The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Hi Fluffy of course you can join....

Well I see you have pink tinged CM quite alot even before you think you Od? Do you have that most cycles or are you just now taking notice of things like that? Also do you have other cycle info like the LMP and O dates for the past few cycles? I would ask my gyno if I was having pink/blood tinged like CM anytime other than when AF was due lol but thats just me. If you know when you O'd thats what I count as Day 0 and then go from there like I think I O'd the 10th (which I am rethinking now but anyway) so I count the 11th as 1DPO and the 12th as 2DPO and so I am now at 19DPO based on that.

I use Hormonal Forecaster software that I downloaded and it was pretty spot on about my ovulation but Im late on my period so far but apparently my cycle lengths vary by just a day or two.

Do you use OPKs or temping?
Babe-Yeah she needs to be one of the ugly green ones that looks mean and grumpy with warts she is wayy too happy for my sorry AF got you...I think mine is on her way too...yesterday morning woke up to that gurgly cramping feeling and just knew it would be here and it wasnt..and then last night couldnt sleep at all (maybe because the caffeine overload yesterday lol) but also woke up to cramps and those gurgles again and then nothing this morning Im thinking today or tomorrow...

Yeah Hubby came home from that cruise thing and I was watching Teen Mom and he said "more baby stuff of course, you want to have a baby" and I almost cried because I knew he was just teasing like he always does to me and I hate it when he does I just ignored it and he was like "no no Im serious...its all I can think about lately and I'll be 40 this year and I think I want to start.."..and I explained to him that we had two cycles left this year and then would have to break from Oct until Feb like he said for insurance and he looked at me and was like "cycles? what are you talking about?" lol..and I just stupid lol.... but he really meant it!!! and then I cried at that!!! and am soo happy....its kinda hard trying by yourself

So now Im watching Lets Make A Deal.... and just waiting for AF or BFP still.... is it common to have more sex dreams in pregnancy ? lol...coz Ive been having them everynight lately lol...not full on sex dreams but just..naughty dreams..he usually stops before its full on sex blah on him lol..mean even in the

lol i never go all the way in my dreams something allways wakes me up.:nope:

Ha ha mine are getting progressively better lol..the first times were just him kissing my neck and then in my dream he would stop and roll over and go to bed..then it would be more..but he would still stop and go to sleep...and then finally last night I think it was almost all the way but then in my dream someone came in and we had to stop
Fluffy - The AVERAGE amount of days after Ovulation to AF is 14 days, for me it's like 11 or 12 days, so it's a good day to guess around, but not accurate for all. This is only my official 2nd month of ttc our first baby, so I'm learning too. I've tracked ovulation the last three months using opk tests. I've found them really helpful and other signs seem to match with them. You may have had more cm, but what kind? When you ovulate it should be egg white in consistency and color and it should be stretchy. I thought that was gross but I have found myself seeing if it's stretchy lol, and last time I was able to stretch it an inch or two. I get lots of cm throughout the month though, watery doesn't count as a sign for ovulation, so just getting lots of cm doesn't quite count. Hope this helps.
Pregnant at 70. How old is too old? Should there be an age limit on IVF? If so what age?
I already told my Mum about my bfp on saturday (I wanted support of someone I trusted who had been through the same thing) and DF felt bad that his Mum was being left out. So I caved, and we told his parents on sunday. We swore them all to absolute secrecy. Because of the problems I've had, I didn't want anyone else knowing until 6-8 weeks for family and close friends, 12 weeks for everyone else.
Well. Sunday was 4 days ago.
MIL has already told SIL... the biggest blabbermouth on the planet.
She didn't even tell me she broke the secret, she made DF tell me so I'd be less angry.

What gives her the right to take this away from me?! This is one of the most important things in my life and she's taking control! DF and I only get one chance to tell people that I'm pregnant for the first time ever. And now that's being taken away, person by person. I give it a week before someone else sends me a facebook message about it.

Now I have to tell my sister because I can't have her finding out through my SIL/facebook. I'd never forgive myself.

I'm so upset I can't stop crying. She's got NO RIGHT to tell anyone! How dare she!! :cry:

DF thinks I'm over-reacting. Maybe I am but I don't care. This is our thing, not hers :growlmad: :growlmad:

I'm really sorry I had to put this here, but I need to vent.
Speaking of dreams though, I had the most bizarre dream the other night. My DF convinced me that every time you orgasm, a £2 coin is created. So you could get rich by BD. But you could only spend the coins in one particular grocery store. Urmm.. :haha:
I don't think you're overreacting! I'd be PISSED!!! I'd be even madder if anyone put it on facebook because then EVERYONE can see it.

My SiL found out the hard way that she can't tell her MiL because they told their whole church and then she ended up losing the baby and had so many more people asking her about it. It was devestating to her. She's had 4 kids and didn't tell about the last one until she was in her 2nd trimester. Luckily my husband doesn't want to tell anyone till way later. I plan on telling my mom and dad right away, then my close coworker and my cousin when the doc confirms at 7 weeks (maybe one more close coworker), and everyone else at 12 weeks. Husband has no desire to tell family till 12 weeks. He has 20 nieces and nephews so the family understands waiting till it's safe, also there's pressure this will be the first surviving (HOPEFULLY when we get pregnant) to carry on the family name - all other kids are from sisters with married last names.

Oh! I'm SOOOO mad for you! :hugs:
LOL about the dream. If it were my husband I would know he's just trying to get more sex (instead of money!)
omg I would be sooo pissed too... the only people that know about us trying are my mom and my cousin in my family and then the only friends I actually have of course dont have a huge friend base here (which is great with me) so I dont have a lot of people to worry about lol... I know this is soo kindergarten but if my cousin so much as hints to her mom because her mom is the religioous gossip of the family (as in she calls and tells people things in order to get them to "pray" for those people with the issues but I know its really just a way to be able to spread the word) but I know a lot of stuff about my cousin that she doesnt want her mom to know and I know a lot of stuff, like my 16 year old cousins pregnancy thing that she doesnt want people to know and so help me if I find out shes been gossiping about me again, I will out it all lol... Its my moms older sister and she is always calling my mom telling her how she could be a better parent and how my mom made this mistake or this one... and im just sick of it and so is my mom...

But yes Cottleston Im with Chelsea and Im mad for you too lol... I would soo be thinking of a way to get back at her... people like that deserve to get some bad karma back... Im definitely telling my mom right away and my stepmom because they have both had kids and understand the issue of possibly losing it early and I know they will not tell anyone that I tell them not to.... but I dont want to tell his parents right away because I think it would hurt me more losing it and them always feeling bad for me..its gonna be an argument over that with me and him Im sure but I'll try to calmly explain to him why and that its for the best...
Spunky, the pacifier thing, I dont know as I have never really considered it lol.... guess I'll be reading up on the pros and cons now lol... and the IVF thing. Well I have many many opinions on that but I think this isnt the site to be expressing them as I am sure someone that is getting IVF would have a few words to say lol and I dont want to start a fight on here lol... I will just say that I am a biology person, not a religious person, maybe Buddhism, but not a religion that actively worships a god, more of just a religious morals person if you get what I mean. I don't think you should do bad stuff but I think you should not do it just because you know its wrong not because you believe you will go to a bad place. But I also grew up in a family about as religious as you can get, southern baptist, and I went to church for 18 years, I also went to a hippie college and have taken tons of religion courses and been to many many different types of churches, I understand that religion is a way of life for many people but its just not for me, at least not at this point in my life...but anyway.. I think that IVF should have limits and not just age limits either but that is just me...
Spunky, the pacifier thing, I dont know as I have never really considered it lol.... guess I'll be reading up on the pros and cons now lol... and the IVF thing. Well I have many many opinions on that but I think this isnt the site to be expressing them as I am sure someone that is getting IVF would have a few words to say lol and I dont want to start a fight on here lol... I will just say that I am a biology person, not a religious person, maybe Buddhism, but not a religion that actively worships a god, more of just a religious morals person if you get what I mean. I don't think you should do bad stuff but I think you should not do it just because you know its wrong not because you believe you will go to a bad place. But I also grew up in a family about as religious as you can get, southern baptist, and I went to church for 18 years, I also went to a hippie college and have taken tons of religion courses and been to many many different types of churches, I understand that religion is a way of life for many people but its just not for me, at least not at this point in my life...but anyway.. I think that IVF should have limits and not just age limits either but that is just me...

LOL I agree with almost all of that. My family was not religious growing up (both were raised catholic and didn't like it much so they let my grandma take us to the catholic church on some weekends). BUT we were raised with morals. My husband's family is VERY religous and some were upset that I wasn't his religion (like the girl that strung him along for years) BUT we had the same beliefs on most things and they realized I'm a good person.

I do think there should be some limitations on IVF, but I also think there should be limitations on people to have kids in general. I know that's more controversial yet, and there's no good way to implement it, but I think we should have to apply to have children. My niece has 4 children by 3 different fathers and had no buisness having one in the first place. Her children were cussing by age 2 and there's constant screaming. We've talked about CPS possibly taking them away (having the family call on her) but she said she would disappear with the children and live on the street if she had to and no one would ever see the kids again. Oh, and she got boobs for her birthday because she wants to get a job stripping, or at a whore house if she can't strip. Seriously, not everyone is made to be a mom.
OMG I was gonna say the same thing lol!! about the child bearing application lol...
Has anyone seen Idoicracy? I recommend it. It's about the stupid people breeding more than the educated. One guy has 12 kids by 3 different women and the "responsible" couple waits too long and is never able to. The smart end up dying off and the future is terrible.
I totally agree..the mom of my soon to be adopted brother and sister, the 2 year old and then the 9 month old, is preggie again, different dad prolly. She only does it to get money from the govt which she spend on drugs and not the kids of course... Trey didnt even have a crib when he was a baby and lived in a tiny trailer with 4 smoking adults and they had dogs too..she never took him to the Dr and he finally got taken away at 6 months, so is still catching up on his infant shots and boosters and stuff..he has horrible sinus problems and development issues, hes a great kid but its just sad that she could do that..and then with Lexie the 9 month old she never got prenatal care, continued drugs and drinking but luckily Lexie was born perfect but was only 4lbs, I'll try to put a picture of her up as my avatar, its when she was 3 days old she was like a fake baby, a tiny doll lol... shes a sassy little thing now..but it makes me soo mad that this lady does not want any of her kids yet is working on her 6th one!!

Hubby just informed me that he was tired of my attitude lately...and I cried...ugh he is not doing to well the last few days... all I asked is why he was gonna be working late and then how late he would be...and he said idk and I said well 7 8 9..gimme some kind of time..and...he was like Im sick of your attitude lately and what is up with you... he is such an ass..makes me debate having kids with him lol...
My neice tried to get her tubes tied after the second, denied too young, tried after her third baby, denied too young, tried after her fourth baby, did the surgery, knicked her uterus and repaired that instead of actually tying her tubes. She said she's not going to go back under the knife.
Hey guys! This is the quilt for my children that will be their crib quilt. I just started using the sewing machine to make this and first attempt ever at quilting so not even close to perfect, but I'm pretty proud of it. No where close to done, will have a few borders and one hopefully will have ducks.


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I already told my Mum about my bfp on saturday (I wanted support of someone I trusted who had been through the same thing) and DF felt bad that his Mum was being left out. So I caved, and we told his parents on sunday. We swore them all to absolute secrecy. Because of the problems I've had, I didn't want anyone else knowing until 6-8 weeks for family and close friends, 12 weeks for everyone else.
Well. Sunday was 4 days ago.
MIL has already told SIL... the biggest blabbermouth on the planet.
She didn't even tell me she broke the secret, she made DF tell me so I'd be less angry.

What gives her the right to take this away from me?! This is one of the most important things in my life and she's taking control! DF and I only get one chance to tell people that I'm pregnant for the first time ever. And now that's being taken away, person by person. I give it a week before someone else sends me a facebook message about it.

Now I have to tell my sister because I can't have her finding out through my SIL/facebook. I'd never forgive myself.

I'm so upset I can't stop crying. She's got NO RIGHT to tell anyone! How dare she!! :cry:

DF thinks I'm over-reacting. Maybe I am but I don't care. This is our thing, not hers :growlmad: :growlmad:

I'm really sorry I had to put this here, but I need to vent.

i would be upset to this is your moment. you should be able to make it a special time for you and hubby to tell e1 when u are ready. maybe she was just excited and could not wait to tell or she wants all the fun 4 herself lol:hugs:
love the quilt, that is seriously your first? wish I was that handy lol..course if I knew how I would prolly waste tons of money on it, course I guess you could always sell them, hey maybe I could start doing that for some extra money!!! lol...
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