AF just now got I'm moving onto next month...only thing that sucks is she came to late for me to call in my new prescription so I'll have to wait till Monday (which will be CD3) and just pray I can get it that same day and take it so I can stay on track!
Has anyone taken or is currently taking Maca? I started taking it this cycle instead of Clomid and the past few days I have had TONS of EWCM like crazy! This is only cycle day 6 for me, so it seems a bit strange...
i had to call my pcm and have him put more referrals so now i have to wait till thursday to go in just so he can write tricare err how upset am i lol. well on a good note and bad not my dr said that my linning looks great but that she thinks that im just not ov. errr!! i cant make another appt till my refferals are in omg!!!!
How are you ladies doing? Just thought I'd stop by and do a quick update. Not really much to update on. I haven't been temping, charting this cycle. I took a few OPK's but I think it was too late and I already ovulated. I felt lots of ovulation cramps and had ewcm. Hopefully this time I will get my !
Anyway, I hope you ladies are all doing well. Anyone have any pics to upload? It's been a while and I'm starting to have withdraws! lol
Ohhhh I'm excited to see more tests too! Do have any idea of a rough dpo? How long until you start POAS? As for me, hubby has been ranting about how we need to wtt until after we deal with some issues. Randomly this month he conveniently "forgot" I was ovulating even though I told him 3 times that day, and the day before and the day before that lol. I even mentioned it to him again today, that I ovulated yesterday, and he didnt seem a bit concerned. If I didn't know any better I would think he was TRYING to get me pregnant lol. So it looks like I'm back in 2WW with everyone with a good shot. We twice a day every day until today, so i think if there was an eggy in there to be caught, we did it Yay!!!!
Go figure it would be the month that I finally excepted the fact that he wasn't going to be ready anytime soon and decided to focus on getting back into shape lol. But everything for a reason...maybe I'll get my little girl this month
We found out that we're "maybe" team pinks! 4 girls 1 was very hard to tell there's still hope for a boy lol. Of course, I'm happy with any healthy baby!
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