The Really Useful TCM Thread

hi girls--thanks for all advice and posts---great to see it--given me loads of tips now to try

Rubyloo—You mentioned "rest"---at my consultation on Sat--the chinise doctor felt my pulse and said I was very very tired and needed alot of rest since MC....also she asked me did I dream much and I dream EVERY single night---every time---very strong vivid dreams--she said they are draining my energy and show im not sleeping right--anyone have this also????

Il def buy the book if I dont get my BFP this month!!! near sure the chinise doc said i had a cold uterus and that was why she gave me that Nuan .......thanks 4 tips on when to take tablets...iv just been taken 10 and 8 in morn after breakfast and none after that..(bit afraid of them!!lol) ..i also love cold food and my sandwiches straight from the fridge and my bars----everything has to be cold so im serioulsy going to look into this!! also going to try the hot water bottle

Rebarezzelba—I have been taken the pills on a full stomach also and I think i probably have that cold uterus also....

have not went for accunpuncture yet--would love to but the closest person is in Belfast and Im not yet sure that im prepared to make the drive up for that--could leave me even more
abster.. I haven't read the book..but my diet has been strict for years. Already no wheat or gluten, no dairy for 2 months.. I use stevia or agave nectar. Room temp water for over a year barely any juices.. Take supplements. Eat organic and natural.. See why I'm puzzeled. Maybe I'll get herbs tomorrow.

hi shaerichelle!

i too am on a restricted diet (not gluten - coeliac disease - and no diary....) and although some of the diet changes suggested by my prac have been helping, i would say the most significant piece of advice i've had to follow is to rest! i'm a fairy driven person and can keep myself busy not only with work but goodness knows what else! i thought i was giving myself space and rest but starting acu has made me re-evaluate all sorts of things. i took a peek at your chart - you seem to being having similar problems to me - taking forever to ovulate. your temps are also very erratic (acu will help this....) this means your Yin energy is poor and you need to nourish this....the the best thing for Yin is rest. its possible you blood is also weak.....i'm boarderline anemic and taking a regular iron suppliment has made a huge difference. anyway, i'll type out some of the printed info my prac gave me during my 2nd session. i don't take herbs btw but am finding my ov date slowly reducing with the regular acu.

'Yin is cooling and moistening. When Yin is strong all our body processes are well oiled and lubricated. When Yin is depleted we begin to overheat and dry up. We borrow resources that we are unable to replenish. We are running on empty and overdoing it.

The key to Yin is rest.

When our Yin is depleted we should avoid foods that will aggravate our tendency to overheat. These include stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and sugar. We should also avoid the overuse of heating spices such as chilli (n.b. i LOVE curry and spicy food so have had to cut down on these during my Yin phase....before ov....Yang phase after)

Foods that help tonify Yin include:

Apple, pineapple, pomegranate, watermelon, lemon, mango and pear
Chicken eggs, cheese, duck eggs, milk
Honey, tofu
Rabbit, duck, pork
Tomato, asparagus, pea, string bean'

my prac told me to always try and eat food cooked e.g. stew the apple first, really hope some of this helps!

Thank you for the advice. I find this very interesting. I have been eating alot of pineabpple and canteloupe. eggs everyday for over a month. Tomato and asparagus regularly. Hmm I will eat applesauce instead of apples. I wonder why I wasnt told this?? Maybe my new doctor will help me. Thanks so much.
another acu session this afternoon - was feeling super chilled when i got there and pretty much dropped off during! lol! anyway, the chart print out i took for my prac is a bit rubbish cos i missed about two weeks worth of temping (was trying to have a break this month...haha), but she said she was going to work on the assumption that i had already ovulated!!!!! (she didn't want to use needles anywhere that might 'upset' things) i had a steep-ish temp rise a few days ago....anyway, needles between eyes, above knees, outside of shins, top of feet and inside the wrists. she did a couple of 'in outs' on the outside of my legs and just below my big toes. she said my pulse was good (on arrival) and described it as 'robust' at the end of the session....hope this is good.....generally the needles were less painful and 'pully' than usual which was nice. just feeling really well and really relaxed these past few days (bar some random nausea this morning - better for eating) - my skin is clear and my eyes are bright! i blame the lovely spring weather myself (and the acu and diet etc...)

goodness! sorry about the length of this........

laummatt - i'm on CD27. this time last month i was waiting to ov. by the looks of my temps i'd say i ovulated on tues/wed which were CD25 and CD26 respectively but it could have been earlier. having not temped for just over two weeks leaves very little data for FF to go on! seeing as i ov'd on CD29 last month this is GREAT news! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Brilliant, its really making a difference for you isnt it!

Keep us posted how you go...

CD 14 for me and have been using my CBFM again as have to have more blood tests. Had highs since CD12 but no sign of EWCM.... although I did a couple of days ago..weird.
Hi Ladies

7th Acup session this evening. Ive been using the OPK's the past 2 days also and just a slight line so no surge yet - Im CD15 today and my Ov is usually CD16 so hopefully start seeing a darker line tonight and the surge tomorrow. We DTD CD8, CD10, CD12, CD15 (this am) and will again CD16, 17, 18 and 20 (if I get the surge tomorrow). We were suppose DTD last night but as it was St Patricks day we went out and got a little drunk on Guinness so wasnt sober enough to be doing anything - thats why we DTD this am instead :haha: . Hopefully the alcohol wont effect the eggs.....
Hi everyone!

Looks like everyone is busy with appointments and herbs and eating well. Really hope it pays of very soon!!!

I've been continuing my weekly acupuncture and powdered herbs that I make into tea 4 times daily. Must admit I'm getting a bit tired of the tea, feel like I'm tied to the tea kettle at home and at work. Very annoying when I get home late and have to down 2 cups of tea, then I'm up all night using the bathroom. But it's for a good cause so that keeps me going.

After much debate I'm going to be starting my first round of 50mg Clomid tomorrow (cd 5). Fitzy, looks like we'll sort of be going through this together! You started yours earlier in your cycle but we're still pretty close. I really hope the higher dose does it for you!!

I suffer from Spleen and Blood deficiencies and was told to avoid cold drinks and limit raw food (even salads and fruit). I've been pretty good about not drinking ice cold water anymore, but it is tricky at restaurants. Luckily we don't get out more than 2 times a week. I'm not so good on limiting fresh fruit though, it's just too hard because fruit tastes much better fresh than it does cooked in my opinion. Just hope I'm doing enough other good things that the raw fruit won't cause any real problems.

Best of luck to everyone!!!
Hi everyone!


After much debate I'm going to be starting my first round of 50mg Clomid tomorrow (cd 5). Fitzy, looks like we'll sort of be going through this together! You started yours earlier in your cycle but we're still pretty close. I really hope the higher dose does it for you!!

Delighted there'll be another TCM'er on same path as me. It's a tough decision..I wanted to do everything naturally but after 10 months felt I at least had to give clomid a try!! I'm CD 5 today so we very close in our cycles. I'm taking it CD2-6. Fingers crossed for us both :hugs: x
hi girls--just checking in--dont worry we went out tueday nite for st patricks had plenty of alcohol as wel---aw CD 8 today so time to start the BD'ing!!!
urgh. feeling utterly grim today - so FF has confirmed ov as CD25 which is bloody brilliant! that's 6 days down on ov date fro start of acu. YAY! anyway, having had all the energy in the world earlier this week i had a sore throat for one day ONE day yesterday which is just daft and since lunch yesterday my poor bladder has been in agony. seeing my dr this morning as no amount of fluids have helped. really narked off actually.

quick question for the more 'veteran' acu ladies here - does acu reduce pmt symptoms? for about a year now i've had the most swollen and painful boobs right after ov until af. no sign of them this month......more balanced hormones perhaps?

Hi everyone!

Looks like everyone is busy with appointments and herbs and eating well. Really hope it pays of very soon!!!

I've been continuing my weekly acupuncture and powdered herbs that I make into tea 4 times daily. Must admit I'm getting a bit tired of the tea, feel like I'm tied to the tea kettle at home and at work. Very annoying when I get home late and have to down 2 cups of tea, then I'm up all night using the bathroom. But it's for a good cause so that keeps me going.

After much debate I'm going to be starting my first round of 50mg Clomid tomorrow (cd 5). Fitzy, looks like we'll sort of be going through this together! You started yours earlier in your cycle but we're still pretty close. I really hope the higher dose does it for you!!

I suffer from Spleen and Blood deficiencies and was told to avoid cold drinks and limit raw food (even salads and fruit). I've been pretty good about not drinking ice cold water anymore, but it is tricky at restaurants. Luckily we don't get out more than 2 times a week. I'm not so good on limiting fresh fruit though, it's just too hard because fruit tastes much better fresh than it does cooked in my opinion. Just hope I'm doing enough other good things that the raw fruit won't cause any real problems.

Best of luck to everyone!!!

Hey Bernina, I'd been wondering how you were - you don't seem to have been on here in a while. Just looked at your charts and your spotting has really improved since you started the acu, hasn't it? Great news for you!

Rubyloo, hope you're feeling better than you were this morning - is it a UTI? Great news on the ovulation front!
Yes, TCM definitely reduces PMS symptoms - they're all caused by imbalances, so as your body is brought back into balance they go away. I guess I'm an acu-vet.

Fitzy and Bernina, it's good that you'll be experiencing the clomid treatment together, I think. Does it have any effect on the way you feel day to day? I don't have cold water, and don't have drink with a meal (unless I'm having a sneaky glass of wine) but I am eating fresh fruit.

Abi x
Have just had this session. Confusing chart this month - check out my FF link as I've updated it now. I was ill at the beginning of my cycle and had a random temp leap on CD10, followed by a sore throat. Not sure exactly when ov occurred, as today's tamp was inaccurate (temped at 3, after less than 3 hours' sleep (36.09) and was then woken by #1 to lift her into our bed. Didn't temp when I woke up, but did after I'd been downstairs for a drink of hot water, come back to bed, talked and played a bit it was 36.45, so the true temp was somewhere in the middle I think). Anyway, cm started to dry up this morning and cp is lower so I think it was yesterday.
Quing very keen to really kick out the phlegm/spleen problem, as I still have to blow my nose each day, even if it is just once, and it's only a fortnight since my cold/chest infection started going. My chest isn't rattling at all, but I'm happy to take her lead.
Started off on my front with needles in my scalp, as normal, some in my upper back (plus a few in-and-outs) and the cup used in 2 positions. 2 or 3 needles in small of my back, plus a few in-and- outs. Heat on my back.

Over onto my back and, to begin with, 3 needles in my abdomen - in ovary and womb positions I think - a bit of heat on my tummy and a few needles in my lower legs. After a while, she took the abdomen needles out and put more in my lower legs, one in each hand (next to thumb) and one in the top of my head.

I have the herbal dots in my right ear again. Am also now off wheat - was already avoiding white flour, but I guess I'm now on rye bread, ryvita and corn cakes - which isn't hard as I eat them all anyway. Again, it's for my spleen.
I have dry herbs once again, although the new batch is different - to help with my post-ov temperatures. It's got lots of leaves, similar to bay leaves, in it. I cocked up my quantities last time and realised on tuesday morning that I only had enough to last til thursday am - oops! Lowered my dose so it's last and had a full dose this morning. I'll be having the new stuff after our friday night curry (minus white rice, naan bread and chapatis, obviously. Bombay potatoes here we come!); they're currently soaking and I'll need to cook them soon.

Please let it work this month.....
Abi x
quick question for the more 'veteran' acu ladies here - does acu reduce pmt symptoms? for about a year now i've had the most swollen and painful boobs right after ov until af. no sign of them this month......more balanced hormones perhaps?


Hey, Im no veteran but I can say without absolute certainty that acu and herbs have rid me of awful PMS!!! I used to be terrible for 7 days, cramps, headaches, bloated you name it I had it. Now.. absolutely nothing till my AF actually starts, maybe half hour before! Its amazing!!
Abs - if your off wheat and cant have naan, I seriously recommend gram flour onion bahji!! They are lush!!! and so easy...
Hi ladies I just had my third acupuncture session - I love it! She mentioned today - no raw foods, no beef or pork, no spciy foods (hot), no fried foods, no cold fluids, and no sugar or artificial sugars. I am embarrased to say my food intake isn't the best so this is going to be the most challenging part for me.

Does anyone have any meals ideas that they love?
Blue - here's one of my fave dinners!

set your oven 180 degrees

1 onion
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1 clove of garlic (your choice)
pepper (red or green - i prefer green)
1/2 stock cube (or fresh)
dried or fresh mixed herbs
1 pepper (capsicum) chopped
bay leaf

i usually 'sweat' the onion in a little olive oil (+ garlic if you want it), add the rest of the veg and once its softened a bit add the tomatoes, capsicum, bay leaf and stock. let it come up to the boil and simmer for about 5mins.

meanwhile place two chicken breasts in a casserole dish and season lightly - pour the tomatoe mix over the chicken and cook in the oven for approx 40mins (until the chicken is cooked).

i generally serve this with mashed potatoe or new potatoes.

breakfast - brown rice flakes cooked like porridge with water, stewed apple and raisins or stewed fruit and cooked rice.

lunch is usually home-made soup - my fave is puy lentil, bacon and carrot. soup is dead easy to make for example, gently fry onion and celery until soft then add a whole head of fresh broccoli and one or two chopped potatoes, one stock cube, a bay leaf, season and cover with boiling water. bring to the boil then simmer until veg is soft - wizz up in a blender! i also snack on hummous and rice cakes.

i will type some more up in due course!!!!
Oh thanks - that is a great start - very healthy
Hi All,

Had 7th session on Thurs eve. Needles in same places (head, belly, hands, feet, legs) and heat lamp on belly too. I told her I couldnt afford it every week at the moment so she told me to just have the herbs once a day and take the black pills as normal (twice a day). Next appointment on 28th.

I started OPK's on CD13 - no line that day, faint on CD14, darker on CD15, Darker on CD16, dark on CD17, dark on CD18..... whats that all about? My usual Ov day is CD16 and that prob was the darkest line but its still dark....? Will do another one this eve and see what it comes out as - i was hoping I wouldn't have to use the whole 10 OPK's but im 6 down already... nightmare.

I cant even rem when we DTD (it all a blur)- think it was CD13, CD15, 16,17 & CD18 last night I used a needless syringe (1st time so thought I try something new). If OPK still has a line this eve then we will prob DTD again.

I went to the Dr this am too and she notice the goitre on my neck right away and has requested a thyroid function test (ive had it done before but never conclusive). She is also sending a ltr to the FS regarding a HSG and clomid - so that will prob take a while to come through but at least ball is rolling.

Other than all that nothing else to report - wish i was tracking my Temps now, at least I'd know if Ive ov;d yet. Im doing the Sperm Meets Egg Plan this month - hope it works.... mind you think Ive kinda been doing that plan for the past 2 years and no luck - lets hope the acup works its magic soon - i really dont want a HSG....
Abster, thanks for checking in on me. I tend to go in spurts with the site and when I get away from it for a few days it's so hard to come back because I have pages and pages of posts to catch up on (the Charting Newbie thread grows like weeds!).

Yes, spotting is MUCH improved with the past 2 cycles. Last cycle it stopped on cd 13 and did not return. This cycle, I'm on cd 8 and spotting is all but gone and lots of creamy white cm has shown up in it's place. I believe this was my usual cm pattern before we started ttc and things got all out of balance with the mc's. Really thinking it's more to do with acu and herbs and not the Clomid since I noticed it last cycle before I started taking it. So definitely some good hard proof that acu and herbs are doing something for my body!!

Fitzy, how goes the Clomid? I'm on my fourth day of taking it and the only side effect I noticed was hot flashes. They were pretty bad a few times and literally left my underclothes feeling damp from sweat. All in all though not so bad and nothing I couldn't handle. I also think I may be a bit more emotional than usual, just kind of find my patience is short with people. DH has been amazing, I went off on him the other day and he just blew it off instead of getting into an argument with me. When is your midcycle ultrasound scheduled for? I have one scheduled on cd 15. A bit later than I wanted but cd 13 and 14 fell on the weekend and I thought cd 12 was too early. I'm going to start using my Clear Blue Fertility Monitor on cd 10 to monitor ovulation. Will be interesting to see if I get false positives due to the Clomid. Right now my temps are all over the place but hopefully they'll even out closer to ovulation.

Rubyloo, I never had bad pmt/pms but have noticed since starting acu that my cramps are much better the first few days of my cycle. Normally I would have to take medicine but obviously with ttc I try to take as little medicine as possible.

Reba, I never could get regular ovulation test sticks to work for me. Part of the problem was user error, I didn't realize first morning urine wasn't the best, or as ovulation approached you should test twice a day. That's why I'm very happy with the Clear Blue Monitor, helps me to know a good 3 or 4 days before ovulation so we can maximize our chances. Best of luck with your thyroid test!!

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