hi im new ive just found out im expecting for the 5th time 1st i had m/c 3 healthy babys n now expecting again found out on 31st of oct done test on the fri 28th got neg so repeated on 31st to a poss, we have been trying for 2 years so was so happy 2 c a poss , got test from doctors two months ago to check if i was ovulating and she said it was very low at 21 days so im thinkin i either ovulate early r late dan normal any ways my period is normally every 30 days apart from sept im near sure it arrived 3 days early on the 25th so i thought i was say around 5 weeks , went to a&e on tue night with pains no BLEEDING. was sent 4 scan , no sac said they c nothing , doctor has scared the life out of me saying it may b ectopic and im i sure i had no bleeding and maybe miscarried, pain is gone now , they done a blood test to check hcg levels which came bk at 178 doing same again to morrow , she said at 5 weeks they defo would c a sac im so scared cant sleep ner nothing and bloods tomorr will have no result till sat night , can any1 advise me please has this ever happened with a happy out come , cod i b mayb 4 weeks at time of scan r would sac be visible at 4 weeks to ? never had anything like this with my other pregnancies