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The Over 35 Newbies and not so's :)

Thanks Star, but to be fair I can't say i've particularly changed my diet, but maybe because i was at SW before hand some of it rubbed off---- or worse, she is waiting now that i am 30 weeks to pile the weight on and i'll baloon lol

I had an appointment with my midwife on Tues and she said that there was a little trace of sugar in my pee sample- but she would just keep an eye on it next time (i had a kitkat about 1/2 before i went it maybe that was the cause :winkwink: )
I don't envy you Star- with these injections i have to take each day i am beginning to feel like a pin cushion- that and the fact i can't give them to myself because i am a wimp! I just have to go round to my mum's when OH is away and get her to do it!- so i really feel for you having to take Insulin and monitor your diet so strictly- hopefully you'll get everything under control.

I also found out that midwife things little miss is laying Traverse, which once she explained what she meant i think she might be right! i get kicks/punches at both sides regularly at the same time!
Hopefully she will shuffle her bum round- midwife said that they normally move by now but there is plenty of time, and i will find out at my 36week scan too.
I hope so i don't fancy a Csection (except for the obvious pain free birth!) but the healing time does not appeal! Unless they could give me a free tummy tuck while they were at it?? lol

I don't mind catching up on FB, tho maybe if we do we could open up a private group or something? I like that i can ask you private things without the world knowing them lol

Speaking of private things- when did your boobs start hurting? i'm thinking i'm getting away with a lot in this pregnancy- barely any sickness in the beginning, barely any heartburn and my boobs don't hurt in the slightest? I mean even if they are pressed on (lol sounds rude but i do mean by me!)
I'm not worried at all, but just wondered if any of you had pain free boobs?
Star you should give yourself a little time after the birth to enjoy some of the things you're missing out on due to GD... just having had a baby is the best excuse for carrying a few extra pounds :haha: For Valentine's day my hubby put a little box of small gifts together, which included pâté (a no-no during pregnancy and he knew I missed it), and 2 bags of Thorntons banana toffee. The toffees were gone within 3 or 4 days :blush:

Chelli, love your comment about the tummy tuck :rofl: When they were stitching me up after my tear I did actually ask if they could do me a little boob job while I was there :haha:

Star - yes I'd love to see your pics on Facebook so please PM me :thumbup: If anyone else wants to add me so we can keep in touch together that would be lovely. And don't worry, I won't write anything publicly that you may not want the world to know... I also discuss things on here that I wouldn't put on FB.

Sorry to hear your little lady is transverse Chelli. If you remember, Dexter was transverse too quite late on. Luckily he moved by himself around the time of my 36 week scan (he kept moving back and forth on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis). There is time for your baby to move too, and I hope she does.

Fin has had a sickness bug, it's the first time he's been proper ill :cry: He had Rubella at 13 months which gave him a nasty rash but he wasn't ill with it we just had to quarantine him for a week. He's been proper poorly, although luckily it was only a 24 hour thing. I was really upset though yesterday because he only wanted daddy. I felt like I must be a rubbish mummy, children are always meant to need their mummy when they're ill... he has been more cuddly with me today though, and he's just woken asking for me so I'm sitting holding his hand as I type this one-handed, and glad I can offer him some comfort. He is on the mend and ate a little late this afternoon. He just needs more sleep now.

The last couple of nights Dexter has gone 5.5 hours before his nightly wake-up - he is such a star! I got him weighed on Thursday and he's still gaining nicely too.
Ooh fingers crossed your LO turns Chelli.

LMAO at the tummy tuck comment (and the boob job comment Everything) :haha:

My boobs hurt more in first tri than any other time and gradually eased off through second tri. You might have got away with it Chelli :)

Everything I hope Fin is completely better soon. Its so horrible when they're sick.

Brilliant news about Dexter sleeping well. I hope I'm so lucky so soon. Maia was a great sleeper as a young baby but I don't know if I dare hope for the same again. Will soon find out though.

I'll message you both my details so you can add me on Facebook. Don't worry, I don't like to share really personal stuff on there either and would rather keep intimate stuff to here. I was thinking more so we could look at each others pictures. I can upload really easy to there from my phone app so I'll be able to put pics of Logan on as soon as I feel up to it :happydance: x
Chelli, sorry I forgot to answer your boob question. Mine only hurt in 1st tri, maybe early 2nd tri. I think you'll probably get away with it too :thumbup:

Fin has still been really poorly today, throwing up even water bless him. Today was the 3rd full day he's had it. I didn't realise these bugs could last so long but a friend said her toddler had it a month ago and he was sick for 6 days :cry: I hope Fin gets over it soon, he was on the skinny side to start with!
Awww Every, poor Fin. It's heartbreaking when children are so ill, you just want to take it all away from them.
Has he managed to keep down any water at all? Hopefully he will not become dehydrated and that it will pass soon :(
And maybe he was picking up on how anxious you were when he was running to daddy, and like you said he wanted cuddles later on. :hugs:

Isn't it funny how we can feel like we are not being a good mum when they want their dad's first! How must the dad's feel when most of the time children want their mummy's lol

Star- 2 days to go! Any twinges? :happydance:
Star- 2 days to go! Any twinges? :happydance:

I've been getting lots of AF style cramping and BH. There has been twice when I've really wondered if he was about to set on his way, once last weekend and once Friday night when I had some quite painful contractions that ended up coming to nothing.

I was hoping that he would stay put until yesterday when my MIL arrived and I knew Maia would be OK if we had to make a dash but I have a feeling he will stay put until Tuesday now.

Only 2 more sleeps anyway and it doesn't worry me that he'll more than likely arrive by section now. His safe arrival is the only thing that matters to me now, which exit he chooses to take doesn't seem to matter anymore.

Everything hope your little man is better soon. It worries me when they're unwell. Maia isn't eating well at the moment as she has her last set of molars coming through and I worry so much about her wasting away. Its worse when they're being sick and I worry about fluids even more x
hope everything goes well star - just popping on v quick as martha settling for nap and I need a rest - been in and out of hospital - got bad uti and thrush from catheter - back in hosp thurs for another scan etc - feel like crap - am basically weeing blood its awful so so painful - baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead too bless him so hes getting cramped!

hope all ok with you guys x
Oh poor you Rowan, that sounds horrible! Sorry to hear you've been in hospital.
UTI's are horrible but yours sounds very unpleasant! Are you able to take Antibiotics ok?
Hope all is well at the scan tomorrow. Is this your 36 week scan or for something else? I have my scan beginning of April to check position and size.

And measuring at 3 weeks ahead! Hopefully its mostly fluid eh lol, or he may be a big boy! Keep us posted.

PS, do you have facebook? PM if your interested in adding as we have caught up on there- but np if you dont, i am still coming on here too- star suggested FB as it is easir for pics etc :)
Hi ladies :flower:

I know I've already announced on Facebook but for those of you that don't know my little man arrived safely by c section at 9.15 yesterday morning :cloud9:

He weighed in at 7Ib 12 so was smaller than expected but a good healthy weight. He's absolutely perfect :happydance:

He has a lovely chilled out personality but isn't feeding that well yet. He seems to prefer sleep and cuddles. Judging by the other babies on the ward it seems quite a normal situation so hopefully will start picking up in the next few days. He is starting to show a bit more interest which is good news :thumbup: Speaking of good news it hasn't effected his blood sugars at all and everything in that department was much more normal than expected :) :) :)

The elective c section experience was so much nicer than I expected. I felt relaxed, looked after and the theatre team had a laugh and a joke with me and hubby. I was even able to hold Logan in theatre and cuddle him while they were closing me up which I wasn't given the chance to do with Maia.

The pain afterwards is even worse than I remember though. I'm home already (bonus!) but finding it so hard as Maia wants to jump and climb all over me and gets so upset when she's told she can't it's a bit heart breaking. I remember when I had her after the first few days the pain became much more bearable very quickly and improved in leaps and bounds every day. I guess I just need to hang onto that and the fact this situation is tempory. I'm going to ask the midwife for suggestions to help Maia understand when she comes out to see us today too.

Rowan I hope you're ok hun, you seem to have really been going through it lately :hugs: xxx
Hi Rowan, euugh sorry you're suffering at the moment :hugs: Hope you got on ok at your scan today.

Congratulations Starlight :happydance: He is just perfect, and was born a very similar weight to Dexter (who was so estimated to be heavier than he actually was). My friend had a c section 8 days ago, and when I spoke to her 2 or 3 days later she was counting the minutes to the 4 hourly intervals when she could have a top-up of pain-relieving drugs. I hope it starts to become more comfortable soon :hugs:

I hope your midwife has some good advice for you about helping Maia to deal with your pain. It's all very new for her... how is she taking to Logan?

When Fin was born he didn't latch on for around 3 days, and they kept checking his blood sugar levels but thankfully he was always ok as well. They did give him a little formula using a syringe to keep him going. He soon got up to speed once he had started, so I'm sure Logan will get the hang of it :thumbup:
Star, i almost announced about Dexter last night in my reply but i didn't want to steal your thunder!! lol

The pics are lovely- congratulations again! :happydance:

I do not envy you with the pain- it makes me nervous, i hope this little miss moves her head/bum into position all the more now lol

Hopefully Maia will quickly be distracted with her new brother. I know when my nephew was born, we all encouraged my neice to get involvd with all the little things around her brother, helping get a nappy, passing the wipes etc- and that seemes to keep her occupied enough to not feel too left out. However at 3 she perhaps has a little more understanding. Hopefully the midwife will give you some ideas.

4 weeks today until i finish work (for holiday initally) I completely can not wait. There is an issue in work right now, in relation to some conflict between the manager and the area manager , and it is like walking around on egg shells. I really have had enough of it all :nope:
hey ladies :) will p you re facebook

Congratulations Star!! yey :) x

Im back out of hospital again and my bladder seems to be working again and the uti is clearing so I am catheter free again = phew! fingers crossed it stays working for the next 5 weeks! lovely to be out of pain!
Thanks Hinky, really hope you're well :hugs:

Chelle its so exciting that you're finishing work in a few weeks :happydance: It will go so quick too. Trust me its the bit when you've finished work when it starts dragging!

How's your nephew doing? x
Star- I am so sorry, i know your son is called Logan and i called him Dexter lol..... blame it on the baby brain!

My nephew is doing fine- very bright and alert- watches everything! And a smiler already :)
My neice has taken to trying to wake him when she see's him alseep for "play time" as you can imagine, this is not going down well with my SIL lol

Rowan, glad your out of hospital :)... only 5 weeks to go!

We'll be all moving over to a new section soon! lol

and yes i can't wait to finish work- i really admire those with manual jobs- i sit in an office all day and i am shattered by the end of it- goes knows how you lot have managed with having a toddler to run round for as well!!!
Congratulations Starlight! Great news. Can't believe you guys are almost all there with your LOs.

AFM, I'm having a hysteroscopy on Tuesday to check my uterus looks ok ahead of IVF in hopefully April/may. There is no identified reason why we haven't managed to conceive so fingers crossed IVF will work, althought we are statistically likely to need a few goes at it.

Thanks Captain, I hope the hysteroscopy went well today and you're not too uncomfortable after it.

Fingers crossed you'll be able to crack on with IVF ASAP.

How are you other ladies?

I'm good but tired. Logan certainly likes to feed more and sleep less during the night and with having Maia sleeping when he sleeps during the day isn't an option so I just have to ride it out. He's a gorgeous little guy though, I'm so happy :cloud9:

Well I'm off to try and sleep now as its Maia's second birthday tomorrow :happydance: I can't wait to see her five into her pressies.

We had a little family party at the weekend but didn't plan a big party in the end because of the uncertainty of the timing of it. We're treating her to a safari park trip in a few weeks time instead which I'm sure she'll love x
Star, wishing your beautiful little Maia a happy 2nd birthday :happydance: Dex was waking about every hour - hour and a half for the first few days but it gradually got better. He now sleeps for 5.5 - 6 hours after his last evening feed, which usually means only one wake-up a night. He even slept 9pm until 5am a few nights ago... 8 hours!! :thumbup: I hope Logan soon learns night and day because it can be very draining when you can't catch up with little naps in the day.

Chelli that really made me laugh about your niece wanting playtime! Fin likes to give a running commentary of everything Dexter is doing... "baby Dexter feeding now", "baby Dexter not feeding now" etc. He gets very excited and loud when he's doing his commentary, so it would be better if he didn't shout "baby Dexter sleeping now"! :haha:

Captain I hope the hysteroscopy went ok for you. Did you get the results straight away?

Rowan I'm glad you're out of hospital and that your bladder is behaving itself :hugs:

I had a physio appointment yesterday as a follow up for my 3rd degree tear. She said everything has healed really well, and my pelvic floor is in good order :thumbup: My stomach muscles haven't done so well though and I still have a 3-finger gap between my muscles, despite me having done some of the correct exercises to tighten the gap... I bet you could get a whole hand in straight after the birth though! She's given me this elasticated tube thing to wear every day until my next appointment in 4 weeks. I think I finally don't look pregnant any more though so I'm pretty pleased with how my old body has coped :haha:

Edited to say: I've just read your update on the other thread Captain about your hysteroscopy. It's all sounding very positive... and wow you do a LOT of travelling!!
Happy Birthday Maia- hope she had a lovely day :)
I swear i don't know how you ladies with children cope with a newborn! I have a new found respect- because i can barely imagine dealing with no sleep with 1, without having to entertain a toddler at the same time!!
I am so exhausted right now- i just don't think i could cope with a toddler as well as pregnancy and then no sleep. New found respect ladies, new found respect! lol

everything- i am slightly worried to be asking this lol- but what do you mean 3finger gap- gap between what? I don't think i have stomach muscles anyway- i have too much belly normally to see them!! lol

well ladies i had my midwife appt yesterday, and little miss have moved into head down position, although is still "free" according to my notes- i am assuming that means she is not engaged!
alarmingly i noticed afterwards that she had measured me at 35 weeks! I only went 2 weeks ago and i was on track at 30 weeks- surely she must have got that wrong!!!! if she is growing at that speed I will not be able to walk- let alone give birth! She will be a giant!! I am scared now- it wasnt my usual midwife so i'm hoping she measured wrong lol

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