The One Year Strong Ladies!

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wanna, I'm glad everything went well with DH. I'm sure he'll be glad to be home too.

I'm sitting in front of my computer, muddling through a mountain of paperwork. I'm tired, I want to lay down and snooze, but DH and I are going to watch a movie tonight. I had pizza for dinner (BAD) after I went to the grocery store and stocked up on fruit, cheese sticks, and yogurt for snacking. Pizza was the only thing that sounded good. :shrug:
What did you ladies eat to keep your pregnancy weight down during your 9 months? I'm starting out overweight, so I don't want to gain TOO much (yeah, I know, stay away from the pizza).

Feeling a little off today - like the flu, almost. Sore throat, very runny nose, sneezing up a storm, and DIZZY. Ugh.

wanna - funny you should mention the moodiness on Clomid. That's the reason DH and I are so happy we got our BFP after one cycle. My boss was going to KILL me if I went through Clomid again. I was wicked. And I'm NEVER hormonal. I would snap at someone one minute, whine to DH that he was abandoning me when he was checking his email in the other room, bawl during a stupid TV show. Man, it was crazy!
Wanna - glad the funeral went ok. I understand wanting your husband to be home, we spent too long apart from our husbands being overseas to have them gone :hugs: Sorry the clomid isn't fun, hopefully it'll only be for this one cycle though!!!

Busy - So sorry about your MIL. I would be pissed. You definitely have done too much already if you've been cleaning your house. Maybe you should throw some crap around and tell your MIL she can clean up for you? Rest and try to take it easy :hugs:

Dare - Good that your dog has been less needy. Hopefully it's a good sign. Still sticking with she'll be here in less than a week! Hope you're ready!

Lindsay - Sorry you're not feeling well. BUT your baby is 5 weeks old!!! The size of an appleseed! So amazing!! Look, it's in the second box!!! I LOVED the pregnancy tickers, especially the fruit one!
I didn't put on weight till about 20 weeks. Then I gained 8 lbs in 1 month. Yes, one month. At about 26 weeks I found out I had Gestational Diabetes and that diet is what helped me keep the weight down. It's a lot of carb counting. I could have pizza (and trust me I wanted it!) and Taco Bell Nachos (I knew I had a problem when I'd had it 4 days that week and 3 days ina row!!!), but I needed to make sure I stayed within my limits. I swear that's the only reason I gained 23 lbs (and had lost it all by 8 days postpartum). I could have as much veggies (ew), protien and fat as I wanted but here was my carb count:
Breakfast 15-30g
Snack 15-30g
Lunch 30-45g
Snack 15-30g
Dinner 30-45g
Snack 15-30g
Not supposed to go above OR below the count. Too few carbs was bad too (I know you don't have to worry about your sugars, but if they are balanced and well controlled you'll feel good). So take it or leave it, but it really helped me :thumbup:

AFM... My grandma died today. I got the call a little over an hour ago. She was my last blood related grandparent (my other grandma had remarried, and he's still alive, but he no longer recognized her side of the family because he's an asshole. By the way he married my grandma 50 years ago, so it's not like he's new to that side of the fmaily and he was the only grandpa I was ever close to. Hasn't met James or asked about me in a long time. Saw him at a funeral in May and he walked away when he saw me. He forgot my birthday 2 years in a row and I forgot his once and so he refuses to talk to me now, but that was 1.5 years after grandma died). Anyways, this grandma was 96 and she hadn't been well. She was where I spent all my sick days, days off of school, summers, where my parents would drop us off to go to dinner. She would pick us up at the bus stop and drop us off at home so we wouldn't have to walk... She wasn't always the nicest lady (cursed at us and a little weird sexual things) but she was a big part in raising me and I'm sad she's gone. The funeral is going to be sometime this week...
@Spunky, I am so very sorry for your loss hun....:hugs: :hugs: My heart goes out to you and your family. :hugs:
@Nj, as far as moodiness, I did tell off one of my friends. He had been getting on my nerves for a while though, and I usually just do the "uhhuummm, yeah, okay" and change the subject when he starts nagging me about my job situation, and dont say anything. But this time I was already upset because of what my husband was dealing with, and after I told him how hard this week was and than right after he decided to beat the dead horse, aka my job situation, I finally told him that we dont need to discuss the topic anymore other words I think the clomid has made me grow some balls, and things I normally wouldnt say, ummmmm...I might just end up saying them when i am all strung out on clomid.:muaha:
Spunky I am soo soo sorry about your grandma...I know that has to be hard...I hope you and your family are able to think about all the good memories and I hope your hubby and friends are around for emotional support... :hugs:
Wanna..I told you that clomid is wicked lol lol..hubby was very upset with me for a bit until he remembered why I was biting his head off the first few days..I was happy and in a great mood everyday until he walked in the door and then its like I just had it out for would breakdown at anything and just cry and cry and he would hug me and tell me he knew it was just the drug and it was ok and to just cry lol..was horrible..soo glad only had one cycle too..its wicked stuff

NJ...I started off very overweight..was 246 pre preggie..but alot of it was muscle as I am quite stocky really..but I lost 12 down to 234 in the first tri because of morning sickness..I ate anything that sounded good..taco salad..big macs..anything I could eat without getting sick thinking about it...and I STILL lost the weight...and Im now only back up to 239 and Im 26 weeks monday..I still have a hard time finding things that sound good..not so much due to pukey feeling... just loss of appetite in general..I still eat what I want for the most part...I do eat a lot of apples and fruits..luckily that is one of my cravings lol lol...and cereal and milk...not so many veggies...and meats are iffy...but as long as you dont go crazy just eating like..gallons of ice cream and candy bars I think you'll be ok... and just remember..if you breastfeed you are supposed to use up 500 cals a day just doing you lose it quite quickly..or so Ive heard lol lol..
Chelsea, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. I only have one living grandparent as well, but unfortunately it's the one that hates my mother and her "offspring". Yes, she's referred to us as OFFSPRING. It's my dad's mom. Luckily, she's in southern California, we are in NJ, so I don't have to deal with her. Haven't spoken to her in about five years. My Mom's mom died in 2009, and she was 91. My mom couldn't understand why I was so upset, "she was 91!". Just because someone is ill doesn't make it less sad. My thoughts are with you.
First appointment in 3 days!!!
@NJ, good luck with your appointment. Please let us know how it goes.

As for me, the second day of clomid wasnt as bad as the first, but unpleasent still. It feels like I have the mild flu. Very odd, I think I am getting hot flashes like some of the other girls have mentioned when using the clomid. I have a bad headache still. I think taking the clomid later in the day after dinner helped with the symptoms, especially the naseau, i need to have a full stomach before I take the pill. Only 3 more days of it left, :wacko:thank goodness! I have been using tums and tylenol every day and that seems to help as well.

I am looking forward to picking up hubby from the airport this afternoon. We need to get started on the :sex: ASAP...LOL....:blush::haha: I am going to use the softcups for the first time this cycle and the preseed, I got plenty of OPK's to make sure I know when I am OV'ing as well. :happydance::happydance: It's about to be on and popping!!! LOL...:blush::haha:
What did you ladies eat to keep your pregnancy weight down during your 9 months? I'm starting out overweight, so I don't want to gain TOO much (yeah, I know, stay away from the pizza).

Honestly- i've only gained 26 lbs. They wanted me to gain between 25-30. So i'm right on. BUT- i didn't do ANYTHING differently then i normally would. I didn't 'watch' my weight. I ate small meals throughout the day- constantly snacking. It helps a bit. Lots of fruit and things. Some babies just are different- i mean my boss had gained 50 lbs with her first, lost it all very easily because she was bfing- and then with the second only gained 25. I had also wanted to lose before we got pg but... that didn't work out. I gained the 5 i intended to lose.

Dare - Good that your dog has been less needy. Hopefully it's a good sign. Still sticking with she'll be here in less than a week! Hope you're ready!

AFM... My grandma died today. I got the call a little over an hour ago. She was my last blood related grandparent (my other grandma had remarried, and he's still alive, but he no longer recognized her side of the family because he's an asshole. By the way he married my grandma 50 years ago, so it's not like he's new to that side of the fmaily and he was the only grandpa I was ever close to. Hasn't met James or asked about me in a long time. Saw him at a funeral in May and he walked away when he saw me. He forgot my birthday 2 years in a row and I forgot his once and so he refuses to talk to me now, but that was 1.5 years after grandma died). Anyways, this grandma was 96 and she hadn't been well. She was where I spent all my sick days, days off of school, summers, where my parents would drop us off to go to dinner. She would pick us up at the bus stop and drop us off at home so we wouldn't have to walk... She wasn't always the nicest lady (cursed at us and a little weird sexual things) but she was a big part in raising me and I'm sad she's gone. The funeral is going to be sometime this week...

lol spunky actually i said he's been MORE needy. He's driving me freaking crazy. I was walking him this am and i had to tug his lead slightly because he was trying to pull too hard (and he's not allowed to pull me!) and he SCREAMED like i freaking cut off his leg. He's been awful. If anyone comes to the door- the training is apparently all gone because he freaks and starts screaming. I tell you what- it's not looking very good for him to stay living with us because i can't have a dog that's more needy than a baby.

I am so sorry about your loss- i never know what to say with things like that, just know i'm thinking of you and sending you my best. :hugs:

As for me, the second day of clomid wasnt as bad as the first, but unpleasent still. It feels like I have the mild flu. Very odd, I think I am getting hot flashes like some of the other girls have mentioned when using the clomid. I have a bad headache still. I think taking the clomid later in the day after dinner helped with the symptoms, especially the naseau, i need to have a full stomach before I take the pill. Only 3 more days of it left, :wacko:thank goodness! I have been using tums and tylenol every day and that seems to help as well.

I am looking forward to picking up hubby from the airport this afternoon. We need to get started on the :sex: ASAP...LOL....:blush::haha: I am going to use the softcups for the first time this cycle and the preseed, I got plenty of OPK's to make sure I know when I am OV'ing as well. :happydance::happydance: It's about to be on and popping!!! LOL...:blush::haha:

Glad your second day of clomid wasn't as bad as the first- hoping it just gets easier for you. And yeah! get on that :sex:!!!!
Thanks for your input on "pregnancy eating" girls. I have the hardest time eating (or drinking) during the day, so that's what I really have to change. I usually just have breakfast around 8, 830, go to work, scavenge something around 3pm (if at all), come home at 5, 6pm and eat dinner. I know, it's terribly unhealthy, but in the nursing field, that's how my life has been for ten years. I've cut out the coffee ages ago - I was down to one cup in the morning, and now that's gone - my biggest vice is starches. I could just make a big baked potato and eat that for dinner. Or pasta. Yum.

So today, had a Greek yogurt, a slice of wheat high-fiber toast, and a glass of passion fruit/pineapple/mango juice. Went to see Harry Potter with the family - had a bottled water (no popcorn - sigh). Up to Mom's house for a small slice of birthday cake, had another yogurt for a snack (it was either that or chocolate chip cookies). Got home around 530, made myself some sliced apples and cheese for snack. Not really hungry for dinner.

It's really been such a strange month. I went to the dentist the beginning of the month for a metallic taste in my mouth - he thought I was nuts, but it turned out I had a badly cracked tooth, and need a crown. So once he started drilling, he discovered a cavity (WAAAA, I've never had a cavity, NOTHING. So mad). I have a temporary crown right now which is making me BONKERS. Next week is GYN appointment on Wednesday, and dentist on Thursday.

Here's a question for you girls - did your MDs do a scan your first visit? How far along WERE you for your first visit? I'll only be 5+4 if we're going by LMP.
I had bloods done at the gyno about 4 times in 10 days before they sent me to an OB..I had an OB appt..and was expecting to do the first big appt with all the blood tests and questions and history and all..but my gyno had sent it all over..they knew about my previous MCs and my progesterone levels being low and they decided to not even do an appt or bloods and I went straight back to a scan..I was 5 weeks and we just saw the sac...and then I went back at 7 weeks saw heartbeat..9 weeks..10 week for emergency scan..and then 13 weeks....I guess it depends on your history and how closely they want to monitor you...since you are a clomid girl too..even thought this wasnt a clomid cycle per say..I bet they will do an early one just to see if its more than one sac etc...
I went to the dentist the beginning of the month for a metallic taste in my mouth - he thought I was nuts, but it turned out I had a badly cracked tooth, and need a crown. So once he started drilling, he discovered a cavity (WAAAA, I've never had a cavity, NOTHING. So mad). I have a temporary crown right now which is making me BONKERS. Next week is GYN appointment on Wednesday, and dentist on Thursday.

Here's a question for you girls - did your MDs do a scan your first visit? How far along WERE you for your first visit? I'll only be 5+4 if we're going by LMP.

Hey that metallic taste could have been a symptom too :) Some women have that!

As for the scan. I think it depends on the hospital and so forth. Or history. My office only does them at like 11-13 weeks. And if you go like over a week- seriously- they say they can't do it. but that's mine.

A girl i know that was doing ivf- because she saw a specialist they checked like right when she got her positive- then every 10 days after that just to make sure- for i think 3 or 4 visits. Then she was released to a regular mw- and she did the 12 week one, and again at 19 weeks.

It's kind of frustrating. Since i had no hx of complications and they aren't a specialty place i couldn't have a scan early. And they didn't even TRY to hear a heartbeat until 10 weeks. Which is scary as hell. But that's their way. Hope yours will do more for you!
i have been eating like a horse since ive been breastfeeding. i was 165 at delivery and im 149 now.....5 days old and i only have 10 pounds to lose. i would say the breastfedding definately helps. i eat about 6-7 meals per day and then in the middle of the night. more than when i was pregnant, and a lot more than post pregnancy of the others. all of my dreams since delivery have been about food and restaurants LOL
worse cramps, bad gas, and still traumatized from the labor and delivery. it was horrific. and i cant get past it.
:hugs: Thanks for the support ladies, at least my brother is flying in, so it will be good to see him.

Dare - Sorry I got confused on the dog! I thought just the opposite, but I've been having to read and reply with a baby in my lap which is distracting. Hopefully he'll calm down soon. Lots of people say their dogs got more neurotic around labor (or their cats). Maybe its a sign.

Lindsay - I completely know what you mean about the whole she's 96 (or 91) it's still very sad even though it's for the best (she's been wanting to go for quite a while).
My first scan was by my OB and they didn't want to see me until 8 weeks (that way they made sure whether or not baby had a hearbeat and I think, cynically maybe, give me time to miscarry). Since you've been monitored and had clomid (I know not this cycle, but in the past) they might look earlier for you!
Good job on the food. You must eat more at work!! :)
i have been eating like a horse since ive been breastfeeding. i was 165 at delivery and im 149 now.....5 days old and i only have 10 pounds to lose. i would say the breastfedding definately helps. i eat about 6-7 meals per day and then in the middle of the night. more than when i was pregnant, and a lot more than post pregnancy of the others. all of my dreams since delivery have been about food and restaurants LOL
worse cramps, bad gas, and still traumatized from the labor and delivery. it was horrific. and i cant get past it.

Congrats on the weight loss. I get hungry late at night, but not as much during the day. I'm sorry you're still traumatized from L&D :hugs: I still am too, and I'm not sure I'll ever get over it. My midwife suggested counseling as I joked (though not sure it was a joke) that I had PTSD from it. Was it worse than your previous children?
My RE already kicked me out (haha, not literally, but they told me they were done with me and didn't need to see me again). I only had the beta, and since it was positive, they told me to get to the gyn/ob asap. They're forwarding all my information, but I haven't had any scans. So, I guess I'll see what happens. Funny how everyone has had different experiences. I'm thinking they may do one, just to see if there is a sac or not.

Oh, and my PCOS bump buddy? Saw the heartbeat on Friday!! All is good.

Dare I thought the same thing about the metallic taste, after the fact. Could have been both??
And looking back, I had some brown spotting once on 9dpo. Guess that was implantation!

This stuffy nose is making me CRAZY!!
lol spunky if he gets any more neurotic seriously i'm going to have to send him off somewhere to live for a while because i can't handle it. He's driving me nuts.

I remember when i worked at the clinic we had a lady call up to ask for something for her husky because when she hit 7 months, the dog was picking up on her hormones, and literally as soon as her owner would go to sleep the dog would sit next to her bed and howl. She couldn't stand not being by her owner. They tried some drugs- i think it helped slightly but just barely. They tried putting her outside, in the garage in a kennel- and the dog would howl. ALLLLL night long. I just hope he doesn't get any worse because i couldn't handle that!
way worse than any of the others. i used to LOVE L&D, obviosuly it was painful but epidural worked and contractions were a smooth up adn down that i was able to breathe through. and i told my husband i thought i had PTSD also!!!!!!!!
i cried myself to sleep a few times, my whole body was shaking and hubby jsut rubbed my back and prayed for me.
they started cyto tech (spelling?) at 9:45pm. its a little tablet they put behind your cervix to soften it up. said it could cause some cramping. i was already contracting irregular when i got midnight i started having some painful crmaps and contractions got longer and more regular. i told my husband and BF that was in the room that things were getting hard fast and i started to panic. by 1 am i was having painful death of contractions every 2 minutes and i freaked out after like 10 of them i started crying and tried to get out of bed, i lost control of my mind for a second. the BF reigned me back in and i got back into my right side, breath through them and meditate position. i lost track of about 2 hours breathing through the contractions with her coaching me along saying good job, good job, good job, almost done, almost done, its over (that was one phrase after each deep breath in and out-each contraction took 6) so anyway, i asked for epidural by 3am. i was dilated to 2-3 cm 50% effaced. epidural FINALLY showed up at 5am, so here we are now 4 hours of "i cant even see straight, hell is going to errupt from my body" contractions......took over 30 minutes to get it in becaue the anesthesiologist kept having to take calls on his emergency phone, and i had like 15 contractions sitting up waiting for him to get the stupid thing started (sitting straight up while in labor is HORRIFIC). they checked me agian said i was at 4 cm and was going to break my water but her head was still too high and risked teh cord coming down first. 30 minutes of relief and teh epidural meds started rising up my chest and i couldnt feel anything to breathe, my oxygen dropped they shut off the epidural at 6:30am. i felt pressure i was at 5cm, 10 minutes later my water broke, by 7:30 am i was completely ready to push, no pain relief, feeling the urge to push, my OB was in C-section and wanted me to wait until he got there.....8:00 am he got there and i started pushing. 8 pushes and she was out., i ripped in 3 places =( at one point during her delivery i actually stood up on the stirrups becasue i was in so much shock my body went crazy. i had the shakes uncontrollably. i never yelled, didnt holler or act beligerant with my mouth but my body acted crazy.....she was born at 8:12 am with the cord around her neck, weighing 7lbs 15 oz and 20.5 inches long. she is perfect now, and im physically healing....but the mental side of things are not doing so great.
so thats my loooooong story. :/
NJ, i bet you are about 8 weeks.....jsut a hunch. they should do a scan to check gestation because the level is so high. i believe they say you can see heartbeat once beta HCG levels reach teh 3,000 mark.(not 100% positive on that fact) and your bloods were a few days back so they are probably even more than that now!!! i relaly hope they give you some idea of what will be happening SOON!
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