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Hey ladies.....I'm being a debbie downer today :( just I know AF is coming I feel it and now I'm apparently going from 27 day cycles down to 24 day cycles....I am just terrified to get the results from the doc. I wonder if I called them wouldn't they have to release my information to me if I wanted copies before my follow up appt. which isn't until March 26th? I want some info now I can't wait any longer gonna talk to my mom when she brings the baby over she had him last night so I could try to get rest today but I'm in too much pain :( my cramps are galore as usual and AF isn't even near yet :( So tired of this waiting game...then having to get this stupid vericella shot is putting me back another 2 months at least....its just frustrating :(

So what is their plan for you? Do you know what they are going to do to figure out why you're not getting pregnant and how TO get you pregnant?
Hey Amber sweetie.....

Well I got upset and went Friday and signed the release of my records to myself so I should get an email tomorrow with all of my numbers. My appt. isn't until March 26th to find out what the doctor is going to suggest to do. I'm nervous but I have enough for ONE cycle of IUI saved up...after that I am not sure I guess I'll be on my own unless they can fix me with some meds like progesterone or something else maybe a trigger shot etc. I can't wait until my appt. so I can move on....and either get some kind of treatment or know that its the end of the road for us and for me to give up on trying and if things happen they will in God's time. I'm already really to the I give it all to God point....but it still honestly hurts. I'm sure you all can understand where I am...we've all been there at some point. I am so amazed Amber at what happened finally for you that it honestly does give me some hope still. I just know its going to take us longer for it to happen. I did however ask for an estimate on how much the SDFA will cost...its a DNA test on the sperm and tests to see if they actually are working the way they should its a step higher than a regular SA. I should have that price soon.

Tomorrow I have to get a blood test for pregnancy and my test for my vericella repeated. The doctor on base wanted to retest to make sure I'm not immune to it before he gave me the vaccine...and that is going to put us back at least 2 months after I get the injection. WHICH STINKS :( because I've had the jabs before and my body doesn't draw up an immunity to chicken pox.....blah....frustrating.

Anyways I again will update soon as I know more...I should know my "numbers" tomorrow and I'll update you ladies.

Thanks for asking its so nice to have ladies like all of you who do care :) I LOVE YOU ALL....Thanks Amber for being a great friend through all of our troubles touched a lot of women and I love you for that!
Well even though it may seem like a lifetime, I'm sure you will get the answers you need very soon. Besides, you've been trying for so long now, whats another month or two? lol

To be completely honest with you, I was 100% sure I was NOT going to get pregnant without outside help. We had been trying for over 1 1/2 years, coming up on 2 years and I just figured if I was going to get pregnant, it would have happened already. I started loosing interest in anything TTC. At first I stopped taking my temps in the morning and no longer did any temps or fertility friend. Then eventually I stopped taking OPK's. I figured there was no "point" in wasting my time. We still BD'd (of course that is how I'm pregnant now lol) but it was 100% random and I never knew when or if I was fertile. Not to mention it was a lot LESS often than when I actually wanted to try. The two or three months prior to getting pregnant I would take my pregnancy test expecting a BFN and that is what I got. Then the month I actually did get pregnant and started getting faint faint lines on my tests...I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a fluke test. Then the digi said PREGNANT. Anyway my dear, I know you are so stressed about having another baby and I'm sure your circumstances are harder since your husband is military but really try and relax. Do things to take your mind off TTC and getting pregnant. It seems like as soon as I KNEW I wasn't going to get pregnant and just quit thinking about it as much, I got that :bfp: I any case, you can always come here and vent. That is what we are here for. :thumbup:
I haven't really been "TRYING" anymore I gave that up...I did OPK's b/c the fertility doc told me to....I haven't pee'd on near as many sticks I figure whats the hope it'll actually turn positive. I didn't even pee on one today b/c I knew I had a blood test if its positive theyd call me...but really I know AF is gonna show...whats the use anymore. I really think I have to get the cyst off my ovary and out of my cervix before anything else is going to really happen or get fixed. Now I'm another 3 month delay after this shot so I really give up this time knowing my luck I'd get pregnant accidentally on the vericella shot :( would be terrible but who knows LOL.....Not like I'm gonna just hop on b/c pills for 2 months it aint happening!

DH has his last SA on March 6th hopefully we'll know answers soon enough....I'm waiting on the email from my fertility doc if I don't have it by noon I'm going to give them a call!
Aww Andrea! Im sorry to hear that. I hope everything gets better for you and that you get that bfp! Hope all goes well and that the results are good. Miss talking to you mami!
Hi guys how r u all doing well im currently cd15 feeling really tired feel so sad at the moment all i wanna do is cry arghhhh why the hell do i feel like this. me and dh are still struggling with our loss last month i feel like he blames me we havent been intimate since day before af 16 days ago sorry for moaning but just needed to vent xx hugs to u all

Andrea how u doing my lovely ?? xx
Amber nice to see u on here ?? xx
Rosa hows u hunni ?? xx
Stacey how u ?? XX
10 nice to see u here again hunni xx
Hi guys how r u all doing well im currently cd15 feeling really tired feel so sad at the moment all i wanna do is cry arghhhh why the hell do i feel like this. me and dh are still struggling with our loss last month i feel like he blames me we havent been intimate since day before af 16 days ago sorry for moaning but just needed to vent xx hugs to u all

Andrea how u doing my lovely ?? xx
Amber nice to see u on here ?? xx
Rosa hows u hunni ?? xx
Stacey how u ?? XX
10 nice to see u here again hunni xx

HUGS HUN a loss can be very hard on both of you guys we had a hard dealing with the loss of ours back in 2010 Im doing ok just bored out of my mind Im not use to being at home I keep cleaning an already clean house what friends and family I do have work all day so from 6am till 4 pm by my self so lo can come anyday now it's fine by me
I haven't really been "TRYING" anymore I gave that up...I did OPK's b/c the fertility doc told me to....I haven't pee'd on near as many sticks I figure whats the hope it'll actually turn positive. I didn't even pee on one today b/c I knew I had a blood test if its positive theyd call me...but really I know AF is gonna show...whats the use anymore. I really think I have to get the cyst off my ovary and out of my cervix before anything else is going to really happen or get fixed. Now I'm another 3 month delay after this shot so I really give up this time knowing my luck I'd get pregnant accidentally on the vericella shot :( would be terrible but who knows LOL.....Not like I'm gonna just hop on b/c pills for 2 months it aint happening!

DH has his last SA on March 6th hopefully we'll know answers soon enough....I'm waiting on the email from my fertility doc if I don't have it by noon I'm going to give them a call!

I hope you get your answers and BFP soon :hugs:
No records today I cried half the stupid day b/c the stupid receptionist told me I would have my records by email Monday morning. So by 11 I called and asked where they were and she is like the doctor won't be here until THURSDAY....I didn't get him to sign them before he left Friday. Soooo I practically drove about 2 hours out of the way to get them then they wouldn't give them to me Friday and didn't get them to me today and she said she was going to email him....lets see how many weeks that freaking takes...and see if she could give them to me without his signature at the bottom of the release form. She also said she'd try to bump my appt. up......soooooo yea I called her a liar and hung up on her after all that. I'll be calling her back tomorrow and the next day and next day until they get the hint this is URGENT I'm so fed up!

Soooo just waiting on AF :(
I use to HATE having to wait for ovulation. Especially in the beginning. I read that the "average" woman ovulates on cycle day 14 so I figured I was average and I should ovulate somewhere around there. Most of the time I got my positive OPK between cycle day 17-22. There were a few times I got it between 11-15 but not very often. I HATED the wait, it would just drag by...I know how it feels! It majorly sucks! :growlmad: lol
Im CD22 now, my IC OPK is pretty dark but the CBFM is only high and the test line isnt going anywhere!. Soooo frustrated right now!.
Aww Zoie Im so sorry to hear that. I hope all goes well for you! lots and lots of baby :dust: to you! :hugs:
Im thinking maybe i got a dodgy pack of CBFM test sticks, because my IC opk was almost positive last night and now its lighter and CBFM has had pretty much no lines at all!
IM IN EARLY LABOR LADIES!!!!!!!! Got checked by my MW today and im 2 1/2cm dialated and 70% effaced :thumbsup: she could feel his head thru my open cervix hes so low!!! ever since the check ive been having mild contractions every 15-20 mins so im goin to walmart to do some walking shortly and gonna TRY to talk DH into DTD tonight to hopefully kick things into high gear. Figured Id let u ladies know as my journey started here with all of u :) will keep ya updated as to whe he gets here and post pics of him for you guys to goo over lol
Good luck!!!!

AFM- I had to go to L&D earlier this morning because I am having contractions. Mw told me it might be early labor or and irritated uterus lol from :sex: last night I'm only 1 cm. I thinks it's just a false alarm my bidy is getting ready for baby. Hopefully he waits another 32 days till his due date lol
All this talk about :sex:...reminds me of just how much I DONT want to during this pregnancy. I feel bad for hubby but I really have no sex drive at all. Maybe I'm crazy! :haha:

I'm sure IF any babies are born, they will be adorable and healthy! :thumbup:

So...hubby and I have not even tried to tackle the "name" issue with this baby. I remember how much of a hassle it was with my other three and I was just not looking forward to it. Finally today we sat at the computer together and tried to agree on a few boy and girl names. IMPOSSIBLE. I'm sorry but at least 75% of the "popular" names now days are just NOT good names. lol

We have Anthony Michael for a boy name (Michael is my dads name) and for a girl we have Elaina Hope. However I'm not 100% sure about either. Give me some help ladies! lol What are some names that you just LOVE?:shrug:

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