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I think i've gone completly crazy. Today I spent $500 on baby stuff (DH was all aware and agreeing) I was driving down the street and there was a yard sale with a ton of baby stuff so I figured i would stop and look.
Things I bought:
Changing table
Diaper bag
two swings
Crib matress
brand new bedding set
a bouncer seat
a highchair
a mobil
a pack-and-play
bath tub

Ill upload pics later... Am I completely crazy?
If i would have bought every thing seprately it would have cost over $1000!
Im not even prego yet...
All neutral, ocean wonders
most of it was new in box
Chika, where did you find the clinic that does iui for that cheap??

and antsy...I took my bff probably 8 or 9 garbage bags FULL of baby clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles, washes..a changing pad with cover and a bouncy seat today..she's like you and getting prepared!
Supposed to ov tmrw... nearly there :D


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    nearly pos opk.jpg
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AFM- Im supposed to ov today- busy weekend for me! If anyone wants to see my new baby purchases, just follow the link to my journal in the sig! its on the last page!
Can anyone answer my opk question ??? <=== the link to my post
Sorry ladies! I have been seriously MIA. These past few weeks have just been so busy. But I'm here now! lol

The iui clinic I found is in San Antonio it might be quite a drive for you! lol I just started emailing every clinic I could find in SA that did iui's and asked how much everything would be. The most expensive thing are the ultrasounds @ $245 a pop and she said they usually do between 2-6 of those. I'm hoping that I wont really need to have to many of them. They use them to monitor ovulation and I ovulate just fine. (3 kiddos prove that, right? lol)

I was hoping to get an iui sooner rather than later BUT with Halloween, my middle child (Aubrie's) birthday, then 2 weeks later hubby and my oldest's birthday (both on October 10th!) then Christmas...hubby doesn't want to over strain our $. lol SO we might have to wait until we get our tax return. OR win the lottery :happydance: JK :haha: We would have to actually play to win. :dohh:
Can anyone answer my opk question ??? <=== the link to my post

I always have a line on my tests. ALWAYS. Even if it's faint, it's there.

Keep should get there soon. Sorry for the late reply!
So I am normally a 'silent stalker' on these boards and don't post much, but was wondering where you were going on San Antonio for IUI Chika? That is where I go for mine (live in Fort Hood and travel the 3 hours for all appts >.< )
So I am normally a 'silent stalker' on these boards and don't post much, but was wondering where you were going on San Antonio for IUI Chika? That is where I go for mine (live in Fort Hood and travel the 3 hours for all appts >.< )

Here is the website. :thumbup:
Okay ladies...We went to the $ tree yesterday and I couldn't help myself. I bought some hpt's.

This morning I used one. Not a clue how many dpo I am.

Anyway, the test is negative but I also took an opk and it's SUPER dark. You can barely see the control line. lol

Hopefully this means SOMETHING:thumbup:
really? Could you be ovulating? when was your last AF?
I had cramping around cycle day 16 so I think I ovulated somewhere around there. :shrug:
yay chika hope u get good news.. this is katie...aka pregnant101 lol. This is my old account if u remember that got deleted due to an error with admin, and for some reason this one is back on and my pregnant101 has been shut off :/ but w/e at east i have an account. This pregnancy is turning into a horror story for me. First it was thought it was ectopic, then it wasnt, then i was bleeding, then i wasnt, then i had horrible cyst pains (still am off and on), then last week i got told from my reg doc not even my OB that theres a nice seperation between the placenta and the uterus (thanks for keepin me in the dark midwife!!! NOT!!!!), then yesterdya i was in the hospital cuz i was GUSHING blood.. it went to being like a period, with random gushing now and then..went to the ER as i was told that if i bled at all to go RIGHT AWAY... they did a 30 second ultrasound and saw that "baby is alive...for now" (yeah, the ER doc literally said that) and then was told " we dont have the time to do a real ultrasound and see why your bleeding. If your baby dies it dies and we cant stop it, so just go home." . Hubby is breaking down emotionally, as am i :/ Im half tempted to end the pregnancy now and save us the suffering later, but i just cant bring myself to do it. Im so tired of living in this limbo, an being in a high risk pregnancy with nobody caring if my baby lives or not but me. Hubby told me the other day that ( i was later told that it was out of frustration and fear and stress, but i really dont know anymore) that the only reason he got me pregnant was to keep me around, cu he knew that after almost 3 yrs of our son being dead that if he didnt do it soon id leave and move on (which yes i did say to him ONCE over a yr ago out of frustration. When u set mutual dates to try again and 4x he comes to you and says "im still not ready" you get pretty fed up.). He was makin me dinner yesterday when i started to bleed.. and i hollered from the bathroom "Chris.. im bleeding!!!" When i came out i was clearly upset.. and he grabbed me and hugged me and with tear streaming told me "i dont know if i can handle this anymore". Then he proceeded back down to the basement and got shitfaced drunk with his buddies, while i drove myself to the hospital and dealt with it all alone. Im just so emotionally and psychically drained and dead, and i really dont wanna have to say ive experience a 3rd trimester loss, a 1st trimester loss, and then by the time i finally get another ultrasound... a 2nd trimester loss. The doctor on the ER actually asked me "well what if this one dies too, what u gonna do then?' I told her that honestly, it isnt your business, and thats quite fuckin rude to even ask. then she told me "Well, id just give up hope then if i were you." GOD DOESNT ANYONE HAVE EMOTIONS ANYMORE?! Im sorry to vent girls, i know everyone is going thru their own issues, but i just had to let it all out. Im just so...SOOO.... god i dont even know, theres not even words to describe it anymore. :(
Wow hun! Seems like you have been going through a lot lately!

I'm so sorry. I don't even know where to start. It's terrible you are going through all of this and even more terrible how the Dr's are treating you. Sometimes I wonder about Dr's, they just don't get it sometimes. A little emotion wont hurt! Is there another hospital or Dr you could see? I remember when my oldest child was 2, she was running a fever of 105. I was FREAKING OUT! So I took her to the hospital in my town and the Dr. told me that she was fine and sometimes there is nothing you can do for them. So I asked him...Isn't 105 a little high for a 2 year old?! And his response was...No, it can get up to 107 and she would still be fine. WHAT? ARE YOU STUPID? I had to take her to a hospital in a different town to get her proper treatment.

Anyway, I'm hoping your DH starts being a little more supportive. I'm sure it's hard on him as well, but your the one with a baby in your belly, and all the hormonal emotions that come with it...

Feel free to vent anytime. We are here to listen hun. :hugs:
yay chika hope u get good news.. this is katie...aka pregnant101 lol. This is my old account if u remember that got deleted due to an error with admin, and for some reason this one is back on and my pregnant101 has been shut off :/ but w/e at east i have an account. This pregnancy is turning into a horror story for me. First it was thought it was ectopic, then it wasnt, then i was bleeding, then i wasnt, then i had horrible cyst pains (still am off and on), then last week i got told from my reg doc not even my OB that theres a nice seperation between the placenta and the uterus (thanks for keepin me in the dark midwife!!! NOT!!!!), then yesterdya i was in the hospital cuz i was GUSHING blood.. it went to being like a period, with random gushing now and then..went to the ER as i was told that if i bled at all to go RIGHT AWAY... they did a 30 second ultrasound and saw that "baby is alive...for now" (yeah, the ER doc literally said that) and then was told " we dont have the time to do a real ultrasound and see why your bleeding. If your baby dies it dies and we cant stop it, so just go home." . Hubby is breaking down emotionally, as am i :/ Im half tempted to end the pregnancy now and save us the suffering later, but i just cant bring myself to do it. Im so tired of living in this limbo, an being in a high risk pregnancy with nobody caring if my baby lives or not but me. Hubby told me the other day that ( i was later told that it was out of frustration and fear and stress, but i really dont know anymore) that the only reason he got me pregnant was to keep me around, cu he knew that after almost 3 yrs of our son being dead that if he didnt do it soon id leave and move on (which yes i did say to him ONCE over a yr ago out of frustration. When u set mutual dates to try again and 4x he comes to you and says "im still not ready" you get pretty fed up.). He was makin me dinner yesterday when i started to bleed.. and i hollered from the bathroom "Chris.. im bleeding!!!" When i came out i was clearly upset.. and he grabbed me and hugged me and with tear streaming told me "i dont know if i can handle this anymore". Then he proceeded back down to the basement and got shitfaced drunk with his buddies, while i drove myself to the hospital and dealt with it all alone. Im just so emotionally and psychically drained and dead, and i really dont wanna have to say ive experience a 3rd trimester loss, a 1st trimester loss, and then by the time i finally get another ultrasound... a 2nd trimester loss. The doctor on the ER actually asked me "well what if this one dies too, what u gonna do then?' I told her that honestly, it isnt your business, and thats quite fuckin rude to even ask. then she told me "Well, id just give up hope then if i were you." GOD DOESNT ANYONE HAVE EMOTIONS ANYMORE?! Im sorry to vent girls, i know everyone is going thru their own issues, but i just had to let it all out. Im just so...SOOO.... god i dont even know, theres not even words to describe it anymore. :(

I had near enough the same in the first-second trimester hun. At first they thought I was having a partial molar pregnancy and then the tests showed I wasn't. Turned out that I had the placenta come away and it was giving the appearance of a cystic placenta. Then at 15 weeks pregnant I started gushing blood and was rushed to the hospital. They didn't scan me but they did listen to the baby's hb and told me that it was a hematoma from where the placenta had separated and all should be resolved now..... well they were right, the next scan I had all the cystic appearance had gone. It probably is the trapped blood from the separation hunny, but they should of explained this to you instead of being so bloody negative towards you. The fact that baby is still ok after the bleed is a very VERY good sign. Hopefully now you will sail through this pregnancy. Good luck xxxx:hugs:
waiting 4 bfp. how is everything? You're in my thoughts so I wanted to come see how you were doing. :flower:

afm, I'm on cycle day 23 and itching to test. I bought some strips online but they always seem to take FOREVER to get here.

This is WAY off topic but I'm just curious...anyone else here have Netflix? We had the plan that was $9 a month (unlimited streaming and 1 dvd out at a time) then yesterday saw they took almost $18 out for their charge...I was like WTF? So I changed my plan to no dvds out and just streaming for $7.99. Much cheaper! lol

(RANDOM, I know!)
oh god.. screw netflix!!! i joined the boycott and completely deleted my aco****.. along with about 600,000+ ppl!!!! Cant believe they r tryin to screw everyone so bad. USE: you have to DL a program called bit torrent (use the one from the real site hen ya search for it) and you can get all the movies and tv shows ya want.. even brand new ones that you cant get streaming from netflix!!! i swear by the site, and unlike aries or limewire its totally legal, they went to court and fought, and won. As for me presonally, im so bloody sick atm its UNREAL. fever of 101-103, cant breathe out my nose, throats on fire, bodies so achy and sore its unreal... it just SUCKS!!! My bleeding has now tapered off, but im now having what looks like mucus come out once in a while..not alot just a bit here and there. God i wish i could just have a nromal pregnancy.... but i guess its not in the cards for me :/ I have an appt with my OB at 9 monday morning.. wil let u all know what they say and do then (i actually made it thursday for being so sick. then the next day i started bleeding and they were already closed, so i guess its a 2-for-1 appt lol, made a sick appt with them cuz my reg family doc wont even see me ><). If i were you id be out buyin tests without hubby knowing Amber.... lol i cant stand waiting to test, as we all saw when i found out i am pregnant.. i tested from 6dpo on hahaha

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