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The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hi Lulu

i pay £45 for mine and i have had at least 12 so far!! Too much money..

Jen im sorry to hear that you are going to have to go down the 'assisted ' route :(

I start my treatment next Monday 18th, very excited but nervous excited.. dying to know how many follicles and the quality of them. I genuinely dont think i can do any more myself, its all down the nature and science now..
hope everyone else is ok

p.s jen i think glitter queen is not starting for a few weeks. i think glitter queen has done all the research into other clinics so she may be a good person to speak to. if you want any recommendations in London i cna give you those. i have friends who have kids via male factor. On a positive note i do belive ts easier if you male issues rather than females. there are too many things involved with women , so if you are ok then im sure its more to be succesful

Have you thought about getting all your bloods etc done via your gp as this will save some time when your appt come thru. You can have cd3 - fsh, lh and estrodail blood. day 21 prog test. it may also be in idea to get your amh tested. You will have to pay for this and it can be done anytime during the month. this will give the clinic a good idea as to how you will respond to the drugs and the quality of your eggs.
I had all of this done before and it saved heaps of time..

oh and also get clamidyia., hep b and c, hiv and rubella for you. You both need to have these done before IVf.. i cna give you lpts more info when you need it. Sorry to bombard you just want to help you by telling you what i have learnt :)
Oh Jen, I've just read a few pages back about yoru crappy news last week. Hope you're feeling more positive about it now. Just try to remember what we all know about the amazing effects of acu on sperm count/motility. Have a look in the book - she writes about treating some men - and count the positives, like not having to force your OH to give up alcohol or cigarettes and he's already taking the tablets. Also remember how little faith conventional medics sometimes have in TCM, simply becasue they know nothing about it. I'll bet Cathy can work wonders for him almost immediately. I know it's a horrible shock and it'll take you some time to get over, but try to stay positive and we're all here for you.
Abi x
hi jen
firstly your dogs are beautiful-i am so jealous!
I have been recommended to have icsi-which took me back a little-cuz my oh had a slightly reduced mobiity but everything else was normal . Iwas quotes 2350 for ivf extra 950 for icsi drugs 600 so all in all bout 4,000. Mind you i don't have time on my side(41) and icsi gives us the best chance. I have to add to that the cost of acomodation but we are going to look at it like a holiday-sheffield isn't Spain but there you go!
The stats in Origins weren't great hun well not for my age and the royal have a waiting list of 1 year plus for private cuz they priortise NHS
origins appear to have worked their prices so that they are exactly the price of ivf in england plus travel expensives so they ar a bit sneaky there. Look at the hfea website it gives all clinics stats plus check out the forums for fertility friends etc.
I thnk we are going to have my oh sa repeated cuz we only had one and the results might have changed from them i think but if you have male factor issues they may well recomend icsi as well depending on your age. good luck with everything if you need more info just shout! xx
you know the way you dring protein shakes while doing ivf-well i wondered if it would also help with egg quality while ttc naturally? the only thing worried me is that the one from holland and barrett has soya in it and I heard that was bad for trying to conceive?? unless i only take it for days 1-5 like people take soy to help fertility??
I ahve been using it to curb my appetite while trying to lose weight 3 lb so far in 3 days so high protein diet defo work for me-well untill i get fed up and eat loads of crisps and cheese lol x
Hi glitter i think the whey protein does work for ttc as well as eggs need quality, the best oine i think is the solgar whey protein as it has little or no soy in it
well done on the 3 lbs. i would like ot loose half a stone but im not overweight so its been tough trying to loose it :(
Thanks girls, my gp won't run our tests again as he said there is no point as the hospital will just do it for us. Hey abi this is the problem I can't check my book as I lent it to my aunt who is also trying for another little one and having problems. I'm dying to get it back now as I didn't look at the male infertility (or sub fertility as I prefer to call it!) when I had it and I really want to read it! I'm going to see Cathy this evening at 6pm so I'm going to ask her what can be done from a tcm point of view. I know your right Abi the western docs aren't always right. I just hope dh proves them wrong and is one of those with maybe lower sperm count but they are like olympic swimmers....you need far less to do a better job than your average joe! FX'D! LOL!
XO Jen
Hi glitter i think the whey protein does work for ttc as well as eggs need quality, the best oine i think is the solgar whey protein as it has little or no soy in it
well done on the 3 lbs. i would like ot loose half a stone but im not overweight so its been tough trying to loose it :(

I have the solgar one but it tastes yuck! the H and B one is a lovely banana flavour and it mixes well with the oat milk-i can't take dairy i might just chance it oh is talking it too to improve spermies.
i agree its hard to lose weight i was really active until an illness knocked me out a few years ago and i lost the mojo for exercise. I would need to lose about stone so not too bad! want to give myself the best chance!
spoke to the clinic today and she has worked me out some dates to start to fit around oh work commitments so we just have to decide and we are ready to go! just looking for accomodation now-the hotel we stayed in last week was great but way to expensive for 14 days of luxury!!
how is all you r treatmnet going. wishing you loads of luck and hope u r ok x
Thanks girls, my gp won't run our tests again as he said there is no point as the hospital will just do it for us. Hey abi this is the problem I can't check my book as I lent it to my aunt who is also trying for another little one and having problems. I'm dying to get it back now as I didn't look at the male infertility (or sub fertility as I prefer to call it!) when I had it and I really want to read it! I'm going to see Cathy this evening at 6pm so I'm going to ask her what can be done from a tcm point of view. I know your right Abi the western docs aren't always right. I just hope dh proves them wrong and is one of those with maybe lower sperm count but they are like olympic swimmers....you need far less to do a better job than your average joe! FX'D! LOL!
XO Jen

we have a month or two before i start icsi so any tips for good swimmers are appreciated- so far we have gone with 1000mg vit c with zinc, protein shakes , lots of fluid and a good general supplement as well as fish oils.
That and me practically doing hand stands every time we bd-not very attractive! x
hye ladies , Abi will love this. i cmae across an online chat with RANIDINE LEWIS as a guest speaker. Alot of if may not apply but its all postive stuff. Have a read ..


Glitter, treatment going ok, juts having up and down days, i hate being so hormonal but its all part of the process. Have you tried booking.com or laterooms.com. they may be good for you
Thanks girls, my gp won't run our tests again as he said there is no point as the hospital will just do it for us. Hey abi this is the problem I can't check my book as I lent it to my aunt who is also trying for another little one and having problems. I'm dying to get it back now as I didn't look at the male infertility (or sub fertility as I prefer to call it!) when I had it and I really want to read it! I'm going to see Cathy this evening at 6pm so I'm going to ask her what can be done from a tcm point of view. I know your right Abi the western docs aren't always right. I just hope dh proves them wrong and is one of those with maybe lower sperm count but they are like olympic swimmers....you need far less to do a better job than your average joe! FX'D! LOL!
XO Jen

we have a month or two before i start icsi so any tips for good swimmers are appreciated- so far we have gone with 1000mg vit c with zinc, protein shakes , lots of fluid and a good general supplement as well as fish oils.
That and me practically doing hand stands every time we bd-not very attractive! x

Haha, join the club there are positions that should not be pulled naked but if anything it gives us a laugh! All in the name of a bfp! DH is taking the wellman vitamins, I'm thinking I'll need to convince him to start upping his does of vitamin c too. Loads of zince and selenium and also siberian ginseng to get the little fellas all revved up! Vitamin e helps with the antioxidant side of things too. Makeithappen sent me a list on my journal with all the things she had found out could help plus from the female point of view apparently EPO helps as if CM is even slightly less than what it should be this impacts massively. Take a look on my journal at what makeithappen sent me. Also alaskanwhitec said that she made her OH take loads of pumpkin and sunflower seeds for zinc and lots of fresh leafy greens and fruit. Diet does seem to be a massive part of what goes on with the swimmers. I can't wait for my appointment this evening, just want to talk to Cathy about it and see what she suggests. I'm just glad DH is so up for attending the acu and taking the herbs, that's half the battle...saying that he would do anything to make me happy at the moment. Oh also avoid as much processed food as possible especially aspartame as this is meant to really mess with fertiliy...no caffeine, alcohol or tobacco and even prescription meds can have an affect on the sperm too! Oh and no laptops...no mobiles in pockets, even drinking from cans can increase aluminium levels in the blood and reduce zinc. Also vitamin b12 deficiency has been found in men who have subfertility so get him to take folic acid too. I've also read that men with low sperm counts should withdraw just as they start to ejaculate as the most sperm is in the first few drops and too much seminal fluid dilutes in further making it more difficult for them to eventually reach the egg. Sorry for the big long reply! As you can see I've clearly been slightly obsessed with it over the past few days! :haha:
Xo Jen
Hi Everyone!

I've been stalking this thread for a while but just finally decided to take the plunge and set up my first TCM/Acupuncture session for this coming Thursday. I'm really excited, and a bit nervous.

I found a clinic near me where two of the practitioners have actually studied with Randine Lewis, so I was very excited to read that. I have no idea what I'm in for, but in the name of ttc I'll try pretty much anything. They sent me this huge questionnaire to fill out with everything from spiritual practices to GYN/OB history and everything in between. I'm such a nerd I actually enjoyed filling it out, just felt one step closer to figuring out what's going on with my body.

A bit on my history, I'm 32, DH is 38. We've been ttc our first for about 18 mos. Got pregnant about 4 mos after trying but had a mmc at 10 weeks (fetus had stopped developing at 8 weeks). After a few months started ttc again, and 6 mos later pregnant again, but this one was a chemical with no other pregnancy signs than a positive test.

A few months ago we decided to go see a fertility specialist who diagnosed me with a partial uterine septum. Basically my uterus is heart shaped and has this piece of tissue going about 1/3 way down the middle of my uterus. If the embryo attaches to that inner wall the blood supply is not as good and that can cause the miscarriages. To top it off, after my chemical in August my periods went all crazy and now I spot almost throughout the entire cycle. I have surgery scheduled in about 2 1/2 weeks to correct the septum, but then was told I would need clomid afterwards to bring my hormones in balance and put out nice ripe eggs with a thick uterine lining. Well needless to say that scared me into doing some research, I picked up the Randine Lewis book at the library and have read the first few chapters. Well I am definitely hooked, especially after hearing about all of your positive experiences. It just amazes me that I knew none of this before!! It has openend my eyes to a whole other way of viewing my body and health.

I'll make sure and post the results of my first session, as you can tell I'm rather wordy so I'm sure it will be detailed :blush:

Abi, I read about your recurrent sinus issues and how it keeps you from doing yoga. My yoga instructor is a big fan of netti pots to help clear your sinuses out without any medication. I've used them in the past when I had a head cold and for me it works great. I can actually breathe after using it no matter how clogged up my nose was.

I look forward to getting to know you all and thank you very much for starting this thread!!

Hi Everyone!

I've been stalking this thread for a while but just finally decided to take the plunge and set up my first TCM/Acupuncture session for this coming Thursday. I'm really excited, and a bit nervous.

I found a clinic near me where two of the practitioners have actually studied with Randine Lewis, so I was very excited to read that. I have no idea what I'm in for, but in the name of ttc I'll try pretty much anything. They sent me this huge questionnaire to fill out with everything from spiritual practices to GYN/OB history and everything in between. I'm such a nerd I actually enjoyed filling it out, just felt one step closer to figuring out what's going on with my body.

A bit on my history, I'm 32, DH is 38. We've been ttc our first for about 18 mos. Got pregnant about 4 mos after trying but had a mmc at 10 weeks (fetus had stopped developing at 8 weeks). After a few months started ttc again, and 6 mos later pregnant again, but this one was a chemical with no other pregnancy signs than a positive test.

A few months ago we decided to go see a fertility specialist who diagnosed me with a partial uterine septum. Basically my uterus is heart shaped and has this piece of tissue going about 1/3 way down the middle of my uterus. If the embryo attaches to that inner wall the blood supply is not as good and that can cause the miscarriages. To top it off, after my chemical in August my periods went all crazy and now I spot almost throughout the entire cycle. I have surgery scheduled in about 2 1/2 weeks to correct the septum, but then was told I would need clomid afterwards to bring my hormones in balance and put out nice ripe eggs with a thick uterine lining. Well needless to say that scared me into doing some research, I picked up the Randine Lewis book at the library and have read the first few chapters. Well I am definitely hooked, especially after hearing about all of your positive experiences. It just amazes me that I knew none of this before!! It has openend my eyes to a whole other way of viewing my body and health.

I'll make sure and post the results of my first session, as you can tell I'm rather wordy so I'm sure it will be detailed :blush:

Abi, I read about your recurrent sinus issues and how it keeps you from doing yoga. My yoga instructor is a big fan of netti pots to help clear your sinuses out without any medication. I've used them in the past when I had a head cold and for me it works great. I can actually breathe after using it no matter how clogged up my nose was.

I look forward to getting to know you all and thank you very much for starting this thread!!


Welcome Bernina and I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! :cry: I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be for you both. Don't worry about being detailed the more info the better. I'm sure there are others out there reading about our experiences and I'm positive it helps them make the choice as to whether tcm is for them or not! :hugs: and I hope your first appointment goes well! XO Jen
Hi bernina

Welcome to the thread! Sorry to hear about your story.Glad you found us and hope you enjoy being part of this thread :)
This was yesterday, I was on CD3.

Quing was pleased with my chart being more balanced throughout my last cycle, but my post-ov temps need to rise, I need to ovulate earlier and keep my cycle length of 27-ish days and therefore have a long enough LP, and get rid of this nasal mucous, which is apparently a spleen issue.

I started on my front with 2 needles in my scalp and some in my lower back. Heat on my back.

Then onto my back with a needle in my scalp, one in the flap of skin next to my thumb, one in my abdomen and several in my lower legs. Heat on my abdomen.

Still on the You Qui Wan she switched me to last week. Still under instruction to drink warm/hot water, eat spicy food (lots of ginger), keep my feet warm and a water bottle on my tummy pre-ov.

Going back on Friday.

Muncho, I'll check out that link later - thank you!

Thanks Bernina - what are those pots you mentioned? Any idea where I can get them?
Hello girls. Glad you're feeling a bit better Jen. Look forward to reading what Cathy said she can do for your OH.
:hugs: for everybody!
Abi x
Thank you for the warm welcome!! I can't wait to read updates from everyone as their treatment progresses towards that BFP!!!

Jen, so sorry to hear about the trials you've been through with preg sis in law and hubby's swimmers. Has DH had an appt for acupuncture yet (I read in your journal that he was planning to).

Muncho, what a rocky road it has been for you. I really admire you for donating your eggs to your sister, what a selfless act that was! Do you have a date set for your IVF?
Hey girls well went to see Cathy last night. I explained to her about dh sa results. She said that was quite low and that there were herbs which she could prescribe for him. She said that the acupuncture with men isn't as successful as the herbs and that they were the most important thing. She said that if he was feeling stressed that he could come to acupuncture as well as the herbs but to be honest he doesn't seem stressed in the slightest so I got the herbs of her for him. She took a look at my chart and said that it would appear I've ovulated on CD14 but because I forgot to take my temp the next day we couldn't know for sure. She had me lie on my back and put two needles into my scalp, 4 in my stomach and 5 in each leg. I explained how upset I was about dh's results and she said if she could see the report she would be able to give me more reassurance as to whether the herbs would definitely work but the gp obviously has the report so I just said I wouldn't be able to get it for her. I said that we were being referred to the royal and that we should have had our appointment through by now but it still hadn't arrived and that was stressing me out as well. She told me not to be so upset as this was a common problem and when it happened in China the first thing a man would do is get the herbs prescribed. She said it'll take roughly 3-4 months before we will see an improvement in dh's count as it takes 75 days for sperm to mature. She also switched the pills she was giving me, these ones are called Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan and she said that they are designed to nourish pregnancy. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I don't think I'm pregnant and it's more just a precaution in case I am. I'll have to switch from my kidney chi pills to these ones after I've ovulated each month from what I can gather. DH and I ended up rowing after he had to take his first batch of the herbs. She did warn me that they were bitter tasting but he made such a show of nearly being sick from them. I just ended up losing the head and told him that I didn't care if he threw them up and had to drink them again he was going to take them dammit as my cycle seems nearly sorted this month and he needs to take responsibilty for his own body and the low count. Honestly men are such f*****g babies! I've had over a month and a half of choking the herbs down me every day so he bloody well do the same! Sorry for the rant but he really pissed me off!
xo Jen
Thank you for the warm welcome!! I can't wait to read updates from everyone as their treatment progresses towards that BFP!!!

Jen, so sorry to hear about the trials you've been through with preg sis in law and hubby's swimmers. Has DH had an appt for acupuncture yet (I read in your journal that he was planning to).

Muncho, what a rocky road it has been for you. I really admire you for donating your eggs to your sister, what a selfless act that was! Do you have a date set for your IVF?

Hi bernina

I have started the pill already which is part of my protocol. I start my injections on Monday! My sis had 2 lovely kids now, the doc have said this is positive that my eggs have been sucessful previously although im 3 years older now :)

jen will read you post later and relpy. I need to calm down. Just been texting my boss as they are on conference and im sick. he is annoying me so i hav ejust emailed HR to find out the process of what being 'off sick' actually means and i think he will find that he is harrassing me! Arrgghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the warm welcome!! I can't wait to read updates from everyone as their treatment progresses towards that BFP!!!

Jen, so sorry to hear about the trials you've been through with preg sis in law and hubby's swimmers. Has DH had an appt for acupuncture yet (I read in your journal that he was planning to).

Muncho, what a rocky road it has been for you. I really admire you for donating your eggs to your sister, what a selfless act that was! Do you have a date set for your IVF?

Hi bernina

I have started the pill already which is part of my protocol. I start my injections on Monday! My sis had 2 lovely kids now, the doc have said this is positive that my eggs have been sucessful previously although im 3 years older now :)

jen will read you post later and relpy. I need to calm down. Just been texting my boss as they are on conference and im sick. he is annoying me so i hav ejust emailed HR to find out the process of what being 'off sick' actually means and i think he will find that he is harrassing me! Arrgghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Muncho
I acutally work in HR, unfortunately it wouldn't usually constitute harrassment but it does depend on what he is texting you for. If you are off sick it is usually written into most organisations sickness and absence management policies that the employee and line manager must maintain what is classified as reasonable contact...mostly it should involve seeing how you are, when you're likely to return and what outstanding work you may have but that should be it. It should usually be on a weekly basis if you have doctors cert in and are off long term (20 days or longer). If it's short term (less than 20 days) then there is no point in them texting you every day. If you haven't got a sick cert in yet or haven't told them when you expect to return I would get one, that should get him if you're back. If he is expecting you to do work whilst you are off then that's a no, no! You can't be sick AND doing work! Defeats the purpose of sick leave! Hope you're ok! Line managers can be really annoying sometimes, especially the ones that don't bother adhering to policies and procedures as HR usually end up bailing them out when they end getting dragged to a tribunal!
XO Jen
Hey Jen

firstly its a stressful time for everyone and im sure if my dh had to take stuff he would moan, he is reluctantly taking vits for me as he says his sperm is fine so he doesnt really need to take them ...duhhhhhhhh! hopefully you have sorted it now, if men had to go thru what we go thru, i dont know if they would have ivf!!

i have just had my drugs delivered and i think its going to hit him when he sees them all!!

RE my boss. i told him on friday i have a sick note for a week. the company are in austria at the mo but he still was texting me today and i got really peed off that i have a sick note and cant even be off in peace. i eamiled HR and thye told me what you said. My point is is if im off sick WITH a sick note i should be telling him when im ready to come back to work not him texting me everyday asking me if im ready! do you get me..

everytine i have has a sick note i have alkways come back earlier and worked as he has put me under pressure to check my emails or make calls , and if im sick im sick i shuldnt be working. I told him we need to have a chat about this on tues when we meet up!!

PHEW he got me so mad today. thanks for your advice thou..its interesting knowing that we cna help each other through our jobs as well.

I work for the company that sell menopur si if anyone has anyquestions i can help them..
Evening girlies,
Lots of action on the TCM thread the past couple of days!! Firstly, welcome Bernina and hope you enjoy being part of this thread. Jen, I prob would have personally forced the herbs down my OH's throat...you had evey right to be P$*SED off...men are such babies!! Muncho, my darling is of the same opinion as your hubby...why should I take vitamins...my swimmers are healthy as...he will take zinc though because I've told him that they'll make his wonderful :spermy:ies even more amazing!!:winkwink: Didn't realise you had donated eggs to your sis...that is such a selfless thing to do. Sending lots of positive vibes your way as you start on your meds!!

Not much to report from me. Am 8 dpo and trying not to symptom spot...gonna hold out on testing until I'm at least 2 days late(if I get that far) as can't handle the :bfn:disappointment:nope:

Any word from Welshrose..first accu yesterday and dying to hear how she got on???

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