The Really Useful TCM Thread

Fitzy, sorry to hear period is still playing away. fingers crossed she hurries up!

had to start charting again this week - my prac asked me where my chart was (yikes!) so it was fortunate i'd had an inkling about this and starting on the temping again last monday. still, because i'm doing for her it doesn't seem like a stress which did worry me. its been so lovely to be free of it! every day since wed my temp has gone up. its never done this before - for example, with previous cycles it has tended to be quite low and erratic, then suddenly shot up after ov. this time the rise seems much more gentle and steady, like my body is gearing up for it properly. FF is going slightly mental with it though and has said i've ov'd about three times already before changing its mind! haha! since getting ewcm have been making sure i jump on my DH everyday! he thinks all his christmases have come at once esp. as i'm making the effort (sexy undies and all.....tmi)

oh well, whatever happens i'm just soooooooooooooooo excited by my ov coming forward....the BEST news in the world!

Hey girls I've not been on here in quite awhile! Firstly I'm so sorry about the miscarriage Glitterqueen!:hugs: I can only imagine how tough it's been for you! Thank god for Cathy though, if she's worked her magic once she'll def be able to work it again! I've not been to see her for about two weeks now, I'm so broke!!! Have no money as have too many massive bills coming up which I need to save for! Well my aunt has just started tcm, she is 43 has had two miscarriages (one was a silent pregnancy so she had to have a d&c). She's had such an awful time of it the past two years! Well she's been diagnosed with an infection which the western doctors are saying can be cleared with antibiotics and she was told she would have got it from having no 1 (she managed to fall pregnant after 10 years of trying so a little miracle baby for her!) She started the tcm two weeks ago now and is having to go twice a week, the practitioner has told her under no circumstances to try for a baby for at least two months as her body is too weak and that they must clear the infection first. She has prescribed her raw herbs to boil and drink twice a day and on Thursday she was given these balls on a string. She has to put them inside her and keep them there for 3 days if possible (the practitioner said that she had been prescribed them in China for a similar infection) they apparently itch like mad according to the practitioner and she only managed to keep hers in for two days. The whole point is they apparently draw out the infection quicker and help the herbs work faster. She has had about 8 needles in various places on her head, more in her hands, abdomen, legs and feet and also in her neck. I'm keeping everything crossed it works quickly for her as she has had this infection since 2006 when her son was born and has been prescribed countless antibiotics for it which haven't worked. The practitioner has told her no antibiotics will ever clear this type of infection so thank god she is now going the tcm route! I'll come back and let you's know how she gets on with the tcm!! Hope you's are all ok! xox Jen:hugs:
Wow Jen 1802 - that is quite the story - I really hope that infection clears for her.

I am charting again after taking 7 months off of charting - and my temps are much higher since starting acu and the herbs too - very interesting. hope, hope, hope.

Thank you for everyone's support and shared journies here.
Morning everyone,

Blue12 - welcome to the thread - hope your stay is short and you get your BFP soon. :thumbup: I am taking the wee black pills but they are called Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan and she gave me different ones last week to start once these ones finish which are called Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan so I'll start them on Wednesday.

Rubyloo - thats great your temperatures are higher than normal - I must start checking mine again. Mine have been 96.6 pre ov forever and then go to 97.5 (highest Ive ever had post Ov) but I havent checked them in at least 8 months so might do it again and see if Acup has helped at all. Thats great about the Ov being earlier too - its must be terrible having to wait 25-30 days for Ov every month (i find 16 days hard enough). hopefully it will get shorter and shorter and then a BFP!

Well I have nothing much to report - starting to feel a bit of CM now (im CD12 today) so will start the OPK's tomorrow I think and get some :sex: in!
Back at Acup on Thursday and will start my new pills on wednesday. Oh also Ive booked a Dr appointment for next monday to ask about a HSG or a lap&dye (can't keep putting it off) so that should be fun!
HI girls - well Im well and truely on the rollercoaster this month! Im going rather rapidly between PMA and thinking it will never happen and almost tears. Never been like this before about it. Going to the dr again Thurs as they said I'll be refered in April if not pregnant (not likely) just cant be bothered to wait, I know I wont be and so do they as they kep telling me im not ov!!!! arghhhhh the frustration!!!!!

CD11 for me and nothing, CBFM still says low and no CF to mention.... bloody hell!!!!!!

Hope your all fairing a little better than me.

Where has Abi got to???? Hope you ok!!
I am going for my 4th accupuncture treatment this week.. The accupunctrist told me last week that I was a complicated case. SHe said I have stagnation in my blood and its from my issue heart and spleen.

Has anyone gotten herbs right off? How long did it take before it helped you?
hi girls im new to this--had a MC end of Oct with no luck TTC since---called into a TCM place in Derry at the weekend--a long way from home--i got a consultationa and was prescribed NUAN GONG YUN ZI WAN (Wee black pills) was told to take 10 pills 3 times a day----was also prescribed KUN BAO WAN---8 Pills 3 times a day.......not really taken then 3 times a day yet...anynoe taken these??? any success with them??Xx
Hey girls, sorry I've been absent. It's all getting a but much at the moment, being deluged with pregnancy announcements - you all know what I mean :hugs: I tend to either rant and ramble or withdraw - still reading threads I follow and contributing to this, just feeling a bit blah. If only I'd started goimg to see Quing a year earlier, but hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Welcome newbies! Sorry if I sound really blah - it's not that the TCM doesn't work, it's made huge changes to me since I started in November, as I detail (several times? Sorry!) in this thread, it's just that I'm getting desperate and impatient.

Hi again Schaerichelle - pleased you've started treatments. Quite a few girls on here have had raw herbs straight off, but Quing's only just given them to me - and I'm sweetening them with agave nectar because my blend is very bitter (apparently you can use honey, sugar anything sweet - my top tip!). Raw ones are stronger and should get to work for you quickly. Have you bought the Randine Lewis book, The Infertility Cure? There are all sorts of dietary tips in there to help you - following the dietary advice can make a huge difference, as dropping dairy did for my spleen deficiency.

:Laummatt, Ive finally responded to your post on my journal about my weekend in Wales. Sorry, kept meaning to reply...

Any sign of the hag, fitzy? Ov, rubyloo? I had a scare last week - after I had spotting straight after the hag, accompanied by mucouss, my temp jumped from 35.87 to to 36.60 in 3 days(CD10-12) so I thought I'd ovulated really early and hadn't got in any loving (if only that was still what it felt like - sounds so much better than choring though!). Argh!! Dropped back down to 35.95 yesterday morning though and the old ewcm appeared so guess what we did last night. Was really hoping to ov earlier, abotu 12/13 this month. I'd take 15/16 though (today or tomorrow). Teh fingers crossed for good temp rises and a long LP... good god, how many times have I typed those few words now?

Right, that's me. Next appt is friday.
Here's to the up-the-duff-with-TCM thread (do you think that needs reworking?!)!
Abi x
hi all---reading back--still only on pg 11 now---just seen that some of you applied hot water bottles to their stomachs?? im on cd 5---should i be doing this now?

also im always thirst and drink loads a cold water---would this be harmful??

im not sure if the herbs work or not Shannon? just got them-- cant do any harm but
So Witchy McWitcherson rocked up on her broom yesterday so CD2 for me and starting my clomid tonight. Had accu this eve and it was shorter than usual but with more would be normal for sessions around beginning of my cycle. Am adamant that I'm going to ovulate on Clomid 100mg and with the combo of East/West I'm going to conceive a little Beany this cycle...nothing else is gonna do:winkwink: The power of positive thinking:thumbup:

Sorry you've been down Abs..completely understand and taking time for you is important. Hope the dried herbs start making a difference this month!

Welcome Brillbride and Shaerichelle. BB the heat on tummy and avoidance of cold drinks would be dependent on your TCM diagnosis and where deficiencies lie. The Randine Lewis book called the Infertility Cure has lots of checklists to help self diagnose. It's a very interesting read and can be easily bought on Amazon!
still waiting for ov......temps down a bit this morning but usually get a dip before. am sure its gonna happen tomorrow/wed at the latest....jumping on dh everyday just to make sure. wishing and hoping so much its my month but if not, as i've said, at least my ov is coming forward. i waited 42 days last autumn for ov on one cycle. it was just horrible and you just feel like your body is stagnating. i know, now, that the acu and diet/lifestyle changes are making a difference. fingers, toes and anything else that can be crossed is! lol!

(abi - pregnancy announcemnets are a complete pain. best mate 6 weeks now, sigh, another school friend has just given birth, ex and his wife 8 weeks away from giving birth. its totally blah all round. and i too am swinging from major PMA to utter despondency....)

who'd have thought ttc would be so difficult???!!!

ooooo! and well done on the witch fitzy! yay! not often we like to see her around these parts but that's great news! xx
hi all---reading back--still only on pg 11 now---just seen that some of you applied hot water bottles to their stomachs?? im on cd 5---should i be doing this now?

also im always thirst and drink loads a cold water---would this be harmful??

im not sure if the herbs work or not Shannon? just got them-- cant do any harm but

I am not sure about the cold water being a problem. I drink lots of really cold water and NO warm drinks at all. But the herb that the acupuncturist gave me on the first visit - is all about my body being too cold. Best wishes.

TL190- Warm Mense & Tonify Blood
Wen Jing Tang Wan
*This formula clears Cold; warms the Channels; tonifies Blood; dispels Blood Stasis. It is used to help regulate menstrual irregularity caused by Deficiency and Coldness in the Chong-Ren Channels. Related symptom are: irregular menstruation; continuous menstrual flow; mild, persistent uterine bleeding; bleeding between periods; menopausal disorders; mild fever in the evening; dry mouth and throat; sensation of heat in the palms and soles; chronic pelvic inflammation; infertility due to Deficiency and Coldness; distention, pain and cold sensation in the lower abdomen. Tongue is usually pale with a white coating. Pulse is usually deep and slow.
just in case it is a problem---im gona try drink my water at room temp rest of cycle--- wont be as nice though!!
Hey brillbride - I recommend the Randine Lewis book too - ot has a really comprehensive questionnaire to help you to diagnose yourself and then specific advice for each condition, regarding diet and lifestyle/self help. Randine Lewis is very well regarded so you can trust her advice.

The hot water bottle on the tummy pre-ov and the lower back post-ov is becasue I have a cold uterus and kidney yang deficiency. All this will become clear if you buy the book or begin to have TCM treatments (the dietary and lifestyle advice from the book can make a huge difference on its own).
As for the pills, Ive not had your specific formulae but I have taken the pills. The 10 3x a day you can take in 2 lots, 15 in the morning and 15 in the evening. The 8 3x a day you can take in 2 lots, 12 am and 12 evening. They need to be taken on an epmty-ish stomach, so at least half an hour after a meal - or half an hour before breakfast and tea, which was when I was doing it. The pills are good - I had some to clear a chest infection before christmas and within a day they'd made a huge difference. They're not quite as strong as the dry herbs but are made from the dry herbs and are still very goof (taste better, less hassle as well!)

Blue12, if you have a cold diagnosis then according to TCM you shouldn't be drinking cold water or eating cold foods (straight from the fridge) as your body has to expend energy warming up in compensation. I started drinking glasses of water about half cold/half boiling water and actually really enjoy it. It's more readily absorbed and used by the body as well, if it's warm when it goes in. I'd recommend you try the hot water bottle treatment as well - on the lower abdomen pre-ov and (according to my chinese doctor) on the lower back post-ov).
I def recommend Randine Lewis' The Infertility Cure to you both.

Yay for the witch, Fitzy! (Sounds :dohh: on here, doesn't it?!). Ov is definitely approaching you say, rubyloo? Fantastic news!
I'm off to chuck back some yucky herbs and get washed so I can take #1 to story and craft time at the library round the corner. Ooh, my life sounds pretty good doesn't it? Hold that thought!!
Abi x
hi girls im new to this--had a MC end of Oct with no luck TTC since---called into a TCM place in Derry at the weekend--a long way from home--i got a consultationa and was prescribed NUAN GONG YUN ZI WAN (Wee black pills) was told to take 10 pills 3 times a day----was also prescribed KUN BAO WAN---8 Pills 3 times a day.......not really taken then 3 times a day yet...anynoe taken these??? any success with them??Xx

Hi Brillbride - welcome. Sorry to hear about the MC in October.

I been taking Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan for about 6 weeks now and my acup woman gave me different ones last week to start once these ones finish which are called Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan - I also take a powdered herb mix too. Ive been going to acup for 6 weeks (7th on Thursday) and dont know if the herbs are working much yet (they didnt for the 1st month as AF still showed with her usual brown spotting) but Im hoping month 2 will be better - and a BFP would be even better.

As for drinking cold water I have avoided it since starting Acup - dont want to be putting cold things into my body as have been diagnosed with cold uterus. Also use a hot water bottle before Ov (sometimes). Must try using on back after Ov too - see how that helps.

I have been taking my little black pills on a full stomach (acup woman never told me any different so must ask her on Thurs if I should be taking them on empty stomach).
Hey girls, sorry I've been absent. It's all getting a but much at the moment, being deluged with pregnancy announcements - you all know what I mean :hugs: I tend to either rant and ramble or withdraw - still reading threads I follow and contributing to this, just feeling a bit blah. If only I'd started goimg to see Quing a year earlier, but hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Right, that's me. Next appt is friday.
Here's to the up-the-duff-with-TCM thread (do you think that needs reworking?!)!
Abi x

Hey Abi - sorry your feeling a bit Blah these days - this TTC carry on sucks big time.

I have 3 friends due in April, one gave birth last week too - so its pretty hard having to be all nice and positive - but gotta keep on keeping on!

I like the idea of changing the thread to Up-the-Duff-With TCM ..... go for it! :haha:
abster.. I haven't read the book..but my diet has been strict for years. Already no wheat or gluten, no dairy for 2 months.. I use stevia or agave nectar. Room temp water for over a year barely any juices.. Take supplements. Eat organic and natural.. See why I'm puzzeled. Maybe I'll get herbs tomorrow.
abster.. I haven't read the book..but my diet has been strict for years. Already no wheat or gluten, no dairy for 2 months.. I use stevia or agave nectar. Room temp water for over a year barely any juices.. Take supplements. Eat organic and natural.. See why I'm puzzeled. Maybe I'll get herbs tomorrow.

hi shaerichelle!

i too am on a restricted diet (not gluten - coeliac disease - and no diary....) and although some of the diet changes suggested by my prac have been helping, i would say the most significant piece of advice i've had to follow is to rest! i'm a fairy driven person and can keep myself busy not only with work but goodness knows what else! i thought i was giving myself space and rest but starting acu has made me re-evaluate all sorts of things. i took a peek at your chart - you seem to being having similar problems to me - taking forever to ovulate. your temps are also very erratic (acu will help this....) this means your Yin energy is poor and you need to nourish this....the the best thing for Yin is rest. its possible you blood is also weak.....i'm boarderline anemic and taking a regular iron suppliment has made a huge difference. anyway, i'll type out some of the printed info my prac gave me during my 2nd session. i don't take herbs btw but am finding my ov date slowly reducing with the regular acu.

'Yin is cooling and moistening. When Yin is strong all our body processes are well oiled and lubricated. When Yin is depleted we begin to overheat and dry up. We borrow resources that we are unable to replenish. We are running on empty and overdoing it.

The key to Yin is rest.

When our Yin is depleted we should avoid foods that will aggravate our tendency to overheat. These include stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and sugar. We should also avoid the overuse of heating spices such as chilli (n.b. i LOVE curry and spicy food so have had to cut down on these during my Yin phase....before ov....Yang phase after)

Foods that help tonify Yin include:

Apple, pineapple, pomegranate, watermelon, lemon, mango and pear
Chicken eggs, cheese, duck eggs, milk
Honey, tofu
Rabbit, duck, pork
Tomato, asparagus, pea, string bean'

my prac told me to always try and eat food cooked e.g. stew the apple first, really hope some of this helps!

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