell of a lot to answer for for all of our births. Next time I want an independant mw, but I doubt we could afford it. It makes me so angry how mw's and doctors think they have the right to spoil the births of our children

Hun they aren't as expencive as you think plus they do a payment scheem as well so it's not a big one off fee, i looked into it as when i leave uni it's what i wanted to do but after 3 in scbu i now have my heart set on becoming a neonatal intensive care nurse but i have a long way to go yet.
Also i love the idea of becoming a doula in the mean time as i feel they can offer a lot to a labouring woman so perhaps this could be an option for you in your next pregnancy. :hugs:
The NHS is a load of poop!

I would like to take this opportunity to say GOOD MORNING :hugs:

We had a dry night :happydance: I decided to try something and it worked!

I put a stay dry insert into a bum genius 3.0 along with the normal inserts and hey presto! No wet covers! :happydance:

The boys are going to get their hair cut today now they've been treated, lets see how long they are free of the dreaded lice this time!

How are we all today, and what is everyones plans for the weekend?
aww :hugs: to everyone....like i said earlier, i dodnt get the birth i wanted (i was induced due to OC) but i cannot praise the team from the hospital (and my community MW's) i did get 'special' treatment as my Consultant is Robs mums boss, but the Midwives and docs were AMAZING and they let me out as soon as i said i wanted! (i had Daisy 12.17 am and i was home by 4 PM :) ) i cannot begin to imagine how hard it must be having unsupportive Doctors/midwives ...... :hugs: to everyone!


:hugs: donna thats awful!
Maternity services have a hell of a lot to answer for for all of our births. Next time I want an independant mw, but I doubt we could afford it. It makes me so angry how mw's and doctors think they have the right to spoil the births of our children

Hun they aren't as expencive as you think plus they do a payment scheem as well so it's not a big one off fee, i looked into it as when i leave uni it's what i wanted to do but after 3 in scbu i now have my heart set on becoming a neonatal intensive care nurse but i have a long way to go yet.
Also i love the idea of becoming a doula in the mean time as i feel they can offer a lot to a labouring woman so perhaps this could be an option for you in your next pregnancy. :hugs:

Before I was pregnant, I was at college doing Health and Social care in the hope of becoming a midwife, I was looking more towards becoming an IMW than NHSMW but my course was a pile of poop TBH, I quit after 6 weeks because I hated it, I was bullied for being pregnant by other students who where like 16yr old chavs, my teacheres wouldn't help me as at 18 I was considered to be more knowing, I'd never done a H&SC course before and was plonked into a level 3 course due to really good GCSE grades!
I'm planning to go back to college when Halen is a bit bigger though and do the access to uni course which is only 1 yr not 2 yrs like my H&SC one was.

I considered a doula, but my mum was with me and I thought she would be supportive, which she was but as her last birth was 11years ago (a supported homebirth) she had no idea what was going to happen when I was duped into going into hospital.

I feel really crappy today, Halen's been a right whinger so my mum was took him to the shops for half hour so I can have some me time, but really I'm just cleaning up! I've got money worries up to my eyeballs (cloth overspend by any chance :dohh:) OH is at an audition with his band so I'm home alone all day with Mr Mardy Pants and to top it off, I'm tired as hell and need a full nights sleep but 1) Halen wont take a bottle and no one has the patience to cup feed him and 2) I won't give him formula and when I'm pumping I'm getting like 0.5oz from both sides????

:hissy: I want today to end already!
oh Jayleigh massive :hugs: hun....could you not store some expressed mlk over a few days / week and then have enough to give him?
Yeah but it's gonna take me weeks n weeks to do it, and even then only MIL will have him and she won't cup feed him :dohh: he refuses a bottle and just goes hungry
I've never tried a dropper. She says she doesn't know how to but won't even try???

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