The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Thanks for the encouragement guys!

I'm not fast or dedicated enough to make enough to sell. I started this one last summer, put it on hold during the school year, and picked it up again this summer. The book has patterns for crib skirt and sheets and other things.

I heard bumpers are now discouraged due to SIDS, so I'm debating whether or not to make one or not.
Eating grilled chicken and those pasta sides chicken and broccoli and forcing myself to eat some grilled asparagus lol... so glad I can grill and dont have to wait on hubby to do it lol..what is everyone else doing for dinner?
is anyone else just really picky when it comes to food? lol..if so how? what are your crazy food likes or dislikes and crazy food rules (no touching on the plate, etc)?
I'm thawing some steaks for hubby to grill when he gets home.

We're both so picky beef and chicken are about the only things we can agree on. He hates onions, I love Italian food (lots of onion and garlic). I eat nothing from water and hate almost all vegetables.
Fluffy - The AVERAGE amount of days after Ovulation to AF is 14 days, for me it's like 11 or 12 days, so it's a good day to guess around, but not accurate for all. This is only my official 2nd month of ttc our first baby, so I'm learning too. I've tracked ovulation the last three months using opk tests. I've found them really helpful and other signs seem to match with them. You may have had more cm, but what kind? When you ovulate it should be egg white in consistency and color and it should be stretchy. I thought that was gross but I have found myself seeing if it's stretchy lol, and last time I was able to stretch it an inch or two. I get lots of cm throughout the month though, watery doesn't count as a sign for ovulation, so just getting lots of cm doesn't quite count. Hope this helps.
I only had 9 days after O. Grr.
yay its not just me that hates veggies I mean dont get me wrong I love some of them but Im picky as to preperation with those. I hate peppers, spicy, sweet, any peppers, hate them. Im allergic to the spicy ones and just hate the taste of bell peppers lol.... I dont eat pork (cept bacon but I consider that a whole other animal lol) I like shrimp but only fresh fresh stuff and no boiled or anything just grilled stir fried or fried southern style (and if its southern style I have to have tarter sauce and coleslaw to eat with it lol..) Ive never had scallops and dont know if I like crab or lobster, I eat fried clams, hate clam chowder, and have never had a mussel or any other shelled sea creature... I love calamari, like my apples sweet and crispy, and i like other fruits sweet and ripe lol...

hubby says Im ultra picky lol...and thats why he doesnt volunteer to cook...
Evenin' everyone. LOOONG day at work, so I'm just nuking a Lean Cuisine - pasta with broccoli and veggies. Boring. But I don't have the energy to actually cook, and I'm already in my around-the-house clothes, and I am NOT changing. :lol:

Pacifier - I had one till I dropped it down the toilet, and my mom hid the rest of them - that way whenever I asked for it, she just said "Remember, you flushed it down the toilet, it went bye bye?" Being little, I thought I only had one, so I was off the pacifier after that. My cousins were finger/thumb suckers, and it took FOREVER to get 'em off. My mom finally figured out that aloe vera (the plant) tasted horrible, and that helped get it to stop.

Katherine, you're not overreacting AT ALL. DH and I are not going to tell anyone until we're three months along. Only (and I mean ONLY) person we're going to tell before that is my boss. Okay, before you all think I'm crazy, my boss is actually one of my best friends, and in my field (I'm in infectious disease), I have a lot of patients with TB, meningitis, shingles, AIDS, stuff I very much can't be around if pregnant. So he's the first to know, just so we can adjust my patient load ASAP.
The reason I won't tell parents/sister/in laws first? Dad will be happy, no doubt. Mom will give me shit that I got pregnant before losing weight and while DH is laid off and will generally make it a shitty experience. Sister? She'll be happy, but she won't be able to keep it from Mom. My inlaws? As I mentioned before, my MIL and FIL are passed. So I have three brother in laws, one is married with kids. If I tell ANY of them, it'll be around the entire town before you can say Cesarean.
OMG, just stood up and had a WICKED sharp pain in my right lower pelvic area/by hip. OW. Totally weird since I'm on CD8. No idea where that came from.
Think the vitamins are definitely doing something...tons of CM, watery as it may be. Hopefully this will be good for EWCM!! Fx'd!
Ive had that pain a few times and I always get excited lol lol..making a peach cobbler and just relaxing with more weird colored CM for a few hours now...just that brown and then streaky red and thats all..and now crying again...and he asked what was wrong is it just my hormones its like I could start crying and just never stop lol...i hate this lol..
Mmm, peach cobbler sounds nummy.

Chelsea, the quilt looks fab! I've never tried quilting. I can (kinda) crochet, I'm not very good at it. I'm better with the crossstitch.
talking bout food, i hate my food cold or warm i have to have it hot i like lots of ice in my tea. hate it when i get a glass of tea and the ice is melted errrrggggg. i get real mad if we are eating out and i get a luke warm plate. i think each table should have a microwave lol . cold allways makes me think that my plate has been sitting back in the kitchen the whole time i have been waiting. also remi ds me of leftovers wich is fine at home but not when im eating out.
I crochet too. I made these for my cousin (I'm the godmother) who just had a baby. She's my age and I'm so jealous. I crocheted these and it took like 6-7 months. I started as soon as she told me she was pregnant and I was finishing them the morning I was throwing her her baby shower.


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I was ok at crocheting before these guys, and I couldn't sew except hand sewing (and I've done a few cross stitches) but I'm just a very determined and persistent kind of person. Plus I love to have some kind of project going to get away from thinking about work at home. As a teacher there is always work to do - grading papers, doing lesson plans etc.
Infectious Diseases sound scary - I think that's smart of you to let your boss know asap to rearrange work load.

I was reading in the What to Expect While Expecting and it gave advice on telling the boss. I thought they were smart to say don't let them find out through the grapevine (so I plan on telling her before ALL of my coworkers and students) AND might be smarter to tell them BEFORE you start showing similar reason.
Implantation bleeding (possibly): If you find that you’re spotting this week (right around the time that you would have had your period or a little before), don’t be alarmed. This is usually a sign that the embryo has implanted itself into the uterine wall (and that’s good!). Don’t have any spotting at all? Don’t worry, either — only a small percentage of women experience implantation bleeding, so not having this symptom doesn’t mean that you’re not pregnant.

PMS-like symptoms (breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings) that might not go away: Sore, tender boobs? Check. Trouble buttoning your pants? Check. Feeling grumpy one minute, happy the next? Check and check. Early pregnancy symptoms are sort of like PMS symptoms but a little more exaggerated (think PMS on steroids). So your breasts may be tingly, sore, and feel a little full, thanks to the progesterone and estrogen coursing through your system (and getting your breasts ready — yes, even at this early stage — to feed your baby). And what’s up with the bloating? Well, blame progesterone for that one. It’s helping to slow down your digestion to allow more nutrients to enter the bloodstream and reach your baby. You can also blame your roller-coaster moods on hormones (go ahead — they’ll be a convenient excuse for the next nine months!).

Maybe there is still hope for am more emotional than ever lately and its like the crying just starts I dont even have to think about what was just said I just burst into tears my little sis just call me from the "big house" she sounds so happy and shes coming home tomorrow and I hope the meds help her and that she feels better about her emotions and is happier in general... hubby wants to go snuggle..not sure when I'll be back on but will def be here tomorrow with CM updates... and hopefully my opks and hpts get here tomorrow as well... in case I dont get back on goodnight ladies!
Ok so I like to think that I know a bit about fertility and all this stuff now, as I have been obsessed with it forever but I just realized something while looking up how many weeks I was and then compared that to DPO and was like wait what just happened, Im missing days or something....

Ok so all these sites that do preggie week by week say in week 4 (according to them I am either 4 weeks and 5 days preggie if O was on the 10th or 4 weeks and 3 days preggie if O was on the 12th) that at the end of week 4 you should expect your first missed period and Im thinking i was supposed to have one at the beginning of this week, so maybe its not bad that Ive been getting BFNs. And they say in week 4 it is likely that you will implant, but I thought implantation was supposed to have happened already. So do I have a reason to get my hopes back up or am I just stupid and dont understand how they are doing weeks?? lol... because I thought it was simple but now I am questioning myself but also feeling like maybe its just a blonde moment lol.... so I am either 4 weeks 5 days preggie and at 19DPO or I am 4 weeks and 3 days preggie and 17 DPO. Aghhh IDK ANYMORE ?!? LOL :wacko:
I personally never understood the due dates - how can you be four weeks pregnant if you O'd just over two weeks ago? I mean, you definitely weren't pregnant FOUR weeks ago, because that was AF, right? Does not make sense to me (OB is not my strong suit, lol).

Chelsea, those Winnie the Pooh characters are amazing!

I love infectious disease (I'm a nurse practitioner, so I'm in the hospital every day), and my boss is really amazing. He's like an older brother; we've known each other for about 8 1/2 years, and I've worked for him for 2 1/2. I really lucked out because he treats me well, we have a good rapport, and we generally just have a great time. It's my job to make him laugh, lol. He's got three little ones - 9, 7, and 5. They're adorable. His wife is 100% Irish, he's 100% Greek (moved here when he was 7), so the kids are super tan with brown eyes and blonde hair. So cute. He actually knows I'm trying, so I won't have a problem telling him. Like I said, we're pretty close.
The nurses I work with, and the other doctors, that's gonna be weird - because it's going to get out a lot sooner than I'd like, I'm afraid. Like I said, we have a lot of patients I really can't be around when pregnant, so I'm going to have to figure something out to tell people as to why I'm not seeing certain patients.
I crochet too. I made these for my cousin (I'm the godmother) who just had a baby. She's my age and I'm so jealous. I crocheted these and it took like 6-7 months. I started as soon as she told me she was pregnant and I was finishing them the morning I was throwing her her baby shower.

My cousin is three months older than me. We've always been super competitive (in a fun way). She got married first, and she has two baby girls, 3 and 1. She was the only grandkid to give my grandmother great-grandchildren before she died. AND she named the second baby after my grandmother - stole my idea! Which is why I'm going for the great-grandmother's names.
I crochet too. I made these for my cousin (I'm the godmother) who just had a baby. She's my age and I'm so jealous. I crocheted these and it took like 6-7 months. I started as soon as she told me she was pregnant and I was finishing them the morning I was throwing her her baby shower.

My cousin is three months older than me. We've always been super competitive (in a fun way). She got married first, and she has two baby girls, 3 and 1. She was the only grandkid to give my grandmother great-grandchildren before she died. AND she named the second baby after my grandmother - stole my idea! Which is why I'm going for the great-grandmother's names.

My cousin is a month and a half younger, same fun competetitivens our whole lives. I got married first, her 2 years later. She just had a kid and looks like I'll be (hopefully) a year and a half later.

Sorry she stole your idea!
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