The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Erica - NO washing cars anymore, that's how my sister went into labor (and cleaning out a closet for the other - water broke both times I believe)

ok so maybe just after 37 weeks..then ..since Im allergic to spicy foods..and hubbys afraid to do me lol lol.. :roll: lol..I'll wash hubbys truck.....if that doesnt bring on labor idk what will lol lol.. :rofl:
mrsj- nothing I tried brought on labor! Suckd.

spunky- thanks hun- she let me sleep pretty good last night. Finally using her co-sleeper but have to fight her every night to do so.

nj- a lot of appts seem to be pointless I'm sorry to say.

cottleston- what kind of dog?? I'd give anything for someone to take mine! Sheesh.

afm- sorry rubbish catching up on my part. I have mastitis which is like the flu so a bit out of it. Baby is well. She's 2 weeks tomorrow. Can't believe that. Hope you all are well!!
Dare have they given you any antibiotics or anything for the pain?

off to get back in a bit..
our cat just killed a baby bunny!! A BABY BUNNY!!..this is the third animal hes killed this week..I am going to kill him if he keeps it up!! either that or hes getting a muzzle!!!..uggh!! I am soooo pissed at him right now!!!! we feed them..he has no excuse...its only this week hes started this... :growlmad:
mrsj- yeah I'm on antibiotics now- finally starting to feel a bit better. Fever seems to have broken. It was horrid. As for your cat... Maybe he's respomding to your hormones. But they are natural hunters- once they do it once though seems like they don't stop. That's why we'd never have outdoor cats. That plus all the diseases they can bring in! Be careful with yourself and baby :)
oh they are only outdoors..they live in the they arent in the house..they were when they were kittens when hubby got them before I was here but they started to be boys..peeing everywhere lol he kicked them out lol.. they just go through these phases..they dont do it for like..months and months..but then all of a sudden they go crazy..especially Bookums..not sure about Schnookums but I have caught Bookums twice this week....I dont mind them killing the mice and the lizards and stuff..but bats...bunnies and birds!! I draw the line there!..I am going to get a bell to put around his neck so maybe he cant be soo sneaky...

good that you are on meds..I can imagine being sick and having a baby is miserable..I know Im glad I got this sinus stuff before shes here..I hope its my only sickness for the year lol.. weird is this..just shows how much in sync hubby and I are...just an hour or so ago I laid out hamburger to thaw for tacos tonight...and then just now hubby gets on facebook and asks if I want to meet him at our fav mexican place for dinner lol... of course Im going to meet him..anytime I dont have to cook Im up for it lol.. but still of all the days I plan tacos and he has no idea..he pitches mexican too! lol..
better than my dh. He came home and took baby and I had to walk the dog. I just told him my fever is 100.2 and he still let me walk him. Seriously???

then I asked for baby back- he got mad- asked why he can't see her while walking to stuff his face. I just told him because of my pill I have to wait an hour to eat.

he's so freaking selfish sometimes. He always eats before me now. Doesn't even try to take care of me. As long as he's fed right. I'm so mad!!!!!!!!!
mine is like that all the time!!! I try to have dinner ready or like..10 mins or so away from ready when he gets home from work..and he sits down and expects me to wait on him like Marth freaking Stewart takes me like..15 mins to get him his stuff..his drink..oh can I have this..oh can you bring me this...blah blah blah..but lately Ive told him no..I have his child to feed to..(even if she isnt here yet lol) and that I am tired of eating cold food because I have to wait on him for 30 mins before I get to hes getting it on his own now..I told him Im 8 months pregnant and its about time he waited on me for a change... :roll: and in response we have eaten out like 4 times this week ...not complaining about that though lol lol... guys can be soo selfish though!! yours an only child..did his mom baby him/wait on him when he was younger? I find that this is one of the causes of selfish hubby syndrome... stupid MILs..ruin everything!!
dh is the oldest of 5! So no! And he didn't get babied at all- my mil liked the idea od babies but don't think she actually liked them! She is terrible. However he was brought up in a super religious household that made he believe women obey the men. We've worked on that- I don't obey anyone. But every now and then we have issues about things like that. I mean I don't think he believes it anymore but when a man is brainwashed into thinking one thing his whole life it's hard to break it.however- he now does laundry, cooks dinner, does dishes... He doesn't like it but he does it without asking. I just have a lot more work to do with him. But he does tend to take care of himself first. And just like you said... I have a baby to feed!!!
oh..yeah that religious man over woman thing can be a hard thing to break...and even if he doesnt BELIEVE it..the habit of it might be hard to break....just being used to it..I think my hubbies problem is that he was a bachelor for so long and he did it all himself that now Im here he thinks well..dont have to do that for myself mine does dishes everynow and then...he will do his own laundry too if he wants it bad enough..and hes great about handyman projects around the house..keeps the grass I cant complain to much other than I just hate how they ASSUME we are women so we have to do certain stuff..that just annoys me..I mean I know he works and Im home all day..but just the fact that he ASSUMES..I will be a little house on the prairie wife and have bathrooms..all done all the time just pisses me off lol..I dont mind doing it really..its just when its expected that I do it...idk..guess Im just a bit rebellious like that lol.. :blush:
oh and I told him that he can believe ones Brieanan is here she will come first..over me AND hope maybe then he'll start to take care of her and then me too since she'll be attached to me feeding all the time lol..
afm- sorry rubbish catching up on my part. I have mastitis which is like the flu so a bit out of it. Baby is well. She's 2 weeks tomorrow. Can't believe that. Hope you all are well!!

2 weeks! Time sure does fly!

So sorry about the mastitis :hugs: So horrible. Glad you're already feeling better. Isn't it horrible how fast it can hit you?: I was feeling fine, then within an hour I felt HORRIBLE like the flu. I was shivering and covered in blankets with a mild fever. UGH. Hope you feel better soon. Sorry DH isn't treating you better. :hugs:
Spunky that's exactly what happened! i was fine! then WHAM. temp is 98.2 today, feeling great!
just got a box in the mail of the cutest baby clothes from this website where you pay just $15.95 for a box full of baby clothes in sizes and seasons you need..and with as many clothes as you get it would easily be $30+ new or prolly even in consignment shops.....when you sign up they send you a pack of 10 flat rate boxes and you fill them up with stuff your kid has outgrown and other members can pick it and you send it to of charge to you...great site..!! I cant wait till I have stuff Brieanan has outgrown so I can send some boxes of my own..hubby was just "awwww"ing over the tiny tiny little girl socks lol lol.. had 3 onsies and matching pants...a few gowns/sleepers..socks..soo cute!!
that's one thing I just can't do. Putting my baby in another child's clothes. Freaks me out! I would never wear someone else's clothes so can't do it to my baby I know so many people that use sites like that and love them. I just can't handle it long as they are in good condition..I dont mind..I am all for clothes "recycling" as the site calls it...and its a great way to get lots of clothes in the sizes/seasons/gender you need without going to all different stores..and its soo much cheaper..I mean all the things I got today would have been well over $50 and I got it for only $5.95..normally its $15.95 a box but you get a $10 credit when you sign up...I dont like the fact that you dont really get anything for sending out boxes..I mean if it was an even swap like you send out 4 boxes and get to pick 4 boxes and not pay then sure...I think I'll be taking Brieanans stuff to consignment or selling hers on craigslist...

ugh it is soo hot here today!!..its brutal..its been so nice and like in the low to mid 80s and not so humid and today its 94 and humid..ugh!! so glad Brieanan wont be here till its cooler out...
we are going tomorrow morning to pick up a changing table..yay!! its soo cute and looks more like real furniture than the table I had picked out...brb chocolate cake might be done...nope..not yet..and I just realized we dont have milk!!! ah!!!!!!! I guess I will be running out to get that in a bit..cant have cake without milk..:nope: but the table I had picked out was a Badger Basket with cloth baskets and the bad thing I read about it them was not enough support and you cant put a lot of stuff or heavy stuff in the I saw this one on craigslist for $65..was $150 new..and was like..OMG I want it..its soo cute and girly..I love the crystal knobs and the cute little heart detail and that its white and actually can be a dresser not just a changing table...cant wait to get it!! hubby is in the nursery priming the rest of the walls...Im watching Iron Chef and getting hungry but not feeling like cooking anything serious tonight..

I cleaned out a big box of baking dishes..pot lids and random stuff from the kitchen nice to have less clutter in the cabinets..some of the stuff I havent used at all in the 2 years Ive been here!! so dont think it needs to be in the way..hubby wont let me get rid of stuff though so it'll go down in storage in the basement.. I officially have a whole 18 gallon tub of clothes for Brieanan now...gonna wait till my showers are over middle of September to start washing stuff..and after this next paycheck gonna get a set of those big plastic stackable drawers at target and start organizing her feeding stuff in the pantry..which also needs a good cleanout before shes here...can def feel the nesting seriously kicking in..if only I could get all the energy needed to do it lol...least its all in the house and I'll be cool and not have to be out in the heat...

Dare..I read your baby journal thing about the target with kids..if you arent used to it...can definitely be an overwhelming hassle :nope:...I am dreading those first few trips out..especially the first few I do by myself..Ive been out with tons of my nanny kids and while you would think babies would be easier since they are in the cart and cant run away or grab things lol..they definitely can be harder to keep quiet and make happy..and everyone alllwwaayyss has to stare like they have never seen a baby out in public..much less one that cries..that can be more stressful than anything really... but it'll get easier especially once you get into a shopping routine and figure out what makes her happy the fastest

Cake is out of the about 2-3 hours before its ready to ice and oh I cant wait!!:happydance:


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..hes just been so sweet :cry::cry::cry:..and I always end up crying my eyes out lol...its getting ridiculous.. why cant I stop freaking crying..I mean Im sensitive on a good not-preggie day lol..but now its like never ending...hes just been soo sweet..he talks about Brieanan being here and how excited he is..(and here I am tearing up just typing it lol lol...)..anyway...he talks about how he knows how emotional he'll be when shes born...about how lovey dovey he'll he cant wait for this and that..and her cute little feet and playing with her and taking her places..and I just burst into tears everytime...(kinda like I am now...)

just a bit ago we were laying on the couch watching tv..I have a big issue of looking him in the eyes..because I have low self esteem and it just weirds me out and I get super shy..yes..even after being married for over a year and living with him for almost 2 years now..I still get shy..he was really distressed about it tonight though...and told me hes noticed it a lot lately and its really bothering him...and asked me why I cant look him in the eye..and is it something about I not love I not find him attractive..and I just started crying because it has nothing to do with him and I would never want him to think that..its just that I feel like the longer he looks at me..the uglier I will get to him..because I had acne before and now pregnancy acne..chubby cheeks now...I just feel blah...and when I look at him straight in the eye its just soo intimidating for me and I just freak out..but he was asking me..and I finally told him why..and then he started telling me how pretty I was..and he loves my eyes..and my cute nose..and everything...and that he didnt fall in love with me for no reason..and he loves me no matter what I look like..and I had my head on his chest at this point..of course..not looking him in the eye...and he reached up to wipe his eye and I saw his hand and his fingers were wet..he was crying too!!! and I asked him why he was crying and he just broke down and said because he loved me so much and he couldnt believe that he would ever love someone so much...(he was a bachelor for years and years before me) and that he was just so happy and so lucky to have a wife like me and how happy he was about Brieanan and hes glad we didnt wait like he had wanted to..and just kept going on and on so then we were both bawling our eyes out lol..I already have a headcold so I couldnt breathe out my nose at all lol..just a big blubbery mess..both of us!!

I guess I shouldnt be complaining as atleast hes making me cry in a good way lol lol..but still..I cant handle all this crying....I seriously feel like I could cry for hours and I dont even know over what..I even start crying when Im laughing!!! :blush: its gotten to the point where anytime I think about Brieanan I start the middle of the day..all alone..hell even at Target looking through the baby stuff.. I seriously hope this gets better soon after shes born..Im gonna get dehydrated!!:cry::cry::cry::cry:
Sorry you are so emotional hun- wait until baby comes out. sheeesh. I'm a wreck. And i wasn't before hand. i could cry over pretty much anything. Btw- forgot to say your changing table is gorgeous.

And hun, if he didn't love you and think you were beautiful, he wouldn't be with you. You wouldn't be married, and you wouldn't be expecting your beautiful bundle right now. :)
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