The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Here is my HPT thread if anyone wants to look...Its okay if you dont see anything...At this point I am considering checking into the nut house anyways... I just dont know what to think anymore... LOL :wacko:
Dare- how did the visit go with sister in law and crew? how are you feeling?

I wound up canceling- we rescheduled for tomorrow- if i'm feeling up to it. I'm just.... so not. And the dog has been a bit ill too so i really don't want added stress to him. he sure doesn't do well with stress. I am so exhausted lately.

I can't believe you just have until the 12th!!!! that's awesome! must be a huge relief for you! I can't wait until baby gets here, i'm sure you are super excited as it's right there!!! within reach!!!!

Here is my HPT thread if anyone wants to look...Its okay if you dont see anything...At this point I am considering checking into the nut house anyways... I just dont know what to think anymore... LOL :wacko:

Sorry wanna, i don't see anything. :( how many dpo again?
@Dare, thanks for looking at my HPT thread, thats okay if you dont see anything, all i can do is wait and be patient to see how everything plays out.

Sorry your dog is still sick. :hugs: I hope your dog feels better soon. Hmm, maybe it would be better to postpone the visit with SIL, you can always say you arent feleing up to it since you are pregnant and everything.... Good luck, I hope everything works out for the best with that situation.
@Dare, thanks for looking at my HPT thread, thats okay if you dont see anything, all i can do is wait and be patient to see how everything plays out.

Sorry your dog is still sick. :hugs: I hope your dog feels better soon. Hmm, maybe it would be better to postpone the visit with SIL, you can always say you arent feleing up to it since you are pregnant and everything.... Good luck, I hope everything works out for the best with that situation.

Thanks- he has a lot of problems but this is a new one- never had this before. They think it COULD be related to my hormones- setting him off whack because he is a bit of a 'head case' as the dr. put it.

As for my SIL- i would love to just tell her nevermind. But she tends to get, well, mad and take everything personally. I figure better to deal with her for a few hours than deal with her taking trash about what a bitch i am making plans and canceling. So, i think i will just have to deal with her for a day.
i hate people that are so self centered they think you can host and entertain at 9 mos pregnant! get real!!! who would even consider busting in-i think its rude. my family did that to me a few weeks ago, my sister was here from out of state so everyone jsut showed up and came and went as they pleased to visit her here at my house....i the first few nights i played hostess and served....after that when there were literally 10 + people here i said-im going ot be hanging out in my room, you all feed yourself, gets drinks yourself and if i need groceries go buy them. safe me some dinner and ill eat when im hungry. im sure i looked crazy, but they did it! i got a whole bunch of groceries AND i did go to my room, leaving my kids to their care lol
i think its rude, im huge, pregnant and irritable....take care of me or go home!!!
all right done ranting LOL im starting to feel those last week pains and pressures. my hip is hurting relaly bad, one leg and foot is as big as a hippo, and my bottom sooooo swollen! im so glad im only starting to feel this discomfort now so close to the end. im happy i wasnt miserable!!!!!!
busy my legs have been painful for a bit now :( And i checked with the sil's today- only one is coming now- the original one, because the other one went to work instead. And she didn't tell me she wasn't coming until i asked. So rude.

I"m glad that i only am dealing with one- but if she thinks i'm 'entertaining' she has another thing coming. this is going to the pool then get outta my house day for me. I just am not even going to get sucked into taking care of her. Or anyone else. I"m way too exhausted.
Omg you're having guests? Dont blame you for not wanting to entertain. When I was only 6 months pregnant I had my cousin and her boyfriend come over from France and treat my house like a hotel and me as a maid for a week. I resented them for it- it was sooo tiring. :hugs:
cottlestonpie- now it's only my sil coming which is better but again- i hope she just leaves after our swim. I don't even want her here for that brief time. Ugh.
my aunt passed away today.....actually just a few hours ago. my entire fmaily is coming in from out of state AGAIN....guess where everyone is planning to crash??? yup here. i cant even think about that, im so upset that my aunt died. she was only in her late 40's. we just planned her visit to the hospital to see the baby and everything. she lives close by, most of the rest of fmaily is out of state.....kendall is coming tuesday, my heart is broken over the loss of my aunt and now my family is coming. i hope only my dad and step mom plan on staying. they are both very helpful and i wouldnt mind having my step moms help. plus it was her sister, so i know being with me will be comforting to her since her and i are so close. im sad today. =(
Here is my HPT thread if anyone wants to look...Its okay if you dont see anything...At this point I am considering checking into the nut house anyways... I just dont know what to think anymore... LOL :wacko:

The first two sets of tests just looked like evaps to me.

BUT today's test does have color to it and looks like a BFP to me! I'm hoping this is it. I know you've been tricked with tests before and I hope this isn't the case. So hoping for you :hugs:
Just trying to catch up!

Glad your 4ths sounded like they went well. We went over to my mom’s and set off fireworks. James slept through almost all of it, just jumped a couple of times at the loud crackle ones. We’re in CA so we can’t do bottle rockets or anything that goes in the air, and I’m fine with that!

Dare – Sorry about your dog! One of my dogs was sick a few weeks ago and I was so worried! My husband just thinks I’m crazy with them “dogs throw up, they’re fine.” I hope yours feels better.
I’m glad it’s just going to be the one SIL now, I would be pissed if mine started inviting others! I know what you mean about canceling may just make things more miserable and it would be better just to put up with her for a few hours instead of dealing with the wrath (or passive aggressive junk)
I’m with Busy and Katherine – so stupid that people expect you to entertain at this point in your pregnancy. When I was 36 weeks I had my baby shower and my 2 SILs (and one wife and 2 kids) expected me to go out AFTER the baby shower and go to dinner and visit, and I was just too pooped to visit! They FINALLY left me alone to nap and just visited with my husband (their brother) I was so relieved. I know I was on maternity leave and all, but after a big morning/afternoon I didn’t want to have to function and be polite more (even though I love both of them a lot).

Busy – Can’t believe you have a date! Congrats! I was so relieved to finally get an end date! Are they going to induce?
LOL about the commando! I had 5 cold sores first trimester and like another 3 second trimester! It’s amazing what our bodies will do when we have a compromised immune system! Sorry for the yeast infections, sounds annoying!
I only started feeling terrible at the end too and was thankful I didn’t feel that way the whole time!
I’m so sorry about your Aunt! I lost my aunt at the end of my pregnancy and actually went to her funeral on my due date. :hugs: There’s really no comfort I can offer you, so I hope you have limited family and they’re helpful to your family and your grieving!

Wanna – Awesome about the clomid! Seemed to work for Erica.

Anyone know if Erica is doing well? So excited for her that she got the girl she wanted :)

As for me, I have a breast infection. (Since Dare usually asks BF questions I'm going to share details that may not seem important :thumbup: )Thought I did Sunday, but I was advised to get rest and drink fluids and see if it clears up on it's own. It didn't I went and got antibiotics today. It feels like the flu. Achy all over, saps all your energy. Breastfeeding was miserable as I didn't even feel up to holding him for him to eat! My husband took care of him (except for feeding - which is supposed to help a breast infection) on Sunday and I slept 7 hours during the day! Felt better, but then it came back Monday night and Wednesday night. So, if you breastfeed and you feel like you have the flu go to the doctors fairly early on - don't suffer! Another sign was clogged milk ducts that are pink and firm and warm. The first one was UNDER my boob and I couldn't see it! (so feel like flu enlist the husband to look at your boobs! Mine was very happy to do so :haha: ). I have to go back Monday for my physical (they couldn't do it as one appointment today, even though I asked, but at least I should be feeling better tomorrow - they said 24-48 hours after I start antibiotics I should start to feel like a new woman!). I'm a little nervous about it, they're going to do an internal, which I'm happy about to make sure everything's in the right place. I've checked out my tear, it looks better this week than when I first looked. (But TMI my vaginal opening looks bigger and just plain different, which after a baby passes through I can see why, but things down there DO NOT look the same. Makes me sad, but I have a James, so I'm trying to just suck it up). My doc alsoo gave me some Zoloft. I'm still pretty said a few days a week. I wish it were just you have your baby and everything is happy, but I'm not. I'm tired, I don't feel well (first recovering from birth, then the tear and penicillin reaction, then cracked nipples, then tired from long nights, now a breast infection), I'm not trying to complain because I am greatful I got pregnant, just warning in case anyone else feels like I do afterwards. I expected it to be hard, but I expected to feel OK, does that make sense? Like I knew I would have to recover from birth, but not specifially all of the other things. I don't know. He's 4 weeks old today... Cute but hard. I'll stop now. Sorry.

Love you guys!
@Busy, I am so very sorry for your loss hun....:hugs: :hugs: You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Here is my HPT thread if anyone wants to look...Its okay if you dont see anything...At this point I am considering checking into the nut house anyways... I just dont know what to think anymore... LOL :wacko:

The first two sets of tests just looked like evaps to me.

BUT today's test does have color to it and looks like a BFP to me! I'm hoping this is it. I know you've been tricked with tests before and I hope this isn't the case. So hoping for you :hugs:

@Spunky, thanks for looking at my HPT testing thread. I am not sure what to think about the dollar store tests because they are so cheap, but I am hopeful that maybe it is the start of my BFP finally, so I am sticking with the cheap tests for a few more days until AF is late and than getting a FRER ...:thumbup:

Yeah, i am looking forward to starting clomid if AF comes either this cycle or next, I am hopeful that it could finally help me get my BFP. I have read so many stories of girls TTC for many years and after one cycle of clomid they finally get pregnant, so hopefully that will be me if i dont get my BFP this cycle!!!:thumbup:

I am sorry you are having such a hard time with things. I hope your infection clears up soon and that you start feeling better soon!!!:hugs::hugs:
Busy I'm so sorry about your aunt Hun :hugs: I hope the rest of your family respect the fact that you need your space and rest right now.

Chelsea, I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I was the same, I knew it would be hard but not that hard. The first six weeks were the hardest for me. Then he started sleeping longer overnight, and you feel more like you know them, what they want and whhat each cry sounds like. Although my PND didn't kick in til around 12 weeks... That's hard but not everyone suffers. Tobys started sleeping 6-8 hours overnight, interacting and properly laughing and it's wonderful BUT he's also become more demanding of attention and I think we're on the verge of the 4 month sleep regression. Eeek!

Wanna, I haven't seen your thread yet because I never see them on my phone so I'll take a look on my laptop when Tobys napping.
Hi girls,
Just real quick before I go to work - I had to share a dream I had last night.
Dreamt that my little sister told me she was pregnant - this is my younger sister, not married, in a *comfortable* relationship with the same guy for 6 years, but they both live with their parents still, and she has said many times she does NOT want kids. She was very upset, looking to figure out what to do because "Mom is going to kill me." And I blurted out with that I was angry with her for getting pregnant when DH and I have been trying for two years and actually WANT a kid. Then I said "I have to go tell my girls about this!" and ran to post on BnB.
Don't know what that was all about, but thought it was pretty funny that you guys are entering my dreams :rofl:

I'll catch up with the thread later. Hope all is well with everyone!
Dare – Sorry about your dog! One of my dogs was sick a few weeks ago and I was so worried! My husband just thinks I’m crazy with them “dogs throw up, they’re fine.” I hope yours feels better.
I’m glad it’s just going to be the one SIL now, I would be pissed if mine started inviting others! I know what you mean about canceling may just make things more miserable and it would be better just to put up with her for a few hours instead of dealing with the wrath (or passive aggressive junk)
I’m with Busy and Katherine – so stupid that people expect you to entertain at this point in your pregnancy. When I was 36 weeks I had my baby shower and my 2 SILs (and one wife and 2 kids) expected me to go out AFTER the baby shower and go to dinner and visit, and I was just too pooped to visit! They FINALLY left me alone to nap and just visited with my husband (their brother) I was so relieved. I know I was on maternity leave and all, but after a big morning/afternoon I didn’t want to have to function and be polite more (even though I love both of them a lot).

As for me, I have a breast infection. (Since Dare usually asks BF questions I'm going to share details that may not seem important :thumbup: )Thought I did Sunday, but I was advised to get rest and drink fluids and see if it clears up on it's own. It didn't I went and got antibiotics today. It feels like the flu. Achy all over, saps all your energy. Breastfeeding was miserable as I didn't even feel up to holding him for him to eat! My husband took care of him (except for feeding - which is supposed to help a breast infection) on Sunday and I slept 7 hours during the day! Felt better, but then it came back Monday night and Wednesday night. So, if you breastfeed and you feel like you have the flu go to the doctors fairly early on - don't suffer! Another sign was clogged milk ducts that are pink and firm and warm. The first one was UNDER my boob and I couldn't see it! (so feel like flu enlist the husband to look at your boobs! Mine was very happy to do so :haha: ). I have to go back Monday for my physical (they couldn't do it as one appointment today, even though I asked, but at least I should be feeling better tomorrow - they said 24-48 hours after I start antibiotics I should start to feel like a new woman!). I'm a little nervous about it, they're going to do an internal, which I'm happy about to make sure everything's in the right place. I've checked out my tear, it looks better this week than when I first looked. (But TMI my vaginal opening looks bigger and just plain different, which after a baby passes through I can see why, but things down there DO NOT look the same. Makes me sad, but I have a James, so I'm trying to just suck it up). My doc alsoo gave me some Zoloft. I'm still pretty said a few days a week. I wish it were just you have your baby and everything is happy, but I'm not. I'm tired, I don't feel well (first recovering from birth, then the tear and penicillin reaction, then cracked nipples, then tired from long nights, now a breast infection), I'm not trying to complain because I am greatful I got pregnant, just warning in case anyone else feels like I do afterwards. I expected it to be hard, but I expected to feel OK, does that make sense? Like I knew I would have to recover from birth, but not specifially all of the other things. I don't know. He's 4 weeks old today... Cute but hard. I'll stop now. Sorry.

Love you guys!

Hey- yeah my dog- if he didn't have his colitis, anxiety, heat intolerance, possible brain problem, i wouldn't worry if he just threw up. lol. The cats throw up occasionally- more times its just a hair ball- and my other dog i had when i lived with my parents would puke a lot actually. But she had no medical issues. I mean poor benny when he has a colitis flare has to take like 5 pills twice daily- on top of his normal pills his anxiety medication and fish oil capsule- so for me, if he vomits even once (because that's the one thing we DONT have an issue with) i start to panic. So does dh just because we know what can happen. He learned the hard way that when i say something is up- something is up and usually not good at all. So i had a discussion with our vet and very close friend who has advised us on things to do- hopefully it'll be ok- but he gets just as worried as we do over ben because he too knows what happens. So when ben vomits- its like waiting on the edge of your seat to see what is going to happen next. It's horrible. I wish i just had a normal dog.

As for the breastfeeding stuff- thank you of course as always for updating me on all of that! I had no idea it could appear as like flu problems. VERY good to know! I am worried anyway because i get super zombiefied and sick anyway if i don't get enough sleep. I don't want this to affect how i take care of baby. I am glad that your dh is helping out and letting you take it easy a little bit- that's great. I will be thinking of you and hoping you do well. My cousin had a bad infection too while bf- and then she went on the antibiotics- and after that she did great- and has been doing it ever since. She almost gave up, and now baby is 5 months and still feeding. :) I have faith in you! I have some depression as it is- i actually take fish oil capsules daily- because they are supposed to help naturally with things like that. Don't know if it actually does anything but i do notice a difference if i like go off of them for a month. But it could just all be in my head.

Hi girls,
Just real quick before I go to work - I had to share a dream I had last night.
Dreamt that my little sister told me she was pregnant - this is my younger sister, not married, in a *comfortable* relationship with the same guy for 6 years, but they both live with their parents still, and she has said many times she does NOT want kids. She was very upset, looking to figure out what to do because "Mom is going to kill me." And I blurted out with that I was angry with her for getting pregnant when DH and I have been trying for two years and actually WANT a kid. Then I said "I have to go tell my girls about this!" and ran to post on BnB.
Don't know what that was all about, but thought it was pretty funny that you guys are entering my dreams :rofl:

I'll catch up with the thread later. Hope all is well with everyone!

lol i've had you girls appear in my dreams as well. Not a whole lot but enough to confuse me so when i woke up i thought i had conversations on here about all these things that were happening in the dreams.

AFM-going to mw today for my strep b test and just my 36 week appt. Even if in 2 days i'll be full term. WOO HOO! can't believe i made it here! Did anyone else have that feeling that- you just don't think you'll ever make it to the finish line? or am i the only one here who always has that "impending doom" feeling as i call it? didn't sleep so well last night but hoping tonight will be a bit better.
OH and kind of weird- i was cold a little bit yesterday. Since being pg - spring time i heated up and haven't been cold like ever since. yesterday i was a bit chilly and last night i actually had to change positions pull covers up to cover me up better. And today i got out of the shower and was cold! I never am anymore. Just, very odd!
@Spunky, thanks for looking at my HPT testing thread. I am not sure what to think about the dollar store tests because they are so cheap, but I am hopeful that maybe it is the start of my BFP finally, so I am sticking with the cheap tests for a few more days until AF is late and than getting a FRER ...:thumbup:

Yeah, i am looking forward to starting clomid if AF comes either this cycle or next, I am hopeful that it could finally help me get my BFP. I have read so many stories of girls TTC for many years and after one cycle of clomid they finally get pregnant, so hopefully that will be me if i dont get my BFP this cycle!!!:thumbup:

I am sorry you are having such a hard time with things. I hope your infection clears up soon and that you start feeling better soon!!!:hugs::hugs:

Thanks! :hugs: And you know your BFP is going to happen! I've heard of a lot of clomid success too, and it's going to happen for you. :hugs:

Hi girls,
Just real quick before I go to work - I had to share a dream I had last night.
Dreamt that my little sister told me she was pregnant - this is my younger sister, not married, in a *comfortable* relationship with the same guy for 6 years, but they both live with their parents still, and she has said many times she does NOT want kids. She was very upset, looking to figure out what to do because "Mom is going to kill me." And I blurted out with that I was angry with her for getting pregnant when DH and I have been trying for two years and actually WANT a kid. Then I said "I have to go tell my girls about this!" and ran to post on BnB.
Don't know what that was all about, but thought it was pretty funny that you guys are entering my dreams :rofl:

I'll catch up with the thread later. Hope all is well with everyone!

Interesting Lindsay! Hopefully you'll be pregnant way before your sister!! :thumbup:

Hey- yeah my dog- if he didn't have his colitis, anxiety, heat intolerance, possible brain problem, i wouldn't worry if he just threw up. lol. The cats throw up occasionally- more times its just a hair ball- and my other dog i had when i lived with my parents would puke a lot actually. But she had no medical issues. I mean poor benny when he has a colitis flare has to take like 5 pills twice daily- on top of his normal pills his anxiety medication and fish oil capsule- so for me, if he vomits even once (because that's the one thing we DONT have an issue with) i start to panic. So does dh just because we know what can happen. He learned the hard way that when i say something is up- something is up and usually not good at all. So i had a discussion with our vet and very close friend who has advised us on things to do- hopefully it'll be ok- but he gets just as worried as we do over ben because he too knows what happens. So when ben vomits- its like waiting on the edge of your seat to see what is going to happen next. It's horrible. I wish i just had a normal dog.

As for the breastfeeding stuff- thank you of course as always for updating me on all of that! I had no idea it could appear as like flu problems. VERY good to know! I am worried anyway because i get super zombiefied and sick anyway if i don't get enough sleep. I don't want this to affect how i take care of baby. I am glad that your dh is helping out and letting you take it easy a little bit- that's great. I will be thinking of you and hoping you do well. My cousin had a bad infection too while bf- and then she went on the antibiotics- and after that she did great- and has been doing it ever since. She almost gave up, and now baby is 5 months and still feeding. :) I have faith in you! I have some depression as it is- i actually take fish oil capsules daily- because they are supposed to help naturally with things like that. Don't know if it actually does anything but i do notice a difference if i like go off of them for a month. But it could just all be in my head.

AFM-going to mw today for my strep b test and just my 36 week appt. Even if in 2 days i'll be full term. WOO HOO! can't believe i made it here! Did anyone else have that feeling that- you just don't think you'll ever make it to the finish line? or am i the only one here who always has that "impending doom" feeling as i call it? didn't sleep so well last night but hoping tonight will be a bit better.
OH and kind of weird- i was cold a little bit yesterday. Since being pg - spring time i heated up and haven't been cold like ever since. yesterday i was a bit chilly and last night i actually had to change positions pull covers up to cover me up better. And today i got out of the shower and was cold! I never am anymore. Just, very odd!

I'm sorry about your dog. But that's great that you guys take such good care of him (a lot of people wouldn't put up with a dog that needs that much care). We give our dogs omega 3 treats, it so helps with one of our dog's coats! She has very thin fur for a lab and she'll rub it off (her collar will rub her neck raw and bleeding) and it's helped so much! Hopefully your dog will be ok :hugs:
My mom had had breast infections and warned me about the flu like symptoms, so right away I thought that's what it was. But I was advised to try to get rid of it naturally first. So happy I finally went and got antibiotics! Hopefully today I'll start feeling like a new woman! I wasn't ready to give up breastfeeding, I just didn't feel like I had the strength to hold him (even though he's proped on a Boppy pillow) to feed him! I took a HUGE amount of omega 3 pregnant, I stopped taking them this week because I have this throat condition that my throat closes a little over time so I can't swallow the huge pills anymore (I'm going to go buy some in smaller size and start taking them again!). I swear that helped me so much! I'm acutally Biploar-Depression and am not able to take my mood stablizers pregnant or breastfeeding, so yeah, I start worrying when I start getting down. But I'm sure once I start feeling better and sleeping better things will look up.
Awesome about your doc appt! I was positive for GBS, so if it comes back + feel free to ask any questions. Hopefully yours will be - though! I too felt very overwhelmed at term! I was so happy and relieved, but like you said felt like an impending doom. Little did I know it would be another 5 weeks!! :haha:
Lol NJ... You girls were in my dreams last night too!
I dreamt someone from this thread gave birth and posted way tmi pics on here. So ladies... Please no actual birth pics!! :haha:
Chelsea, I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I was the same, I knew it would be hard but not that hard. The first six weeks were the hardest for me. Then he started sleeping longer overnight, and you feel more like you know them, what they want and whhat each cry sounds like. Although my PND didn't kick in til around 12 weeks... That's hard but not everyone suffers. Tobys started sleeping 6-8 hours overnight, interacting and properly laughing and it's wonderful BUT he's also become more demanding of attention and I think we're on the verge of the 4 month sleep regression. Eeek!

Thank you for giving me hope. :hugs: I remember you saying how you had a hard time too (and I know still are). If it gets better after six weeks, then the end is in sight, 2ish more weeks. Some days are better than others. He seems to be happier the last couple days as I think he's getting enough to eat. He seemed hungry all the time for the last week and a half (growth spurt time). I can't wait till I can get more than 3 hours of sleep in a row, I think maybe then I'll feel better.
What's a sleep regression?

LOL about the birth pictures. My dad was there to take pictures but he was told to stay in the corner near my head. So we have some side view of my legs up (not in stirrups but in the position) but can't see anything bad.

Note I was going to reply to this post with the others but then James started fussing! Finally eating again so I have a minute!
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