The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I don't want an induction next time, but I didn't really want one last time, just wanted him OUT (and the docs agreed :haha: ). Just hoping for a normal vaginal delivery at the same hospital, hopefully with the same doctor.
If there's anything I've learnt from reading birth stories here and listening to what my friends went through... I never ever want an induction ever. I don't think id want an epidural either. I managed through back labour last time without (despite begging for it at the time haha)

Are you thinking of names already? I am and I'm not pg yet lol
We've talked names but are really not sure on any yet. James was so easy (his middle name was not). Our girl for last baby I don't think we're gonna use.

I LOVED my epidural! But everyone that had had an induction said that if you get an induction get the epidural! Once my water broke with all the hormones they were pumping into me I was MISERABLE. I remember I wasn't able to talk well and started hyperventilating. We have shots here, but they don't last long, no gas and air, so epidural it is!
that stupid pitocin is a bitch...I really think I could have done it naturally if it hadnt been for having my water broken + pitocin in such a short time..I mean I was only in labor from 2-3pm till they decided C-section at right before 10pm.... Im excited about baby number two just for another change at a natural water birth haha...and one of my friends is excited about #2 so she can have another chance at breastfeeding lol...

anyone going on a summer vaca?
If I'm induced I'll prob have an epi. I had the pethadin shot at some point. It only lasted a few minutes but I was HIGH for about 10 seconds, eyes rolled back and I passed out lol

No summer trip for me. Campervanning in the south west of England for a week for our honeymoon though :D

We are heading to the beach in about a month..soo excited as with my being preggie last summer we didnt go and it'll be Bs first beach trip and I was such a beach baby when I was younger..hope she takes after me!
Honestly, my induction wasn't bad. The Pitocin was no big deal for me - the epidural was a piece of cake (awesome anesthesiologist), and everything went so quickly. I don't like pain, I don't care about a "natural" birth. I want to be comfortable.

I don't think DH and I will start talking about LO #2 until Madeline is about 2, if we even decide to go for a second. We're still undecided.

Madeline had her one month check-up today. She's 10 pounds, 2 oz, 21 inches. So she's up almost two pounds from birth and two inches. Pediatrician is very happy with her - she holds up her head most of the time. The colic is bad most nights - last night she slept from 12 till 4, which was great. She slept all day today, so I'm hoping that doesn't mean she's up all night.
aww...hope you have a good night!! Im hoping to get to sleep till atleast 7am but we'll see..little miss piggy might wake up for a snack...
Hey ladies i knew dare before, i just joined recently she recommended the site to me. --- you can contact SPUNKY or MRSJEROME for info- just please don't post it on here so to keep her safe. thank you!
Hey i'm also going to be deleting that info to try to keep her safe, mrsj if you wouldn't mind removing her info in the quotes. I jsut don't know how many posts i have to make before i can edit.
Hey i'm also going to be deleting that info to try to keep her safe, mrsj if you wouldn't mind removing her info in the quotes. I jsut don't know how many posts i have to make before i can edit.

k..I'll message the girls with her info so you can take it off the forum
you can make some random posts on here if you need to build up your posts haha
Nothing good new. I'm fine, tired and cramping, but that's normal enough.

My darling son however has been biting me every day for the last four days. We think he's teething, he's had 6 teeth since Jan and thinking he's getting his other two bottom. So far he's bitten shoulder, other shoulder, thigh, and other shoulder again. Getting super tired of it. Dunno if he has a cold or it's teething related or an allergy but his nose is running like a faucet and he's coughing. I'd feel much worse for him if he weren't biting me and screaming and crying everytime I move 8 feet away from him. I swear I've peed more holding him at this age than I ever did as a newborn!

Hope everyone else is doing better!

Congrats Lindsay on 6 weeks! It got better for me around this point!
Spunky..whats going on?

NJ how is LO?

Cottleston...Toby running yet haha?
Um, yeshe is! Haha
When he finishes breakfast in the morning I let him out of his high chair and I have to race him to the kitchen door to close it. He's getting too quick!
He's getting better being alone now too. I can actually close the door when I go to the bathroom and he'll run up and down the hallway and knock occasionally to make sure Im still there!

How's everyone doing? Chelsea how you feeling?
OOO! Going to the bathroom by yourself? I look forward to that day!

Pretty tired. BF is kinda sucking at the moment (doesn't seem to be getting enough and I'm starting to get sore nipples). Not sure if I should start supplementing him now. He's not having enough wet diapers (I think) and is trying to nurse all the time. Very tiring and frustrating for both of us. (a drop in supply is normal, don't know though if it's dropped a lot of just a little.) Sippy cups are not going well, so we tried bottles, works about as well as it used to (still wont really take a bottle, have tried all day and he didn't even drink half an ounce and some of that he was just spraying around).

I think that's all for me. Just want a nap.
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