Well hello ladies
As some of you through FB will know Millie Isabella arrived at 3.39am on Sunday 28th April weighing in at 7lb 3......and not without some drama!
It's a long story, so i'd get a coffee and i'll try not to bore!
Waters broke on Friday 26th at 5.45am- i contacted the hospital at 8.30am when maternity opened and went in- there i was told i had probably pee'd myself as my waters were still in tact! feeling a little
i tottered off home, but had some doubts on what they had said..... I had been having contactions from 6am, about 15mins apart, but thought i would see how things progressed and would keep in contact with them.
Throughout the day contractions came and went- i was losing water in a pad and had changed 3 times but i was told from delivery not to come in until contactions were 3mins apart at least. - fast forward 10.30pm Fri night and whoooosh- big gush of water- phoned them, told the same- come in when 3 mins apart.
1.30am Sat- 4 mins apart- starting to feel bit stressed so call them- told to go in and by the time i arrive i am having contractions 2 mins apart. They bloody hurt too!
Midwife checks to see how dialated- 1cm...i mean 1 CM! and said that my waters HAVE NOT BROKE- I told her that just can't be true, ive soaked through 3 pads and trousers and gushed at 10.30pm!!! as she was removing her hand (Srry tmi) another gush and she said, "oh no wait i think your hind waters have just gone"- so what have i been passing all day? I AM NOT INCONTINENT!
ok so i'm, taking up to maternity ward, popped into a room and let the contractions continue as not dialated enough- my contactions continue at 2 mins for the next 14 hours- I want to curl up in a corner and cry, they are bloody painful (so i thought at the time
FINALLY at 4pm on Saturday they have decided that the pain level has increased enough for me to go down to delivery- there i find out i am 3cm dialated- OK< THIS IS NO LONGER FUNNY, no joke, call me a wimp but a part of my soul died right there lol, another 7 cm to go- you have got to be freaking killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the contractions are 2 mins apart how can that be!! I request an epidural- I feel a bit of a softy, but i just know that i can't cope much longer
now this is when things get a bit blurry- and basically i can only remember bits, plus what my mum has told me.
Fast forward to 9pm . Even though i've had an epidural i can still feel contactions, but only on my right side, near my pelvic bone and it still hurts like billy oh, but because it is confined to one area i can cope with the gas and air helping- then I start to feel cold- really cold and begin to feel strange and "not quite in the room", this continues, and then my pulse and BP start increasing- and so does baby's pulse rate.
Nurse leaves and in comes a doctor- talks to me but to be honest i can't remember as i am "out of it", but funny enough still feeling those damn contractions in my hip!
Next min apparently doctor orders me to have an ECG- my heart rate is going crazy and little miss pulse is rocketing- i have no idea how long time has passed, aparently i am only 7 CM by 12 midnight- and they are very concerned about me and baby heart rate- the doctor asks, when did my waters break and the nurse looks and says " 2.30am Sat" aparently my mum screams NO why won't you all listen! she told you they broke Fri!
Aparently all hell broke loose ( i am not aware of this as what ever is happening to my body is sending me into la la land) bloods are taken, i'm then put on IV antibiotics as i have an infection from the fact that my waters have been broken for a very very long time! whatever they give me very quickly starts to work and i start coming back to the land of the living and eventually i am dialated enough to start pushing and pushing and pushing- but after a while to no joy they discover that little miss is stuck behind a muscle on my right side (remember contraction!
Her pulse rate starts to drop, and 7 people run into the room saying that the need to get this baby out now, but because of where she is they are going to try forcepts delivery before surgery- but she needs to be out now!
I am giving something to completely numb me and it is the strangest feeling- and all i can remember is this male voice in my ear saying Michelle you need to push as hard as you can PUSH- and somehow i did, and then the next minute she was out- and it was 3.39am Sunday and she is here! and they take a minute to get her sorted and it is the longest minute of my life...but eventually i hear the smallest cry
OK i have wrote a book- i only wish it ended there (i am sorry i am going on a bit, but it is a lonnnng story)
ok so Sunday after all the commotion of labour and delivery- the day goes on and the paed comes to check her over and says that she is doing well- and we should be good to go home- so i said to him- will i still be on antibiotics when i go home and believe it or not he asks me why was i am antibitotics? WTF- so i explained what happened during labour- and he tells me he needs to go check something-
Next thing little miss needs to go for blood tests- and then i'm being told that her CRP level (shows infection of some sort in body but they don't know where)is major high and that she needs a lumbur puncture, and needs to go to scbu.
My little darling needs to have a canula in, and then the lumbur is given and we have to wait 2 whole days to find out the results of thast test- while we are waiting she is put on 2 courses of IV antibiotics twice a day. I am also given a Strep B test.
Thankfully these tests are ok, tho she needed to stay in scbu and IV antibiotics for 5 days. she also has jaundice, but below treatment markers.
we spend 6 days in hospital in total- i am still on antibiotics, thankfully her CPr level came right down and continued to fall and she is doing really well. Had some issued breastfeeding in the beginning as because she had an infection.jaundice she was really really sleepy, but we have fought through it and finally over the other side.
OK that is my story of birth and first week over. We are home, we are doing well.
But do you know that when i asked the hospital what had caused her infection, they tried to play down the length of time my waters had broken to when the took action!
I know that i could make a complaint about this- but if i am honest i am just glad that they got her out, and got her mended and i got to get my little girl home-and that is what we are focusing on.
It's been a scary week, but it's also been a wonderful week and i can honestly say that the moment i held her was the most emotional experience of my life. She is simply beautiful, and my absolute joy and i couldnt be happier
Hope you coffee didn't go cold