The Over 35 Newbies and not so's :)

Just a quick update ladies - had a scan this morning. It unfortunately confirmed that I have a blood clot all the way up my right leg :cry: The sonograph lady said it doesn't go into my pelvis, which she said is good, but I've never had one this extensive before. Can't help but wonder if it would have been less extensive if they hadn't messed up my first lot of bloods, but no point worrying about that now... what's done is done :shrug:

I had more blood taken and am going back to see a consultant this afternoon when they have the results. I think they are just going to decide between continuing my injections or switching me straight to Warfarin. I think I'm ok to continue breastfeeding whilst on either medications so that's good x
:hugs: Everything- sorry to hear that your concerns were confirmed :( - so what happens next? Is it only treated by medication? You must be so worried hun.
Do try and rest up the best you can, which i know can't be easy with 2 little ones to look after.

Star- i've been seeing your photo postings on FB- your kids are adorable! A couple of real sweet ones of logan sleeping- I bet your enjoying your cuddles!
How is Maia managing with being more gentle? have you got her to understand a bit better?

I had my 36 week scan on Weds- everything ok and the midwife said she is measuring 37 weeks and about 6lb4 at the moment. My BP/Urine is back to normal so I think it was work stress that caused the raise.
I have a touch of pelvic pain on walking (i feel saddle sore!) I am waddling like a duck by the end of the day lol, but other than tired i am doing ok and just trying to enjoy my time off before she arrives getting little bits here and there done.
I could be a lady that lunches quite easily tho!

Everything- keep us posted with how things are going :hugs: thinking of you.

Hope everyone else is doing ok :)
Oh and Star- i only live 10 mins away from Blackpool! Not that i go there very often, but small world and all that :)
Star - what a relief that your infection seems to have cleared. Have you noticed the wound getting better now as well? Your plans for May bank holiday sound lovely, I'm sure Maia will love that :thumbup:

Chelli - that's good to hear your BP and urine checks are now ok. There's really not long for you now until you meet your princess is there?! :happydance: Being a lady who lunches has carried on for me since having Fin... I've made several new friends from swimming classes, music groups and other play groups and struggle to fit everything in these days! Love it! :cloud9:

Yes, Chelli, my DVT is only treated with medication. I'm still on daily injections, and I've also started on Warfarin. Had my blood checked again this morning, and I'm back to get it done again on Monday. Once it has regulated, I won't have to have it checked so often (once a fortnight perhaps) and I can get it done at my local doctors rather than trips to hospital. I'll be on it for life now since this is my 3rd DVT. I'm feeling more positive about it now though... at least it will protect me from future DVTs and pulmonary embolisms :thumbup:

I also think I know what caused it - I was sitting with my legs tucked under myself when I was feeding Dex. Very silly now I think about it, but I hadn't really considered that I was blocking the blood flow in my thigh :dohh: It has actually put my mind at rest to be able to see a likely cause for it happening.

Thank you ladies for your support, I was really not in a good place the first few days after diagnosis and even had an anxiety attack (which is not like me at all). I feel like I'm less in danger now though... each day that passes means much less chance of clot breaking away into blood stream. I read that by 2 weeks on blood thinners it's pretty much unheard of because the clot will have 'calcified' and stabilised. I am now on Day 10 :thumbup:
Everything I'm sorry your having to go through this again but glad that your treatment is progressing well and you're feeling more positive. Its great news that the Warfarin will keep you safe in the future and its well worth any hassle associated with staying on it :hugs:

Chelli I'm glad things are well with you too and that you're enjoying your mat leave. You can still be a lady that lunches when LO arrives. Like Everything my lunch dates now double up as play dates but its all good. Great to get out of the house and Maia is definitely much happier and easier when she's been out too.

You're right, small world :) Im in West Yorkshire so not too far away but I've never been to Blackpool during the day. I have been to see a few gigs at the Empress Ballroom though.

Maia is getting more gentle with Logan, thank you :thumbup: He absolutely adores her too, its amazing to see his eyes light up when he see's her. Must admit I'm slightly jealous of the smiles she gets from him (I think shes his favourite person, not mummy) but think its great too :cloud9:

I'm glad you like all the pics on Facebook. I do put loads on as my family and friends are scattered around the UK (with a few in Europe too) so its nice to keep them up to date with the kids growing up. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :lol:

Anyway, any signs of impending labour yet Chelli? x
Hi Ladies :)

Everything- hope your doing ok? Is that all it would have taken, kneeling on your legs? as Star said i'm glad the treatment is working and that the Warfarin will keep things at bay.

I very rarely go into Blackpool Star- i personally don't think the shops are all that good, however there is a shopping arcade that has improved it lots- but plenty of people seem to still enjoy coming for a trip to the beach etc (if the weather every gets any better!)

I am enjoying being off from work- although i have to admit i am finding it increasingly more difficult to find things to do with my time. I've pretty much cleaned everything/where now- and i'm just waiting on little miss arriving!

I've been signed off from the consultant today tho! Which i am pleased about. I had my scan last week (have i posted about this? lol) and they have her at approx 6.4lb, all normal and they are happy with weight gain, glucose/BP/Urine so i just have to continue to take the injections and see the midwife now :happydance:

Oh and i am so proud of myself as i have actually started doing the injections myself- it was becoming a bit of a nightmare when OH was away- having to go round to get my mum (blind as a bat) to do it lol

No signs as yet- she is head down but not engaged - i've been advised to side step up stairs to get her into position- but there is still technically 3 weeks to go!
I think she is laying/pressing on a nerve in my groin. If i have been sat for any length of time i get the most horrible pain from it on standing/walking and it takes a little while of movement to get it to ease :roll: The joys of pregnancy.
I have to say this last week i have been feeling rather old and sore and sorry for myself :jo: lol

OH still working away at the min (he is a work a holic and i couldn't stop him if i tried lol) and he has said that should anything happen when he is away not to worry as he will get there in time! lol just as well i have my mum around the corner and that i am used to him! He has been warned tho! :devil:
Those last few weeks are really hard Chelli :hugs: I felt like a little old lady towards the end of both of my pregnancies.

I feel super fit in comparison now, even in my sleep deprived state.

All is well here. Its been lovely having my mum here this week and Maia is potty training brilliantly :thumbup:

Its kind of funny timing to be doing it but Maia asked to use the toilet when I was showering with her on Monday and I took her and took it from there. I'm a very proud mummy indeed.

Hope you ladies are ok? x
Fin still isn't potty trained yet Star, Maia is doing really well :thumbup: I didn't fancy doing it with a newborn either but I would have done if Fin had taken the lead. He sits on it sometimes and strains a little to poop (does tiny trumps, and then gets up again)... he came down one day and announced that he'd got poo round his bum crack! :blush: Wish my OH wouldn't use words like that to him!

Chelli is your OH back from working away yet? Have you started the eviction process yet, got the pineapple in and the hot curries? :haha: I didn't actually start any of that - I was giving Dex until 40+5 (which was when Fin came) and then I'd have served notice on him!

I've been reading up lots of stuff and it does seem that the risk of clots was still very high following the birth - it apparently is high for up to 3 months after birth, so goodness knows why I was only on injections for 6 weeks :shrug: You are 4 times more likely to get clots while you are pregnant than normal, and 20 times more likely in the 3 months or so following birth! So I guess it wouldn't have taken much else, with me having 2 clotting disorders too. I guess the question is not so much why did I clot this time, but rather why didn't I clot after having Fin!

I'm doing pretty good :thumbup: We've just been for about a mile walk around a local park. My leg ached quite a bit by the end but no pain, no gain they say. Day to day it really isn't that bad now... mentally I'm feeling much better. I'm at the right blood thickness on Warfarin now so stopped my injections yesterday. I've been taking blood thinners for over 2 weeks now and am starting to relax a little more since the chances of me getting a PE now are apparently very small :happydance:
Star- good news about Maia, what a clever girl asking you! Lets hope it continues :thumbup:

Everything, my OH is away until Tues- he is massively busy at work at the moment unfortunately, as they are under a lot of pressure to get a construction project finished- and as usual deadlines are overdue! He has to get this sorted or ends up with the company getting massive fines- which we can do without!
So he is trying to go away for a couple of days- then back, then away etc- but thankfully i have my mum at hand anyway.

On the injection front- that's how long ive to continue with them- 6 weeks after birth- however mine as preventative, i don't have any history of problems. Although it is still a worry, you must feel slightly more relaxed as the days pass with no issue :hugs:

Anyway, the only thing i've been getting is some very mild backache and very light lower cramps- i think she might be moving lower so that is something! I have the midwife on tues so i'll find out if she has engaged then.
She is VERY active lately, i feel battered inside lol
I on the other hand don't feel too bad the last few days- not as achey or tired.

I am kind of in the place of wanting her here, being terrified of labour, and wanting her to bake for as long as she needs! lol

Oh and i am so so bored- everyone i know works, and with him being away i feel like i have cabin fever lol.... only so much :coffee: i can do! I'll regret moaning about this time when she is here and i am rushed off my feet no doubt :winkwink:

Hope you ladies are well anyway- :)
Everything how are you doing? I hope you're able to relax about things a bit now and your treatment is going well.

Chelli, Chelli, Chelli - I'm stalking you for signs of impending labour! I've been missing symptom spotting on here. Anything yet? x
I'm doing real good Star, thanks for asking :flower: I still have odd moments where I think I'd like to get another scan in a month or so to see if its dissolved, dissolving, attaching to the vein wall etc... I want to have a point where I know I'm safe, if that makes sense? At the moment, it's just a sense of being 'less at risk' as each day passes, but I still feel vulnerable. It's not common practice to get a 2nd scan though.

Considering the extent of the clot, my leg feels pretty damn good. I ache if I walk any distance still, but I'm taking no pain relief at all and have already done a few longish walks (a couple of miles a few days back) so I'm not letting it hold me back. I read that walking helps the healing process because it forces new veins to form to get around the blockages because as you work the muscles your body needs to get oxygen to those muscles... that makes sense to me anyway, even if its not true :haha:

I hope it's well enough to not need my flight sock as the weather gets nicer because I won't want to switch from jeans to cut-off jeans if the hideous sock will be on display! Just milling around the house though, I can honestly forget that anything happened, it feels so normal. I just get a little pain at the back of my leg if I try to kneel down.

How is your gorgeous family now Star? Has Maia settled into the big sister role? Fin is forever giving Dexter kisses and cuddles. The other day he was lying next to him with his head on him (that's how he gives cuddles) and he was just saying over and over "me love you baby Dexter"... so cute, I love them both to bits.

Chelli - you're so close now!!! :happydance::happydance: I hope you're not feeling too uncomfortable. How do you feel about coming to the end of your pregnancy? Are you in the "get this thing OUT of me NOW!" camp?! I really enjoyed pregnancy both times so, although I was desperate to meet my babies I knew I was going to miss being pregnant. I loved being able to feel my baby moving inside me, made me feel very privileged to be a child-bearing woman... something that at least half of the population would never have the opportunity to experience. I'm sure I'd have felt differently if I'd gone anywhere near 2 weeks overdue with either of them though!

Are you coping with the boredom? x
Hi Ladies :)

Well, nothing happening yet! I'm still playing the waiting game and becoming more and more moany lol (you may notice with the fb comments lol)

Everything, i guess i feel like everyone does- relieved to be getting my body back, excited that my little girl will soon be here :happydance: and utterly terrified i will be a complete wimp during labour lol :blush:

I think I will miss being pregnant a little bit- it's a bond that no one else gets to share (selfish look lol) - i don't mean that in a bad way that no one else can bond with her, but during pregnancy it is just me and her. Does that make sence? lol

i seriously hope that she doesn't leave me waiting long after due date tho! I am impatient to meet her!!

Since my rant on FB a lot of my friends have been coming to see me lol, so i have been less bored (guilt trip) lol think they were all scared incase i just drop her where i sit :haha:

anyway i will keep you posted with any developments- and no doubt once she is here you will see pictures on FB :happydance:

and everything :hugs: - I don't blame you for wanting to have a sense of feeling safe- not a nice thing to have in the back of your mind no matter how many days pass, and its unfair if they don't offer an additional scan to ease any niggling doubts.
Glad your up and about tho and not in too much discomfort.

So ladies, how are your growing newborns! and your toddlers!
Haha Chelli I'm glad you've managed to guilt trip your friends into keeping you company! :winkwink::haha: I am really looking forward to seeing your baby pictures on FB!

I love seeing pics of your 2 cuties on FB as well Star :hugs:

My boys are both awesome. Fin has been in his new bedroom for 2 nights now (tonight is his 3rd night). He'd been back to 2 hour naps but unfortunately they are down to about an hour since his move to his new room. It's early days though. The 1st night in his big boy bed he woke in the night, which is very rare these days. He didn't wake last night though so I think he's getting used to it.

Fin's talking is getting so good now, and he's very funny. I had a friend round yesterday and Fin was roaring at her. She asked him "can I roar too?" Fin looked at her with serious face and said "it's not that easy." She was in stitches :haha:

Dex is growing so fast. He wakes once a night 50% of the time, and twice the other 50% with a bedtime between 7pm-8pm (he's asleep on me now). I've also been able to get him in his moses basket for a nap at least once a day for the last week - before that he would only sleep on me, in the car or in his buggy. I haven't had him weighed for 5 weeks so I'm taking him in the morning. I seem to have had more milk since I've been on blood thinners, not sure why! The proof will be in the pudding tomorrow at weigh-in... wish me luck :thumbup:
hey ladies

everything so sorry youve had a mare with clots! I only had the injections for a week - funny how its different in different places isnt it

chelli - oh those last few weeks - gah! Nearly there! :)

things going well here v busy!!! Michael is lovely and Martha is fab as usual and being brilliant with Michael - yey!

got an infection in my wound/scar but am on antibiotics and it seems to be clearing up - corr what an overhang I had - its receding now tho phew! Am 10stone 12 and was 12stone 8 the day before i had Michael so not bad - healing well otherwise and pootling about fine getting lots done - its frustrating not being able to do everything I want to but only a couple of weeks to go....have massive diastis again - bigger than last time but will do my postnatal dvd once I can exercise and that sorted me last time so Im really hoping that will help this time - if not I shall request physio lol!

Michael is putting on weight nicely - last week he was 7lb 12oz on the monday and was 8lb 6oz by the friday! he feels much heavier now!

will keep popping on whenever i can!

hope all else is good with you guys x
Hi ladies :flower:

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, its amazing how much more manic life is with two littlies rather than one. In a good way though.

Everything I'm glad you're feeling relatively well. I'm not surprised you're scared though :hugs: Remember you can always vent on here if you need to and I'll try to check in more. Its great keeping in touch on Facebook but there are so many things you can't say...

Sounds like your boys are doing great :) It's so cute how lovely Fin is with Dex and I'm really glad he seems to like his big boy bed. I know after the first few nights Maia slept so much better in hers.

My two are doing great thank you.

We have the odd mishap but Maia is much more gentle with Logan on the whole. She's started doing such sweet things to help me too. The other day I said 'I think your brother is hungry' and she fetched me my donut pillow that I put on my knee for breastfeeding. I didn't ask her to, she just did it :) She's started saying her full name when I ask her now which is super cute.

Logan was 11Ib 11 when I had him weighed last Wednesday. He has reflux so its amazing he's gaining nicely along his centile line :happydance: I still rarely miss a week to weigh him in. I'm a bit paranoid with his reflux and I make the health visitors laugh because every week he gains weight nicely and every week I'm surprised, lol. With BF though you don't know how much milk they are taking and he's been vomitting so much I sometimes wonder if he's kept any in at all (he clearly has though). He's now prescribed ranitidine by the GP and this has helped a bit. They don't normally prescribe anything with healthy weight gain but my poor boy was upset by it so he did.

Logan is sleeping well for his age I think. He tends to go from approx 11pm till approx 6am waking for only one short feed :thumbup: He's such a lovely contented boy and he's started properly smiling now. To my frustration I'm yet to capture it on camera. You know what I'm like for photo's on Facebook, lol.

I'm doing good. I'm back to my pre-baby weight already without really trying but my pre-baby weight is still 1 1/2 stone heavier than my pre Maia weight so hoping to keep dropping weight slowly now. The past few weeks my weight loss has slowed down to 1Ib per week but I am still losing so I'm hopeful. I don't want to diet or anything incase it effects my milk supply so I'll just see what happens. I keep thinking I wish I had persisted with BF Maia for longer as I might be much slimmer now. Can't take it back (or even be sure that would be the case) though.

Chelli I can't wait to see your baby pictures. I'm unashamedly stalking you on Facebook now ;) I do know what you mean about that special relationship you have with your LO when they're inside you and you do miss that, even though its amazing to be holding them in your arms and watching them grow and develop.

Rowan lovely to hear you and your little ones are doing well. I had an infection in my csection wound too so I know what its like :hugs: Hope you feel better soon.

Well better get up now (Maia's still in bed so am enjoying a small lie in while Logan's cat napping on me after a feed).

Speak soon ladies xx
Well hello ladies :)

As some of you through FB will know Millie Isabella arrived at 3.39am on Sunday 28th April weighing in at 7lb 3......and not without some drama!

It's a long story, so i'd get a coffee and i'll try not to bore! :winkwink:

Waters broke on Friday 26th at 5.45am- i contacted the hospital at 8.30am when maternity opened and went in- there i was told i had probably pee'd myself as my waters were still in tact! feeling a little :blush: i tottered off home, but had some doubts on what they had said..... I had been having contactions from 6am, about 15mins apart, but thought i would see how things progressed and would keep in contact with them.

Throughout the day contractions came and went- i was losing water in a pad and had changed 3 times but i was told from delivery not to come in until contactions were 3mins apart at least. - fast forward 10.30pm Fri night and whoooosh- big gush of water- phoned them, told the same- come in when 3 mins apart.
1.30am Sat- 4 mins apart- starting to feel bit stressed so call them- told to go in and by the time i arrive i am having contractions 2 mins apart. They bloody hurt too!
Midwife checks to see how dialated- 1cm...i mean 1 CM! and said that my waters HAVE NOT BROKE- I told her that just can't be true, ive soaked through 3 pads and trousers and gushed at 10.30pm!!! as she was removing her hand (Srry tmi) another gush and she said, "oh no wait i think your hind waters have just gone"- so what have i been passing all day? I AM NOT INCONTINENT!

ok so i'm, taking up to maternity ward, popped into a room and let the contractions continue as not dialated enough- my contactions continue at 2 mins for the next 14 hours- I want to curl up in a corner and cry, they are bloody painful (so i thought at the time :winkwink:)

FINALLY at 4pm on Saturday they have decided that the pain level has increased enough for me to go down to delivery- there i find out i am 3cm dialated- OK< THIS IS NO LONGER FUNNY, no joke, call me a wimp but a part of my soul died right there lol, another 7 cm to go- you have got to be freaking killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the contractions are 2 mins apart how can that be!! I request an epidural- I feel a bit of a softy, but i just know that i can't cope much longer :nope: :nope:

now this is when things get a bit blurry- and basically i can only remember bits, plus what my mum has told me.
Fast forward to 9pm . Even though i've had an epidural i can still feel contactions, but only on my right side, near my pelvic bone and it still hurts like billy oh, but because it is confined to one area i can cope with the gas and air helping- then I start to feel cold- really cold and begin to feel strange and "not quite in the room", this continues, and then my pulse and BP start increasing- and so does baby's pulse rate.
Nurse leaves and in comes a doctor- talks to me but to be honest i can't remember as i am "out of it", but funny enough still feeling those damn contractions in my hip!
Next min apparently doctor orders me to have an ECG- my heart rate is going crazy and little miss pulse is rocketing- i have no idea how long time has passed, aparently i am only 7 CM by 12 midnight- and they are very concerned about me and baby heart rate- the doctor asks, when did my waters break and the nurse looks and says " 2.30am Sat" aparently my mum screams NO why won't you all listen! she told you they broke Fri!
Aparently all hell broke loose ( i am not aware of this as what ever is happening to my body is sending me into la la land) bloods are taken, i'm then put on IV antibiotics as i have an infection from the fact that my waters have been broken for a very very long time! whatever they give me very quickly starts to work and i start coming back to the land of the living and eventually i am dialated enough to start pushing and pushing and pushing- but after a while to no joy they discover that little miss is stuck behind a muscle on my right side (remember contraction! :thumbup:)
Her pulse rate starts to drop, and 7 people run into the room saying that the need to get this baby out now, but because of where she is they are going to try forcepts delivery before surgery- but she needs to be out now!
I am giving something to completely numb me and it is the strangest feeling- and all i can remember is this male voice in my ear saying Michelle you need to push as hard as you can PUSH- and somehow i did, and then the next minute she was out- and it was 3.39am Sunday and she is here! and they take a minute to get her sorted and it is the longest minute of my life...but eventually i hear the smallest cry :happydance:

OK i have wrote a book- i only wish it ended there (i am sorry i am going on a bit, but it is a lonnnng story)

ok so Sunday after all the commotion of labour and delivery- the day goes on and the paed comes to check her over and says that she is doing well- and we should be good to go home- so i said to him- will i still be on antibiotics when i go home and believe it or not he asks me why was i am antibitotics? WTF- so i explained what happened during labour- and he tells me he needs to go check something-
Next thing little miss needs to go for blood tests- and then i'm being told that her CRP level (shows infection of some sort in body but they don't know where)is major high and that she needs a lumbur puncture, and needs to go to scbu.
My little darling needs to have a canula in, and then the lumbur is given and we have to wait 2 whole days to find out the results of thast test- while we are waiting she is put on 2 courses of IV antibiotics twice a day. I am also given a Strep B test.

Thankfully these tests are ok, tho she needed to stay in scbu and IV antibiotics for 5 days. she also has jaundice, but below treatment markers.

we spend 6 days in hospital in total- i am still on antibiotics, thankfully her CPr level came right down and continued to fall and she is doing really well. Had some issued breastfeeding in the beginning as because she had an infection.jaundice she was really really sleepy, but we have fought through it and finally over the other side.

OK that is my story of birth and first week over. We are home, we are doing well.

But do you know that when i asked the hospital what had caused her infection, they tried to play down the length of time my waters had broken to when the took action!

I know that i could make a complaint about this- but if i am honest i am just glad that they got her out, and got her mended and i got to get my little girl home-and that is what we are focusing on.
It's been a scary week, but it's also been a wonderful week and i can honestly say that the moment i held her was the most emotional experience of my life. She is simply beautiful, and my absolute joy and i couldnt be happier :happydance::happydance:

Hope you coffee didn't go cold :winkwink:
WOW CHELLI! what an amazing story. CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful little girl! It's amazing how few birth stories I hear of that are straightforward, to be honest. I know mine was nothing like i imagined (but WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY shorter than yours because i had the 7 people running in and panicking about 15 minutes after i arrived at the hospital and Joey was born about 15 minutes after that!).

I'm glad you are home and getting into your routine. I hope you are getting some sleep, enjoy the ride! Try to remember that all kids are different and you will only ever see the easy side of everyone else's babies. I had PND after Joey although I didn't admit it to myself at the time, all those around me knew though. I struggled to accept help, plus I had a difficult baby (which everyone acknowledged). I felt very out of control, which is not like me as I am very succesful in my working life and very happy in my marriage.

Anyway, my best advice would be to keep talking to your DH, share the workload, and take any help you get offerred. Enjoy Millie! time moves so fast.

Take care with your new little family.

little update on me - i had 2 top quality 5 day old blastocysts (one of which was hatching) transferred on 1 May. I am on progesterone gel so am not symptom spotting as it could just as easily be the meds as pregnancy. Planning to test next Saturday (11th). If it doesn't work this time, the great news is that i have 5 more top quality blastos in the freezer at CRM in London so i can try again with a couple of those in a couple of months.

Omg Chelli, you've really been through it :hugs: My experience of labour with Maia wasn't the same as yours (how on earth could they miss the fact that your waters had broken?!?!) but I suffered strong and frequent contractions from when I was only a couple of centimetres dilated and its so disheartening.

I thought I must be a complete wuss but I've since found out that contractions cause more pain without your waters (mine broke at 2cm) to cushion against them so them breaking early means strong pain from that point on.

Sounds like you had a scare with both yours and Millie's health but I'm so glad she's here now and you're both safe and well :happydance: She really is beautiful, I love your pics on FB and i'm she'll bring you so much joy your mishandled labour and all its consequences will stay firmly in the back of your mind. I don't think its true that you forget how bad it was but more that how bad it was doesnt matter to you anymore.

Glad you are getting through your problems with breastfeeding. It really is hard to begin with but it does get better, honestly it does :)

Captain that's fantastic news :thumbup: Fingers crossed for a BFP on the 11th. I'll be stalking you...

As for me we're having fun on holiday. Maia is having a ball playing with her cousins and its a pleasure to watch. Its amazing how my baby is suddenly so sociable and adventurous. She's a proper little girl now.

I was a bit worried about coming away as I was nervous about all of the public nursing I was going to have to do (I've been comfortable at friends houses and at the children's centre where other mums are breastfeeding but the thought of feeding in proper public seemed frightening to me) but so far I've fed Logan here there and everywhere, including on the beach :thumbup:

Ooh and I'll come to Blackpool again Chelli - Logan slept from 9-30 last night to 6am :happydance: whoop whoop!

How's everyone else doing? x
Hi ladies,

I know you know about Logans hospital stay from FaceBook but thought I'd tell you more about my terrifying weekend so here goes...

Thursday night Logan STTN and when he woke up to feed at 6am I thought 'Hurrah to uninterrupted sleep', but thought it was a bit strange that after a small feed he went back off to sleep. I let him sleep but we take Maia to a music and movement class on a Friday so a couple of hours later I woke him by getting him dressed to go out. I tried to feed him again thinking he'd be hungry but he wasn't so I just got him dressed and rushed out of the door.

He stayed awake through the session but he wasn't his usual self. He sort of lay still, staring into space. No smiles, no cooing and no moving his arms or legs.

I said to my best friend I was worried about him (which I was) but made light of it, saying I always used to worry when Maia had a bit of an off day and joked about being a neurotic mother.

So as the afternoon went on he drifted between sleeping and being awake but not his usual animated self. I took his temperature and he didn't have one but I was still worried enough to call the doctor based on his behaviour alone.

I got a cancellation appointment but the doctor didn't seem too worried about him. I don't blame the doctor. He didn't have a temperature or any other physical signs of illness but I walked out of there not feeling reassured.

When my DH got home from work he was shocked by how quiet and still little man was and said he could see why I've been so worried about him.

This carried on through the evening and late on it started to get worse. He didn't want to be cuddled (very strange for him) and just wanted to be left alone. He wasn't interested in taking even short feeds by now and started groaning and whimpering rather than crying. I took his temp again (which i'd been doing periodically all evening) and it had suddenly shot up to 39 degree's.

That was it, I got him in his car seat and straight to hospital.

The doctor we saw when we got there sent us straight up to the children's ward where we saw the paediatrician. She said she suspected meningitis and ordered a lumber puncture and bloods. My poor little man had to go through a painful barrage of tests Although I appreciated it was for his greater good I was still traumatised by how upset he was and seeing him looking so pale and ill I dissolved into a big bucket of tears myself. The staff on the ward were so patient and kind to me, offering me reassurance and sweet tea.

When the tests were done Logan started IV antibiotics as when bacterial meningitis is suspected they start treating it rather than waiting for test results. We were told we had to stay in for at least another two nights to continue treatment until the test results were back and for a week if bacterial meningitis was confirmed.

Logan wouldn't settle in the cot so they very kindly brought an adult hospital bed so I could cuddle my poor pale little boy to sleep with me. They said they wouldn't normally advocate co sleeping but thought it was important for him to be calm as being upset wouldn't help with his temperature. They also put him on IV fluids to replace the milk he wasn't drinking.

The next day they got me to express some milk so he could be fed through a tube but by lunchtime Logan started rooting for the breast so I tried to feed him. Amazingly he fed and from that point fed regularly, to make up for lost time. As the day went on his temp came down to 38 which is still a fever but much better than the previous day.

Sunday he got better still, smiling again, feeding well and a normal temperature all day :)

Happily on Monday morning the tests all came back as negative for meningitis. The doctor said it was a viral infection and let us go home mid-afternoon :happydance:

Its great to have him back to his normal self again and be back together as a family.

One thing I've really learned is that as mums we know our own children. Trust your instinct if you have a feeling something's wrong and don't worry about pestering doctors repeatedly if that's what it takes. I won't worry about anyone thinking i'm a 'neurotic mother' ever again, that's for sure xx
Sorry I've been AWOL ladies, I keep meaning to post but had so much to reply to everyone and never seemed to be on long enough to write it! And the last week or 2 I have given in to temptation and am now a Candy Crush addict :blush: It's terrible, I've even been altering the clock on my iPhone to give me more lives when I want them!!

So, anyway.... Chelli thanks so much for taking the time to write your birth story. It sounds very traumatic, but baby Millie is a stunner :hugs: Keep those FB pics coming! PS are you SURE you hadn't just pee'd yourself?! :haha: :winkwink: I can't believe the docs couldn't tell your waters had gone! :wacko:
How is Millie now? Any signs of her first smile yet? If not, you shouldn't have long to wait and it will seriously melt your heart. Both of my boys gave me the biggest smiles each morning when I peered over the edge of their Moses basket :cloud9:

Rowan, how is baby Michael doing? Has his great weight gain continued? And how is Martha, now that Michael is here? I hope your infection has cleared up now and that you're on the mend. Have you started doing your postnatal DVD yet? I'm impressed at your drive! I have had my first group physio and have another one tomorrow. I keep telling myself I will do the exercises but I never seem to get around to it... but then I hate how my beer belly comes out every evening!

Star - you must have been terrified when they said they thought it might be meningitis :hugs: I love seeing your FB updates and pics, but was very upset to hear about baby Logan's illness. I'm glad he's now better x

Good to hear from you Captain, although I'm so sorry to hear AF came for you. You must be very disappointed but try not to give up hope. I have everything crossed for you for June/July and hope one of the 5 top quality blastos comes good for you :thumbup:

As for me, other than Candy crush and physio, Dex is now in his own room... they grow so fast! He has dropped down to 9th %ile for weight, but the HVs keep saying they are not concerned. To be honest, I'm not concerned either. I started expressing after some of his feeds to increase my milk supply, and he started vomiting... which makes me think he was getting enough milk and the increase was too much for him. Also he fluctuates between 1 and 2 wake ups during the night (normally now it is 1, but then he'll have a few days in a row of 2 wake ups). My take on this is that he is probably going through growth spurts when he wakes more, and is therefore doing a great job of regulating how much milk he needs. I got him weighed today and he is 13lb 8oz, so Logan is catching him up Star!! :haha:

Fin is talking so much now, but I really must stop swearing in front of him!! This morning he told me "don't turn the bloody light on"!! :blush: He refused to nap yesterday and hasn't napped the day before. Some people said maybe he was ready to drop them but I thought it unlikely seeing as he had been having 2 hour naps leading up to that. Today, he napped for 3 and a half hours! Must have been catching up!

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