The Over 35 Newbies and not so's :)

Aw Hun I remember all too well those frustrating days of 'is this labour starting... or maybe not'. It reminds me of when we were all spotting early pregnancy symptoms too - kind of exciting and deflating at the same time (and sadly no early test for whether labour is starting).

Fingers crossed that you did indeed feel a contraction and your brother will get to meet your newborn son before he leaves the UK.

Keep us up to date :) x
fingers crossed everything x

Marthas first bday party sunday - eek! we are not great hosts but we keep practicing! we have got lots of food - Dh is in charge of rice crispie cakes and made 3 batches earlier this week to see which were the best (chocolate, mars bar or caramel mars bar lol)

M bday yest was nice but a little wierd like I cant believe shes one!!! Also - I cant believe in 13 weeks we should have a newborn!?! hes measuring a week ahead so we shall see what he measures next mw appointment the babies are all over 10lb'ers on dhs side - yikes!!!

oh I had to laugh earlier - I asked my mw about recurrence of 3rd degree tear in second or more time mothers - and she said she only knew of 2 people who hadnt had c section after previous 3rd degree tear and one had another 3rd degree tear and the other didnt tear at all - well I thought to myself I know the one who had another one lol - she goes to the library playgroup...well weve just been to that playgroup after the festive break and she said oh Ive got a present for you - hee hee - perineum massage cream! lmao"!! love it!

ee well M is asleep probs for a v short time so I'm going to grab a cuppa and some cereal (am ravenous all the time!) and make up party bags...

have you got a support belt for your spd? I love my support belt - couldn't do without it x

chelli I thought of another mammy tip - a small bag that has a long strap that goes across your body...Ive found mine invaluable - not sure if the other guys have found anything like that useful?
Well, it seems baby is so comfortable in there that not even the shock of being in a car accident budged him!!! A big Morrison's lorry just took our front bumper off and damaged the front right side of our car, and carried on driving! I don't think he even knew he'd done it :shrug: It scared the crap out of us! We were all in the car but luckily none of us were hurt at all. Fin got upset because I got upset, I think it was just the shock of it all!

We only bought our car a month or so ago :cry:
Oh god Everything that must have been really scary :hugs:

I'm so glad you're all ok though. LO must be comfy not to have been shocked into making an appearance after that.

I hope your car is fixed up and good as new soon too x
Aw Rowan happy birthday to you and Martha :) I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hope the party goes well.

I do have a support belt which helps my SPD to an extent but to be honest the biggest help has been my forced complete rest for the past few days. I'm barely noticing my SPD now but I'm not sure if that's because I'm literally only getting up to go to the bathroom or bed or my ankle hurts so much its just overshadowing my SPD pain :wacko:

Either way I'll take it as a silver lining :thumbup:
Turns out it has started things off! Getting really painful contractions now... yaay but ouch!! 5 or 6 mins apart. Slow to 8 mins if I sit down, speed up to 3 mins if I stand!
Update time... I gave birth to my gorgeous 2nd son Dexter at 2.47am this morning :cloud9: He weighed 7lb 13oz, and looks just like his brother!

You can probably tell from the time of my last message that it was a quick labour! I decided to go to hospital because there was so much pressure down there, not sure what time I arrived but texted my mum on the way at 2.05am. The midwife said she thinks I got to the delivery room at 2.30am, they examined me and there was just the rim of the cervix left. Dexter was born after pretty much the first push, around 15 minutes later!

I had no pain relief at all, completely natural... it hurt a LOT haha! He had his hand up next to his head when he came out and I got a 3rd degree tear. He stopped breathing a couple of minutes after birth and they sounded an alarm, all these people rushed in - I was so scared!! They said he just went into shock because of the speed of the birth, they got him sorted within a minute or so and he's absolutely perfect.

After no pain relief birth, I had to have a spinal for the stitches :growlmad: Didn't feel a thing though. Legs still numb from it, Dexter having a sleep after breastfeeding like a natural :happydance:

Hopefully be allowed home around 5pm so I can see Fin before he goes to bed :hugs:

Ooh, and I've attached a pic :thumbup:
Aww well done Everything congratulations :happydance:

He's absolutely perfect, and wow, what a quick labour! It must have been scary for you when little Dexter stopped breathing but I'm glad the hospital team got him right really quickly :)

What a lovely pic too. He looks so contented :cloud9:

I hope that your tear heals quickly and nicely (ouch!) and that you get to go home to see your gorgeous Fin before bedtime.

Thank you for updating us so quick. My OH let me have a little lie in this morning so I've popped straight on this morning to see if there was any news and here he is :happydance:

PS will your brother get to meet him? Xxx
Thanks Starlight. No unfortunately my brother's flight home is at 4am and he has too much to do to make it over (he's an hour and half drive away and has already taken his hire car back) x
Thanks Starlight. No unfortunately my brother's flight home is at 4am and he has too much to do to make it over (he's an hour and half drive away and has already taken his hire car back) x

Aw shame, but at least not only do you have your baby son in your arms but your brother can at least go back knowing that he is here and you are both safe and well :hugs: x
OMG Everything! that was a quick labour and it must have been reslly scary when he stopped breathing but....He is just perfect :)

Shame your brother is going to miss him.
When will you get home?

Awww this news is just the best, i am just so so please for you and your DH. Not forgetting Fin getting a new brother!

Congratulations :hugs: x x
Martha, hope the birthday party went well :)

And Star- glad to see your DH is letting to rest up hun x

I havent been on much to be honest. 1st week back to work since before Christmas and i'm just so tired at the min.

went for my glucose test Fri, so hopefully they will be ok.
oh and i've been referred to the physio do due pain on walking and prolonged sitting.
Think im just old lol
We finally got home at around 7pm after some mix-up with the paediatrician. We need to take Dex back in tomorrow because the paediatrician detected an echo sound with Dexter's heart. It's likely to be nothing but they just want to check.

It's funny how much you forget after the first time. The after pains of my uterus shrinking are nasty, I can't remember how long they last.

Thank you so much to you all for your support during my TTC and pregnancy journey :hugs: I can't wait to read more birth stories in this thread... once again I don't belong here officially since I'm no longer pregnant but once again I'm going to stubbornly refuse to leave!! :rofl:
We finally got home at around 7pm after some mix-up with the paediatrician. We need to take Dex back in tomorrow because the paediatrician detected an echo sound with Dexter's heart. It's likely to be nothing but they just want to check.

It's funny how much you forget after the first time. The after pains of my uterus shrinking are nasty, I can't remember how long they last.

Thank you so much to you all for your support during my TTC and pregnancy journey :hugs: I can't wait to read more birth stories in this thread... once again I don't belong here officially since I'm no longer pregnant but once again I'm going to stubbornly refuse to leave!! :rofl:

I hope everything is fine when Dex see's the paediatrician tomorrow. I'm sure it will be but they have to make sure :hugs:

How was your first night at home with your two boys?

Ooh and you may not be pregnant anymore but don't think you're going anywhere, lady ;) We need all you :hugs: x
congratulations everything!! well done - hes lovely x hope all is well at the Drs x

3rd degree tear advice - take all the painkillers you are offered - bath daily in badedas with horse chestnut, use a hairdryer on cold setting to dry your stitches and fiddle with the amount of laxitives they give you - i needed to half my dose -but it depends how good a job they did mine isnt great

party was bedlam chaos! but fun! Poor Martha was overwhelmed and hid in her playpen with her back to everyone for a bit and then got upset - so we lit the cake etc and then she had a good nap and was much more cheerful when she awoke plus there were less people by then! shes so much fun! shes so affectionate its lovely, love to hear her chatter - would love to know what it all means lol!

we didnt take a single photo tho! doh! it was too busy!

trying her off gaviscon this week...fingers crossed! If that's ok then cows milk in sippy cup at normal bottle times for a few days, then cows milk at meal times and introducing proper breakfast instead of a yoghurt after milk - hv said to get her off bottles before Michael arrives or it will be really difficult due to small age gap

had the old csection debate again yesterday and think Im going to have a section...phoned mw to see how I go about changing my mind - not sure if I can just contact consultant direct or if have to be referred again - baby measuring another week ahead again has made me worry that he's going to take after the boys on dhs side who are all 10-11lbs - the recovery from bowel surgery after tearing again would be worse than a c section so may be worth taking the drs advice and having a section to cut out that risk -everything you just confirmed this for me after your tear so im defo going to suss out section now :)

so we shall see...dh will take a week off work and I'll have time to plan help and book people in hopefully! been looking up tips of how to look after a toddler after a section and there's some good tips

congrats again everything x
Wonderful news, Everything, so happy for you :flower: Dexter is absolutely gorgeous, and glad that you are doing well. Hope your afterpains / stitches are not too painful over next few days / weeks (lavender oil in tspoon of milk in the bath was my saviour, but ouchie I remember that pain). Good luck with everything :hugs:
The paediatrician said they can't hear any murmur this morning so everything is good :thumbup:

Fin has been sleeping fine at night, Dex's arrival hasn't changed that although he has been more upset during bedtime routine. He hasn't been napping properly though so I'm sure that's the main reason, because he's so tired. He's had a lot of change to normality over the last couple of days and hopefully we will get him settled soon.

Dexter had me awake most of the night so I'm knackered! Every time I tried to put him into his Moses basket (asleep) he woke up pretty much straight away. I ended up getting an hour or two's sleep laying down with him on me. We thought he might not be warm enough so tonight we've put him in his grobag as well as blankets... wish me luck!

Rowan - sorry I missed Martha's birthday... belated happy 1st birthday! We did the same thing forgetting to take pics at Fin's 1st birthday party. That's why we hired a photographer for his 2nd birthday :haha:

I'm glad I've helped you to reach a decision about whether to have a c section. I must be abnormal because so far (touch wood!) I have had no problems with stitches. I had an episiotomy last time and was given all sorts of advice to ease the pain but I didn't get any, it healed nicely. This time so far the after-contractions have been painful but my stitches haven't bothered me. I've only taken 2 paracetamol today, no other pain relief and I've been fine. I forgot to take my laxatives today though so I could regret that when I need to do my next poop! :blush: Must remember to take it in the morning!

Chelli have you had your glucose test results back yet? I hope all is ok x
good to hear how you're all getting on Everything :) so pleased the dr couldnt hear a murmur!

so glad you're not suffering - the 3 people stitching me up didn't do such a great job (or the one doing my bottom didn't anyway lol) so Ive been left with continence probs - so kept getting infections and it was 8 weeks before I was anywhere near normal - gah! Have app with mw this week to get referred to consultant again - she doesn't think it will be a prob that I turned it down and now Ive changed my mind - phew!

how is Fin being with Dexter?
hi ladies, just swinging by to say a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to Everything, Dexter looks absolutely fab!

just read the last few posts and if I am lucky enough to have another baby there'll be none of this VBAC nonsense for me - i'll be elective section all the way! better the devil you know...! I often look down at my scar and think Christ how did Joey get out of there (he's 98cm tall and 2 and a half stone now!), and then i remember that my scar is infinitely wider than my foof!!!!!!!!!

Anyhoo no news from me, just had bloods taken for AMH test and DH is wanking in a cup this 'coming' Saturday, lucky him.

Oh Everything - when i read about Dex waking every time you put him down, I remembered Jojo being exactly the same - our saviour was the swaddle (and also a bit later on the dummy, which did not interfere in the least with breastfeeding). Hope he settles down a bit soon.

Will swing by again, and continue to lurk. Hope all well with everyone. xxx
Great to hear from you Captain! Love the 'coming' Saturday comment! :rofl: i'm glad the ball is now rolling on the tests, please drop by with any updates you have x

Thanks for the tip about the swaddling and dummy. Fin never had a dummy (we tried but he never took to it). I've heard such stories since of problems trying to wean toddlers off dummies that I'm hoping not to introduce one with Dexter either... he'll probably end up being a right dummy monster now! As for swaddling, yes we will try that. I've got him in a little grobag at the moment. We used these little stretchy sleeping bags that Fin used to love. I've attached a pic of Fin in it so you can see what I mean :cloud9: I think I'll find them and see if Dex likes them as much as Fin used to.

Fin seems to have really taken to his little brother. He keeps bringing him toys, helps out with nappy changes, and I've even managed to get him to do things he's been refusing to do (like eat more of his dinner) "because baby Dexter wants to watch you." We told Fin we were going to go for a walk yesterday, the 4 of us. Then my neighbour said she was popping round so OH said to Fin that just the 2 of them would go... Fin started crying "baby Dexter" cos he wanted him to come - so sweet. We all went in the end.

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