The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Heh heh! It's quite fun being in control of the :sex:! Well we started BD'ing agin last night, the day after I finished AF! The little :witch: has been a bit of a b*$@ch! I had a chemical pg last cycle and a mc in Dec so ho hum back on the old ttc bandwagon again! This is a very lucky thread though and the ladies are fabulous even when it all goes wrong.
Goodmorning ladies!!
I woke up to take my meds...and take mr. baggins out potty so he wouldnt be sore with a full bladder lol..and now hes playing in the living room..hubby is heading out to work..and Im about to head back to bed..not sure if I will be able to get back to sleep but Im gonna be lazy and watch tv for a bit..I think Ive been pushing myself to hard the last week..getting up way to early and not napping at and the little bean are just exhausted...will be around later today of course...its horrid weather here...foggy and raining and just overall blah..perfect day for bedrest and being lazy lol...
Oh and get this...hubby has decided that the names we have picked out...Marston Kennar and Brieanan Jade arent good enough anymore..he is insisting we have a christian middle name...I cried and went to bed early...he just makes me soo mad sometimes...we both picked the names out and he claimed to love them...and now this...its like..when I think of them I think of them as Marston Kennar and Brieanan Jade....I dont want to change their just wont feel right...I dont think your names origin has anything to do with how you grow up or how you act later on..I know tons of people even named Christian...that are goth and little idk what his deal is..deciding to make me change them all of a sudden..well we have 9 months and by gosh I'll put up a name fight the whole time lol...I carry it comes out of my hoohoo...def not letting him walk all over me on this one..and Im pretty sure his mom had something to do with it too... which just makes me even madder.....ugh! stupid mother in laws
Heh speaking of MILs... SIL is going in for a c-section this afternoon so MIL needs somewhere local to stay to look after her and the baby.
Where's local? My house. Tobys nursery to be precise.
It's nice having her here and all but it could be for up to a couple of weeks and I JUST started sorting out the nursery :(

Names are a difficult subject. DF and I both had different names in mind but couldn't agree. He wouldnt list any other names he liked so in the end I reeled off a giant list and he finally decided that Toby was nice and it's stuck. It's gotta be a compromise somewhere along the line as it's not just your child, it's his too... And he might resent having to call after a child with a name he doesn't like. Just like I couldn't imagine ever telling off a toddler named Teddy!
Heh heh! It's quite fun being in control of the :sex:! Well we started BD'ing agin last night, the day after I finished AF! The little :witch: has been a bit of a b*$@ch! I had a chemical pg last cycle and a mc in Dec so ho hum back on the old ttc bandwagon again! This is a very lucky thread though and the ladies are fabulous even when it all goes wrong.

wow good luck for a sticky one this cycle then!! :thumbup:

yeah i like the positive attitude in this thread and the fact that everybody is all over the place regarding cycle days - that's why i joined here :D
Heh heh! It's quite fun being in control of the :sex:! Well we started BD'ing agin last night, the day after I finished AF! The little :witch: has been a bit of a b*$@ch! I had a chemical pg last cycle and a mc in Dec so ho hum back on the old ttc bandwagon again! This is a very lucky thread though and the ladies are fabulous even when it all goes wrong.

wow good luck for a sticky one this cycle then!! :thumbup:

yeah i like the positive attitude in this thread and the fact that everybody is all over the place regarding cycle days - that's why i joined here :D

Thank you! And yeah the thread is full of pma!

Hi Erica! How's life and the bean?! Cottleston's right, you and Oh have to come up with names that you're both happy with, my DD had the name Tia in my head for years and then 1 month before she was born we changed our minds and I can't even vaguely imagine her as a Tia now! :hugs:
well thats the thing though...we both agreed on the names..we both had a part in coming up with them months ago..for like...months now nothing has been said and I have been referring to them all the time..and he never said anything and was in total agreement. ..and all of a sudden last night hes decided he wants to change it...and he doesnt understand how attached I am...and why Im mad that hes soo fickle about it..and if hes just doing it to make his mom happy then thats not gonna fly with me...his parents run our life so much anyway and she guilts him and talks him into everything she wants and I just get ignored and made out to be the bad person in the process..its not her kid...and its not her decision...but he acts like everything we do has to be run by them..they werent even happy we were preggie in the first place..she doesnt like me because Im not a christian and I dont go to church..shes always trying to turn him against me...and trying to start stuff between me and him...I know she just wanted him to marry some christian korean woman his age..and he didnt...and so all her anger and stuff about that gets taken out on me..behind my back or by her being manipulative to my face and me being stuck not being able to say anything about it...I am soo glad she lives up in Baltimore because I could not handle her being here all the time... I would never let my family treat him the way he lets his treat me...and it just frustrates me that he always takes their side..he took my side once and then the other day totally denied even that and started taking up for her again and making excuses for her...and getting on my case about not forgiving her...everytime I see her she causes problems..and I get fussed at for not being forgiving and giving her a chance..I gave her chances and I was nice to her and never said anything and then she went..tossed my stuff without even asking and lied about why she did it...and never apologized or admitted she did anything wrong... would be so much easier without MILs to deal with lol...

Cottleston totally not going off on you...I know it should be an agreed thing and it was...thats why Im so upset because he just decides to change it out of nowhere...with this whole baby thing he just keeps pushing it...and agreeing to stuff for months and then all of a sudden changing his mind at the last minute....agreeing to the baby furniture I showed him and picked out and then now saying oh no we cant do that...and now the names..and then also trying to push me to get the kid baptized..I mean Im not a church person..and even though he is..hes definitely not catholic..its all just to make his mom happy...I know it is...and thats what just upsets me the most..doesnt matter what I want..its all about his mom...I never bring my mom into our relationship but I am tempted to start and see how he likes it..
Wtt..I promise we are all happy here lol.....with each personal stuff that frustrates us lol...but we are all totally supportive and there for each other...these pregnancy hormones are just getting to me and hubby isnt helping...he just tries to run my life too much..even telling me who I should be friends with..and im just not happy about it anymore..

Sparkle..I hope you get in some proactive BD-ing and get that BFP!!
I know Ive said it before but I highly highly highly recommend softcups and pre-seed or a combo of has worked for soo many women on the forum...and for me too!! and it cant hurt!
erica hun :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry that does sound terrible. I think I'm a little bit spoilt because I don't have a controlling MIL or anyone interfering.

If it is your MILs doing, or if DH is doing it just to please her then I can totally understand why it's getting to you. That's why we kept the name a secret until 30ish weeks. Because by that point, we were so used to it and loved it enough that neither of us would care if people tried turning their noses up at it... only his grandma got offended because we didnt choose Edward after her late hubby but meh. She was drunk and Edward is the middle name so she'll get over it.

I guess you've already spoken to him to let him know how you feel? Does he have any other name ideas that he actually likes?

I totally understand getting attached to a name. There's no way Toby will be anything else. I've talked to him with that name, I've talked about him using his name... I'd be devestated if DF were to turn around and ask to have it changed just because his mum doesn't "believe" in that name... for religious reasons or otherwise.

Stick to your guns for a bit hun... at least find out the truth behind why he wants it changed. If its his personal thing, theres not much that can be done sadly. But if he still likes those names and its just his mum sticking her nose in, tell her to poke it and keep the names you and your DH like.
I know Ive said it before but I highly highly highly recommend softcups and pre-seed or a combo of has worked for soo many women on the forum...and for me too!! and it cant hurt!

Did you ever try the mooncup?
I bought one to try but conceived that month so never got around to it! Curious though to see if anyone had much success with it.
Wtt..I promise we are all happy here lol.....with each personal stuff that frustrates us lol...but we are all totally supportive and there for each other...these pregnancy hormones are just getting to me and hubby isnt helping...he just tries to run my life too much..even telling me who I should be friends with..and im just not happy about it anymore..

Sparkle..I hope you get in some proactive BD-ing and get that BFP!!

:hugs: i hope you two can sort it all out. and yes, i know we all have our ups and downs but the general attitude and feeling of this thread is good :thumbup: Plenty of PMA for everyone :lol:
Hey Dare,

I stopped temping a couple of months back, i was concerned when i was spotting so i thought it was best to check by temping again so i can keep an eye on it all up until say a BFP or AF arrives...

When i was constantly temping and it got me down then when we were getting BFN's

Lol i was always the opposite. Made me feel like i had SOME idea of what was going on. And then this cycle's temps were so whacked- and it was because i was pg and didn't know lol. All the others had been exactly the same. It was nice to actually see a change.

Ugghhh, i broke down and tested!!! Click on the white bar to enlarge it to see it better... There is maybe something super faint there... :wacko:

Sorry love i don't see anything. But, test again tomorrow and hopefully there will be something. there is bad lighting where i am right now and i'm too lazy to get up and fix that :haha: so it's probably just my eyes.

AS to the names, DH and i picked out names out in June right as we started trying. And i love them- and he's still in love with them too. The only thing is the girl's name, we have discussed two and i am leaning more towards one than he is, so i'm not sure which we'll go with. But first and middle names are all picked. It's just that first name. The girl's name that he wants is German because of my family, and the other name is English (our boy's name is english) and i think he's sticking with the german one to make sure not to step on my family's toes? To hell with them, i like the english one better. haha And if they look anything like their dad, they'll look english!
never did the mooncup as they didnt have that on the shelves here like they do the instead..I think they have the mooncup at health stores and stuff like natural supplment/hippy stores they had the Instead Softcups at the local pharmacy so thats what I got lol...also the mooncup has that little stick that you use to pull it out and that just looked uncomfy to me lol...
Hi ladies..its a few days late but I could get it uploaded until now..stupid tinypic website... if anyone is interested

I feel like I haven't spoken to you all for ages! I'm with NJ, Tiff and wannabe keep testing dammit! It's ages until I even O let alone test! We only have you guys at the moment to live through the tww !! How is everyone? I've actually had a fairly traumatic few days. Massive argument with a very very drunk OH wasn't pretty. Seems that he was a little stressed out after thinking that I was pg again and then me losing it sent him over the edge. Wasn't fun :( He wants it so much and I feel like i'm under pressure to give him the results he wants and of course i want them too, i just feel like I'm letting him down...

Hi by the way to all new comers!! WELCOME :laugh2:

Look forward to hearing from some of you i could do with a bit of cheering up X

Aww hun, dont beat yourself up about TTC, :hugs::hugs::hugs:you have no control over what happens, so there is no one to blame, I think we sometimes forget that our husbands/or boyrfriends get upset and struggle with all of the emotions that come with TTC as well, I think men are just better at hiding their emotions, keeping them bottled up and than when they are upset their emotions come out in other ways, like your OH did...

I am going to test tomorrow morning with Kitten, so wish me luck. Good luck to Kitten as well!!! :winkwink:There is no sign of AF yet, even though a few times today when I went to the bathroom I was sure i was going to see blood, but nothing yet, so if I make it past today on CD 28 that is a pretty good sign. Lately my cycles have been on the shorter side, like 25 to 27 days, and i average 28 days overall.
There has only been like 2 cycles over the last year where it took 33 days for AF to come, so I am hopeful.....:thumbup:
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