Hi ladies! I wanted to join this thread - I got my mirena taken out about a month ago. I have 13 month old twin girls, and my husband and I are NTNP baby #3! We had to use Femara+IUI to get pregnant the first time, so I'm so scared we won't be able to get pregnant on our own. And we've already decided we won't do meds again:/ Anyhow, my body never regulated out on the Mirena - I never had regular period on it, but I also never stopped having a period either!! I would just randomy bleed and cramp every so often...could never predict it. It was AWFUL. I'm so happy to have it out. I was also excited that I had normal AF almost immediately after the mirena was removed. I went on to have EWCM that cycle too!! I was charting my BBT, and I know that I ovulated on CD19! I felt really encouraged by these things, up until yesterday...AF showed its ugly head at only 9dpo
That's only an 8 day luteal phase. One thing that was normal about my cycles before I got pregnant with the girls was my luteal phase. It was always rock solid 13-14 days. I'm SO discouraged because I know if your luteal phase is too short, implantation can't occur and that makes pregnancy near impossible. Can any of you relate to this? Had this same problem, maybe give me hope that this will correct itself? I wish I never had the Mirena put in!! I am 33 years old and my husband is 37, so we feel like we have a limited window that we would want to have another baby. And plus, we want the kids to be close in age. Sorry for the long post, but please reply if you have any insight. Thanks!!