The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Lindsay! Missed you too! I was hoping you and Wannabe are ok as you two haven't posted in a while and was worried we may have scared you off!

Glad to hear you're still :sex: and it sounds even more fun since you're not putting pressure on it! Awesome about the birth announcement! You should take a picture and post it like the last ones!! They've all been works of art. I told my mom I didn't think anyone would make James one, so she's doing it, and it's aout 3/4 of the way done! Can't wait! I know all your friends must appreciate them so much! Such treasures!

Awesome about the gym! I've been thinking about exercising again. I was too lazy ttc, and too lazy pregnant, so I don't have much hope for post baby, but hopefully he'll give me some motivation. Awesome you're going before work, are you a morning person?

Thanks for posting! :hugs:
ah! it sounds awful! No thanks!!!

I still think it would be better than all the stress the induction put me through. All the cytoteck and pitocin was no picnic. If all it took was stripping of membranes it would have totally been worth it. Just didn't seem worth it since it didn't work! Pain for nothing! Like I said I'd choose it before an induction if possible...
hi NJ!!!!!! seems like its common to concieve when not trying to, or not paying attention to ovulation hopefully soon!!!!
my OB exam went well. Kendall is measuring 7.2 lbs. got another 3D pic. she has the fattest chubby cheeks ever. has really changed alot since 2 weeks ago 3D pic. my fluid level is 12.2. (over 10 is great) my cervix has changed from tuesdays ER false alarm!!! while there i was dialted fingertip to 1, posterior, high and thick. babys head down but not i was dilated to 2, low cervix, soft and babys head engaged!! that is so encouraging that in jsut a few days i made that much tihnkin should i suffer through some BD and see if moves things along or not...hmmmm decisions decisions lol.
i had my spurt of energy over the weekend, now im just EXHAUSTED. i could literally sleep 15-20 hours easy haha. my 2 yr old keeps telling me baby is coming on thursday, while the 3 yr old argues its not sure which one will be right, but im guessing if its either of them it will be NEXT thursday or Friday.....a part of me is starting to worry she might be a boy...the last 3 ultrasounds didnt confirm girl, were parts werent visable. and my tots keep saying Kendall is a boy now! eeek im sure im jsut being emotional =) thats typical for me!!! im so stinkin anxious! baby! come out! come out! come out!!!!!!!
Hi girls,

I hope everyone is doing well. :flower:@Dare and Busy, I hope you girls have smooth and easy deliveries!! Good luck to the both of you!!!:flower::winkwink:

@Busy, I really hope that your baby girl makes an appearance soon all on her own without assistance!! Good luck again to you hun!! Thanks for sharing your pictures, they were all very nice. My favorite was the one with your family's hands on your belly. That one was really great!!!:winkwink:

I havent been on the site much lately because I have been trying to be more laid back this month about TTC and trying not too obsess to much this cycle. Last cycle was very upsetting when AF came with the false faint positives that I was getting when testing, and I am trying to take it easy so I dont get so crushed this month if AF shows again. DH and me did get in lots and lots of :sex: during my fertile window this cycle so hopefully that helped. :blush::haha: Now I am in the 2WW and I have vowed not to test early this cycle so I dont drive myself batty again!!!

@NJ, Good luck with everything. I was wondering if they can reduce your clomid dosage since I see they are giving you 100 mg first thing, I know the lowest dose is 25 , and the next is 50, than comes 100, Did they offer lowering your dose for next cycle to see if it has less side affects on you??? Just an idea, although you may have already considered this option? :flower:
.im tihnkin should i suffer through some BD and see if moves things along or not...hmmmm decisions decisions lol.

just a quick post as it's 4am... Apart from the EPO, I er, gave OH groused kisses the night I went into labour. Was about 5hrs before and we're convinced that's what triggered it. (omg EPO was so good, I'm using it now to help my eczema and will use it to help labour along next time too)

Nj and wanna... Glad to hear from you both... GL for this cycle xx
Busy (and Katherine) - DH and I had sex everyday leading up to my induction (was DESPERATE to get him out before being induced) and tried trouser kisses too, to now luck, but I know a lot of people on this website say both (or either) help! If they're not inducing you and you don't feel up to it, then I say skip it, otherwise I'm glad we did it as this 4-6 week wait is getting annoying. (I wasn't that interested, but the way my husband has been kissing me I'm almost looking forward to getting the green light - which just goes to show how much better I'm feeling!)

Wannabe - I've missed your updates! Glad you're being more laid back! I'm sorry you've had so many disappointments lately :hugs: When is your fertility appointment?
Glad to see everyone is doing well. Just waiting for Dare and Busy to have their girls, and then this thread will be two for two!

AFM, nothing going on here. Probably O'd early this week. Not doing any sort of TTC. Just :sex: whenever the mood strikes, and trying to keep my mind off of it. Finished the baby announcement for my friend - just waiting for his wife to have the baby! I have the name and the year stitched - just need the date and the weight..

Starting to get nervous! this is the due month for me so that's freaking scary! Glad you are getting through with just random :sex: i think that's really good for you- especially since what you are going through trying to ttc, it's nice to just have time to really be together with no pressure. :)

ah! it sounds awful! No thanks!!!

I still think it would be better than all the stress the induction put me through. All the cytoteck and pitocin was no picnic. If all it took was stripping of membranes it would have totally been worth it. Just didn't seem worth it since it didn't work! Pain for nothing! Like I said I'd choose it before an induction if possible...

As for working out- yeah i think i'm going to at least attempt sit ups- but dh said he's going to do them with me so i'm not alone. HA we'll see if that happens. As for the induction- i'm going to all i can to not have that done because those induction drugs are so freaking horrible i'd rather eat my limbs. But, as i said- they don't strip membranes where i am anyway so i really don't get that option. not that i would take it. LOL pain and i are not good friends.

my OB exam went well. Kendall is measuring 7.2 lbs. got another 3D pic. she has the fattest chubby cheeks ever. has really changed alot since 2 weeks ago 3D pic. my fluid level is 12.2. (over 10 is great) my cervix has changed from tuesdays ER false alarm!!! while there i was dialted fingertip to 1, posterior, high and thick. babys head down but not i was dilated to 2, low cervix, soft and babys head engaged!! that is so encouraging that in jsut a few days i made that much tihnkin should i suffer through some BD and see if moves things along or not...hmmmm decisions decisions lol.
i had my spurt of energy over the weekend, now im just EXHAUSTED. i could literally sleep 15-20 hours easy haha. my 2 yr old keeps telling me baby is coming on thursday, while the 3 yr old argues its not sure which one will be right, but im guessing if its either of them it will be NEXT thursday or Friday.....a part of me is starting to worry she might be a boy...the last 3 ultrasounds didnt confirm girl, were parts werent visable. and my tots keep saying Kendall is a boy now! eeek im sure im jsut being emotional =) thats typical for me!!! im so stinkin anxious! baby! come out! come out! come out!!!!!!!

Glad your scan went well and things are going ok. Hoping baby makes her way out soon-- :) And i have that thought all the time "oh i really hope you're a girl being we have all pink clothes...'

Hi girls,

I hope everyone is doing well. :flower:@Dare and Busy, I hope you girls have smooth and easy deliveries!! Good luck to the both of you!!!:flower::winkwink:

I havent been on the site much lately because I have been trying to be more laid back this month about TTC and trying not too obsess to much this cycle. Last cycle was very upsetting when AF came with the false faint positives that I was getting when testing, and I am trying to take it easy so I dont get so crushed this month if AF shows again. DH and me did get in lots and lots of :sex: during my fertile window this cycle so hopefully that helped. :blush::haha: Now I am in the 2WW and I have vowed not to test early this cycle so I dont drive myself batty again!!!

Hun i really hope that this is it for you. You know i always feel bad for people that i know when they tell me 'OH yeah i'm going to start trying soon!' and i don't have the heart to tell them just how heart wrenching it really can be. no one tells you it's going to be this hard. I wish i knew WHY it was this hard. Makes me sad.
can't believe its 31 days now until the due date, getting nervous! this is my 'due month' hahaha.
ah! it sounds awful! No thanks!!!

I still think it would be better than all the stress the induction put me through. All the cytoteck and pitocin was no picnic. If all it took was stripping of membranes it would have totally been worth it. Just didn't seem worth it since it didn't work! Pain for nothing! Like I said I'd choose it before an induction if possible...

I didn't think they stripped membranes where I was at either since no one had talked about it. She just did it after I was overdue. At least I knew what it was due to this website! So maybe your place does it and they just haven't told you, like mine?

Can't believe you're due the end of THIS month! So exciting and nerve wracking! Could be an August baby though :winkwink:
Hi girls,
Took Dad out to dinner for his birthday tonight - I ordered two wedding announcements online to cross stitch for friends (September and October). Adorable teddy bear couples. Had some very cute baby ones too. My favorite was this one:
I think I may buy a couple baby ones to have on hand for when all these married couples start having babies.

It's actually really weird to be so NOT TTC this month. I actually don't know what CD I am, or when I O'd - I had some weird cramping mid-cycle that I never get, so I was assuming that was ovulation pain, which I never have. Figure all the friggin' hormones.

Oh, and about the Clomid, wannabe - I know the lowest dose is 25 (I was researching it too, haha). The RE actually wants me to go UP to 150mg next cycle. But, that was the plan before this last month when everything got all messed up, and I haven't seen him since. When the new cycle starts, I go in for blood work/ultrasound, and I'm going to ask about it. I'm very confused now.

One of the girls I work with has been TTC for years (she's now 44), and has had multiple miscarriages. She's always been super supportive, txting me to see how things are, saying rosaries for me, etc. One of our coworkers made a prediction that we're both going to get pregnant at the same time, and she's saying September or October. Part of me is like "Ugh, but I have the whole SUMMER left." Trying not to get frustrated. The roller coaster starts again (checking calendar) in about a week or so?

Chelsea - I'm definitely a morning person. I used to get up at 530, go to work by 7. My boss is beyond burned out, and has been spending time with his kids in the morning, so he's not starting till 10. I figured, why should I start four hours EARLIER and see all the patients? So, I now sleep till 730, drag my ass out of bed, shower, make myself a breakfast smoothie, and get to work by 9. I'm lucky, I live ten minutes from one hospital, seven from the other. The gym is across the highway from us, so I really have no excuse NOT to go. Figure I'll get up at my 530 time again, get dressed, put in a good hour, hour and a half, come home, and do my routine from 730 on. Makes sense, right? Now if I could just get to bed before midnight so I'm not hitting the snooze button all morning :)

Glad to hear all you ladies are doing well! Can't wait for these little girls to get here!
Hi girls,

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend. What are you ladies up to for the holiday, anything special planned? DH and me are going to see fireworks not to far from where we live tomorrow night so I am looking forward to that! I love fireworks and have always went to see them for the 4th since I was a little kid.:thumbup:

Not much really going on with me other than trying to be strong and not test early since I am in the 2WW. It is very hard for me not to though!!:wacko: :wacko:

I am planning on having DH enroll in a better health insurance plan for 2012 at the end of the year, one that has infertility coverage if our finances are better and we can afford to pay the higher premiums for a better medical plan through his job. I was also looking into the costs for IUI (artificial insemination) and I have seen places that will wash and seperate the sperm and insert it from about $400 bucks and up. So we may even be able to pay out of pocket for it if we can find a dr that isnt going to charge an arm and a leg to do it in our area. I am not sure if we will look into it for 2012 or earlier. I have a small amount of hope that i could get my BFP this cycle, but after so many disappointments month after month it is hard to stay optomistic.:nope:
Happy 4th of July ladies!!! I hope you girls had a wonderful holiday weekend!!:thumbup::flower:
thanks wanna!!! Happy 4th to you to!

nothing much going on here- had a small bbq today- and now my dog is vomiting. Other than that- no plans. Ha.
Thanks Dare!! Barbeque sounds good right now, DH is cooking dinner, making a chicken veggie stir fry with pasta. Hopefully if it doesnt rain and thunderstorm,than we will be heading to go see fireworks soon. Its getting cloudy and i see storms on the doppler radar though, ugghhh..... the rain date is tomorrow night for the fireworks.

Aww, i hope your dog feels better!! :hugs:
The poor baby! What kind of a dog do you have and what is it named?
we just spent the entire day organizing the garage and putting in new storage racks and bike hangers....looks pretty good. its time to shower up and get ready for fireworks!!!
Thanks Dare!! Barbeque sounds good right now, DH is cooking dinner, making a chicken veggie stir fry with pasta. Hopefully if it doesnt rain and thunderstorm,than we will be heading to go see fireworks soon. Its getting cloudy and i see storms on the doppler radar though, ugghhh..... the rain date is tomorrow night for the fireworks.

Aww, i hope your dog feels better!! :hugs:
The poor baby! What kind of a dog do you have and what is it named?

I have a mini schnauzer and his name is ben. He has tons of medical conditions- so i was really afraid it was going to offset something else. Not sure WHAT happened because he seems perfectly normal this morning. never had an episode like that before. Not complaining since it was easy to clean up (just food) and he came to me before he did because he wanted comfort. Poor guy. Ate fine today and playing with a toy. :) Maybe some anxiety something going on.

@busy- i can't believe no baby yet!!! sheesh!

I am TIRED today!!!!! my sil was coming over today to go swimming- not that fond of her but i'm TRYING to get along and be friends. Find out this am she invited along our other sil and niece which is fine- but you would think since it's my house she would've asked me first before telling her to just come over? And only the first guest is free. So, it's fine as long as two of them pay. I'm not doing it.
@Dare, I am glad your dog is feeling better. :thumbup:

@Busy, getting organized is always a good thing. :winkwink:I hope you enjoyed your fireworks! I really hope that your baby girl makes her apperance all on her own soon, Good luck hun!!! Keep us updated!!:hugs: DH and me made it to the one close to our house. It was an alright show, except they took a long time to actually get them started. We also made the mistake of sitting next to this annoying group of teens that wouldnt shut up...LOL...they were very obnoxious, LOL

I am going nuts in the 2WW and even though I vowed not to test early I did anyways, and am getting the faint second barely there lines again, I am not excited at all though, because I am feeling like a broken record at this point, and I have been here and done this for way to long now.

I am going to be taking clomid hopefully next cycle or the one starting after that if AF comes this month. I am excited about it and hoping that I can finally get my BFP!!
OOOH wanna i so hope this is the month for you!!! are you feeling any symptoms or anything?? seems like when you LEAST expect to be BFP it happens with no symptoms at all :haha:
went to the OB today, i have ANOTHER yeast infection!!!! this is unbelievable that is 3 in 3rd trimester alone!!! plus 2 in first trimester! 5 yeast infections?!?!?! are you kidding me!~ my OB told me to stop wearing underpants.....and since i dont wear pants anyway, skirts are perfect. going comando might need some getting used to. especially in public :blush:
my heart rate is also increasing again so OB called cardio, cardio said he really thinks this will resolve when she is born and he would like me to deliver as soon as it safe for baby, SO she is coming JULY 12TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill be 39 weeks 4 days so perfectly healthy for her to be born! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
i cannot believe i have a DATE!!!!!! i feel so relieved and lessa nxious already....having false labor 4 times this pregnancy has been more than enough wasted trips to the ER. i feel so foolish!
SO here it is 6 days away!!!!!!!!!! im so happy!
Dare- how did the visit go with sister in law and crew? how are you feeling?
@Busy, I am so excited that you have a due date now!!! I got my fingers crossed that everything goes well during delivery for you and that your baby girl is happy and healthy!!! :thumbup:

That stinks about all of the yeast infections...ugghhh..sounds like such a pain!! I hope it goes away quickly!!! I have been lucky enough to never of gotten one before, but I know when you are pregnant your body changes and all kinds of things happen...

I dont know if my symptoms are any different this month to be honest with you. I literally have had every symptom known to man kind and AF always shows, I have even had months with no symptoms hardly at all as well. So at this point i have no idea what to think. I have a testing thread in the HPT gallery going, and am driving myself crazy testing, you would think that i would of learned my lesson after all of my disappointments with early testing before, but nope ,I am back at it again...why oh why do i do this!!! LOL!!! :blush:
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