I'm completely skinto at the moment, but as soon as I get somemoney I'll book ours xx
i hear that!! i cannot WAIT til february is done and dusted and its birthday-free til may!!
welcome doodle!! :wave: how long have u been ttc and is it your first? xx
yep this is my first, we have been ttc since may last year, I dont do charting or anything, we will just let nature take its course
So how is everyone? where are you all from?
Hi Doodlebug good luck with ttc! Took us about a year and a half to get pg with DS, seemed to happen when we stopped trying too hard. Then with DD it happened without trying at all, ie a happy accident! I'm 32, you're only a wee young thing! I'm from Co Down.
Majella my MIL is from Lisbellaw, that'll prob be our summer holiday this year LOL!
Aw Nuke what's wrong with Poppy? Odhrán has a terrible bark of a cough again, keeps waking himself up.
she was ill on friday morning, vomited EVERYWHERE. has been barking like a dog since thursday too, she seems to think she's feeling a bit better today, keeps trying to run about but then realises she's not actually better and gets upset from feeling crappy and doing too much.
I'm not feeling great today so she's been shipped off to the MIL's for the night
oh cool, i've always wanted to go to Germany, I love the language
That will be a big change, is it permanent?