~. The psychosis thread .~

Oh Hun, a million Good luck wished for you tummy tuck op thinking of you and hoping op went out and your recovery is speedy as can be. xxx

Sorry you had a tough mothers day, and your sister wrecked a paintbrush, sweet she tried to make amends.

Sorry to be nosy where are you having/had your OP hun? I hope flight and customs went ok and you managed to get straight through without any hassle, you don't need more stress right now.

I am sure your fish will all be ok hun.

I bet your children will miss you too, but sure you will maybe get to speak to them and they will be excited to give you super soft hugs on Sunday.

I am really srugglying, voices are horrible and family therapy is tough going. xxxx
I also hope you don't mind me chiming in!

I am not a sufferer myself, but my mum is currently going through a psychotic episode. She is currently in hospital as an informal patient but she has no insight into her illness. She is convinced the whole thing is a set up and she believes many things that are just not true. She has shown behaviour that has made her very vulnerable and it has led me to calling her gp who has involved the mental health team.

I am struggling to deal with it. My mum and I are constantly at loggerheads as she has these beliefs and delusions which are clearly not true. I refuse to agree with her, so we just ended up arguing and we both end up getting stressed.

I made a thread on this which is in the girly sanctuary.

I am just struggling big time to deal with her illness. Nothing I say or do is right. She will not accept she is ill. I am going out of my mind with worry and stress.

I just don't know how to handle someone who has a mental illness who is completely unaware that they are ill.
I'm coming back to England tommorow, my op went well and everything's good. It's really given my self confidence a boost doing this for myself and made me realise how much better I am now I couldn't have done this a few months ago.
Mama Byrd I hope this thread can help you work through your problems. That's awful what you have experienced in the military!!! You are welcome to join us here.
Pompeyvix I really hope your mum gets better soon. At my worst I don't accept I have a problem but I was scared of what the voices would make me do which is why I accepted going into hospital. I believed my house was at the centre of the apolcolypse so I welcomed 'going away' for a bit. All you can do is be there for her and wait. Hopefully they will find some combination of meds that will make your mum feel better.

Topsy I hope you are ok I worry about you. Stay grounded, listen to other people and keep talking
Topsy I had my op in Poland, it's less than half the price and the aftercare is better and the surgeon is sooo experienced. He worked in uk for fifteen years and has done over ten thousand tummy tucks!
I know what you mean about family therapy... I only lasted one session and quit!
Sorry I haven't been about, I am having a bumpy time, went away for a few day and come back totally spooked out is the best i can describe it i am seeing faces in wardrobes, tv (when off) and fridges, it totally chaotic its just a black face with a BIG open mouth i know he is saying something to me about following him. I know its not real, but it is in a way.

Wow your surgeon seems fantastic, having all that experiences would defiantly reassure me. how you are healing well hun and doing ok.

Hugs to you all xxx
the devil is trying to get me, id ont want him to take my baby away i dont know where to go.
Yes hun DH was with me, not had a good week, and now LO is poorly :(
Thanks things are brighter today, LO still poorly- with temp he had mmr just over a week ago, but hubby here all weekend as I can cope so much better with him about normally.

Seem to have come out of psychosis and know that no one is going to take my baby away, its really hard to exsplain what its like and how it takes over your mind and body, but tablets upped so hopefully we can move forward again.

in may should be getting a carer part time ( as family do all my care hubby eve weekends, parents and aunt and friend in week) this will give me a lot more freedom, as I generally don't like asking people ( Other than mum and dad) if I can go somewhere I need to go, other than DRs.

Dh wants to see a friend today and there 4 kids I normally hide away, but have said yes, will do me good to get out, its such a lovely day here.

Take care everyone.

Sorry I haven't been around for a while... Been kind of manic these lasts few weeks. I'm ok though, taking a 'plunge' and trying to promote myself as a muralist, doing scenic cloths for the local am dram... Just painting a lot. I don't really know where my heads at...I'm up and down a lot.
Did this on my sons bedroom wall last week. Took me two days.

WOW thats amazing hun :) I bet he loves it.

Hope you are healing well.

I think I'm hearing things again, either that or there's strange noises in my house! Nothing bad, just doors opening, doorbell, knocking on the window... Plus what sounded like an army plane going overhead, I looked but I couldn't see a plane... It's always when I'm alone or just me and the kids.

Scared ill start hearing bad voices again...
Think I'm stressed... Sister giving me grief again had me in tears yesterday. Just being a teenager, but doing my head in with lack of respect and rudeness, also guilt tripping me, she hasn't left her room in days and says she wants to go to boarding school. Claims I hate her?! Suspect self harming and/or bulimia, but can't confront her because I'd have to admit snooping.

And it's Madeleine's birthday on Sunday so stressing about the party.
oh hun sorry you are suffering, i am worse when on my own. are you taking any meds hun, as thought you were stopping them for your op? but i get muddled so maybe wrong.

sorry your sister is giving you a tough time sweets, is there anyone else who can talk to her?

I find birthdays stressful, can you delegate as much to other people to take pressure off you hun.

sending you hugs xxx
Thanks for replying topsy

I'm still taking my meds, I didn't have to come off them for my op you must be confused or I must have said something confusing which is more than likely lol

My sister talks to my partner, but refuses to accept that maybe she's got an attitude problem she just says to him that she thinks I hate her and I pick arguments with her on purpose... I'm feeling a bit better though because I found an Internet forum for people with teenagers, and she seems pretty typical for her age... I've just got to not let it get to me and know shell get better in a few years.
I typed a long reply and it disappeared!

I am glad you have found a supportive forum, from what I know of teenagers-only going on familys teenagers, a lot of the time they can be very self centered and think the world resolves around them!

Take care xxx

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